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Start Up Business – How to launch a new advertising start up – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
video I’m going to answer two questions
from one of my form tutor Chris who is a
new entrepreneur and he wrote in he’s
from England and he said he’s trying to
launch a bicycle billboard company and
his first question was what would it
take to convince your business to adopt
a new advertising medium that you
haven’t used before so Chris quickly for
this one I think for me it would be a
small test I get pitched a whole bunch
of times on trying out different
products or services and most of the
time I say no unless I see you know real
potential value but I won’t pay for
anything until I see that it’s working
I’m a firm believer not spending money
till you’re making money so for me to
try it your service I’d have to do a
free trial I have to you know see that
it’s working on a small scale and if it
is and I’m getting you know increased
revenue and it’s driving me business
then I’m going to spend and you know
hopefully spend big with you because
what you’re doing is really working so
especially now since you haven’t started
this thing yet and you don’t have any
track record I would say you have to do
some free trials with some businesses
look at who else is already advertising
on kind of mobile if you’re looking at
the buses for example going by the
benches who’s advertising they’re
already and start to try to go after
those types of company – they’re already
kind of understanding importance of
doing it start on a free trial build up
momentum show that you know it’s working
you offer them a couple months then you
know have priced in at the beginning you
know then you start ratcheting it up as
you see they’re getting results so
that’s how that’s how I would do it kind
of sucks it the first part but a friend
entrepreneur you got to go out and get
some clients even better would be to try
to build around your client I’m a huge
advocate are trying to build around the
customer so before launching this
business I’d go and start talking to
these customers and asking is this
something that’s really needed right and
how would you do it how would we be able
to provide the most value to you
compared to bus advertising or
Chadd vert izing and we will give you
some ideas and if they give you ideas
then it’s going to be a great idea
because it’s their own idea and they’re
willing to pay you to help them
implement that idea so I would go and
start talking to customers as well try
to build a product or service that’s
going to help you know help them out
more than what you had in mind and maybe
similar to what you had but chances are
they’re going to want to change it at
tweeks and they’re the customer so
they’re going to pay you to do it why
not those the first question second
question was would you recommend
outsourcing sales for small startups and
you – my answer here is no mostly
because you don’t know if your product
or service is going to work and that’s
your job as a founder to go out and
start talking to customers and show that
you have something that people are
actually going to be able to use where
it’s hard to attract the salesperson to
join a company with zero track record
and you don’t know if your service is
something that people are going to want
to take on or not so before you get to
sold on how your you know bicycle
advertising system is going to work
again build around the customer it’s
your job as a founder to go out and make
sure that you have a viable product or
service go start talking to customers
see if they like your idea get their
feedback make changes and tweaks show
that what you can you know deliver
something that’s going to be value add
and then once you’re confident in that
you’re able to bring on a sales person
who can you know do a better job going
out sales expand your business and you
have some track record that they’re
going to want to come on board and help
you out with so that would be my advice
you might be able to have somebody kind
of help you generate a couple leads or
do some research for you but I think
it’s going to be on you at the start to
go out and also prove to yourself that
what you have is a viable business and
something that you’re going to you know
plant your stick in the ground and spend
the next couple years building so
hopefully that helps if you guys liked
the video please give it a thumbs up it
makes me want to do more of these videos
for you and if you have a question or Bs
comment on this video I’d love to see it
from leave it in the comments below so
thank you and we’ll see you on the next
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