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you have to go out and find people who
are successful financially and reverse
engineer what they did reverse engineer
REI keep that little acronym in my head
it’s one of the most powerful acronyms
that you can remember are e reverse
engineer so for example when I was
starting out I was like what would it
take to become a millionaire and I go
win the lottery a lot of people play the
lottery and then some people one or two
become millionaires but if you reverse
engineer I asked myself this one day I
started study what makes the most
millionaires what’s made the most
millionaires and the United States
self-made not people who inherited their
money and the answer is tada real estate
now you don’t even have to be trying to
make a million dollars every time a
millionaire but just think about that
reverse engineer that and put it into
your life it’s not just about a career
but it’s about also passive income
because your careers active income you
work on your career you go to your job
even if you’re an entrepreneur right but
what about when you’re asleep here’s a
crazy statistic if you just listen to
this rose it if you make what’s minimum
wage let’s say let’s just say fifteen
bucks an hour that’s $30,000 a year
right but what happens if you make $15
an hour
24/7 okay now that’s $90,000 a year
triple it but you can’t work 24 hours a
day so that means you’d have to have
this thing called passive income and
passive income means I locked myself in
my own living room here well god this
way I was filming over here so what I
started doing is going I gotta have my
active income job career
entrepreneurship but I want to reverse
engineer the passive income that the
most millionaires have ever the most
what has created the most millionaires
this test called the dark triad test
which again anything important like this
nobody ever learned it in school because
schools are too stupid to take real
powerful science and apply it to life
but the dark triad is a worldview
barometer for everybody watching you can
take it there’s a different free dark
triad tests online it tests for three
main traits negative qualities
narcissism Machiavellianism and being
psychotic and I’ve personally tested
thousands and thousands of people it’s
the most accurate test and what happens
narcissism okay one of the symptoms of a
narcissist it’s not just like oh I like
to look in the mirror right that’s what
we think of Narcy one of the classic
symptoms is very thin-skinned
they’re always offended if you have a
friend that anything you say
constructively they fall apart it’s
almost always narcissism even if they’re
introverted there’s multiple forms
there’s introverted narcissism
extroverted exploitative all these
different sub facets of narcissism but
we live in a society that’s very
narcissistic you’re told like everybody
is a winner
no not everybody’s a winner that’s like
saying everybody’s blonde there’s a
definition of what blonde is blonde is
like this yellowish air so you lose
meaning when you start going everybody’s
well everybody doesn’t win and the
sooner you wake up to that that biology
is ruthless man then you get a little
fear in you and when you get a little
fear in you you start listening because
if you’re truly afraid you listen let a
little fear come in and drive you and
motivate you when I was 19 I was walking
through a field with Joel Salatin
daydreaming because I was from the city
and people in the city are told that
daydreaming is such a wonderful thing
yeah once in a while if you’re Albert
Einstein it is but even Albert Einstein
paid attention to what he was doing in
the moment he came up with a theory of
equals mc-squared while he was working
at the post office tenant at ten hours a
day sorting mail paying attention
he wasn’t people have this thing like
all Stephen Hawking now but I thought
they just lay there and just daydream
and let their mind wander yeah sometimes
but not all the time so I’m walking
through this field with Joel and I
didn’t notice there was a gate open and
all the cattle were getting out I’ll
never forget this he turned to me he
came out jolted me got to him he raised
his voice I thought I was that what he’s
like there’s a time to stop and smell
the roses and it’s right not right now
time to stop his Paulette Rosen he was
saying this is a time to be aware of
where we are when you’re at home and
you’re laying in bed or you’re eating
then you can daydream or you’re writing
a book you know but he’s like now pay
attention now and that one thing that I
learned from him I would say is it
responsible for more of the all the
money I’ve ever been able to generate
with my businesses and in life it’s
responsible for 60% of it that one
lesson right there pay attention and
Warren Buffett second or third richest
man in the world he says put all your
eggs in one basket and watch the basket
watch the basket and the basket is your
life it’s your business it’s your career
it’s your friendships watch it
you know how many people are just like
Allah life will work out on its own no
there’s a universal law you remember
this from physics you have thermal law
of thermodynamics all this entropy that
means over time if you have a house and
you don’t maintain it and you don’t
paint it and you don’t fix the roof it’s
if you come back in 20 years it’s worse
not better
there’s never a house in history that’s
been standing there someone abandoned it
and came back 20 years and like you’re
gonna believe this
there’s a deck on here new cabinets now
new furniture no entropy means that you
