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Successful people – What makes a successful entrepreneur?

what makes a successful entrepreneur
I’ve got a great question today from one
of my YouTube viewers dieter love you
guys deters a hardcore viewer and he
wrote in to say what makes a difference
between a successful entrepreneur and
someone who doesn’t make it is it is it
personality is that mindset is it skills
what what is it he sees struggle he
wants to know what makes the difference
so I’m going to tell you today let me
first start off by telling you what is
not okay it’s not skills you don’t have
to have a certain skillset to be a
successful entrepreneur skills can be
learned if you need to develop a skill
to be successful in your field you can
learn whatever skill you need to have
it’s not about skills okay it’s not
about your personality you think often
you know I’m too shy to be a business
owner I’m not a type-a personality and
I’m not the person who tends my business
cards out to everybody you don’t need to
be that person he that can help but it’s
not the only way to stand I’m not the
guy who gives my business cards to
everybody at networking events I’m not
the guy who gets on a plane and starts
up a conversation with the guy next to
me and starts talking about my business
to promote it I’m not that guy I don’t
like doing that stuff you don’t have to
be that type-a personality to me when it
comes down to his mindset okay you even
have to be able to read properly Richard
Branson has dyslexia and he’s become a
massively successful entrepreneur the
difference is mindset I have a zig uh
guide that walks through a hundred
questions that you need to answer to
figure out if you have the entrepreneurs
mindset but let let’s kind of summarize
so then all the time in this video I’m
gonna come down to three belief
statements okay this this is what makes
the difference between successful
entrepreneurs and ones who don’t try or
ones who don’t give it their all and
don’t become successful okay first is
believe in what you’re doing you have to
believe that you’re doing the right
you have to believe that the
that you have for your product your
service your company is legit like you
are doing the right thing it has to feel
good doing what you’re doing and most
entrepreneurs just start out trying to
make money it’s not gonna last you’re
gonna quit you’re gonna fail you cannot
start a business just to make money you
have to make money yes and you will make
a lot of money and the more you believe
in your product or your service and the
more you’re helping people the more
money you’re going to make but it’s not
the goal it’s not why you started your
business you have to have a passion for
it so believe in what you’re doing it’s
critical and you know if you don’t
believe me look at any famous
entrepreneur read their biography read
about how they got started reason about
why they got started nobody talks about
making money money is never the
number-one goal for them they end up
making a lot but it’s not the goal of
the start so believe in what you’re
the second is believe you can do it have
the confidence to believe in yourself
because we get stuck in in in our heads
and we listen to the little man the
people in our lives who tell us that
we’re not going to make it we have
living and beliefs thinking that we
can’t get this done you have to believe
in yourself and you’re not going to be
Superman okay you’re not gonna believe
you can do everything all the time
you’re gonna have moments of crisis
moments of doubt constantly especially
at the early stages of your business you
will constantly doubt yourself but you
have to believe that you can do it and a
lot of that comes from believing that
you’re doing the right thing if you
don’t believe you’re doing the right
thing then you won’t believe you can do
it the third one is believe that it will
work out and this might be the hardest
one of all you have to believe that this
idea of yours will work out that even
though right now it doesn’t make any
you have no momentum you have no
customers you’re you’re struggling to
pay the bills there’s nobody on your
team it’s just you and an idea you see
darkness all around you you have no hope
you have to believe that it’s still
going to work out one of my favorite
examples is Steve Jobs when he started
his business
Appl he dropped out of college he
dropped out of his classes to drop in on
courses like typography to learn about
fonts he dropped in on computer clubs B
% what are you what are you doing you’re
leaving you’re leaving your classes your
college degree here to go learn about
fonts and computers
nobody’s gonna need a computer it didn’t
seem like a logical thing to do and even
he didn’t know what was going on he
didn’t have this vision the personal
computers would would be a huge
he was just exploring his passion
because he knew that going this other
route that wasn’t for him but he had
faith that the dots would somehow
connect he believed that somehow even
though he just saw darkness around him
somehow it would work out for him if he
kept going on that path and it did and
he built the most valuable company in
the world and became one of the richest
people in the world
that’s what makes a difference for me so
believe in what you’re doing
believe that you can do it and believe
it’s gonna work out if you want more
details you could check out the Zuka
guide it’s a hundred questions that goes
through and gives you a score of your
likelihood of becoming a success
entrepreneur if you have the
entrepreneur mindset or not so you can
check it out but otherwise thank you so
much for the questions either I hope
that answers your question for those of
you watching like the video give it a
thumbs up below let me know what you
think leave a comment below you have a
question leave it below in the comments
I’ll make a video response and subscribe
to the channel if you want to see more
videos like this thank you so much and
I’ll see you soon
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