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Success – How bad do you want it? – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer question
from one of my newsletter readers
Gabriel who wrote in asking hi I’m
Gabriel I have a question what are the
features and attributes that lead to
success in entrepreneurship so thanks to
the question Gabriel big question a lot
of people have that on their mind I
think you know you asked a lot of
different people you get a lot of
different answers but from my
perspective there are three things that
I wanted to quickly touch on the first
in terms of success as an entrepreneur I
believe you have to start around
something you’re really passionate about
so you have to start about something
that gets you really excited you think
you can add a lot of value to people’s
lives you get out of bed you want to
just go go go you’re doing it not
because you’re trying to make a lot of
money what you’re doing it because you
really feel that you’re adding a lot of
value and you know you’re really excited
that you’re helping people so you know
that’s number one if you find that if
you are doing that the money comes then
that may be hard to believe but a lot of
people started in business just trying
to make money and they don’t care what
the business is like I’m just trying to
make a lot of money those people really
make a lot of money it’s the ones who
really love what they’re doing that get
some really excited and they’re really
helping people that’s those are the guys
who make a lot of money and have a lot
of success as entrepreneurs the second
thing is I tried to build around the
customers especially if you’re first
starting out try to find somebody who
has a problem that you feel that you can
help them solve and build around them
too many entrepreneurs start a business
with a great idea that doesn’t end up
going anywhere because they can’t find
customers they spent all this time money
effort energy creating this product or
service that never takes off because
they can never find customers so reverse
it go and find the customer first and
offer to build a product or service that
can help solve a particular pain point
that they have and you have money coming
in the door unable to grow a successful
business off of that so try to build
around customer pain points you know the
problem that you think you’re solving is
never actually quite the problem that
you’re going to solve once you start
talking to customers and you get them to
know support you by you know
you’re you’re you’re helping each other
out right you’re giving them a solution
to their pain point and they’re paying
you and helping you launch your company
so that’s number two number three in
terms of making money the money that
you’re going to make is going to be
depending on how much value that you add
to your clients so if you want to make
more money you got to add more value you
got to be more helpful so this is
especially true if you’re in a really
competitive industry it can be hard to
stand out you’re going to send up by
adding more value than your competition
and if you want to make more money
quickly add more value more quickly and
that’s really the bottom line for for
any business if you want to get paid you
got to add a lot of value so always look
for ways to go above and beyond I’ve way
more value especially in start-up phase
at way more value than your competitors
to win the loyalty earn the trust of
your customers and get you know repeat
business and refer us to murrs as well
from that so hopefully that helps start
something that you know you’re really
passionate about that’s where you’re
going to be the foundation of your
business build around your passion try
to build around the customer and then
remember that the amount of money you’re
going to make is going to be depending
on how much value you add to your
customers so Gabriel I hope that was
useful if you guys liked the video
please give it a thumbs up below I love
seeing those come in and makes me want
to do more of these videos for you guys
and if you have a comment or a question
I love to hear we get to think if you
want to leave it in the comments section
underneath the video and we’ll see you
on the next episode
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