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Talking Mobile Marketing with Edward Kundahl

hello everyone and welcome to another
google+ hangout i’m really excited today
to have with me edward fun business
creator he’s a mobile marketing expert
and he’s here to talk to us about why
small businesses should go mobile the
problems the opportunities maybe a
little bit about the google mobile
garden that just came out and maybe
answered some questions as well so
Edward welcome to the show well thank
you evan think you’ve having me on for
the people watching and listening do you
want to give just a quick intro about
who you are and your business and what
you’re all about sure um business
creator is he started back in the early
90s where our full-service local search
marketing company that obviously
includes mobile marketing these days and
we’ve been doing this for quite some
time so on trying to stay bleeding edge
stuff we’re trying to stay right there
with everybody and stay to add everybody
for our clients so speaking about
bleeding edge why should companies go
mobile why should a business owner do it
what’s the benefit for them people on
the fence they watch it into like I just
did all this work tip my website up now
I’ve got to worry about mobile why
should they care they should care
because that’s where their next client
or next customer is looking I’m going to
throw out some some numbers for you for
an article ninety-five percent of
smartphone users have looked for a local
to local information eighty-eight
percent of those years is take action
within a day visible numbers and that’s
just going to change that’s just going
to go up over fifty percent of the
people are doing searches on their
mobile phones and it’s a completely
different environment than a desktop
search they need to be there otherwise
you’re going to lose out on quite a bit
of business it really is going to affect
your bottom line now you know Google
came out with their mobile getting
people are freaking out i think a lot of
entrepreneurs now you know they may not
have thought about how mobile is my
website before and now they’re starting
to get concerned there’s been a lot more
media hype about it than ever before
what’s your take on it and where things
are and what are you recommending the
clients right now i recommended they
take a look at at their website to see
if it’s mobile
gazeta is going to be important it
wasn’t an on-off switch it wasn’t like a
light switch you did start getting
implemented on april twenty first which
is what removal sets or tax day now it’s
coming and it came but it still it’s a
progression and okay as i had mentioned
earlier we’ve been monitoring about a
dozen different client sites including
around and there’s been no real drastic
changes yet on mobile search and many of
them collars I’ve spoken to same result
a balloon seeing a lot of changes yet
but they’re coming it’s going to be you
know google number terms things on and
off like that it’s always an implemented
over time it’s going to be real
important that they’re cycling
mobile-friendly it’s even has to be
responsive we’re mobile only website
they have some choices but they
definitely need to be mobile so for
entrepreneurs who might have had a panic
attack and then said oh my sites fine I
didn’t get hit by mobile garden it’s
still there’s still out in other words
they still gotta do work because it’s
coming it’s coming it’s definitely
coming got it now what what are the
components of mobile marketing for for
notch Burroughs listening to it and
they’re not the techie you know they’re
worried okay what what does that mean
what are the components what do I have
to worry about well I think the core of
the mobile marketing program is having a
mobile ready or mobile website and
there’s a couple of different ways to
get a mobile website again I talked
about responsive we’re having a moment
on the site or they can also have with
something that’s a little newer is what
we call reverse responsive we’re
building it from mobile first that’s
that’s another option for them um the
components them it’s it’s basically
think about a mobile ecosystem you know
doing a multi-channel we are mobile
marketing and that’s going to include
things from sm m m SMS text marketing QR
codes NFC tags Wi-Fi marketing mobile
wallet with a loyalty program proximity
type marketing it’s really going to
depend mobile apps are very important
mobile emails a lot of people are
sending out emails and newsletters that
are not mobile friendly and over fifty
percent of the people are opening up
emails on their mobile device so that
that email that goes out better be
mobile friendly Wow and the other thing
is mobile display ads where you actually
have you’re paying for advertising on
different types different big sites like
CNN and closes look that when you show
up works really well for service in this
reason I dentists and lawyers and
doctors and for the small entrepreneur
you don’t have to do all these things
but you really need to be out here
mobile SEO that’s I mean how do you
mobile website Google bless you it so
for someone in listening who hasn’t done
maybe anything yet but it recognizes hey
you know Ed’s making some great points
that seems may be overwhelming to do all
these things is is the SEO is that the
the ticket in and then expand from there
I think the ticket in is having a mobile
