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“Remove ENERGY VAMPIRES From Your Life!” | Dandapani (@DandapaniLLC) | Top 10 Rules

people who are energy vampires of all
the time then they said people you want
to let go of them if you’re doing and
living a life that’s not joyous and
happy something is wrong and you need to
make a change you really need to look at
your life the same way a sprinter in the
Olympics looks at his life the
motivation watch the time send with
hashtag believe nation
what’s that believe nation it seventh I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a man who went
from moving from Australia to Hawaii in
order to become a Hindu monk staying
there for 10 years and then moving to
New York City after his vows expired so
that he could share his wisdom with the
world he’s dhandapani and here’s my take
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one get to know yourself to know
yourself is the greatest gift you can
give yourself truly we all spend so much
time with other people and other things
in life but we never invest any time in
getting to know ourselves when someone
wants to meet with you and catch up with
you for coffee or drink you’ll make time
for them when was the last time you made
time for yourself how would you know
what you want in life if you don’t even
spend time to get to know yourself if
you have a business you would spend time
to get to know the client find out what
the client wants in order to provide the
best service for the client right so if
you really want to understand what you
want in life if you want to know what
you want or what your purpose in life is
you have to spend time with yourself you
have to learn how to concentrate because
if you can’t concentrate you won’t be
able to sit there long enough and figure
out what it is you want at life and once
you know what you want in life you take
the powers of concentration and that
finite amount of energy and you focus it
into what you want and that will start
to manifest in life and the byproduct of
that is happiness when you ask most
people what do you want in life
most people’s response is happiness
happiness shouldn’t be pursued happiness
ensues it comes as a byproduct of living
a certain way
rule number two develop willpower it’s
so much easier to start a project than
to finish a project right when you start
a project you feeling creative you’re
feeling inspired you’re full of energy
at the end of the project you go whose
idea was this
so it requires a tremendous amount of
will to finish and every time you
complete something you develop a little
bit more will and you have that muscle
and will it’s an amazing thing to
develop because once you develop will
that saying will you can use in every
aspect of your life to keep your
awareness on one thing at a time to
finish projects to see things through to
the end anything you want the best way
to develop will bring it into your
everyday life into everything that you
do give you an example the way I
integrate it into my everyday life I try
and finish what I begin so for example
to sleep I sleep every night I put on my
pajamas I floss I brush my teeth I go to
bed I sleep I wake up in the morning I
make the bed why because I’m finishing
what I started and it takes effort to
make the bed it’s easier just to crawl
out of it and walk away so I can throw
the sheet on it it takes a little bit of
will so I know I’m developing my will
but instead of just throwing the sheet
on it I can make it really nice
so I fold a blanket I finish it well
beyond my expectations I do a little bit
more than I think I can so someday I
fold a blanket like they do at the
Marriot like a double fold and someday I
fold it at an angle like they do at the
Sheraton and my bed looks great every
time I come into the room my wife and I
looked at the baby goes oh it feels so
nice this is the place I rest in where I
get stronger and I made it look nice I
have a cup of coffee I have breakfast I
rinsed a bowl and I put it away if I
have enough time to make breakfast and
eat breakfast and have enough time to
quickly rinse the bowl doesn’t take much
more effort children take toys out of
the box to play with it they have enough
time to put toys back in the box they
just need to be taught to finish what
they start and if you integrate this
practice into everything that you do you
start a conversation with someone you
finish the conversation you don’t leave
the conversation how are you going you
finish the conversation and you move on
so if you can integrate this practice
into everything that you do in your life
you become better at it and you develop
more wealth rule number three shape your
mind so so pontius is very moldable and
you know sits sits back here in your
head and through the power of mantra
affirmation you know in sanskrit
language they call it mantra you can
actually shape and create patterns
within your mind and I’m showing you run
and again I’m assuming that you say like
I can’t do this right you don’t say like
I know I’m gonna fail sure right and
through that repetition you create
patterns in your mind so if you follow a
precise technique and system you’d
create patterns in your subconscious
which then become extremely magnetic and
start to attract like-minded people
towards you so I used those techniques I
had a firm a Shinto mantras that I would
say every morning and every night with
and what they consists of is concise
choice of positive words
so you never say something like oh I’d
like to be surrounded by successful
people but if I don’t it’s okay that’s
not a mantra like you know I will
surround myself with financially
successful entrepreneurs who teach me
how to be successful right and then it
comes to the second thing that’s
important is a clear visualization you
have to have a clear visual concept of