have to inject energy your own energy
your own energy to improve things or
Warren Buffett one of the richest
billionaires in the world he bought this
house in 1958 one of the reasons most
people call financial matrix is they
don’t teach you in school you should
invest in things that don’t appreciate
you know so he does have a house and
houses real estate so it’s somewhat good
investment but most of he makes two
hundred billion dollars a year cash flow
not all net but he makes that investing
in businesses he does some real estate
that’s what you got to do or else like I
said people trapped in the financial
matrix the financial matrix is basically
where you work for somebody and you
never break free so you’re like this
slave and so you have to have create
excess cash you got to create
investments that work for you while you
sleep while he’s sleeping in this house
that he bought in 1958 for probably I
don’t know a hundred grand
he’s his businesses are generating you
know 20 billion dollars a year for them
for them and you can replicate that on a
small scale you don’t have to do twenty
billion but you have to learn how to
self educate yourself don’t get stuck in
there’s this myth of the solo
entrepreneur I’m one good idea I’m gonna
go out or I’m gonna come up with his one
invention I was just reading a book i
think i was by craig Venter or one of
these big biotech guys and he said you
know there’s this huge myth that they’re
great breakthroughs happen from one
person having an individual moment of
genius Steven Johnson talks about this a
lot in his book where good ideas come
from almost all great ideas come from
some collaborative effect and so the
best way to create a collaborative
effect is for you to take what you know
and clone it out to three or four people
or five people or at least one person
even if you let’s say for example
hypothetically you could get two people
to know 50% of what you know to be 50%
as effective as you well guess what two
people at 50% is another one of you and
you look out at the world and you go man
all the things that could be
accomplished if I just could didn’t have
to sleep and I could work 24 hours a day
or I could go out there Joel Salatin
told me that when he was here that I I
don’t know how people sleep with all the
opportunities and so Joel my first
mentor he created his protege was his
son Daniel who now runs the operations
and frees Joel up to be in the big
picture and the company their farm is
more successful polyphase farming Joel’s
able to do other things you have to be
sicut mentor allen nation he told me
before you can fix where you are you
have to understand how you got to where
you were so if you’re broke when I was
broke I had to start out before I asked
how I could get unbroke or make money I
had to figure out why I was in that
scenario to start with and I think the
most basic reason is that in school they
don’t teach us even the basic definition
of money like I’ve asked tens of
thousands of people when I do public
speaking what is the definition of money
define money in like three words or less
and people give me all these different
answers and long paragraphs but it took
me years to really find the answer which
I’m putting in the book but I guess I’ll
tell you now it’s scarce in-demand
resources and until you really
understand what that means it’s hard to
make real money in life so you ask
yourself why does the schoolteacher make
less money than a pro basketball player
isn’t education or being a teacher more
relevant more helpful to society than
being able to throw a ball you know in a
hoop but that’s not how our system works
if you understand the capitalistic
system it rewards people who have scarce
in-demand resources so let’s think about
it what’s more rare and I’m not saying
by the way this is right and this is how
the world should be I’m just explaining
how it is if you can if you’re six foot
six could throw a ball and a hole or
kick a ball like a soccer player you
made 50 million bucks a year by the way
speaking of that got my new kicks New
Sox since I’m here in New York but it’s
more rare to be able to play pro
athletics than it is to be able to teach
school or you know serve coffee at
Starbucks and therefore less money flows
in that direction money is like a flow
like a river and it flows in the
directions of scarce but it can’t just
be scarce it has to be in demand for
example if you know how to do underwater
that’s scarce very few people could
teach that but no one cares
so going back to the sports analogy
World Cup 700 million people watched it
so if you can play pro soccer like Messi
like Ronaldo you know you all of a
sudden you have a scarce skill to be
that good and it’s in demand and that
adds up to 50 million bucks so what you
have to do in life and it’s what I’m
just going to talk about in this book it
should be released here soon is how you
can make money move your direction not
with a get-rich-quick scheme not just
thinking about it but actually making it
happen and the first place to start is
building more scarce in-demand skills
it’s too bad they didn’t do that while
we’re in school spend two or three hours
every day instead of just memorizing
stuff and you know doing spelling bees
and stuff like that which I guess is
somewhat relevant but not really in the
modern world where you have spellcheck
what’s really important is to really
have a deep understanding and a deep
skill set that’s scarce and in-demand
and that will make you twice the money
three times the money hundred times the
money that you’re making now and this is
a big one it’s called perfectionism that
