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“SURROUND Yourself With SUCCESSFUL People!” | Dandapani

I’ll learn from someone who’s done it
and done it really well so I chose the
second option and I thought if I
surrounded myself with these people I
could just learn from them and believe
in in the power of a community the
fastest way to grow is to be around
people who are doing what you want to do
the people were surrounded by have a
greater bearing on our life and our
success in life then what’s built into
the genes at Birth rise and shine it’s
an espresso time what’s up believe
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your coffee and sip on today’s message
surround yourself with success over to
you dhandapani you find yourself in New
York the world is ending financial
crisis yeah and there’s probably a lot
of Wall Street people at that moment
that need a monk yeah is that who you
that that your customer base like who do
you start sitting with to try to help
them mainly entrepreneurs so I didn’t
know very much about business and I went
to destroy myself at financially
successful entrepreneurs so I started
using some tools to create it in my mind
and surround myself with successful
entrepreneurs and just happen yeah you
start attracting people if you start to
change the shape of your mind you know
by using some techniques you start
attracting like-minded people into your
life say and so the first one comes the
second one comes before you know you’re
the center of Yantra Nouriel network two
things one is I wanted to work with that
group of people second is I wanted to
build a business that’s successful and
where do i son I figured I could go to
business school forget that or learn
from someone who’s done it and done it
really well so I chose the second option
and I thought if I surrounded myself
with these people I could just learn
from them and believe in in the power of
a community the fastest way to grow is
to be around people who are doing what
you want to do period when you are
around people who are building and
growing and taking on the world and
trying to accomplish their dreams and
you’re in that environment
and you’re learning even just being
around them it’s gonna seep into you and
get you motivated and pumped up and
fired up to go off and chase your dreams
most people have a pretty crappy
environment most people if you got an
entrepreneur most people they don’t have
a bunch of entrepreneurs in their family
most people when they tell their family
and friends what they’re doing they
think they’re crazy they think that you
shouldn’t go off and do that thing you
should go and get a safe normal typical
job a lot of people have a lot of
negativity around them if you are
constantly surrounded by negative people
people bringing you down it’s really
hard to be the one person trying to go
off and make a huge difference and so
that’s you if that’s your situation then
you need to change your environment you
need to be surrounded by people who are
like-minded who are off chasing their
goals and you need to find some mentors
let me give some quick tips on how to do
it because if you don’t you’re never
gonna get to where you want to go you
won’t stain right now where you are
needs to be unacceptable needs to be
unacceptable because you will never get
to the spot that you want to be at if
you stay exactly where you are with the
people in the environment that you have
around you step number one is limit the
exposure to negativity that may mean you
cut off some friends just because your
friends in elementary school doesn’t
mean you should still be friends now it
doesn’t doesn’t mean have to be rude to
them you’ve just grown apart it’s okay
it’s okay it’s great you’ll get new
friends we need to limit exposure to
negative toxic people if those are your
parents you may not want to completely
eliminate them from your life although
for some people that’s an important step
it may just mean cutting off exposure to
some topics if you know that your
friends or your parents talking to them
about your business ideas is always
gonna lead to a fight and negativity
just don’t talk about it say I don’t
want to talk about that and find
something positive that you can relate
to and talk about step one you have to
eliminate the negativity or limit
exposure to it in your life you will not
do great things if you are constantly
bombarded by negativity step number two
now you have to fill the void you got to
fill the void with positivity and so
that’s reaching out that’s joining
communities that’s going to event that’s
going to groups I’m on my tour right now
I’m in Albuquerque New Mexico I’m doing
an event tonight here in Albuquerque and
when people come together who are
like-minded all the people who come to
my events they’re all entrepreneurs and
they all want to go off and do something
amazing and for a lot of the people
coming out
they’re the only ones that they know who
are off trying to do something and now
they meet local people who are also
similarly minded you need to be around
similarly minded people and so check
your local city
check your local groups see what’s
happening see what’s coming up and get
involved get out of the house stop being
in your regular routine your your
current environment is not helping you
you need to get out and meet new people
and you may go to an event and meet only
one person that is potentially
like-minded amazing collect people I
like collecting good people collect them
I’ll leave me super awkward about it
almost intentionally where if I really
like somebody and we have a great
conversation I’ll say you know what I
really like you that sounds weird
I’d like to find a way to spend more
time together maybe we meet up once a
month for a coffee and just talking
about business that’s how you do it you
just ask and if you had that with four
or five different people then every week
you’re meeting somebody on a regular
basis who fills you with positivity and
