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“SUCCESSFUL People Live at the EDGE of Their LIMITS!” | Jim Kwik

I think some of the most successful
people live at the edge of their limits
you can’t steer a parked car right you
need fuel you need energy
so tap into your why if you want to know
what the biggest obstacle is for
people’s brains is stress the motivation
what to top 10 with believe nation what
some believe nation 7 I believe in you
and this channel is designed to be part
of your daily success routine so let’s
get your motivation to attend and get
you believing in you grab a snack and
chew on today’s lessons from a man who
went from being known as the boy with
the broken brain when a childhood head
injury left him struggling at school to
undertaking a journey to rebuild himself
and ultimately discovering his
superpower learning he’s Jim quick and
here’s my take on his top 10 rules to
okay let’s tick it off with rule number
one change your beliefs someone’s
watching this they have a thing that
something they want to change and it’s
not it’s not sticking then maybe it’s
not it’s the environment maybe you could
check about your habits but maybe it’s
your beliefs and your values some people
will not get themselves to read every
day because they don’t value reading
every single day right some people won’t
say the behavior they want change is you
know we did a podcast of how to remember
names I could teach them step by step on
how to remember the name of most people
that they meet yet they won’t do it
because they don’t value it or because
that’s not important to them or they
don’t believe that they can write just
like we talked about earlier saying your
brain is like a supercomputer and you
know your self-talk as a programmer run
so if you tell yourself not go to memory
names you will not remember the name the
next person you meet because you program
your supercomputer not to they don’t
have a belief that enables that so when
I say all behaviors belief driven if you
want to do this behavior whatever it is
journal whatever it is then you need a
belief that allows that to happen
because you mean that’s the program that
allows that so how do you get that
belief because you’re gonna feel like
you’re faking it all right that’s where
most people stop right they think okay I
get it I hear what you were saying that
if I am able to shift my belief that I
can get a different behavior but I don’t
believe it so now I’m just sort of
faking it how do you help people
overcome it right and so you mean so
some people approach it like they know
that it’s quote where they fake it so
they make it right and so my thing with
belief is like when I do trainings and
groups or online my favourite way of
changing the belief is getting them to
do something they never thought they
could do because it opens up another
possibility right so so for example in
1954 Roger Bannister he broke the
four-minute mile right and so which is
amazing right throughout human history
nobody can run a mile in less than four
minutes now if you if you look into it
how he was able to do it is he would
visualize himself crossing the finish
line looking at the clock and it says
359 because he knew that success is an
inside out process that first it had to
happen in here in order happening out
there right um dr. Wayne Dyer has the
famous phrase where it’s not oh I’ll
believe it when I see it it’s like I’ll
see it when I believe it because it’s
the opposite right and
I’ve always liked modeling the outliers
where most people kind of just like kind
of dismissed them I was like well what’s
what’s going on there that loves this
person to get this kind of results right
and so with Roger Bannister he saw it in
here be able to produce it outside just
like any innovator or inventor or writer
any creator right but what was
interesting is after that would happen
nobody could do it from the beginning of
humanity all of a sudden one person does
it what happens after that everybody
yeah everyone starts doing it and so
that’s the thing now what happened was
there big change that year and you know
training methodology and nutrition or no
it was a change of belief right because
the belief back then was if you ran a
mile less than four minutes not only
would you die it was your heart would
explode in your chest and like think
about like that would and I’m a runner
right that would keep me not just
running that won’t keep me from running
form without keep me from running period
right right and so my thing is like that
was a change of a reference I was just
shook up a belief so my goal with people
and when it comes to learning is get
themselves to do something they never
thought they could do and then it opens
up another possibility it literally
opens up their their nervous system for
something what else could be possible
when I grew up I you know we didn’t have
any we we had no money right I had no
education because I was a very learning
challenge I didn’t know any anybody
right so I feel like it’s not when