means do you double and triple check
your work you know this world is full of
people that just go say dudes you give
them an assignment they do it and then
you’re like do you think it’s done right
they’re like yeah probably know probably
check the damn thing if you need if
you’re kind of stupid and no common
sense check it 30 times because you
don’t have good common sense you better
double check more triple check when you
get on an airplane you know how there’s
basically no airplane crashes in the
world as a ratio of how many flights
there are there’s millions of flights
and like zero crashes simple there’s a
system called Six Sigma that was
developed big companies used to use it
engineers used to use it and Six Sigma
MIT says you only make one person three
mistakes per million actions and so how
do you do that that seems outrageous how
can out of every million flights there
only be three
problems with engines not even crashes
just problems easy they create double
triple quadruple checklists when you get
on an airplane there’s an airplane
co-pilot reading off the list double
checking they don’t just take off they
go alright check the ailerons check the
landing gear check the electric check
everything and in double checking then
people can’t figure out why they go
broke all the time
I can’t you’re not a perfectionist and
also though just to be clear prudence
which we talked about earlier which is
making wise decisions there is a time
when you shouldn’t be a perfectionist in
fact most people I know with low
prudence their perfection is about
idiotic things they’ll have their nails
done perfectly perfect they have their
eyebrows done perfect male or female by
the way I’m not picking on one or
another they’ll have their shoes shined
perfect but then their life is in
shambles I’m like bro why don’t you just
have your shoes a little dirtier but an
awesome life and it’s like what do you
mean oh they’re supposed to be a
perfection as you said I know
perfectionist and important stuff like
be a perfectionist with making money
double and triple triple check I knew a
guy at a nightclub and he couldn’t
figure out why I never made money I was
like bro people stealing from you your
employees well I’m like do you double
and triple-check do you compare the
little clicker from your bouncer how
many people walked in the club how much
money you took home and if you’re
charged and we used to charge cover
charge if you’re charging 20 bucks and a
hundred people came through the door
did you ever go oh I should have $2,000
no he was just randomly a lot but it’ll
all work out no it doesn’t then all work
out people steal from you and you end up
making $1400 because $600 goes out the
door to something
so perfectionism
well procrastinate because they don’t
feel confident that the what they’re
doing really motivates them if a really
motivate motivated you it what you
wouldn’t procrastinate it’s like a 14
year old kid that the mom and dad can’t
get the kid to do anything but the kids
motivated play video games Kittel ride
his bike across town to buy a video game
and come back like so there’s motivation
there the parents just don’t know how to
find it and as you grow you have to know
how to find deep within yourself that
motivation and once you have motivation
you have no problem with procrastination
thought that people argue with me on
this reading thing and people argue with
me about mentors no just use your own
gut feeling is that how you learn
English when you were 2 years old you
use your gut feeling to start
conjugating verbs no you learn from
other people you learn manners you learn
language you learn all things valuable
you learn to drive from another person
so it doesn’t make sense you learn life
so books are just the mentors who maybe
are dead now you wanna learn about Steve
he ain’t alive to teach you but you can
learn through accumulated wisdom and
that’s what trust me
I meet I very few powerful businessman
I’ve ever met
don’t read a lot Warren Buffett who I
think’s the best businessman by far in
the world because doesn’t see has 75
companies that he pretty much runs 200
billion in revenue he reads eight hours
a day
he reads 600 he said he slowed down in
his old age he only reads 500 pages a
day Bill Gates goes on reading vacations
Mark Zuckerberg just start started a
reading once a week book club on
Facebook and already got a couple
million fathers and now with audio books
there’s no excuse you got YouTube videos
let this thing run in the background
like you want to become like a super
computer you just download smart crap
from smart people and you pick and
choose like some people are like Thai I
don’t agree with everything you say I’m
like good I don’t agree with everything
I said like a year later I’m like wait I
was wrong
I see people making fun of the
Kardashians I’m like you gonna make fun
of the Kardashians look Kylie Jenner the
youngest Kardashian in the last 18
months has done four hundred million
dollars in revenue on lipstick kits and
various make up things with Kylie
put that in perspective Lauria
maybelline massive brands it took them
fifty years as an organization with
thousands of employees to do a Kylie
Jenner did by herself at 20 at 18 you’re
gonna laugh at the Kardashians do you
have to agree with everything the
Kardashians know but like Abraham
Lincoln said I learned from everybody
even if sometimes it’s what not to do so
you can just go into the Kardashians
reverse-engineer their success go I like
this I like this I like this I don’t
branding whatever trying to brand
yourself or any even company if you
