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“SUCCESS Comes From CONSISTENCY!” | Gaur Gopal Das (@gaurgopald) | Top 10 Rules

success is less about intensity and more
about consistency so for the most part
our lives are mediocre instead of
exciting thrilling and fulfilling
anything that you evaluate by face value
saying this is bad could actually turn
out to be good ly motivation watch a top
ten with believe nation what’s that
belief nation it’s Evan I believe in you
and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s get your motivation to attend and
get you believing in you grab a snack
and chew in today’s lessons from a man
who went from being an electrical
engineer working for hewlett-packard to
becoming a monk and life coach inspired
millions of people around the world
around the importance of conscious
leadership happiness and coping with
stress he’s got or Gopal das and here’s
my take on his top ten rules for success
okay let’s tick it off with rule number
one get out of your comfort zone we are
all created to fly to live by the
incredible potential that we have all
been invested with but often we sit on
our branches clinging to the things that
are familiar to us remaining stuck in
our comfort zones not willing to venture
out not willing to take risks the
possibilities are endless but for most
of us they remain undiscovered because
we continue to conform to the familiar
to the comfortable to the mundane so for
the most part our lives are mediocre
instead of exciting thrilling and
fulfilling what is the branch that’s
holding you back from flying high what’s
the fear that’s stopping you from taking
a risk what is the weakness that’s
inhibiting your growth unless we cut off
the branches we are clinging to and free
ourselves we can never take off and
reach new heights in our life what are
you waiting for cut the branch
take your flight rule number two ignore
the noise a vegetable vendor used a
white board with the words fresh
vegetables sold here to attract people
to buy his vegetables
a man came up to him and said simply by
seeing we can tell that your vegetables
are so fresh why do you need to
advertise them as fresh crop off the
word fresh the vendor did so leaving
behind the words vegetables sold here on
the board another man came up and said
we know you’re selling vegetables not
fruits why don’t you wipe out the word
vegetables the vendor complied left on
the board now with two words sold here
after a while an elderly lady approached
him and said if you’re sitting in the
market you’re not giving your veggies
for free I’ll take off that sole the
vendor removed the sole and the
whiteboard had only one word left here a
school boy passing by teased the
vegetable seller saying everyone in the
world knows you’re sitting here not
there why the here the vegetable seller
I raised the last word making the white
board clean and empty another person
came up and said only a stupid man would
keep such a nice white board empty why
don’t you write something on it to
advertise your vegetables everybody
around us
has an opinion to make everybody around
us has a suggestion to offer and most
often with the best intentions but if we
end up listening to what everybody else
has to say we may forget to do or – we
are inspired what we are meant to do in
the noise of others suggestions and
opinions don’t lose your voice
take good advice but also learn the art
of navigating through that advice to
follow your own journey number three
don’t evaluate life based on face value
anything that you evaluate by face value
saying this is bad could actually turn
out to be good give me an example an
example is how I came to the world and
social media there was a particular clip
on whatsapp that started circulating
someone had played mischief had taken a
joke out of context and it started
circulating it in fact my inbox whatsapp
was filled with the same video 3.8
the day I got it three years back and I
was worried god what I’m saying could
get me in trouble
and I thought god this is this is a
difficult situation in fact I even
called a lawyer to see what the
repercussions could be because what I
had said could bring me in controversy
and it’s quite amazing it was that clip
that actually brought me to the world so
what you see as a curse could turn into
a blessing what you see is bad could
turn into good so never ever evaluate
any situation based on its face value
something you think is good could be
absolutely destructive for you and
something which you think is absolutely
bad and destructive could turn out to be
the thing constructive something that is
Steve Jobs say therefore connect the
dots backwards
yeah rule number four untie your mental
blocks a farmer had three donkeys and
was taking them for sale to the market
on the way he saw a river and desired to
take a dip there was an issue though he
only had two ropes and
would be able to tie only two of his
three donkeys to a tree how to tie the
third one
he wondered around there he saw a wise