people are that’s where they’ll go
though when they when they hit them in a
gap stop gap between where they are
where they want to be they’ll say oh I
don’t have the money or and all the
education around the intelligence out of
the network or anything else like that
and you know what would you know as for
all incredible success you’ve had and
the value of you created for the world
is that it’s not about resources right
because we know a lot of people who who
didn’t have any resources that were able
to impact the world
it’s about our internal resources and
what I’m saying is optimizing our
environment optimizing our behaviors or
capabilities our beliefs and our values
and our identity right that at the
highest level our identity because you
can’t just change your belief or your
values or your behavior even if you
don’t believe you’re that kind of person
and that’s why I kind of always go to
the superhero mythos because I I want
people that get to claim that identity I
call it the superhero you that version
of ourselves and we’re not waiting for
Superman or Batman or Wonder Woman it’s
like you
our Wonder Woman you are Batman you are
Superman it’s just we we have to commit
ourselves to be able to unleashing rule
number to start with why one of my very
favorite books is a book called start
with Y by simon Sinek and really I
believe there’s a success formula that
if you’re not getting yourself to do the
things you need to do I call it h cubed
it goes from your head to your heart to
your hands you could affirm thing and
think about all the things and set goals
in your head if you’re not acting with
your hands you’re procrastinating you’re
usually not tapping into the second age
which is your heart your emotion the
energy of motion one of my early martial
arts teachers taught me that you can’t
steer a parked car right you need fuel
you need energy
so tap into your why so what I want you
to do is think about all the rewards
that come from doing this activity the
things that you’re going to synthesize
yourself the things that motivate you
all the benefits that come from doing
this thing that you’re putting off
because remember this reasons reap
results rule number three take
responsibility I remember recently I got
to introduce to my modern-day
superheroes it was Richard Branson and
Stan Lee like who’s not Stan Lee but
Stan Lee who’s Stan Lee
yeah the create the co-creator of
spider-man and x-men and Avengers and
Fantastic Four and we’re going to dinner
I remember asking Stan I was like I have
to know you you’ve created all these
incredible superheroes who’s your
favorite and he looks at me without a
blank he’s like Iron Man I’m like that’s
awesome and then he’s like Jim who’s
your favorite superhero and he had this
Spiderman tie so I was like spider-man
and without a pause he says with great
power comes and how do we all know that
right it’s like in our DNA right we’re
going on this superheroes journey
together here at a fest and I’m thinking
about it I’m like and I grew up with
these challenges and I have you know
dyslexia and I flipped things around in
my mind and part of my issues growing up
and I flipped it in my mind I was like
you know with great power comes great
responsibility when you’re in a position
of power you have great responsibility
to wield that power and well and the
opposite is also true
with great responsibility comes great
power all right when when you take
responsibility for something you have
power to what to change things to
transforms things to make things better
when I said responsibility you know with
great responsibility comes great power
the most important thing to be
responsible for is how you feel does
that make sense and who controls how you
feel how many people feeling pretty good
right now
yeah and notice that these kind of
things it’s you know why it meant for
eclis I look at you more like a
thermostat than a thermometer is there a
difference between the thermometer and
thermostat yes or yes a thermometer does
what what is the thermometer do what’s
the function yeah it takes this out it
reflects and we it reacts to the
environment is that true it just reacts
the environment and we are sometimes you
know we’re thermometers we react to the
weather if we’re honest the economy to
politics we react to how people treat us
sometimes but is there a gap between how
something someone stimulates us and how
we respond do we have choice yes or yes
the difference between the thermometer
and thermostat though is a thermometer
reacts the environment what’s the
thermostat do though yeah it regulates
right it helps manage it sets a standard
or a vision or a goal and then what
happens the environment it raises to be
able to do that is there a difference
yes or yes and so that’s where we’re
going back to responsibility when we’re
talking about being responsible the
ability to be able to respond is how you
feel about things and also how you focus
on things before keep yourself talk
positive but I was remember I was
reading a book years ago on preparing
