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Stick with people who BOOST your confidence – Adam Sandler (@AdamSandler) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is stick with people who boost
your confidence over to you Adam Sandler
I really feel honored I can’t believe
this happened in my life I did come out
here when I was very young I was a kid I
was growing up I had an amazing mom I
had an amazing dad brothers and sisters
who my brother and my two sisters all
they ever did was make me feel like I’m
good at things and even when I was
terrible at things they were like you’re
still you’re so remarkable Adam you’re
great anything I did I sang in the car
you what a great singer you’re so funny
you so just they made me instill the
with with confidence this is a really
important message and I’ve been grateful
and lucky in my life to have parents and
family that supports me what I’m doing
but not everybody is that fortunate and
I reminded of a guy a teenager who
posted in my mastermind group and he
wanted to go and be a motivational
speaker and his parents laughed at him
and said that nobody would ever listen
to him and now he’s concerned that he
won’t be able to do it not have success
doesn’t have the faith in himself and
that sucks right the people who you
surround yourself with matter and you
can’t change your family you know you’re
born into that family but you can change
your friends you could change people you
hang out with you could change the
people you associate with and I want you
about today quickly look at the people
in your life to people who you surround
yourself with most do they encourage you
do they push you to be great do they
boost you up and fill you with
confidence to go and accomplish big
things or do they hold you back do they
put their views on you and try to make
you live their version of your life
instead of allowing you to really be
free and release yourself so my question
of the day for you today is do you have
a supportive family or not and what kind
of impact has that made on your business
leave in the comments below I’m going to
join in the discussion thank you so much
for watching have an amazing day
continue to believe and i’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for another shot
events presser
today’s message is oh no no ready yes my
bad i have to finish it finish it
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