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Sponsor Me – How much $ should you ask for?

how much money should you ask for I got
a question from one of our YouTube
viewers love you guys big key Jones you
can hear my voice I’m drinking some tea
I’m feeling really sick today so Bicky
Jones wrote in on one of my videos
talking about how to get companies to
sponsor your events and he said there
was some great advice man thanks how
much should you ask for should you ask
for as a monthly or one lump sum explain
what is the kind of partnership so
here’s the thing okay when you are first
starting to work with a new client a new
sponsor a new relationship there’s
always a lot of risk right you don’t
know them more importantly they don’t
know you and they’re afraid that it’s
not gonna work out right if you if you
put it on the red you’re asking for a
sponsor and it doesn’t work out they
don’t wanna be left holding the bag
saying hey you know I invested this
money it didn’t work out for me what I
try to encourage entrepreneurs to do is
reduce the risk as much as possible and
what I mean by that is find a low-risk
super easy way for people to start to
work with you I you know hopefully
you’re here in a business mr. Vicki
Jones that is not just a short-term
thing right you want to be around for a
long time and for that to happen you
have to build long-term relationships
with your clients you want them to know
you like you trust you and have them
think big key Jones delivers that’s what
you need them thinking all the time and
so start off with something small start
off with something really small
something for them to stick you say yes
to easily something that’s really low
risk for them
get in there over and deliver like crazy
give them crazy amount of value
understand what it is they’re really
looking for and then deliver that to
them and then the next time you have
something coming up it’s easy to go and
ask for more and more and more and more
one of the stories I like to tell is I
was doing a blog post for a corporate
client big telco and they asked me to
350 words and everything we found on the
box and I get the link to my website
that’s a pretty good deal I get 500
bucks I get linked to from a big website
I get the write about entrepreneurship
and they were hiring 10 people to do
this thing ten different people and
here’s the thing that happened so I
didn’t just write 350 words I wrote a
thousand words or 1500 words I added a
video I promoted my newsletter I tweeted
about it I got results on that post and
at the end of the day that compared my
post versus all the other night people
that they hired and mine was above and
beyond the best result of anything had
ever gone by a huge fact it wasn’t even
close like more than all of them
combined and so when I came down to
wanted to continue in relationship were
they’re gonna go with they’re gonna go
with me right because he gave them such
huge value and I still increased my
prices I went from 500 to 1500 to 2500
and and that’s you know gone up because
it give them great value and now I’m
starting your long deals with companies
because they know what I can deliver and
so you have to start that relationship
to go off and you start saying I need
the gear long commitment it’s gonna cost
you $100,000 they’re probably saying no
right like you gotta give them a
low-risk way to start to work with you
get them saying yes they don’t have as
many layers to go through they don’t
offend me budget still figure out
because it’s a small amount and then
show them crazy amount of value and they
want to keep working with you and
they’ll come back say how can we do more
work with you we’ve gotta figure that
that’s what you want them safe believe
those you watch any video thumbs up
below leave a question leave a comment
wish me to feel better in the section
below and you can click on my face to
subscribe to the channel thank you so
much and I’ll see you soon
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