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SUPPORT each other!

I want you to leave more comments for
each other so while ago I did a video
when I was at the airport topic of that
video was asking people to leave more
comments on the videos not just my
videos but any videos because for
creator someone who’s making videos
those comments like that’s the life line
that’s that’s that’s that’s blood that
that keeps you going and I’m spoiled now
that I get a lot of comments and you
know don’t don’t stop writing because
that makes me happy but I get a lot of
comments and seeing how might be does
are impacting you keeps me going but
leaving comments and other people’s
channels as well and you might be the
only comment on that channel and that
comment you make could be the difference
between them continuing on or not
because it’s really hard for somebody to
have the courage to make a video put it
up on YouTube you know self criticize a
ton and then have zero momentum where
one person just that one person leaves a
comment that could make the difference
for them to want to keep going and for
those of you who are making videos you
know what I’m talking about so that was
that video and what I want to talk about
today was I want you guys to leave more
comments for each other and I think it’s
great to see all the comments come in on
every video and I really appreciate it
but I see that there’s very little
interaction between you guys where
you’ll just leave a comment for me and
answer the question the day but then not
respond to anybody else and I feel like
we could do a better job as believe
nation as a community to help each other
out myself and Nina we try to leave
comments and respond everybody to leave
feedback but you know how good you feel
when you get somebody who pushes you and
who believes in you and gives you advice
and I want you guys to be that change
for each other I want you to when you
come to a video of mine and you leave a
comment use the BTA hashtag but then
also leave one more comment for somebody
else scroll down on the page and find
the comment that you know you can either
you can either offer some advice some
feedback too or just say congratulations
and give some words of encouragement
because that gives you an opportunity to
have a meaningful impact on somebody’s
life that day and and you know as much
as I like being the spark for you guys I
want you to be the spark for each other
as well and I think it’ll make you feel
great it’ll definitely make them feel
great it’ll help spread more believe and
I think just make the world a little bit
better of a place so the next time you
leave in a comment use a bt a hashtag
and scroll down and leave one extra
comment every time you watch a video
just to show somebody else some love on
the channel so my question the day is
what do you need help with right now
what’s what’s the most pressing issue in
your business that you’d like some
advice or feedback on leave it in the
comments below and then for the people
who have commented already leave a
comment to respond to somebody else and
show them a little bit extra love and
support thank you guys for watching
continue to believe and I’ll see you
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