website mobile-friendly website whatever
got it you sponsored or more um you know
a mobile-only and and you know mobile oh
yeah you know people saying google
google recommends responsive websites
actually google just recommends that
your website be multiple finally no
matter what the platform is and and his
reasons to do mobile only over on the
sponsor and one is if here we have a
website that’s built and you can’t
afford to make it responsive where
there’s some issues making it responsive
then get a moment on them on the other
hand if your website is huge it has a
lot of content in it um you may want to
you don’t want to present that on a
mobile device because nobody’s going to
go scrolling through that the other
thing to keep in mind is that people
search on mobile devices have a
different intent than the best stock
searchers it’s more media and I think
the numbers i just gave you a kind of a
call no call for that yeah we do a lot
of times we’ll go a mobile on the
website with very little information
just enough to give them you know but
give them some information maybe with a
little mobile video on top and then a
call to action for them to call works
really well for pizza shops and small
restaurants and cuz you want to put the
whole menu out there you don’t wanna put
about us and almost
you want to put the things that are
important to a mom or user so having a
mobile only website is probably a better
solution for those types of businesses
so you talked about mobile responsive
I’m mobile-friendly is the difference
that mobile responsive visit is a
complete redesign and rethinking of how
somebody’s going to be using their phone
looking at my site I mobile-friendly is
just let’s show what’s on my site but
make it friendly in a mobile know that
right or am i off base and there’s
something else I need to think about
know it mobile responsive just means
it’s a desktop that you know the CSS
files allow it to resize itself for the
different sized devices it’s basically
it can be more responsive site is mobile
from um I’m talking on mobile only when
I talk about this smaller part down
version of you know your main site let’s
have a look and they’ll give you an
example our core business most of the
people that we serve at this point our
attorneys and dentists and service
industries like that people who are
searching for the tourney on your mobile
device lead attorney pretty quickly
they’re about to get arrested while they
were in a car accident or anything you
don’t want you know they’re not going to
go in search on their mobile device and
start reading about the partners and
they’re not going to read all the blog
content that’s not important what’s
important hey we can help you click here
and it dials in a tournament or might
have a little video on top and you know
mobile optimized video and it tells them
about the farm and how they can help
them and then that call to action that’s
really more important for those types of
businesses so how would I go about
creating that simple and effective
message goodbye the guys
well there’s a lot of platforms out
there that people can actually build
their own mobile website if not we also
have a mobile platform with the content
management system build on that
relatively low cost we can brand it for
you um and and then they can manage it
themselves they can pretty much just
like if you can use a word doc you can
work or if you have but WordPress from
your main site it’s the same principle
it’s a content management system only
make change certain everyone the message
is where the messages well it’s again
it’s not for the missus depends on the
vertical in room does it does it work
similar to wordpress where once you get
a theme set up like maybe a work with
someone like you too hey help me develop
the theme help me put it up and then
once it’s up i can edit it and put the
text in and make small changes
absolutely it’s a closer it’s a full
content management system they can add
pages making the leadpages like the
videos up there are images it’s pretty
much a service is a wordpress site would
be made shrunk yeah that’s very cool i
mean because entrepreneurs you know
we’re not mobile developers from the
most parts has got to be easy to update
and maintain this on a great system yeah
absolutely absolutely and it was
developed because we were developed in
and we were involved with the
development arm inter it’s the focus of
it is is online marketing and the tools
that are built and for online marketing
especially the SEL park I’m a stickler
about that I won’t use a content
management system unless it’s that’s
right feature later or you know the
things that are reported you got it can
you can you talk a little bit about that
so people are probably familiar with SEO
and how that works and the things need
to think about but mobile SEO might be a
little knew how does mobile and and
regular SEO I guess work together or do
they they absolutely do work together
you know title tags and descriptions
content all those things are important
just like they are the desktop linking
back linking again all those things are
important so they do go hand in hand on
a mobile responsive site
also you know you know if you’re using a
wordpress site for instance what’s
really important is that you you create
a mobile xml file a sitemap and if you
have a mobile only and I don’t want to
confuse people because it only turns
around but if you have a mobile only
