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Stand out!

stand out if you want to drive new
business to your company if you want to
get people talking about your business
and referring clients to you you need to
stand out and do something differently
otherwise your business is forgettable
there’s nothing remarkable about it and
people will move on to the next guy I
recently had to go take my Vespa in the
get serviced it was having a hard time
getting up some big hills for some
reason so I took to my mechanic George
now dealing with George is an experience
this is one guy who gets customer
service and he treats everybody who
walks into his store like family he’ll
treat you like you’re his cousin he’ll
tell you what’s going on in his life
alas q about yours he’ll offer you an
espresso if he knows you’re in a rush
he’ll tell his team hey guys you got to
hurry this up because evan has to go he
really cares the problem is George’s
business isn’t anywhere near as big as
it should be because while George is
great his messaging sucks you would
never find his store from the street
driving by the first time I went to him
I got lost trying to find his place when
you go inside the store it just looks
like any other bike shop and his staff
they’re friendly but they’re not George
the problem is george hasn’t fully
embraced that we treat you like family
mentality everybody who is tied to that
business goes because they’re tied to
george and they love him and he could be
so much bigger if you just used that
same approach for his entire company we
are not just our normal motorcycle shop
we treat you like family and that’s
apparent from their website from the
social media from their signage outside
their place from the experience inside
the store everything this isn’t just a
marketing message this is a way of
living and this is something that George
lives breathes eats and sleeps when I
called him I called his store first to
try to set up an appointment
and the store was closed it was a
weekend they were closer some motorcycle
rally so I emailed George and within 30
minutes even though being away at some
rally he responded and said come first
thing Tuesday morning I set up a time
for you to come in that’s service that’s
treating me like family but I call the
main line if I didn’t know George’s
email I call the main line I get nothing
I might move on for George to build a
great business he has to have everything
that his company stands for be about
family his team has to be the same way
his marketing has to be the same way
everything now changes about his
business and that’ll be something that
takes off his company now will grow by
word of mouth I’ve already brought my
father to the store because he has a
bike in need servicing when I first
looked up George I just wanted somebody
close to me I wasn’t seeking him out for
him to really grow he’s got to stand for
something and make it part of everything
that he does it’s the same for you if
you’re having a hard time growing your
business if you’re not where you think
you should be look at your messaging do
you actually stand for something do you
make it easy for people to talk about
you and say yes you need to go to this
guy because he’s great at XYZ so here
are some steps step number one come up
with one word one word that defines you
not just not your business you what do
you believe in if I look at George
whatever business he started he would
still treat people like family it was
motorcycles or something completely
different because that’s what he
believes that’s what’s true to his core
so what’s the one word that defines you
take some time think about it because
it’s really important number to think
about how you can put that into your
messaging so if it’s family we treat
people like family think about the
marketing that you’re doing think about
any flyers you have going out think
about your website think about your
social media does it scream family or
whatever your one word is because I look
at Georgia stuff in it screams typical
motorcycle shop nothing different about
so once you get your word that second
step is put it into your messaging and
number three it’s now going to be a
belief of your entire company George is
always going to be limited by how much
time he has because his team well
they’re great they’re really nice
they’re personable but they don’t treat
you like family so we’re always going to
be tied to George so step three is
you’ve got to make this part of your
whole business and think about everybody
that you’re bringing on any new hire for
your company they have to believe in the
same thing they have to not only be
knowledgeable about your business but
have the same belief system so when
George is bringing somebody on he
doesn’t just need a mechanic he needs a
mechanic that’s not only reliable that
knows what he’s doing but also believes
in family first if he doesn’t that
mechanics not going to stick around it’s
not going to be a great hire for him but
the mechanic who knows what they’re
doing and believes in family will stay
there his whole life he’ll stay there
his whole life and he’ll give George not
only his brains and his hands but his
heart and his soul in his blood and the
sweat and his tears so give all of that
because he loves what George stands for
and you need to do the same thing for
your business so come up without one
word to put in all of your marketing all
your communications so people understand
what that one word is and then three
make sure everybody you bring on board
believes the same thing that you do if
you want to have good hires I know it’s
hard I know it’s frustrating marketing
is is one of the toughest things for a
lot of entrepreneurs it doesn’t have to
be that difficult okay you may not know
what the word is but I believe that it’s
in you there is something that you
staying for think of times when you said
no to people or think of times when
you’ve gone the extra mile for somebody
is because you believed in something you
have to bring that to your business and
even though that word may not be coming
up to your head right now it’s there and
it’s powerful and when you embrace it
you’ll be able to build a massively
successful come
get to work believe if you guys like
this video please give it a thumbs up
below makes want to do more for you and
I’d love to hear what you have to think
about this video please leave in the
comments below it always makes my day
and makes you want to do more again and
if you have a question for your company
again in the comments below and I’ll do
we do reply for you thank you guys I’ll
see you soon
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