change your brand from what it used to
be at a rig right away and get
resistance so most people when they get
a little resistance but mostly what I’ve
fixed in and they stop but over time if
you keep branding yourself in the new
brand then eventually it catches on like
I used to not have much fitness stuff so
when I fired to start with a fitness
stuff B were like what is all this
Fitness now eventually people just
associate that with you and they forget
there was a time when you didn’t do it
so that’s a good tip on branding you
have to have thick enough skin because
it’s kind of like when Facebook changed
every time they change their interface
people go nuts oh I hate this but in
three months later they can’t remember
those 20 and then when you change you a
new one they say no we like the one
before but that one before is the one
they hated it because it was a change
from the version of you know one before
but Mark Zuckerberg smarter than people
that’s why it just keeps changing it
whatever is better and then people
eventually like it same when Instagram
changed their logo snapchat changed
their you know people always a lot of
people have low OH
meaning low openness to new experience
you have to know how to double check
your work it’s that simple only it
doesn’t mean you’re always a
perfectionist but it means when it’s
important when you’re a pilot of an
airplane double check before you go bait
if you get on a plane you hear the
pilots double checking the co-pilot
going you know hydraulics and the guy
goes hydraulics that and that’s why
planes don’t crash and it’s called Six
Sigma it’s three defects per million
your goal in business and in life on the
important things is to make three
mistakes per million transactions in the
only way you do that is by being a
perfectionist in terms of
not be a 450-pound person making fun of
other people for being overweight just
focus on yourself and learn from the
world don’t take that attitude of uh oh
nobody great is gonna prove their point
to you for the most part they’re gonna
say what they have to say this guy’s
dead he does not care what you think
about his book if you’re able to go
through this and glean three things that
change your life forever then that’s
great for you so have that attitude of
ah look for aha moments at every moment
in your day I started keeping a
billboard on my staff and I’m like guys
it’s getting lopsided look at all that
and I put a little mark every time I had
a good idea for the business and I’m
like I want your side to have more than
mine there’s no rule that I have to have
all the good ideas being of ativ be
innovative read books like this fine
little innovations for your own life I
can’t tell you how much better my life
is and anybody watching this will be if
you wake up every single day and you
take ten minutes I have yellow notepad
sitting all around my house I got that
from Bill Gates Bill Gates bill and
Microsoft at 17 by locking himself in a
hotel room was six yellow notepads and
he wrote out the whole basic code for
boss and things that built Microsoft
he became the richest man in the world
18 years straight because he was
organized enough to lock himself in a
room and think through his day and so
what I try to do and whenever I do this
I have a great day whenever I don’t I
notice it be organized a
ten minutes I actually have this little
couch thing outside of my shower and I
put a note pad by it I take a shower
when I wake up I walk over to that I
kind of sit there and I just write out I
mean it can be as little as three main
projects you want to get done that day
and your mind change your life everybody
wants to change life but you have to
change your mind humans are different
because we have powerful minds and
sometimes I gets us in trouble but if
you pull it off right it can bring you
those things that you need in life those
things that you’re missing you know
everybody wants the good life
like I say my TEDx talk everybody wants
the good life but not everybody gets the
good life because most people aren’t
willing to do this stuff that it takes
and I willing to put in the time put in
the grind be around people who make you
uncomfortable at the ego level when you
feel uncomfortable in settings that is
when they learn it’s not just who’s
smarter because sometimes smarter people
don’t help you there’s many forms of IQ
there’s emotional you know but get
around someone where you’re like I kinda
don’t fit in and because we’re all
narcissists cuz of society and Instagram
and all this and I’m guilty of that too
we don’t like to be uncomfortable
because a narcissist story to themselves
is you’re the best and so you don’t you
you your worldview is messed up that’s a
wiring issue let me put it this way I
meet people who think they’re smart okay
what it really tells me is they’ve never
been around actually smart people if
you’re really smart watching this let’s
say you have 155 IQ that’s what Bill
Gates has and Albert Einstein we’re up
my step grandfather had 155 IQ he speaks
14 language fluently he can write
Chinese he’s a chess master he can play
three other chess masters without
looking at the board while they look at
the board and beat all them if you’re
smart you can do that if you’re not I
got good news for you Warren Buffett
says you only need about a 125 IQ to be
very successful but it’s better to stay
in your lane and just go I’m not that
smart but you can hire 155 IQs but
that’s an example of what I’m talking
about of the
rewiring right so these practical things
will change your life
you can only pick one thing that you