for a marathon and one of the chapters
again was on the psychology of it and it
said this verbatim you know cuz I’m the
memory expert it said your ma here your
brain is like a supercomputer and your
self talk is a program it will run so if
you tell yourself you’re not good at
remembering names you will not remember
the name the next person you meet
because you program your supercomputer
not to and I always tell people that and
now I don’t I don’t think the brain is
like a supercomputer it’s I think it’s a
it’s a weak metaphor for for for what it
is because you know this is like a
living computer that could do so much
more and
different capabilities but I would say
that your self-talk is important and it
is the program that will run and I
always tell people to keep it positive
keep it empowering because your mind is
always eavesdropping on your self-talk
right and you have to be careful what
you say to yourself because it’s this
unconscious command so I’ll be very
careful like when I’m gonna get one
again nervous or I feel like I’m I think
some of the most successful people live
at the edge of their limits you know and
they and they play there also as well
and so it whenever I feel in my nervous
system I feel like I can’t do it then I
feel like I really must do it because I
feel like how we do anything is how we
do everything rule number five be kind
to yourself be kind to yourself what I
when I say be kind to yourself studies
and self compassion reveal something
interesting that when you’re hard on
yourself and you beat yourself up
because you didn’t work out because you
didn’t write in your journal because you
didn’t meditate that day because of
whatever you didn’t do you’d think that
it would help you to be able to overcome
it the next time it’d be more motivated
to do it but it actually has the
opposite effect when you were actually
kind to yourself and you would exhibit
self compassion you’re more likely to
follow through in the future rule number
six control your state here’s the key to
a better memory information combined
with emotion becomes a long-term memory
information combined with emotion
becomes a long-term memory what do I
mean by that is there a song or
fragrance or food that could take you
back to when you’re a child of course
because information combined with that
emotion becomes a long-term memory the
challenge back in school is what was the
driving emotion you had back in school
for most people that are bored right and
a few times anything Iza what do you get
you get zero so most people don’t
remember what they learned back in
school because of the state remember
this all learning is state dependent all
learning is state dependent that if you
want to learn more control your state
now who’s in control your state you are
because you are a thermostat you’re not
a thermometer what do I mean by that
what does the thermometer do a
thermometer reacts the environment it
reflects what the environment is giving
it and so we are all thermometers at
some point and that affects our state
right we react to the weather we react
to the economy react to how people
treat us but in reality where’s the
locus of focus who has a control you do
because you’re a thermostat a thermostat
is different right a thermostat sets a
vision it sets a goal it sets standard
and what happens to the environment the
environment raises to meet that
thermostat and for you you want to
identify with the thermostat and the
most important thing that you want to
have control over is how you feel
rule number seven sharpen the saw how
many people here read seven Habits of
Highly Effective People by dr. Stephen
Covey what’s the seventh habit sharpen
the saw very good sharpen the saw the
metaphor here is if you have all this
wood to cut and you have a saw with a
dull blade when do you want to sharpen
it before you start cutting the wood
right because a lot of people are gonna
work the heart is gonna work a lot
harder with it if you have a dull blade
and there have to sweat and perspire and
work three or four times harder when
they could have sharpen their saw and so
with learning how to learn like fishin
was talking about that’s you sharpen the
saw because anything that comes
afterwards is gonna be easier right and
so if that person is not working harder
they’re working what smarter and one of
the best ways to work smarter is
accessing your genius States so I’m
gonna test this out we said that
children are the fastest learners right
that they have this curiosity and they
play all the time let’s see how many how
many people here a raise your hand if
you’re willing to play now it’s been
shown in science the research by doing
by playing more actually creates
neurogenesis and neuroplasticity
what’s neurogenesis new growth new brain
cells how many people like the idea of
creating new more new brain cells
what about neuroplasticity was that mean
more connections so intelligence in a
way is not necessarily like Einstein
didn’t have a bigger brain than anyone
here probably it was actually less he