man and approached him for a rope to tie
his third donkey the man did not have a
rope but had a brilliant suggestion I
told the farmer tie the two donkeys up
to a tree with the ropes you have and
make sure that the third donkey is
watching then simply pretend to tie the
third one the farmer followed the man’s
advice and went for a death in the river
when he came back he saw that the
donkeys stood exactly at the same spot
where he left them he thanked the wise
man untied the donkeys and patted the
third one so it starts moving as well
after going a little distance he turned
around and was surprised to see the
third donkey still standing at the very
same spot he tried cajoling and talking
to the donkey it did not help he tried
to push the donkey from behind but it
refused to move from the spot helpless
the farmer came back to the man who
asked him
did you untie the third donkey untie but
I never tied him up replied the farmer
the man said you know that the donkey
doesn’t it still thinks it is tied up
the farmer then went through the
imaginary motions of untying the donkey
and guess what
sure enough the donkey moved immediately
as do released and walked over to join
its two friends what’s holding us back
from moving ahead and reaching our
dreams is it a lack of resources is it a
lack of opportunities is it a lack of
support or are we tied up by the
imaginary ropes of doubt fear hesitation
yes we certainly need to work on the
external parameters needed for our
success what is even more important is
that we untie our mental blocks and
expedite our journey towards our goal
rule number five be consistent
Healthcare is shifting from treatment to
prevention going to the dentist
regularly is important not just when you
were in pain
brushing his teeth twice a day every day
and visiting the dentist twice a year
could have prevented the pain he is
experiencing now why wait for problems
to occur in our life if we can
proactively address them and save
ourselves so much pain and going to the
gym regularly is important not just when
you want a summer body small acts of
love and kindness done regularly are
important not just the big games even on
birthdays and anniversaries it is the
small things done jointly and
consistently but make a huge difference
in our lives
success is less about density and more
about consistency rule number six change
your outlook a tourist who was walking
around the city came upon a construction
he saw three men busy with their task of
laying bricks wanting to check the
inspiration the motivation with which
they were engaged in the exact same job
he asked the first man what he was doing
and the man said he was laying bricks
when he asked the second man the exact
same question the man said he was
building a wall when he turned to the
third man and asked what he was doing he
said he was building a cathedral three
men doing the exact same does but their
outlook to their work it’s so different
the first man an ordinary outlook get
your job done
the second man a normal outlook makes
something big that can make you big
money and the third man an extraordinary
outlook seeing the bigger picture not
the brick not the wall but the Cathedral
and doing his bit playing his small part
in making something spectacular such
inspired individuals are happy to be a
part of a larger purpose happy to work
together as a team giving their 200% to
what they do not only do they feel fully
satisfied with their work not only do
they grow professionally but they become
heroes often unsung heroes in creating
something incredibly amazing during one
of his visits to NASA
jf Kennedy asked a janitor mopping up
the floor waters job at NASA was and the
gentleman instantly replied I’m helping
send a man to the moon so are you laying
a break
building a wall or creating a towering
cathedral change your outlook and you
will be outstanding rule number seven
focus on what you have it was a lazy
Sunday afternoon to school going friends
in a small town had a crazy idea they
rounded up three goats from a farm close
by and painted the numbers one two and
four on their sides that night they let
the goats loose inside the school
building the next morning when the
teachers star children entered the
school they could literally smell
something was wrong they saw goats
droppings all over the place and
concluded that goats had entered the
building now it was a mission to locate
the goat a team was assigned to look for
the goats and very soon the three goats
with the numbers one two and four
painted on them without the school
authorities were relieved but
simultaneously worried we found one two
and four where was the goat number three
the search team spent the rest of the
day looking for the goat number three
there was
frustration the school declared a
holiday for the students only unto their
joy the teachers helpers can team boys
everybody will is he looking for goat
number three which of course was never
found you know why because it’s simply
did not exist
aren’t we all like the search team in
