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STOP WASTING YOUR TIME and DO THIS Instead! *#2019Speech*

I wanted to teach you the very simple
research back things that you can be
doing every single day to fundamentally
change how you think because when you
change how you think you will change
your life you are in control of the one
thing that everybody cares about that
everybody complains about and everybody
is trying to steal from you and that is
your time and in fact if you’re worried
about not having enough time let me tell
you something that I know about you
you’re not using your time effectively
you’re not being deliberate about how
you’re spending your time and the
problem is in time and whether or not
you have enough of it the problem is
you’re not being completely selfish
deliberate and just in control of how
you’re spending it you’re letting other
people distract you you’re letting your
negative beliefs distract you and so
that’s got to stop today because here’s
the truth whether you’re 70 or you’re 77
you have plenty of time to start working
toward the things that you care about
this is the most important thing I need
you to understand telling yourself you
don’t have time it’s a habit telling
yourself you don’t have time is an
excuse and when it comes to time you
have to be delivering because you have
plenty of time it’s a matter of whether
or not you’re being deliberate about how
you’re using it and that’s the thing
that you have to stop you got to stop
giving your time away you got to stop
wasting your time with people you don’t
care about you got to stop wasting time
listening to this the excuses from the
past they don’t apply you can make
anything happen if you just are putting
in the work and that’s gonna require you
to get deliberate about making the time
to do the work and you can do the work
that you need to do to change your life
ten minutes a day that’s it start
working ten minutes a day start taking
an online course start investigating
going back to school start following
people that inspire you around launching
your own business you have time so stop
with the habit of telling yourself you
the one word to pay attention to his
energy I think you should chase what
energizes you that’s it
whatever energizes you feels like
possibility is exciting to do and maybe
scary that doesn’t matter it has to do
with how it makes you feel when you are
in your 20s money made you feel good it
expanded you it energized you chasing
the money that was the game that was
your passion that was your there’s
nothing wrong with that nothing wrong
with that if what energizes you is
amassing wealth go for it and the reason
why I say that is because people talk
about the word passion or purpose and
the truth is it’s not a person place or
thing it’s not it is the feeling of
being expanded and energized so instead
of trying to think instead of thinking
like that I want you instead to ask
yourself what could I do today that
would energize me what energizes me if
it’s making money figure out how to make
if it is making a difference figure out
how to make a difference it could be in
any single shape or form but if it
energizes you that’s what you need to
follow when you change how you think you
will change your life this isn’t
something I made up this is truth if you
start teaching yourself the skill of
visualizing a positive outcome and
feeling the pride that comes with
achieving that positive goal what
happens for you right now is you start
to think like the kind of person that
does a 10k it’s going to filter the
world in a very different way because
you’re training it to please use those
minutes to plan your day to boost your
mood to set the priorities of what you
want to be thinking about today what’s
important to you before you let the
world in and grab your attention and
steal your time the only right time to
to really push yourself to make a change
is right now be deliberate about how you
spend your time because if you’re gonna
get deliberate about how you spend your
time there’s a corresponding positive
belief right that yours that you’re
adopting and that positive belief is I
deserve this time I deserve to have my
dreams come true they deliberate about
what you’re thinking about be deliberate
about your time you are in control of
your time dream big
and see the world is yours the world is
yours give all you have you have to give the world is yours that word is
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