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Sales Techniques – How do I increase sales? Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan today’s
question comes from Kay who is one of my
face book readers I wanted to ask you
about how to grow a business so the
exact question is Evan you’re the man
okay I’m a paint producer how do i
increase sales so okay thanks for the
question I’m sure it’s a question a lot
of entrepreneurs face and how do they
grow their business the first thing for
you is I figure out how are you
different so you know right here in your
marketing messaging you always want to
show how you’re different than your
competition so you say you’re a paint
producer that’s not really telling you
much there’s a ton of paint producers
what’s different about your product
that’s really cool and you’re really
unique that should make people
interested in your paint versus other
people’s paint if it’s you know highest
quality or you know it’s you know has a
green angle to it or its use for
specific applications that’s what you
really want to focus on first
identifying yourself you may already
know it you know why you’re different
than your competitors if you don’t then
you want to find that you know
differentiating edge if you do know then
you want to use that in all your
messaging so any time you write in an
email you’re explaining your business
just like this where you wrote me an
email you want to say why you’re
different you know why you know you’re
different paint producer compared to
everybody else so first know you want
increase sales you got to send out if
you’re an average product you know
selling the average customers and
there’s nothing really unique about your
business then you can’t really expect
amazing results right you got to have
something that’s different so again you
really know what’s different about your
business but if you do you want to make
sure you’re clearly explaining that
every time you’re talking about your
company to people the next thing is I
try to increase my my order size but
going after bigger customers so for your
type of business you got to go out to
the bigger orders right hopefully not
selling to you know friends and family
and consumer market can be really tough
to sell you know one-off cans of paint
you want to go out there the bigger
companies you know the guys were
building subdivisions and retailers as
an example so you want to make sure
you’re focusing on those cheap
as much as you can you may have to step
it up you may start small and you know
slowly build up your name exactly with
my website we’ve got over 6,000 people
who write for the website and when i
first started one of my goals was to get
Donald Trump on the website because he
is you know one of the most well-known
entrepreneurs but we didn’t start going
after him because when I first started
the business I didn’t have anything
right nobody knew who ever Carmichael
was just some some guy and trying to
launch the website so i started off with
you know people who i knew in my city
and they were business go to the
marketing consultants and then as we
grew in popularity i use their names to
go after other bloggers and we got you
know you guys except goat and Guy
Kawasaki to be involved in the website
and then we slowly use their names and
kept building building building
eventually able to go after guys like
Donald Trump so that was always my goal
so you want to think big maybe start
small right if you go right after the
big fish sometimes I can work but often
it doesn’t so you want to make sure you
still building the momentum underneath
you to like you know get to that step so
for you or make sure you have that
bigger goal to be able to sell much
bigger quantities so who are the people
who can make you know by tens and
hundreds of thousands of cans of paint
from you those are the guys you want to
be eventually selling to the last thing
there is I would try to find a thin
wedge in and then over deliver so
chances are where were these big
customers are they already have a paint
supplier right so how do you stand out
and separate yourself from them first is
you know being different what’s so
unique about your product that’s you
know compared to everybody else but then
you know they may not be happy with
their current paint supplier so there’s
an opportunity for you to come in on a
small order you know even if they want
to try you out it’s very common with
will take a small order want to try you
out see you know if it sells see how
great a company or to work with they’re
not going to make a gigantic order for
you from you and then find out you can’t
deliver your bad service the product is
crap you know so they’re always going to
want to try it on a small scale first
once you get that opportunity even if
you’re not making money on it you want
to over-deliver like crazy you want to
provide so much service go away above
and beyond anything that you
competition is doing whatever that means
for your business you want to make sure
your clients know who you are and are
super excited to be working with you and
over-the-moon happy with the service
they provide on top of the quality
product I’m assuming you’re creating
with your paint right you want to go way
above and beyond whatever that means if
it means going and helping them with
their painting if it means going into
the store and doing demos whatever it is
at the start to make sure that you’re
sending out and you’re providing the
training and support that’s needed for
them to understand your product if you
do that you’re going to stand out from
your competition the next time then
linking the look of paint order you know
who are they going to go with the guy
was giving them all this great support
and training and customers love or the
guy who’s kind of you know leaving them
alone so that’s the great way in get
your test market offer to do something
really small scale and then over deliver
like crazy bull them away with your
service and they’re going to come back
make bigger orders or firm or clients
you expand your markets hopefully that
helps if you guys like the video please
give it a thumbs up below I always love
seeing the thumbs ups and it makes me
want to do more of these videos for you
guys and if you have a thought how he
can increase orders or if you have a
question for me I always read the
comments below of each video so I’d
appreciate if you want to leave a
comment just let me know what you think
of them so thank you and you’ll see you
on the next episode
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