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“STOP Feeling Like a VICTIM!” | Robin Sharma | Success Motivation

the difference between a victim and a
leader is a victim sees a job as a job
and a leader sees a job as a cause
here’s the key the more you do difficult
things the more you’ll be brilliant at
doing difficult things in the mid-1980s
Steve Jobs got his design team around
him and here’s what he told him the
he’s Robin Sharma and here’s my take on
his top ten rules a success vol five joy
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one be a leader leadership is much less
a title and much more an approach to
going through life and so when you walk
out in the world every day I just want
you to keep that in mind as much as
possible you can behave like a leader
with which is assuming personal
responsibility for your results or it
can be like a victim which is something
bad happens or something doesn’t quite
work out and you give away your power
and you blame and you complain and you
become toxic and right now the world has
far too many victims people who are
rather than looking in the mirror saying
I have the power to change and I might
not like where I’m at in my work right
now or in my life or in my health or in
my love or in my spirituality but I have
the power to change well victims say I
might not be where I’m at in the world
but it’s because of the world that’s
because of my childhood is because of my
husband my wife my boss my team my
country my economy and so my loving
encouragement to you is ask yourself
right now am i behaving like a victim
maybe it’s in your health life maybe
it’s with your finances you know and a
victim would be saying you know I can’t
do this that’s what victims do I can’t
do this or victims they point fingers
well it’s the economy where I live right
now or it’s the industry it’s going
through a lot of commoditization and a
lot of disruption and if I was in a
different industry I’d be successful
ultimately we all know this we create a
reality and even in the most difficult
and most competitive of industries there
are people who are playing a world class
who are doing really well why because
they have a different approach because
they’re doing different things and
fundamentally they’re not behaving like
victims blaming and complaining and
being toxic and wasting time
and living in the past they’re showing
up like leaders so be a leader and all
that you do today rule number two
define your values step number two in
the process of structuring or creating
this world-class life your five
non-negotiable values really important
to look at your values what are values
values are what you’re going to value as
you go through your days as you go
through your weeks as you go through
your life values could be what a mine I
value beauty so I want to be around
Beauty as much as possible I love art
galleries I love nature I love sunset I
love looking at the Stars I love
beautiful food simply prepared with
people who I love I love beautiful
conversations I love beautiful books
because a home with a large library is a
wonderful home to be in so step number
two in this process to set yourself up
for a spectacular life what are your
five non-negotiables alleys maybe it’s
you’ll be around beauty everyday maybe
it’s no matter what the situation is I
will always live with integrity maybe
one of your non-negotiable values will
be I will exercise even what I don’t
feel like it maybe one of your
non-negotiable values will be family
first I don’t know these are just some
things that I want you to think about
rule no.3 put out legendary work
a legendary takes time and you can find
yourself a gargantuan competitive
advantage where you say I’m going to
think long term I’m going to play the
long game I understand the genius and
world-class and legendary is not a
sprint it’s a marathon and when you do
that you start to raise your level of
awareness can you see her job as a craft
not just a job and you start to say I’m
not gonna put anything out into the
world that is less than Steve Jobs level
you know Steve Jobs really wasn’t an
entrepreneur he really didn’t care much
about the money Steve Jobs really was an
and you’ve probably heard me share this
before but there’s the great story about
when in the mid-1980s Steve Jobs said
we’re gonna launch the first Apple
Macintosh and he said you know I want
this computer to be revolutionary and
when I interviewed Steve Wozniak the
co-founder and Steve Jobs Jobs his
partner and a Titan summit in Zurich a
little while ago I heard this firsthand
that Steve Wozniak wanted to create
computers that were just industry that
would shake up the status quo that was
his obsession
he wanted to do things no one else no
other coder could do and he told me
Steve Jobs was an artist and so in the
mid 1980s Steve Jobs got his design team
around him and here’s what he told them
this is the deliverable guys I want this
first Apple Macintosh to be so beautiful
it brings tears to people’s eyes but the
real deliverable is I want the inside to
be art and the design team said well
Steve no one’s gonna look inside the
computer no one’s going to open it up
why not just we just focus on a
world-class user experience on the
outside and beautiful architecture and
design and he said no this is what I
want and so when his design team went to
work and the engineering team went to
work they literally said we’ve got to
deliver on Steve cz’s obsession and when
Steve Jobs first saw that Apple
Macintosh when it was produced he
started to cry because he saw the beauty
of execution around his vision and then
we saw the inside he was moved deeply
because Steve Jobs wasn’t an
entrepreneur he was much more an artist
and they looked at his design team and
he said now I want you to sign the
circuit board and they said why and he
said because all artists sign their work
I don’t know what you do I don’t know
where you live one thing I know for sure
maybe the world has not told you you are
an artist but I encourage you see your
work and anything you produce as poetry
and your Nate your good name
is on what you’re releasing to the world
and rather than putting out a lot of
poetry and a lot of work why not put out