what the end product is going to look
like and then the third part of it
that’s the most important component is
the feeling you have to feel it because
feeling is emotion in motion is energy
and Energy’s magnetic how do you feel
you remember a feeling of what it’s like
to experience sitting with someone who’s
a successful entrepreneur spending time
with them walking away and asking
yourself how that felt really great I
learned so much and could really use
these techniques and helping my business
like for example of you in a race you
can remember the feeling of what it’s
like right so if you’re doing an
affirmation for your next race you say I
will win this race so I can win this
race and you and you visualize that
feeling you had when you won the last
race exactly you visualize yourself
going through the little ribbon okay
your race is that right you walking
through the ribbon you a barbed wire in
our case Bob why exactly lays a fence
right going through that and and then
the feeling what the feeling like was
the feeling is like to win that so you
hold all three in your mind at the same
time and you repeat it it creates a
pattern in subconscious which then
becomes extremely magnetic it vibrates
at a particular frequency of that
success and it attracts things of a
similar nature rule number four live a
joyful life life is meant to be lived
joyously it truly is if you’re doing and
living a life that’s not joyous and
happy something is wrong and you need to
make a change right we’re here on this
planet for a finite amount of time make
it a good one when my girl was dying one
of the last things he ever said was what
an amazing life I would not have traded
it for anything in the world and I said
to myself what beautiful words to hear
from a dying man I would love to be able
to say in my last breath look back on my
life and go what an amazing life it was
and that was just I couldn’t do it again
even if I tried that was just fantastic
in order to do that we really need to
know what we want
but we begin by understanding our mind
and learning how to manage our energy
and wisely invested energy rule number
five concentrate i define concentration
as the ability to keep that awareness on
one thing for prolonged period of time
so if I can keep my awareness on Eric
and not drift away and think about the
wedding or drift away and think about
the vacation or what I’m going to do
later then I’m concentrating on Eric
every time it drifts away I bring it
back and the more I practice this the
more I practice concentration so again
concentration is the ability to keep
your awareness on one thing for
prolonged period of time and it’s a very
simple definition of concentration how
do you get better at concentration you
practice this you practice this 24 hours
a day seven days a week and it’s the
only way to get good at it and what’s
the best way to practice it the best way
to practice it is to integrate it into
everything that you do in your life not
to meditate ten minutes in the morning
it doesn’t work you really need to look
at your life the same way a sprinter in
the Olympics looks at his life we’ve all
heard of who st. Bolt the man that won
the gold medal twice two Olympics in a
row broke the world record I don’t know
anything about him
to be honest but if I was looked at him
I would assume he goes to the gym right
if you look at him he’s pretty rich he
obviously Sprint’s he practiced running
probably that’s a lot of long distance
he probably does a lot of stretching as
well I’m sure he gets massages he looks
like he eats the right kind of food
drinks the right amount of water takes
vitamins his whole day is so disciplined
for what to prepare him for nine point
five seven seconds I think that’s what
the world record is right the 400 meters
nine point five or nine nine five seven
seconds his whole day is preparing him
for that short time not the other way
a lot of people say you know what I need
to be more concentrated so you know what
I’m gonna meditate in the morning I’ll
sit down for two minutes
okay now I’m Zen master
and the remaining 23 hours and 58
minutes they just go about being
ordinary and crazy how does that work
how would you change it’s not balance at
all so if for 23 hours and 58 minutes
you are not being concentrated you
allowed your awareness to jump from one
thing in your mind to another thing to
another thing to another thing to
another thing in an uncontrolled way
what would you be good at the best way
to do it is pick a few opportunities in
your everyday life for example we all
speak with people when I speak with
somebody I give them my undivided
attention I keep my awareness on them
and the conversation is really brief why
because we’re concentrated we’re not
being distracted a 10-minute
conversation normally just takes three
minutes because it is so focused another
con is a prolonged concentration comes
the wonderful power of observation you
just become more observant and when you
become more observant you see solutions
quicker and you solve things quicker and
it’s a wonderful powerful feeling when
somebody is concentrated on you and not
being distracted rule number six manage
the energy in your life I would say I’m
learning how to manage your energy is
really really important in life and one
of the most important ways to do it is
to really look at the people around you
and you can simplify and this is a very
simplified view obviously we’re doing it
very quickly who are people that are
uplifting in your life and who are
people that drain you and the people
that drain you I call them energy
vampires and sometimes these people are
colleagues friends associates and
sometimes their families and relatives
as well if you find that these energy
vampires are inherently energy vampires
is not because they’re going through a