had a smaller brain but in certain areas
of his brain he had highly connectedness
he he did these thought experiments
where he put himself in these brainwave
States specifically theta state the
state of the theta state of creativity
that’s the state that you’re in when you
shower how many people notice when
you’re showering you come up with all
these wonderful ideas it’s always when
you can’t write something down right and
so that’s the theta state that’s a
relaxed state of creativity you’re
inspired you come up with new ideas new
things come out of you right and I
actually took six showers this morning
just to prepare for this presentation so
you take two you’d put you in creative
state and so he had more connections in
certain areas and so you could promote
that by playing more rule liberate
overcome struggles now all of us go
through struggles right our health our
relationship whatever it is but through
struggles come come strengths and people
don’t didn’t talk about this as much and
you know I probably have a
post-traumatic you know stress from it
going through brain injury after brain
there’s also post-traumatic growth which
which you know like a lot of it’s not as
widely talked about but there’s some
people that go through immense amount of
trauma and difficulty and challenge but
they come out of it actually more
empowered that they wouldn’t they say to
themselves that because of going through
this I found a new strength I found my
superpowers I found a new meaning in my
life I thought a new level of commitment
I found a strength a mission if you will
and they went in just a lot of them the
tests that they won’t trade that
experience no matter how painful it was
at the time for for anything and I find
I find that growing up with reading
challenges and you know I couldn’t read
for an extra three years I pretended how
to read well you know then it’s like um
it’s like the imposter syndrome it’s
like they have this image of how they
want to be projected to the world and
then they have this image of what they
fear they are and then they have their
real who they are but I think a lot of
people are suffering and overloaded and
overwhelm and they’re depleted because
they’re trying to hold these images in
place you know and and and then be
themselves also as well in different
contexts why why I love you because you
are the same on camera and off and
there’s there’s a congruence there’s an
authenticity that’s there um and I feel
like a lot of people expend unnecessary
amounts of energy trying to hold up this
image of their ideal self to the world
and they have this image that they fear
so it’s gonna be revealed to somebody
else and so growing up as a kid who
couldn’t read I would pretend I
understood things like teachers would
explain things and I didn’t want to be
the only one who didn’t understand and I
would pretend but in private I was
really suffering and struggling
be authentically you what last year one
of I had the privilege to go in and
train the chairman of 20th Century Fox
and his senior staff about 20 people and
and when going down the hallway I was
lit up because I would see all these
movie posters you know because I became
a kid again you know I you know Titanic
and Star Wars and aliens and avatar I’m
just like then I go in and I and I I I’m
really great I like to be a couple but
but if you lose it was amazing like I
mean I got like everyone they doubled
their reading speed and their focus and
all the remember the amazing amazing
stuff has to thank you the Chairman took
me around the studio it’s a close lot
but show me on movie sets and television
sets and I was lit up like a kid because
I’m still that kicks that I think I was
really great in that moment because I
was like a child I was playful it was
fun I think those are the states you
want to learn him anyway
while we were back in the studio I saw
its movie poster of the upcoming
Wolverine movie with you Jackman and I’m
a huge yeah and he was like I was like I
can’t wait to see that movie and he
picked up because it was come out for a
few weeks he picked up the phone and
five minutes later I’m in the Fox
Theater with 3d glasses and popcorn
while watching Hugh Jackman take on all
these super ninjas and it was awesome
now they only won now I’m just thinking
this is incredible at the control panel
here and everything I was just thinking
and then afterwards we’re done he picked
me up he’s like how is the movie you
know there’s some labor market research
I was like this was amazing and because
I’m still like a 7 year old I go back
and I tell them you know you don’t know
this but I grew up with these learning
challenges that don’t tell a lot of
people and I couldn’t read for two years
but I learned how to read by reading
comic books because something about the
pictures and the stories really made
sense to me and my favorite comic book
growing up was the x-men which Wolverine
is the next gender and I was like
because the x-men weren’t necessarily
the most powerful but they they didn’t
fit in their mutants they were different