energy and so you have to go out and
find those people you have to say yes
and go to those events to meet to be
around the positive energy because it’ll
make such a big difference you
accomplishing your big goals and then
step number three is get more mentors
you need to get Mentors and one our
aspirational Mentors and that’s what I
see through what I do right through my
content I learned through the
aspirational mentors I learned from
Kanye I learned from Dan upon me I
learned from Oprah Winfrey I learned
from Mel Robbins I learned from these
people they make me better even though I
haven’t met most of the people that are
profiled on my channel I learned from
them they make me better being around
them and their energy and their wisdom
gets me fired up seeing people going off
doing amazing things and I get that
three times a day on my channel right
like it will shift you it will if you
are watching content you may never meet
on the Ponte
but if you’re watching his content if he
inspires you and you watch his content
on a daily it will shift you because now
he’s a voice of positivity in your life
and then you can get real mentors as
well for those of you who are following
my path to 10 million subscribers series
I’m having people who I respect to look
up to coach me on different things and I
need to get better at who’ll they’ll
watch my stuff and say hey here this is
where you’re great but here you suck you
got to get better at this thing you need
to make the decision to change your
environment you need to make the
decision that you’re like
is important that your mission is
important that being where you are right
now is not acceptable that you don’t
want to be here again in a year like one
year from today you can’t be in the same
environment you can’t be around
negativity and toxicity every single day
you need to follow those steps you need
to remove the negativity from your life
you need to seek out positive energy and
be around people who build and lift you
up and you need to start seeking out
mentors whether they are face-to-face
mentors or aspirational mentors to help
you get to where you go your life is
important your mission is important you
need to start treating it as so now I’ve
got a really special bonus scoop that I
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
question of the day I want to know what
are you gonna do today to start
surrounding yourself with success let me
know put in the comments below do you
know that people you surround yourself
with have been a phenomenal impact on
your life I think it was Karl Menninger
from the Medicare foundation one time
said environment is more important than
heredity the people were surrounded by
have a greater bearing on our life and
our success in life than what’s built
into the genes at Birth there’s genetic
conditioning there’s environmental
well this environmental conditioning
goes on all the way through life you
will find as you improve the quality of
your life improve your thinking you even
attract a different group of people into
your life and they are going to add to
your life see the people were surrounded
by their thinking is going right into
our mind we want to mix with people who
are really making it happen take a look
at your five people that you’re with
most often and ask yourself if I have
children what I want them to grow up be
like them the answer is no you better
start looking for some new friends if
the answer is yes you’re already in the
right circle of people think about what
I’m saying the people were surrounded
with have a phenomenal impact on my life
and help make us who we are one
important part of the Dropbox story
began when if one of my best friends
this guy named Adam Adam Smith you start
a company called Dabney and he got
funding from this group of people caught
up called Y Combinator and back then
they were still doing in Boston as well
as he
and I was literally camped out in this
living room while he was working on his
company and I had been working on a
company I had bootstrapped of all things
in SAT prep company some time starting
some time in 2004 and you know like most
first efforts and I had no idea of what
I was doing in retrospect I did all
kinds of things wrong but the biggest
thing that was illuminating was just so
what happened with Adam was he got a
little bit of funding in this at the
beginning of the summer and at the end
of the summer he moved out here he moved
out – well he move up to the city to San
Francisco and suddenly he was talking to
like all these people you know he’s you
know billionaires and famous
entrepreneurs that I only read about and
the next thing I know I get this phone
call from him being like hey we just got
like five million dollars from Vinod
Khosla and I was like oh my god and Adam
and I were fraternity brothers at MIT
and he was actually my little brother
and so kind of a stark contrast between
you know not less than a year prior
probably my best memories with Adam were
you know in in our game room at our
fraternity playing beer pong not exactly
expect him to be wheelbarrowing away
millions of dollars in cash so I was
like well alright if Adam can do it I
can too and so never never never under
never underestimate some of the baser
motivations and how they can propel you
forward or maybe as a more practical
piece of advice you know there’s some
quote that you’re an average of your
five closest friends so it can really
help to be in a place where you know
you’re your closest friends are also
interested in startups and you’re all
kind of pushing each other forward and
and a good natured way but there’s also
an undercurrent of competition that can
really be helpful if you want more den
to Pawnee check out my top ten rules
video made on him the link is right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there we live our lives like we’re gonna
live forever but the truth is we don’t live forever
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