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Startup Ideas – Start small

so not too long ago I made a video
called think big but start small and in
that video I talked about how it’s
important to have a big idea big vision
for what you want to do with your
company but but start small don’t just
have this big picture and it seems like
this impossible dream the way to get
started is to start small take baby
steps and build your way up and I got a
response on that video love you guys who
comment in and it was a question asking
does this apply to services if you’re
going to sell it on the web and what if
you are trying to get into a different
culture and they have different
languages and codes of conduct and ways
of doing business is it still apply
there for me this is a principle that
applies to everything this is just
business this is anything you want to
accomplish any goal you have in your
life you can apply this to so let’s step
outside the business context for a
second okay say that’s a good salsa
salsa dancing okay you want to I like
salsa dancing if you want to become a
professional salsa dancer you want to
win a salsa dancing competition if
that’s your big goal and where are you
starting right now you even know what
salsa music sounds like okay that’s a
huge gap that you have to fill in the
difference of how do you go from here to
here you start small this isn’t going to
happen overnight you start small you
learn what salsa music sounds like you
take a class you maybe go visit the
country where where they dance it you go
to a club just to watch you take a
private lesson you watch a contest to
see what people are doing you put on
YouTube videos you practice you take
these small steps and you’ll get better
and you’ll move towards hitting that
goal so it applies to everything if
you’re looking at you’re talking to get
into a different country and they have
different ways of doing business that
shouldn’t stop you from going into that
country that could be your big goal to
have global domination in whatever field
you’re in that’s great to get into that
country you start small right you you
learn the language you learn about the
culture you read books that are popular
from that country you watch movies that
are popular you look to your local town
and see if there is an association where
people from that country will hang out
and associate
there’s lots of things you can do to
start small and that build up your skill
set so that you’re ready to do that that
bigger goal the challenge a lot of
people face is we have this big vision
for what we want to accomplish but we
don’t quite know how to get there and
that’s okay you don’t have to have it
all figured out the bigger challenge is
you see this huge gap and it’s just so
scary that you don’t do anything and
nobody ever goes from here to here just
like that there’s there’s a progression
and that can happen quickly and the more
passion you are about learning the
faster you’re going to get those skills
but it still happens step at a step at a
step at a time so that’s what you need
to do think big but start small applies
to everything every goal that you want
to accomplish you want to lose 50 pounds
you’re not going to go from 200 pounds
of 150 tomorrow right that’s not going
to happen that’s not the way to do it
but you lose a pound a week and in the
year you get down you get down to 150
you lose those 50 pounds that’s how you
accomplish any goal in your life think
big but act small start small believe
for those you watching like the video
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make a video response and subscribe to
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videos like this thank you so much and
I’ll see you soon
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