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SHOW UP – Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is show up over to you samuel
l.jackson I knew what my path was my
path was to become what I am right now
now I lost sight of it in an interesting
sort of way or I I went about it
a wayward path but fortunately for me
all all the all that getting hide the
drinking the drugs and everything else I
did I showed up at the theater every day
I did plays ripped out of my mind I
rehearsed ripped out of my mind but
every lesson that I learned I held on to
for some reason God whatever if somebody
let me hold on to everything that I was
learning my stage left my stage rights
my upstage foot always out turn down
this way learning how to develop a
character doing all those things because
those are things that I love and I did
them in the midst of everything else
that I was doing – you know when when my
friends were getting ready to go get
some more drugs oh now I gotta be at the
theater and I’ll get you all on the
theater though you know when I’m done
and I’m Jeff uh I gotta go build a set I
gotta do this so I did everything that I
had to do so I was focused on this by
any means necessary plus I had a
professor who was like you know well you
know all the great ones do their jobs
and get ripped out of their minds you
know you look at the bureau tools and
they do what they do but they show up
and they do the jobs so we were like
okay and that’s what we did
you know we drank with him and we went
to Styles Vaknin class we’d go smoke a
joint you come in and do our other
acting classes or go build a set or
build some costumes I think some like do
all the things that we had to do so I
kept learning my lessons and doing them
listen I think everybody can agree that
you need to show up if you want
something to happen right how many
people have this idea to do something or
complain that they’re not further along
and you look at their actions and
they’re not doing anything about it
right you can complain
and wish and dream and hope all you want
it’s important but you have to actually
do something about it right believe all
you want doesn’t help but to actually do
some action and the thing that I took
from this that I found really
interesting was this professor this
mentor that he had in his life and
looking at his friends and how they just
wanted to hang out and chill and not do
work and then this professor guided him
along his path and helped him become the
actor and successful person that he is
and I think it that relation to this
channel because I see this channel as a
mentor for myself and for a lot of you
guys out there you may not have that
professor to hold your hand and walk you
down the street and show you what to do
but you’ve got this channel and every
day you’ve got some of the most
successful people on the face of the
earth giving you knowledge right we do
the work of finding the top 10 things
that these people have ever said on film
and bring it down in for one video for
you guys to watch you have a different
mentor every single day giving you
secrets and tools and the path to
achieve a success what are you gonna do
about it are you gonna show up because
every time you just listen to a video
and maybe take some notes but then go
back to your regular life and not do
anything about it doesn’t help you I
would much rather you watch one video a
week and take something that that person
said and apply it and show up and put it
to practice in your life in your
business and start seeing some results
and maybe you see so much result so you
don’t want to come back to this channel
I’m good with that because I want you
guys to get out there and show up and
not just consume right you can consume
to get smarter to get stronger to build
your belief system to grow but if all
you’re doing is consuming and not taking
any action then you’re not gonna get
anywhere you’ll be the smartest person
who never did anything I went a bit of a
rant there but I want you to show up it
means a lot to me I want you guys to
take action I want you guys to be
difference makers I want you guys to go
and have a big impact so the question of
the day today is how can you show up
more today
leave it down the comments below I’m
gonna join in the discussion thank you
guys so much for watching I hope you
have an amazing day I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is and I’ll
see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of interesting
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