website that goes that it is mobile only
it’s not responsive you can actually nor
system you can actually correlate those
pages with your website pages your
desktop pages some Google knows that
it’s not people get content so that page
lists and one on your desktop we can
actually give with the same URL on your
end dock in Google knows okay this is
that this corresponds to this is a
report we’re not for nothing will get
nothing because that’s a concern with
people who are mobile building websites
right so if I understand there’s three
options that I have as an entrepreneur
the website the first says mobile only
which means i’m making a totally
different version only for mobile users
and i’m hiding some content and just
showing 1 children what I want them to
see runners mobile responsive which is
the Zack same thing is my website but
everything has been scaled down to fit
any screen size and I’m on the phone or
iPad or whatever and then mobile
friendly which is not scaling but
everything that is on my site looks good
on a mobile device is that no no okay
well that’s why I’m Tiger the expert
here normal they’re both mobile friendly
okay briella term for both of those
technologies what is just taking your
desktop website no sorry for the
confusion but what is taking your
desktop website and using CSS and some
other means to scale it down so it looks
good it will scroll little stack but you
still have all your content there and
then the second option which is also
mobile friendly is the mobile only site
which would be like the MDOT your domain
name and it really is just a separate
mobile only website but again the both
mobile friendly it’s just what approach
that you want to take in your market
but I how would I make that decision
which one they going um for most
companies a responsive site is fine um
but like I said there are instances if
for instance if your site was not uh and
at this point if you have a lot of money
invested in your website and it’s not it
can’t be converted to mobile friendly um
then go to mobile only issue on the
option and on the other hand like I said
when we have really large websites that
you know a good attorney or a dentist
though I have a toothache and want to
look up a dentist I don’t care you know
I just want to make an appointment and
you just want a short little small
version of your lips like that’s branded
um then a mobile only is the way to go
and it’s a it’s a case by case basis
it’s really what you know what your
current situation is and if G I’m going
to I’m going to and here’s a case in
point we have a client that has a huge
website and they’re not going they’re
going to rebuild it in the fall and
they’re not ready yet but because the
fear of you know this whole google
gettin on mobile gedan they went with a
small mobile website so they wouldn’t
lose any ranking on mobile in the fall
when they rebuild their website it’s
going to be responsible and then they’ll
do away with the moment of the mobile on
the burden so again it depends on what
your circumstances are you thinking
about how are my customers finding my
website why are they coming what are
they trying to get out of it and and
which one makes more sense for them is
that a good way to approach it
absolutely absolutely you know
restaurant is not going to necessarily
put the entire menu and all their photos
with a beautiful image gallery on a
mobile only version they want to cut
down to you know what are the people
buying them you know from a mobile
device there’s a pizza shops and you
know most people are buying pizza nor
for a hug use here knows whatever subs
and they can order a lot of we’re even
going down commerce which
just looking by right here look if you
love them they can deliver it got it and
and so another question then let’s talk
about apps because when you think mobile
you also thing apps i got the app for my
phone of whatever my favorite website is
when should i consider as a business
owner making an app versus doing a
mobile website good a mobile website is
the first step in my opinion um you
really need to have that even
mobile-friendly whether it’s responsive
or mobile only and and that’s for client
acquisition or the customer acquisition
an app is really more for applying or
customer retention it’s to reach out you
can push notifications and provide them
with information that again the earlier
client verity download your app and you
can stay in contact with them through
the hour whether it’s you know the pizza
shop down the block who’s running
specials who can push out that you know
the push notifications for the coupon on
the app and they were pop up on your
phone oh look you know between five and
seven you can get fifty percent off on a
pizza or two for ones or whatever I’m so
an app is really more for bringing them
back in once the order your customer so
so I think this look until the answer
your question is mobile website first
the app comes second and apps have
really come down especially standardized
apps for your basic entrepreneur they
really come down in price they’re not
tens of thousands of dollars anymore
there are hundreds of dollars right and
is there other platforms for that too
just like WordPress but for apps that
then I can use and add my own
information on as I want to absolutely
okay and is that something you help
business owners go through that process
too okay we actually have a we get two
