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Simon Sinek – Millennials & Being Fulfilled

we’re growing up in a facebook Instagram
world in other words we’re good at
putting filters on things we’re good at
showing people that life is amazing even
though I’m depressed right and so
everybody sounds tough and everybody
sounds like they got it all figure it
out and the reality is there’s very
little toughness and most people don’t
the science is clear we know that people
who spend more time on Facebook so far
higher rates of depression than people
spend less time on Facebook these things
balanced alcohol is not bad too much
alcohol gambling is fun too much
gambling is dangerous there’s nothing
wrong with social media and cellphones
it’s the imbalance right they’ve grown
up in a world of instant gratification
we want to buy something you go on
Amazon it arrives the next day you want
to watch a movie log on and watch your
movie you don’t check your movie times
you want to watch your TV show then you
don’t even have to wait week to week to
eat everything you want you can have
instantaneous everything you want
instant gratification except job
satisfaction and strength of
there ain’t no app for that they are
slow meandering uncomfortable messy
processes it’s as if they’re standing at
the foot of a mountain and they have
this abstract concept called impact that
they want to have in the world which is
the summit what they don’t see is the
mountain I don’t care if you go up the
mountain quickly or slowly but there’s
still a mountain and so what this young
generation needs to learn is patience
that some things that really really
matter like love or job fulfillment joy
love of lifes of confidence a skill set
any of these things all of these things
take time
sometimes you can expedite pieces of it
overall journey is arduous and long and
difficult and if you don’t ask for help
and wearing that skillset you will fall
off the mountain the worst case scenario
the worst case scenario and we’re
already seeing it the worst case
scenario is we’re seeing increase in
suicide rates we’re seeing an increase
in this generation we’re seeing an
increase in accidental deaths due to
drug overdoses we’re seeing more and
more kids drop out of school or take
leaves of absence due to depression the
best-case scenario is you’ll have an
entire population growing up and going
through life and just never really
finding joy they’ll never really find
deep deep fulfillment and work or
they’ll just just walk through life the
middle gate just it’s fine how’s your
job it’s fine
the same as yesterday how’s relationship
find a better balance between life and
technology because quite frankly it’s it’s the right thing to do
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