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Set Goals for Yourself – Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is set goals for yourself over
to you Priyanka Chopra TV go I had the
worst self esteem when I was a kid I was
made fun of because we had talked way
because of where I came from I was made
fun of on every level and the only way
you can change that is setting goals for
yourself and saying I will be the best
version of me when I was 18 and I
started doing movies I gave myself a
year and a half and I said if I don’t if
I sense that I’m not good at what I’m
doing and I don’t see something opening
up for me I’m gonna go back to college I
always had a plan B I still always have
a plan B and that’s what I always tell
young people you know life doesn’t end
it just keeps moving you have to put
your blinkers on and find what you do
best and just keep moving so remember
that I used to do presentations here in
Toronto and city and one of the things
that I would do is as around goal
setting I would have everybody hold
their breath everybody in the room how
the holder breath and tell them I want
you to hold your breath for as long as
you can as long as you possibly can hold
your breath and time it it doesn’t
matter what their actual score was is
all relative but time and write that
down and then whatever they wrote down
say 40 seconds I would have them add
five more seconds to it I want you to
hold your breath for 45 seconds and
everybody could do it everybody could
add five more seconds to their score
everybody could do more than what they
thought was their very best I said do
your very best at the start and they
could all go beyond their very best
because they had their goal and that’s
the power of goals if you have a goal
that stretches you you’ll do more and go
further than what you thought was your
very best and so it’s important in
whatever you want in life whatever dream
you have to set goals for yourself to
help push you to help motivate you to
help you get there now your goals may
not always serve you right the goals you
set five years ago may not reflect who
you are now you may need to adjust your
goals as you go along but having goals
has been proven to be a very effective
help you’d go out and be that best
version of yourself and I hope you’re
doing it in your life and your business
so the question today today is what is
one of the most important goals in your
life right now leave it down in the
comments I’m really curious I’m gonna
join in the discussion thank you guys
for watching have an amazing day I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot a
vinspresso oh wait
spray still keep me go
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