types of apps one is on the platform you
just mentioned and it’s really for the
small businesses and entrepreneurs it’s
a it’s custom design and we do you know
we push it to apple and to google and
and it’s it’s a very robust feature-rich
type of and a half that they can go in
and against with CMS system
often features then check on the theft
features they want or check off the ones
that they don’t want and any other the
other app development is if something
looks a really high-end custom app like
we’re doing what’s wrong come on a gross
our wholesale right now in New York very
customized different levels of users
different discount levels let’s get all
of you done and people shopping you’re
buying from him placing their orders
right to the app great other foot for
our base the people that we’re talking
to now the platform is basically the app
platform lt’s the way to go just really
true right ok cool and if you so you
said ok I want to move out friendly site
first and then app second when it makes
sense so that’s great to help
entrepreneurs kind of figure out what to
do first uh so how do I figure out when
it makes sense to go for the app um you
may never even have ok um no that’s not
you know it’s one of those it’s one of
the tools that are in your arsenal for
mobile marketing people do them right
away people come to me and want the app
and your website is not mobile friendly
and I’ll go back and so now let’s do
this first let’s do step one first
because you really looking for new
customers people have the impression
that the mobile app is going to get them
more customers and in fact it really is
best at at at retention and bringing
them back in the door over and over
again and professional support customer
service is I’m going to be too awful lot
so are their key things I should look
for as a business owner or key metrics
that you look at when you’re giving
advice to entrepreneurs as to when it
would make sense to go and do that
strategy for a nap um it really is no I
don’t have any key metrics for that
other than you know they’ll come to
Washington say you know what and like a
nap because you know i’d like to be able
to push out coupons i’m tired of
printing coupons i’m tired of the cost
of printing again a restaurant or a
pizza shop I’d like to be able to ask my
customers that when they walk in the
door either for their from their cell
phones like a new text messaging because
that’s the other component
of a mobile marketing come and grab
their their cell phones and say hey you
know give us your cell phone number and
we’ll send you coupons on a weekly basis
or the app which is the same thing
download our happen and we’ll send you
coupons and come here in look so again I
guess it’s look at the experience with
the customer and would they need these
features to better interact with your
brand is there is there a desire there
and make something that’s going to
really help them but also help business
right exactly yeah but not everybody you
know whatever he wants to do that
there’s some there are some people out
there like know some business offers are
just not interested in an appt sir SMS
text messaging anything you think you’re
missing that you know bring them back in
the door you know they’re still so used
to doing the print view yeah right it’s
not nearly as effective right right they
have to get over that hurdle and as you
said right i mean we all do some we
talked about this there are some
entrepreneurs and some small business
owners that just have not gotten all
really oh I don’t care about mobile but
right the low numbers are really a
staggering I mean you know people are
looking locally and and acting on that
they’re not sitting there just looking
for information to think about their
there they’re ready to buy in essence
yeah and you’re losing those customers
you’re losing it to somebody else who is
mobile optimized you know who is out
there on a little yeah cool let story
yeah can you talk about the shopping
experience for visitor and how mobile
will impact that arm more and more
people are using their mobile device you
see it all the time when the stores are
actually looking and comparing their
price comparisons on their phone they’re
looking for product information so yeah
all those things you know they’re
looking for store locations you know
then I want to go to macys lose the
closest mesas and it will again if
Macy’s is doing their job and they’ve
collected even Europe your cell phone
number or downloading their
out there pushing information to the
pushing will the coupons in the sales
and get them in the door kind of thing
so all those things impact some openness
is over because you know if if they’re
not because people are looking people
are looking for you know the price
comparisons and looking for products are
there some industries that it makes it’s
just like to me anything that’s local
any local business it’s just a
no-brainer that you have to you have to
be mobile because people are it’s so
location-based if you’re a restaurant or
a dance school or even a lawyer or any
any any business that does local
business it just makes sense to have an
app or mobile website does it are there
some businesses that I’m thinking other
other kind of if you’re a publication if
you’re not local if you don’t care your
clients come from can you talk to those
guys who may be saying ah you know I’m
not a local business so I don’t need to