the school we have our goats were right
in front of us we all have a unique
ability that no one in the world can
replicate but instead of making the most
of what we have instead of focusing on
our gifts our strengths our potential we
often continue to look for the elusive
missing non-existent goat number three
we keep worrying about and cheesy the
missing piece
what we lack what we have tried hard for
and never bombed what doesn’t exist in
us and I’m not even saying we shouldn’t
try we have to try our best before
knowing something is not meant for us
but after trying hard for long and still
not being able to reach even the basic
success in doing something I guess it’s
time to ask ourself this question
wouldn’t it be better to focus on goats
1 2 & 4 that I have and do something
with them rather than chasing goat
number 3 which simply doesn’t exist in
me rule never 8 make the right choices
the man got lost in the desert and had
exhausted all the water he had carried a
couple of days ago
he knew for sure but if he didn’t get
some water he would certainly die
although completely exhausted the man
didn’t give up hope he kept walking
looking for some sign of good fortune
suddenly he saw a small heart at some
distance could it be a mirage he thought
or maybe just a hallucination but having
no other option left he edged closer
only to realize that the heart was real
gathering the last bits of energy left
he dragged this tired body inside the
heart hoping he could find some water
the heart was empty and seemed like it
had been abandoned for quite some time
his heart skipped a beat when he saw
what was in the heart a hand pump
water finally he was overjoyed he began
working the hand pump but no water came
out he tried harder and yet harder flow
water finally after putting in every bit
of energy
he gave up out of exhaustion and
frustration and sat down thinking maybe
understand to die out of thirst today
and then a second ray of hope he noticed
a bottle in one corner of the hut it was
filled with water and cocked up to
prevent evaporation he uncorked the
bottle and as it was just about to
devour the life-giving water he noticed
a piece of paper attached to it the
handwritten message read
use this water to start the pump don’t
forget to fill the bottle when you’re
done he was now in a dilemma to follow
the instruction and pour the water into
the pump or ignore it and just drink the
water what if he put the water into the
pump and it didn’t work but then maybe
the instruction was correct should he
risk it if it turned out to be false he
would be throwing away the last water he
would ever see have you ever been in a
situation like this where there are only
two options and uncertainty about which
one will work what will you do
which one will you choose well you have
to choose one and be willing to bear the
consequences that it brings many people
don’t decide because they’re fearful of
the consequences and they continue to
remain confused in their life the man
decided to take a leap of faith hands
trembling he poured the water into the
pump closed his eyes said a prayer and
started working the pump he heard a
gurgling sound and water came down
gushing out hooray more than he could
possibly use he dragged the cool
refreshing water to his heart’s content
and quenched his thirst he was going to
live feeling much better he looked
around the heart and found a pencil and
a map of the region the map showed that
he was still far away from civilization
but at least now
he knew where he was and which direction
to go next he filled up his flask for
the journey ahead and as per the
instruction on the note also filled up
the bottle and puts the cork back in and
before leaving the hut he added his own
lines below the instruction
believe me it works most of us may not
be confronted with a situation like this
where the choice made decides whether
we’ll live or die
yet we have our own journeys to take and
our own choices to make
if the choice we make goes away
fantastic we can inspire people by
telling them believe me it works and if
it doesn’t go our way
we can share our mistakes our
experiences our realizations and empower
people to make
there were head choices rule number nine
find real peace there was a king who had
a great fascination and love for
paintings one time he decided to offer a
very valuable prize to the artist who
would paint a beautiful picture
depicting peace on the final day of the
judgement many artists brought their
paintings with the hope of winning that
valuable prize the King looked at all
the paintings and selected two in
particular and now he had to choose one
out of the two paintings for the
valuable prize the first painting a
beautiful calm lake with clear
transparent waters the lake was a
perfect mirror to the towering mountains
surrounding it a bow it was the blue sky
but white fluffy clouds like cotton
balls floating in space anybody who saw
this painting thought it was the perfect
masterpiece representing peace the
second painting had mountains too rugged
