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Should I Quit My Job? – Should I pick my job or my company?

should I pick my job or my company this
is a common question I get asked and
when you’re starting the business it’s
very tempting to want to go do your own
thing right and leave your job and focus
on your company full time you see the
opportunity right you see you know I’m
making these results by working 20 hours
a week if I could work 60 hours a week
or 80 hours we can get so much more
results the danger here is that you run
out of cash this happens way too often
entrepreneurs have a great idea they set
their business and then three months
later six months later they have to go
back get their job back again or get a
new job because they ran out of cash
right they couldn’t support themselves
the business just didn’t grow fast
enough and you got to remember the
business takes time to grow right it’s
not an overnight thing it’s not your
launch a website and boom instant sails
it takes time for momentum to grow and
it’s way better to do something every
day than to work like crazy for three
months and then have to give up because
you need to let time for the momentum
that pick up and to grow so if you’re
deciding between having a job and having
a company my best advice typically is
stay at your job until you get your
business to the point of survival to the
point where you’re making enough money
to feed yourself but food on the table
pay your bills not not live in any kind
of luxurious lifestyle just survival you
won’t have to go back and get a job
that’s your first goal this comes as a
result of a question from one of my
Facebook viewers Anthony who wrote in
the say you know he has a software
company and he’s been working at it for
60 60 70 hours a week and he has a job
at Walmart and he doesn’t know if he
should leave the job of Walmart I think
you just left a job at Walmart and he
doesn’t open make the right decision or
not so here’s the thing Anthony you know
I feel for you it sounds like the
company you have is making some money
but not at the point yet where you’re
confident that if you leave your job
you’ll people to support yourself
if you want to get a job that’s cool
like there’s nothing wrong with having a
job at the start to support yourself
while you’re doing your business so many
great entrepreneurs start it that way
okay if you have the rich uncle backing
you fine but most of us we don’t have
that we got to start from something and
so there’s nothing wrong with having a
job part time to support yourself pay
your bills while you focus on growing
your business that ensures your survival
okay that’s that’s an honorable thing to
do what I would question here is like
why Walmart if you’re in a software
business you want to take a job not just
to get paid but to learn if you feel
you’re learning something at walmart
then that’s one thing but i don’t think
walmart will teach you too much about
how to run a software company go work at
a software company do something where
you’re going to learn skills make
contacts make mistakes while getting
paid to do it that’s a job you want so
did you make the right decision leaving
walmart to focus on your business I
don’t know my advice would be see how
you’re doing you know if your if your
company can get you to the point of
survival then go with it because the
highest return on investment you’re
going to have is going to be putting it
into yourself you got to believe that
you believe that this company is going
to take off and be amazing but it will
take time it’s not going to happen
tomorrow so if you can get your company
the point of survival on your own
without the job then do it focus on that
grind it out every day put more into
your business if you’re worried that
you’re not going to be able to hit that
mark you know if you try it and it’s not
happening then there’s nothing wrong
with going and getting the job but just
don’t give up on your company okay even
if it’s something part-time keep doing
it every day something small to make
your company grow and if you’re going to
go get a job do it where you’re going to
learn something there’s a company who
you respect and look up to and emulate
like you want to be like this company go
get that job that’s going to teach you
how to be a great entrepreneur and you
can pour that vacation back into your
business believe those you’re watching
thumbs up below if you liked it thank
you so much that really makes my day
literally guys every every time when I
up in the morning i’m looking at my
videos and seeing your thumbs ups and
your comments keeps me going keeps me
doing more of these videos so if you
have a comment leave it below you have a
question put it below make a video
response thank you so much and I’ll see
you soon
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