want out of life and if you pick the
wrong thing you will never really be
successful then let me back up
my mentor Joe South had said the worst
thing in life is to get older and
realize you got good at the wrong thing
and I see people that are very wealthy
but I don’t admire them
I live here in Beverly Hills as
billionaires all up and down the street
doesn’t mean I would trade lies for in
fact the best test is I called the
exchange test would you trade lives and
the reason that almost anybody I meet I
wouldn’t trade life for them it’s not
because they’re not smart on because
they’re not good people it’s because one
simple thing they’re optimizing for the
wrong thing so let’s say you say I want
to be an entrepreneur that’s not
something you should optimize for
that’s ridiculous here’s why you haven’t
one life maybe we go to heaven or hell
laughter maybe there’s an act like me
there a cat though maybe there isn’t
I’ve never been there so I can’t speak
on but I can tell you you get one chance
on this planet and if you optimize for
an entrepreneur what about your health
what about love
what about happiness I know miserable
entrepreneurs that fat out of shape I
don’t want to be them I’m gonna do that
not a close friend of mine but a friend
of an entrepreneur friend this guy’s a
billionaire but he’s so fat he can’t get
out of it his two billion dollars as a
private 747 jet so what I want to be him
to know he optimized for the wrong thing
he optimized to make two billion dollars
but he forgot why would you want to have
two billion dollars of Etan how health I
always remember what rolls out that said
nothing worse than life then realizing
you got good at the wrong thing that guy
got good at the wrong thing it’s
irrefutable you cannot argue with that
why would you give your health up to
gain money there’s a saying that when
people are young they lose their health
get wealth and when they’re old they use
their wealth to get back their health
it’s a circular logic and circular in
this case is illogical it’s stupid
you are stupid mostly if I could go back
to time I realize most people are lost
literally most people are lost out of it
I’m talking about the people who write
you know I got a big book club in the
I know top authors and all these people
they might be smart in one specific
domain but if you look at their life I
wouldn’t exchange for it there’s a few
people that I’ve met that when I look
back on my you know one of them Arnold
Schwarzenegger not everything but he was
healthy he was strong he changed the
world and he made gyms hot Jim’s coming
from unfortunately he made this College
gyms all over marriages from Arnold
Schwarzenegger now other people worked
on it but not like him he motivated
people who came self-made millionaire
before 30 he wanted to act you acting’s
in heart he was an artist he became you
know maybe it wasn’t the best actor of
the world he’s not bad I was actually in
his kitchen a couple months ago just
like this mean him talking smoking
cigars he’s a good accurate like I said
he might be not me you know daddy me
award but he got the good life
his son was there his kids were there at
his house he’s happy he’s friends you
got social life you got to have health
love love happiness if you at any point
optimize it for anything that doesn’t
involve all four of them you’re making
the biggest mistake in the world if you
think about life you can be nihilistic
about life like what’s the purpose at
the end of the day you can dissect
anything and go what’s the purpose some
people go you know I want to make a
billion dollars and you can say to them
what’s the purpose we all die we all end
up in the same small grave at the end of
the day and you can say I want to become
super intelligent I want to have them
get married and have kids at the end of
the day all flesh is grass and you
disappear just like the grass eventually
so for me the best guess I had it may be
other but you know some people have
spiritual things and all that and the
best guess I’ve ever come up with is
every day you wake up and you go I don’t
have it all figured out let’s jump into
something crazy and see what happened
that’s how I got started on social media
I started really me dabbling with it in
2012 2013 in 2014 if someone was like
you should do YouTube it’s gonna be big
so I was like let’s try a new adventure
and I just started shooting my first
videos and January 25th 2016 2015 sorry
I put out this video and it it’s ended
up to Millett of Lee different versions
have like six hundred million views it’s
gotten a lot of use since of my garage
here in my garage and some other similar
garage themed ones everybody should try
to be rich and famous at least once and
should get it just to realize it’s not
as good as you think but the adventure
part school and also when I say
adventure I also mean gaining insight
into life the biggest thing I’ve learned
if I could be 18 again I wish somebody
had told me basically nobody knows what
they’re doing even the adults you think
you know everybody’s lost in the world
is a blind leading the blind so the
ultimate adventure to me is not just
like bungee jumping or something like
that are going to the Amish it’s trying
to get insight and see life as a puzzle
and your goal in life is to seek the
adventures that piece the puzzle
together so that at the end of your life
you like kind of get get it you kind of
get it I feel like most people don’t get
what life is all the best pieces of
advice that nobody follows right here
say thank you I can’t tell you how many
people come visit our network I don’t be
