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Sales Techniques – Top 3 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Struggle with Selling by @KurlanAssoc

your business invigorates you your
conviction is stronger than ever before
when you aren’t talking about your
business you’re thinking about it while
you’re eating showering driving and
sleeping you couldn’t be more excited
and afraid and despite all of the
attention you give to your idea your
business your baby you struggle selling
and can’t understand why perhaps you
don’t have enough opportunities in your
pipeline maybe you have plenty of
opportunities but aren’t closing enough
or any of them you work as social
networks but maybe the social networks
aren’t working for you whatever it is
the revenue you had hope needed to
generate isn’t keeping up with the money
you need to spend and live on so the
question is with your great business
idea and all the strong conviction why
is selling so difficult let’s discuss
the top three reasons why entrepreneurs
struggle so much with selling and
determine whether or not there is
anything you can do about it number one
this is different let’s compare the
difference between selling for someone
else and selling your own idea there are
around 16 million sales people and most
of them sell a product or service that
isn’t of their own making when a
prospect isn’t interested in the product
or service or doesn’t choose their
company it’s not personal it’s not about
them it’s simply a part of selling
however when a prospect isn’t interested
in your product or service or doesn’t
choose your company well now it is
personal most entrepreneurs are unable
to separate themselves from their
businesses products and services and
that makes it difficult for them to ask
tough questions push back and ask to the
business they can’t handle being
rejected number two this is different
too back when you attempted to convince
your friends family members and
potential employees that your business
had legs and could succeed you are very
persuasive they bought in hook line and
sinker but now when you attempt to get
prospects to pay for your product or
service it’s a completely different
story money is involved your prospect
must not only like your product or
service better than the alternative but
they must also believe that the price
you set is fair and provides value some
entrepreneurs are very uncomfortable
defending their value and having it the
discussion about money three this is
very different perhaps the biggest
challenge for most entrepreneurs is the
realization that this isn’t like the
movies in field of dreams Kevin
Costner’s character hears and acts on
the voice that says build it and they
will come so you build it but they don’t
come you market it but that generates
some crappy leads after struggling to
generate revenue for longer than the
plan called for you finally come to the
realization that you must sell
unfortunately for you selling means
getting on the phone and making calls
cold calls and you never signed up for
that so now you’re having calling xiety
you find anything and everything else
that you could possibly do instead of
making those dreaded calls and of course
no calls means no no no new
opportunities on those rare occasions
when you can motivate or force yourself
to make calls you aren’t very good at
them few people will talk with you and
even fewer interested once in a while
you succeeded scheduling a call or
meeting and there are so few of those
and so much pressure to close that
you’re afraid to say or do anything that
would jeopardize the opportunity the
result is that you simply aren’t very
good at this so what can an entrepreneur
like you do when you have a great
business or product idea but little
desire or ability to sell here are some
options have yourself evaluated for
selling an evaluation will help you
understand exactly why you’re struggling
which weaknesses are getting in the way
which skills are missing and whether or
not it’s realistic for you to improve
objective Management Group has an
entrepreneurial sales evaluation that
addresses this very issue training and
coaching assuming that there is hope for
you and sales some top-notch training
and coaching will get you bringing in
the business more effectively more
quickly and more frequently hire a sales
person most entrepreneurs haven’t hired
people before and hiring salespeople is
challenging even for those with
experience it’s best to get help because
you can’t afford to make a mistake on
your first key sales hire objective
management group has a sales candidate
assessment that helps with selection but
you want some advice to help with
setting up a proper sales recruiting
process to
outsourced there are several outsourcing
options you can look into there’s call
technology connecting celcom will
automate the dialing so you can spend
your limited time actually speaking with
contacts you can have as many
conversations as an hour as you would
normally have in a week appointment
setting green will make the
calls and schedule first meetings on
your behalf independent reps répondre
net will allow you to search for 1099
commission only reps that will sell for
you if you’re an entrepreneur that needs
to significantly increase revenue and do
it quickly stop beating your head
against the wall and feeling like a
failure stop hoping that tomorrow
someone will call and place a huge order
stop believing that your outstanding
proposals will close take action get
some help and focus on what you do best
improving your business products and
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