hard time in life and might be going
through a trouble period for a couple
years those are the people that you want
to have more tolerance with but people
who are energy vampires of all the time
then these are people you want to let go
of them yes and you want to have the
courage to do that and most people can
do that with friends or associates or
clients but when it comes to relatives
and families are it’s much harder and I
think if you value your life enough then
you’ll do it you’ll do it rule number
seven be aware of your mortality I would
people don’t really want to face the
fact that eventually one day we will all
die yeah you know people live their
lives like they’re gonna live forever
yes they’re afraid to think of death
this is not something pleasant you don’t
think that your spouse will ever die
your child will ever die you will ever
die but the fact is that we all die
we’ve been evolving what for a few
million years I think as a species yeah
and much say all this person you’ve ever
hit 110 120 years old maybe yeah
but that’s about it you never hear of a
500 year old man or a thousand old woman
so but once you realize that your time
on earth is finite you start to become
more focused yeah
but if you think that you have all the
time in the world what’s the reason
focus rule number eight live a balanced
life I like to define life a balanced
life as consciously proportionately
directing energy to the things and
people that truly matter in your life
balance I don’t look at balance as being
50/50 like a scale being balanced it’s
not how I view balance balance is
proportionately directing my energy to
the things and people that’s really
matter in my life
and and when I’m able to proportionally
direct my energy I know my life is in
balance but if my energy is not
proportionately directed to the things
and people that matter in my life then
my life is not a balance rule number
nine control your awareness and people
do this all day long
just jumping from one thing to another
to another and basically what happens is
they become a slave to their technology
they allow technology to control where
their awareness goes in their mind so
every time your smartphone or your
laptop beeps or sends you a notification
you allow your awareness to get dragged
to that particular area that it’s
calling you to so you can go to Twitter
it can go to Facebook it can go to email
notifications wherever it wants to go
and if you allow this to happen all day
why are you practicing you’re practicing
getting distracted
as we control where where this goes we
were controlling where energy is flowing
and if we’re controlling where energy is
flowing we’re controlling what’s
manifesting in our life this is a great
secret to learn this is something that
I’ve learned in the monastry my very
shad with me that really changed my life
because I’ve realized that all I need to
do is control where my awareness goes
and if I can control where my awareness
goes I can control where my energy is
flowing and if I can control where my
energy is flowing I can control what is
manifesting in my life and therefore I
can even choose to create positive
things in my life or negative things in
my life and rule number 10 the last one
before a very special bonus clip is
start with just one thing take all the
tools that I’ve shared with you apply it
one at a time in your life take one
thing from this talk that really
resonated with you and start applying it
if it’s concentration if it’s giving
someone your undivided attention then
start with that first and the problem
with us as humans is that we try to do
too much at one time we get discouraged
and then we start doing them there’s an
old monk saying a temple made of bricks
now I’ve got a really special bonus
dhandapani clip on how to lead by
example that I think you’re gonna really
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
answer these questions in the comments
below here we go question number one
what’s the one thing that you just need
to start number two how can you do
something today on that one thing and
number three how will you celebrate
I graduated from University and with a
degree in electrical engineering and
decided to leave that and I went to
Hawaii Hawaii where there was a
traditional Hindu monastery and I lived
as a celibate Hindu monk for 10 years 4
years ago my vows expired and instead of
going back to Australia I decided to
come to the mainland US and looked for a
place to stay and finally got to New
York City and I thought this is a
perfect place for an ex-monk know a
better place for the next month in New
York City and one of the reasons I
really chose New York City was because I
felt that here I’ve learnt all this
wonderful spiritual tools and techniques
to live my life so I should be able to
live in a very energetic dynamic city
and be able to practice it that and I
feel like if I can practice and live it
in a place like New York City then I
feel entitled to travel and share it
with others but you know if I lived on
the little mountaintop in New Mexico and
a little cabin and said you know here
practice this meditation then people go
like well it’s easy for you you know you
live in a beautiful cabin in a forest
somewhere but now I live in the midst of
wonderful Manhattan and and my my goal
is to strive and put all these tools
into practice every day the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you up or that would be
like a little beacon
if you want more down the pond and check
out the volume warning video I made on
him the link is right there next to me
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there do something in the game of life
you’re playing a cricket match against
an entity called the mind [Music]
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