less work but work that is legendary
rule number four have a higher mission
society right now is defining success by
how much you have
but Mothma Gandhi died with less than
ten possessions I mean he had a spinning
wheel he had his eyeglasses I believe he
had a watch and a few other things
mother Theresa I was actually in her
mission in cold Kolkata in India and I
went into her her bedroom and all she
had was a very Spartan bed and a desk
and if you look at Martin Luther King
jr. these people all lived very Spartan
lives in very sparse lives why because
they really didn’t care about
accumulating things they were on a
monomaniacal mission to free the
population that they were serving it’s
not about accumulating things if you
really want to be a hero of history
it’s about finding some kind of fiery
cause that fuels your passion and that
brings on your talent for the benefit of
helping as many people as possible and
in my work I call that a cause in my
work I call that a monomaniacal mission
and you know you don’t have to be a
Nelson Mandela or a mother Teresa to
live like this you can be a
schoolteacher who says you know what
here’s the the higher mission I want to
dedicate the rest of my career to and
it’s educating young people to believe
in themselves and to capitalize on their
on their skills so they do great things
in their lives and their Afeni fits the
world you could be a baker and
understand that you know what your cause
could be every single person who comes
in this bakery I will leave them better
than I found them because every day is
an opportunity to lift another human
being into radiates optimism and to
model possibility you could be a taxi
driver you could be a firefighter I
don’t know what you do but the
difference between a victim
leader is a victim sees a job as a job
and a leader sees a job as a cause and
that really is a game-changing insight
if you say you know what I might not be
leading Millions but I am leading a team
at the office or I am leading my family
or I’m I’m not leading anyone but I’m a
human being and I have the capacity to
walk out into the world and in a world
where a lot of people are closed and a
lot of people are negative and a lot of
people have walls you can stand for
possibility and you can stand for high
energy and you can stand for hope and
you can stand for love and that’s a
really profound responsibility and
opportunity you have on your shoulders
today also if you want to learn how to
have confidence check out my free 250
for confidence series the link is in
description below and so stop resisting
I encourage you stop resisting the
natural flow of epic performance stop
resisting the natural seasons of life
one of the real reasons we don’t do the
things that frighten us is because we
are afraid of being judged and so to
become fearless why not find some time
every day to practice becoming fearless
rule number five execute your like a
Navy SEAL you’ve got the mission plan
now you execute it here’s the key the
more you do difficult things the more
you’ll be brilliant at doing difficult
things you get better at what you
practice if you complain you’re going to
be Picasso level of complaining if you
eat bad food in terms of your
nutritional plan every day you’re
literally gonna hardwire the neural
circuits so that you become Roger
Federer level and eating bad food if
you’re a victim or a toxic person or
what people call a drama mama and that
applies to men and women and if you do
it every day for 10,000 hours Thank You
Anders Ericsson who did the research on
the 10,000 hour rule you’re gonna be f1
driver f1 champion
driver level performance at being a
drama mama
if you cut corners in your craft at work
every day
you are literally hardwiring in and
practicing and if you practice it over
ten years ten thousand hours in total
you’re gonna be Mozart level Shakespeare
level Elon Musk level Richard Branson
level Steve Wozniak level Shaq level
Kobe level at that practising mediocrity
you will get brilliant at what you
practice every day consciously and
subconsciously rule number six honor
your gift manage the downside all genius
has a dark side so whether it’s a
Beethoven or a Buffett whether it’s a
Federer or Serena Williams whether it is
a jean-michel Basquiat or a Ferran adrià
the things that allow for genius all
have a downside or a dark side here’s
some examples someone who is absolutely
brilliant at execution has a dark side
to manage of impatient someone like
Steve Jobs who was a fanatical
perfectionist could be seen as demanding
someone who is amazingly creative could
self-sabotage with too many ideas the
key is this honor your gift manage the
downside rule number seven work on your
maturity level the vast majority of
people what they do is they are pursuing
things they derive their power by what
they have in the world they want they
measure success by more money and a
larger house and a faster car and more
social status but if you look at the
so-called great ones the history makers
who have shaped humanity they really are
in an alternate universe or another
orbit they’re really not fueled by the
things that most people are chasing when
I look at a now
Elson Mandela for example what I’ve
realized is through their interior work
you know my for interior Empire’s
mindset heart set health set and soul
set and so through his interior work to
build his interior an internal character
Nelson Mandela got to a level of
maturity that most people just don’t get
to why because most people are so outer
focused and building exterior lives and
it’s not so hip and cool and stylish
anymore to build vast and undefeatable
interior lives but he did when maybe it
was a lot of his time through the
suffering of 27 years of incarceration
maybe it was the 18 years that he spent
in isolation on Robben Island the point
really is through his personal
excavation through his reflection
through his prayer through his
contemplation for so many years he built
a vast interior reservoir of strength
and creativity and true versus fake
power that created an inner life of
incredible maturity and so the first
point really is do whatever it takes to
build a life of such maturity where it’s
not about your ego but it’s about
lifting the world and that’s incredibly