able to meet influencers powerful people
and blah blah blah get investors I’m
like you don’t even say thank you I’m
experimenting here with some crazy diets
I had some Swedish bitters got some
probiotics you know everything you eat
can’t be sweet if you want to be healthy
just like every piece of advice you get
can’t be healthy most people need to
wake up say thank you
if I do a conference I mean a party at
my house I invite two three four 500
people mark my words
every single time at most ten people
right thank you at most people are
entitled in this world but never get mad
they’ll get their own reward
their own punishment they’ll be broke
because like attracts like you know who
the ten people are that always write me
thank you
if I do a big party open bar open up my
house without a doubt it’ll be the
billionaires the millionaires the a-list
celebrities those are the ones who they
say thank you that’s why they’re a list
that’s why they’re billionaires and
millionaires you got a reverse engineer
their success they did the stuff that
most entitled people won’t do I know
some people gonna get mad and said how
you seem angry in this I’m not angry I
already know the secret huh I always I
caught the one for one principle some
does one thing for you you do one thing
for them always you never let that ratio
get out of whack what you got to do to
build a team first of all number one you
got to realize no one ever did anything
big without an elite team around them
Bill Gates said he never did anything
except to take tests he said he had
Steve Ballmer he had Paul Allen he had a
hundred thousand employees behind him to
build Microsoft in the biggest company
in a wolf same with Facebook the same
with all saying with Elon Musk that
realization will help you put in the
time and motivate you to have an effort
to want to put in the effort number two
thing is you have to train formally
everybody knows they need to train their
employees but they do it in a very
informal hazard way which doesn’t work
what does formal training look like well
maybe a little bit like a classroom a
dedicated room that your employees go
into a dedicated time pen and paper
drills exercises quizzes
then number three you’ve got to look
over their shoulder because once you do
the formal training
you can’t expect memory retention to be
perfect so it must be continued over the
shoulder style training my main hope is
that that you’ll take away the concept
of a formal training program most
entrepreneurs train very haphazard
leaving train only in crisises well
that’s not good prudence is the ability
to make the right decision and I can’t
tell you how many entrepreneurs and non
entrepreneurs even me at times – I’m not
special I’m lumping all of us in this
because of our upbringing in society our
goal is let’s say our goal is like that
camera right there so let’s assume
that’s north so I have this compass in
my brain and my goal is to go right
let’s say it’s a mile away so north what
happens if society my upbringing in
school wired my compass exactly
backwards so I think let’s say I can’t
see that camera but I know I want to go
north so I pull out like my compass and
it points that way so I just take off
walking and I do it in an organized
fashion I do it in a perfectionist
manner I’m perfecting my steps in my
posture I’m also working on you know
hard work and hustle keep walking
towards your goal well the truth is if
you go south when you should go north
you could have gone one mile but the
earth is about twenty-four thousand
miles in circumference so you get to
walk twenty four thousand miles and
you’ll come up on the backside and you
will get your goal that’s most
entrepreneurs the average person takes
twenty years to become a millionaire 90%
of businesses fail within the first five
years eighty to ninety depend on what
statistic most people I did the math
once the average American has $60,000
saved by the time they’re about sixty
years old so my answer I did the math
you can do this with the simple
financial calculator everybody in
America your parents everybody you know
will be a millionaire if they live to
160 at 160 years old you take 60 grand
at age 60 and you give it a decent
return on investment
percent tumor say you’ll be a
millionaire at 160 but the problem is
the great philosopher I think was
Aristotle Socrates said the problem is
art is long but life is short the art of
living and getting to your objective is
long but it doesn’t have to be it’s long
if your compass is backwards so the
whole point of what I’m saying about
adventure at the beginning is I’m trying
to take myself and point it to the true
north and you have to learn that from
books and mentors and a life experience
and listening and finding in-person
mentors and all those things they help
adjust your compass and most people are
gonna get what they want just about 40
years longer are there like key
principles though that you can use to
turn that compass of north actually
points north yes first one is just like
Alcoholics Anonymous admit you’re lost
and that one’s hard for people you tell
people even for me sometimes I want to
think I’m smart and I got it all figured
out and sometimes I’m like wait a sec
I’m still lost and not that the
acquiescence the the admittance of the
fact that you’re still lost it gets you
on track a lot faster so if you’re
watching this and you feel lost it’s
better to just sit down and be like I’m
lost because the day you admit you’re
lost is the day you allow yourself to be found by people who can give you a tip
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