and I felt like in school I didn’t fit
in your end and and the highlight I’m
telling this the CEO and the Chairman
was when I was reading this comic book I
found out they had a school of all these
x-men and it was in Westchester New York
and that’s where they all trained you
know the school of greatness if you will
and I grew up in Westchester New York so
I told
in business is true story when I was
seven eight years old on the weekends I
would ride my little bike around my
neighborhood trying to find that school
because I wanted to run away leave my
school which I didn’t like
join going straight because I wanted
because they’re different and I’m
different I want to learn my superpowers
and what’s my superpowers right and
what’s other people’s superpowers I tell
him this like I’m a little kid like I’m
eight years old and he’s like Jim I
didn’t only like superheroes do you want
to go to comic-con and I’m like oh come
across the biggest Congress in the
country right and I’m like when is it
he’s like it’s going on now this weekend
and I was like awesome I go from 88 I go
from eight-year-old to an 88 year old
I’m thinking oh I have all these
meetings how many you get there I’ll
close out the way the lines are going to
be traffic to get to San Diego from LA
and I just make all the excuses which is
that’s I think adults do we become
critics and we becomes likes well shares
of our own dreams sometime and he looks
at me it’s like Jim do you want to go or
not I’m going tomorrow I was like oh the
chairman of Fox Studios going yeah I
want to go with you so he picks me up
the next morning Saturday 8 o’clock and
we don’t drive down we get on the Fox
plane and sweet yeah and I get on the
plane you’re flying like a superhero
literally and when I got on a plane Lois
there’s the entire I kid you not cast of
x-men wow that plane and like Patrick
Stewart and huge accurate it’s very very
real huh oh and I’m sitting in between
Halle Berry and Jennifer Lawrence right
and and you know and I you know I want
to put these pictures on Instagram right
like a sir I have like half my pictures
or like pictures of like superheroes but
it’s like and I can’t even believe it
and we go there to spend the entire day
with the cast at comic-con we come back
to LA that night on the plane and and he
was like how was your day I was like
this the best day ever I was like oh my
goodness this is incredible he was like
well I have something else for you I’m
like no what can I do for you I don’t
need anything else and you’re not gonna
top this it was like well the cast
really loved you how would you like to
go on set I was like what do you mean
here’s like we have another month of
filming X the new x-men movie
oh yeah I told you and he was like
mobile I was like what can I do for you
I was like oh just just share these tips
teach my speed read scripts and memorize
their lines and be focused on I was like
oh yeah I could do that good so the next
morning we’re on the Fox
they caught the x-jet and I’m doing I’m
answering their questions on brain and
brain performance and focus and memory
and reading and I get to spend an entire
week with them on set 12 hours a day
eating with them working out with them
and watching my childhood heroes come to
life oh my god it was just like I can’t
even describe it sounds like a
seven-year-old the entire time I’ll be
sitting here and Bryan Singer director
was here the entire time out just like
here and when I get home
and this is what a class act I get home
and there’s a packet waiting for me
about that like the plasma TV and I open
it and it’s this photograph of me and
the entire cast of the x-men I thought
over there we’re gonna show them and
it’s like if the I won’t take it off my
facebook cover came but it but here’s
the thing even better than that was a
note from the chairman and a note said
this verbatim it said Jim thank you so
much for sharing your superpowers with
us it said I know you’ve been looking
for your school
here’s your class photo oh that’s
just I just wanna cry that’s so cool so
I just it just that’s wow that’s the
story there but but the lesson there is
twofold I would say this it came from
being um for tapping I think there’s
this childlike learner genius inside all
of us and because I was that authentic I
kind of like let that out it kind of led
to to that so you know what areas of our
life can be we’d be more playful to be
more authentically and remember turn the
last one before a very special bonus
clip is practice stress management and
finally number 10 what I try to practice
every single day is stress management
you know someone and if you want to know
what the biggest obstacle is for
people’s brains is stress stress because
it’s cortisol adrenaline your body it’s
really good for fight-or-flight it’s not
really good if you need to take a test
it’s not really good if you need to
because I really have to really read
reports and journals and learn something
brand new or learned a language has had
a little shutdown part to your brain
