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STAY in the game – Manny Khoshbin – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is stay in the game over to you
mani Kosh pin stay in the game no matter
what you want to fail is just given I
call failure process to success and you
just have to study their failure apply
to your game plan make corrections and
get back in the game you cannot quit
yeah I think entrepreneurs quit too soon
I think too many entrepreneurs quit too
soon I think too many entrepreneurs
don’t realize how much time it takes for
something to happen I remember when I
was in the venture capital days people
would give us business plans and
sometimes in the business plan you’ll
see people have their best-case scenario
they’re realistic a scenario in their
worst case scenario and the VCS would
always look at the worst case scenario
and then think that it’s going to be
even worse than that and I think as
entrepreneurs were optimistic that’s
part of a trait of most entrepreneurs
right and you have to be optimistic I
think to be able to deal with a lot of
the crap that is part of being an
entrepreneur but because we’re
optimistic we think we can get a lot of
stuff done quickly and we tend to
overestimate what we can get done in a
short amount of time but underestimate
how much we can get done in a long
amount of time and so you know it may
not happen for you in the next three
months but in the next three years it
will and do you have the stamina to stay
in the game and make it happen it’s way
more valuable and important to spend you
know one hour a day for the next 24 days
instead of spending 24 hours straight
working on something and I think
entrepreneurs just give up too soon you
need to find the thing that makes you
come alive that you’re insanely
passionate about and do something every
single day to build momentum for your
company so you can stay in the game so
the question of the day today is I want
to know what are you doing to stay in
the game what do you do when your
motivation is low and you feel like
what do you turn to leaving the comments
below I think it can help inspire others
as well
and I’m gonna join the discussion thank
you so much for watching have an amazing
day continue to believe and I’ll see you
again tomorrow morning for another shot
events Press
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