bear about these mountains an angry sky
forecast clouds lightning streaks here
Rochas waterfall cascading down on one
side of this bear mountain peace thought
the people who saw this painting as the
King looked closer he saw behind the
surrounding waterfall a branch of a bush
growing out of a crack in a rock on the
branch was a mother bird who had made a
nest and within the nest was very
peacefully with great affection feeding
its little ones which one do you think
the King choose for his valuable prize
the second one the King explained peace
does not mean to be in a place where
there’s no noise there is no treble but
there’s no hard work with there’s no
trials where there’s no tribulations
where there’s no difficulties peace
means to be in the middle of all mayhem
and chaos and here
to stay calm yet to stay focused yet to
make that inward journey and isn’t that
the story of real life as well
spirituality is the art of bringing us
to that inner calm to that inner peace
in our real life with all kinds of
difficulties troubles and problems
surrounding us that is the meaning and
definition of real peace and rule number
10 the last one before a very special
bonus clip is have fun
it’s absolutely yeah I’ve seen quite a
few videos yes I have I read some of his
posts on Facebook they’re quite
inspirational and knowledge giving and
it also creates self-awareness about lot
of things which we don’t realize in day
to day so it creates a consciousness I
think it’s very soothing and he has got
information about life and all other
the vision for a new generation I think
they’re very relevant to life today and
I think he speaks for the young and for
the modern world and makes a lot of
sense he’s doing a great job so I would
thank him for his contribution to
society and I’ll ask him to continue
doing whatever he’s doing it would be
great if he could come here and you know
have some more live talks and more
interaction with people like us he was
kind of seated with his MacBook opened
and he’s talking about
taking ahead this culture what is that
we have and probably I will try to gain
now I’ve got a special bonus gift from
guru Gopal das on how to find a balance
that I think you’re gonna really enjoy
but before that it’s time for the three
point landing questions having to move
from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what is
real peace look like for you number two
what right choice do you need to make
today and number three how can you
change your outlook and focus on what
you have
there were two independent houses
separated by a compound wall in one
lived a young techy and another an
elderly retired man both of them planted
identical saplings on their respective
side of the compound wall the young guy
supplied his plant with a lot of water
and high-quality manure the retired man
however gave his plant just a small
quantity of water and a little manure
the techies sapling grew into a lush
green leafy robust plant the Retired
Persons plant was a new normal but much
luxuriant banners neighbors one night
there was a heavy rain with gusty winds
and the next morning both came out to
see the fate of their plants – the
techies surprise his plant had been
uprooted whereas his neighbor’s was
the techie turned to the neighbor and
asked why was my plant uprooted by the
rains despite such good care whereas
yours stayed firm and strong despite
just and little care the neighbor and
said look young man you supplied
everything the plant would need in
abundance since the plant did not have
to do anything on its own to search for
what it needed the roots of your plants
haven’t gone deep down I have is
supplying my plant just enough to keep
it alive for the rest the roots had no
choice but to go deep down into the
ground to fulfill its needs
since the roots of your plant was
superficial the rain and wind could
easily fell it down since the roots of
my plant were deeply grounded it could
easily withstand this onslaught of
nature isn’t the story similar to the
way we deal with our children with our
youngsters sometimes we can be so
possessive and overprotective of them we
can end up caring for them to the extent
of pampering them not giving them their
space the facility the opportunity and
the impetus to grow by taking
responsibility on the other hand if we
just leave them to themselves without
proper support and help they may end up
making wrong decisions due to lack of
maturity caring for our children is
exactly like caring for a plant under
doing it will make the plant to die but
overdoing it will make the plant weak it
is the right balance that we make our
children go luxuriantly and bear flowers
and fruits
in the form of experience wisdom and
if you want more google pal – check out
the video we did on how to deal with
problems and difficulties in your life
the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there problems
will come issues will come difficulties
will come whoever you are [Music]
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