well those are the 10 things that I
focus on every single day
that’s what’s gonna move the needle more
than anything now a special bonus it
from Jim on how to study success I think
you’re going to enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three point landing
questions time to move from just
watching another video to taking action
in your life for business and if you’re
feeling bold leave your answers in the
comments below here we go question
number one where do you need to be kind
to yourself question number two what is
your why that you need to start with any
question number three what police did
you need to change and I remember I
wanted to quit school and at that time
you’d appreciate this a friend asked me
to to come visit him and his family out
on the west coast because I was on the
East Coast and he was like I go out
there I was like yeah I’ll just take a
weekend get a little space from school
because I was thinking about quitting
and when I get there the family is
extremely successful and I don’t just
mean financial they had an amazing home
on the water but they were happy you
know there were there were givers they
were learning all the time and and the
father before dinner asked me these kind
of questions or walking on his property
and he asked kind of questions you would
ask somebody who just started college
like how school and you know that kind
of stuff right and I broke down crying I
was like you know and to a stranger I
just met like you know ten minutes ago I
said I’m ready to quit school is just
not for me I’m done the one was am i
smart enough and he’s like well why you
in school you know what do you want to
be what do you want to do what he want
to share if you will and it’s funny when
people when you’re not asked a question
in life you know it takes a moment to
pause to come up with an answer
do you know what I mean like when you’re
asking questions and no one’s ever asked
me those questions before and when I
started to answer he paused he said wait
and he takes out out of his back pocket
I swear to you like a journal and like a
diary and I always thought like
twelve-year-old girls doing driver
sterling Diaries and he makes me right
he tears out a couple piece of paper and
it makes me write down all the the goals
like of what I wanted to do in my life
and I’ve never something very powerful
about taking pen to paper and just
writing like those dreams your
aspirations down and after maybe 20 30
minutes he asked me if I’m done and I
maybe have 40 50 things there which is
like a bucket list it was before I knew
what a bucket list was and I start
folding the sheets of paper thinking I’m
done with the exercise to put it back
pocket and he perhaps it from me and I
was like I freaked out because like on
that was like like you’re lying
exactly and I don’t even know who this
guy is and he’s very successful and he
starts to just read it and I’m so
intimidated I’d yell out number though
in his mind and I and I feel this small
because everything I just I didn’t know
somebody was gonna look at it right and
he looks at it he says Jim and I’m not
annoyed was in Sega’s guys very nice
successful he says Jim you are this
close to everything on that list I’m
just thinking there’s no way how could
it give me 10 lifetimes I couldn’t put a
dent on that list
and then he goes like this mm yeah and
he says like like as if this was you
know the key here and he takes me into
his home and it’s this beautiful home he
takes me into a room I’ve never seen
before and it’s wall to wall ceiling to
floor covered in books I mean I’ve never
seen like a library in somebody’s house
before and he starts grabbing these
books you love this he starts grabbing
books and starts handing them to me and
starts to pile up really really really
high and when I started looking the
titles because I’m curious there are
these biographies of amazing men and
women in history and some really early
personal development books like Napoleon
Hill that you’re thinking were a rich
and power positive thinking norman
vincent peale and you know psycho
cybernetics and all these but I’m just
like and then I kind of get an inkling
of what he wants me to do with these
books and he asked me to read like one
of these books a week and I’m just
thinking and I say to him there’s just
no way I just told you I have all this
schoolwork you’re what a 19 now I’m 18
years old yeah I’m like there’s no way
I’ll have always the right guy can’t
even finish one book having these
reading challenges and I have his
learning challenges and I’ve all this
schoolwork and he was like Jim he said
he looking at right knee I said Jim
don’t let school in the way of your
if you want more Jim quick check out the
first top 10 rules I made on him the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there if you go around
people tell people I have a horrible
memory I’m not smart enough I’m getting
too old fill in the blank first of all
if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them
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