powerful because if you base your power
on things should you lose those things
you’ll lose your power you’re in a
really vulnerable place but if you
derive your power and your self-worth
and your sense of self from who you are
your moral authority your sense of
creativity your your ability to love
yourself your knowledge of the fullness
of the gifts that you were born into if
that’s where your identity comes from
then your world could fall apart and you
still say you stay strong so first point
work on your maturity level so you get
to a place where it’s not about me
it’s about we work on your maturity so
you’re not deriving your strength in the
world from external things but you’re
getting it from your internal character
or your internal life rule number eight
don’t blame others have a responsibility
to manage yourself you know sometimes
people say well my boss is grumpy and
cranky and doesn’t really appreciate me
one of the key ideas is people don’t
leave companies they leave the people
they worked with you’ve heard that
before that’s not my idea that’s out
there but the point on lead or lead
thyself is you’re responsible for
managing your mind set your heart set
your health set your soul set every time
you blame your boss or your husband or
your wife your past or your children the
economy or your nationality you’re
giving away your power to be the change
you want to see to use the words of
mahathma gandhi rule number nine
architect a world-class life in a world
with a lot of people where a lot of
business people a lot of leaders a lot
of your friends what needs to happen
next year for this to be the best year
of your professional life your personal
life your financial life your physical
life your spiritual life your love life
I don’t know most people spend a lot
more time on their summer vacations a
lot more time flipping through the
social media versus architecting a world
class life you want to be one of those
rare air whew you know my brain tattoo
to have the results only 5% of the
population have you’ve got to be willing
to do what 95% of the population are
unwilling to do and one of those things
don’t be superficial don’t leave it live
a superficial life don’t have a
superficial game plan fireproof yourself
against superficiality and really
understand this concept I’ve been
teaching called granularity when I work
with the NBA athletes who come into my
rooms at my events when I work with the
Titans the billionaires the celebrity
CEOs you read about these people are
anything but superficial they are
granular and you can call them obsessed
you can call them obsessive you can call
them weird freaks coups
misfits so what call them what you want
that’s just a label I’m reporting on
reality these are people who’ll say let
me show you my battle plan for the next
80 days in the next five years and rule
number ten the last one before a very
special bonus clip is live under the Ten
Lost come up with ten laws you are going
to spend or you’re gonna live the
remainder of your life under that could
be one of the things I teach in my work
don’t die
one of the secrets to legendary is
longevity so outlive your industry peers
amazing what happens when you get into
such great physical health that you just
outlive everyone around you you know
it’s 90 you’re 90 no you have no
competition imagine how easy it will be
for you to dominate your field imagine
how good you’re gonna be if you’re a
hundred and three still rockin your game
so the point is don’t die protect your
health hack aging eat the right
supplements workout every day get you
know run my to massage protocol make
sure you get fresh air the point is
simply this one of your 10 life laws
could simply be don’t die one of your 10
life laws could be give more than you
take one of your 10 life laws could be
spend an hour alone building your self
relationship you know I was reading
Marcus Aurelius very early this morning
the great Roman Emperor and he talked
about the shortness of life but he also
talked about this find some time
everyday to be amid tranquility so you
could think see when you’re in the noise
you can’t think the noise of distraction
and attraction and diversion by
technology when you’re alone and I found
it’s the best thing first thing in the
morning you can actually think about
your values and you can actually get to
know yourself again and you can actually
and you can actually contemplate what am
I gonna do today how am I gonna live how
can I make today on earth a valuable day
now I’ve got a special bonus clip from
Robin on how to be humbled that I really
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three point landing
questions let’s go from just watching a
video to take an action here we go
question number one what is your higher
mission number two how would you define
your values and number three what does a
world-class life look like to you
the humblest wins we live in a
fascinating world right now you know the
the model sometimes of the great leaders
are people who are the loudest in the
room you know Susan Cain has written a
beautiful book quiet in a world of loud
people who thump their chests she’s
written about the power of being an
introvert you know I’m part it extrovert
I speak two stages sometimes there’s
10,000 people in the room and I travel
the world doing you know these videos
and I have a lot of people and this who
follow me on the social media but I’m
also an introvert you know I love nature
I love solitude and Susan Cain in this
great book I really encourage you to
read called quiet says you can tell an
introvert versus an extrovert because
extroverts get energy from being around
people introverts refill their wells and
get energy by being alone and I only
mentioned this because humility has got
a bad rap and we live in a world where I
think the majority the 95% are chasing
the wrong things and celebrating the
wrong values and wrong isn’t the right
if you want more Robin Sharma check out
the other top ten rules video I made on
him the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there it is
very hard to come up with your Sistine
Chapel got it it is even harder to become a Michelangelo
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