have a mobile-friendly website
everybody’s local this bottom line if
you’re searching on your phone Google
knows where you are um think your geo
targeting you and no matter what size
business you are if somebody’s looking
longer mobile device for you gotta be
their units the bottom on and and today
even in even in no organic SEO not
necessarily mobile a local search on you
still have that you still have to
address your local local businesses and
again that’s that’s part of the
transition you know a lot of those large
businesses or franchises so they have
local presences anywhere but again it’s
it’s everybody has to be mobile or if
there’s no excuse not to be okay putting
his foot down in the sand because local
I like it I like it it’s important it
doesn’t make sense not today I mean the
markets growing over like you said it’s
it’s not shrinking but that way you more
more people are getting smart phones and
smartphones are getting better and
they’re getting cheaper the rate you’re
going down you know unless you’re
addressing an audience that’s you know
over 80 years
I’m not denigrating anybody over 80
years old I’m just saying I let you know
those are the people that may not be
using their smartphone frankly I know a
lot of 80 plus your holes that use a
smartphone all the time yeah so the less
you know your audience your demographics
goes from you know teenagers all the way
up so it depends on your market is but
they’re all using you know your
smartphone at some level awesome so two
to close things up can you share some of
your tips and what the essentials are
you know taking all this conversation
drilling it down what are the mobile
marketing essentials that I need to know
as a business owner all you need to be
will need to be mobile responsive design
or mobile only design work we want to
talk much about the reverse response and
we’re the Lobeck first which is
basically taking a website designing it
in your opposite Laurence that our
desktop and bringing it down you do it
for the mobile and bring it up arm if
you’re a retailer we can prepare for
mobile payments and you know the NFC and
then the proximity stuff is all you know
here Apple pay all that stuff you know
you need to be need to be able to handle
that um and I think if you’re again if
your store a small score on a small shop
um you need to be involved with you need
to have in store notifications and you
be able to push it out you know again
it’s near feel it’s you know the NFC
stuff Wi-Fi um you can do a lot of
marketing with Wi-Fi the offering free
Wi-Fi in pushing out the people hook up
you can cash out the coupons right there
oh you don’t you just pour coffee thank
you hey how about a dollar you know
there’s lots of retailers doing that
especially the big chains are always
great because they started they start
the trends and then the little guy says
I have to do that too and by the time
that gets to the little man little guy
says yeah I need to do that to the price
books are coming way down and it doesn’t
cost as much the country limpid as it
would if you were starting out you can
try the shutter um cuz I 60 okay it’s
never been easier right it’s never been
easier it’s never been cheaper to get
your your site mobile friendly mobile
responsive and
and uh not much excuses anymore now
right well not really and I think you
know again we talked a little bit about
emails I think any time you send out an
email it needs to be mobile phone day
because there’s so many people that are
opening up their emails and a lot of
people i know people don’t even have
desktops or laptops have their tablet
where they have their you know cell
phone of a smartphone nets heading
that’s how they run their life they
don’t even have a desktop yeah laptops
um and I think everything is you know
for a small business owner those retail
shops have to have loyalty programs
mobile royalty programs and get away
from printing you know stop sending out
there you know they put them to mail
service ever business but everything’s
digital yeah I mean that could be an
easy test is hey take take a percentage
of your print advertising spend away and
try it on mobile and see the results
well that’s that’s that’s one way to
transition to also remember that your
costs recover gonna go way down to it I
mean the only things thing to lose going
to be less expensively than the whole
offense area and more meet you know if
you print your coupons and print 10,000
coupons and you decide if there’s an
error where you decide that you know
change your offer you kind of stuck with
you get to you with 10,000 we’re going
to thread the digital coupons you can
change on the fly right so we could be
testing testing this huge coupon works
the best right really or they offer
itself so yeah in the digital world is a
much more complex to be repeated I love
it ed thank you so much for spending
time with us today for people who want
to learn more about you and your
services where can they go on our main
site is business creator plus calm and
our mobile marketing side is smartest
mobile marketing com great i’ll just
write it down to i’ll leave it in the
show notes so if everybody watching you
can click in the description and check
out those sites ad thanks again so much
for sharing your wisdom and i really
appreciate it
okay thank you for having me on all
right take care oh I
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