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RAGS to RICHES | 5 Inspirational SUCCESS STORIES From People Who Started With NOTHING!

there’s my two and a half year old son
sitting on the floor and a bunch of
clothes and there’s a note can’t handle
it anymore better off with you good luck
I’m God from then on I said to myself I
don’t care what I’ve to do I don’t want
to see that face on my mum anymore I
lost my dad when I was 10 I lost my
brother when I was 20 I lost you know I
gave up my career and maybe I’m gonna be
a baseball player to drugs want to be
build a life not just a business
so today let’s live your best believe
life and be inspired by these amazing
okay let’s kick it off with Story number
one being resourceful with John Paul
DeJoria I got home one day I was working
over the weekend and this one job is an
announcer for the second annual sports
vacation and recreational vehicle show
in Anaheim California I get home and as
I’m going we have one car as I’m going
up the steps we were second level
apartment my wife’s coming down and
she’s I’m going to have the key short
gave her the keys right and she got in
the car and took off well by the time I
got to the door she was in the car
starting and going out the driveway open
the door and all of a sudden surprise
there’s my two and a half year old son
sitting on the floor and a bunch of
clothes and there’s a note can’t handle
it anymore
better off with you good luck I’m gone
and unbeknownst to me for three months
she didn’t pay any of the bills no
utility no rent she would keep the money
and rip up the bills she picked with the
mill I never did so I didn’t know we
were posed for eviction and her pond
electricity be turned off had no idea
but that’s how it turned out what little
we had in the bank was gone how did you
handle it
as soon as I realized what the world was
going on no money no nothing but a
little change in my pocket I cried I was
just so heartbroken how am I gonna do
this I’ve got a little kid here I’m in
between jobs what money I had isn’t
there anymore and then obviously I
started to deal realized and we’re being
evicted the next day and it was just I
was there I felt terrible but when
you’re that down you look at going up
you can’t sit there and feel sorry for
yourself because if you do you’re gonna
stay there and stayed there and stay
there my first thought was a car so I go
out of a cart and a loan that was an old
Cadillac 1951 Cadillac that had been
running for years had a broken water
pump and I got it from this wonderful
lady and I filled it up with water every
four hours got the thing go I had auto
shop in high school saying you ought to
get that thing going again and that was
my vehicle it was also my home for a
while and then to get money
I wanted a vacant lot speaking of coke
bottles and soda pop 7up bottles root
beer anything in those days it was
mandatory grocery stores and liquor
stores would give you two cents for
little one five cents for a big one and
that’s how we started getting money to
live and eat Story number two has a
width and log
my mom my mom and dad got divorced when
I was 16 years old and and surely after
that my dear went bankrupt in Hong Kong
hmm he basically his business partner
took all his money and disappeared and
my dad signed everything as guarantor
right yeah so left him about a million
dollar u.s. in debt and that wiped him
out not just financially but emotionally
and you were living with him at the time
that was with my mom got jealous in Hong
Kong and then I still always remember
that phone call that I was going to sue
to to school one day at a time
my mom and I we were living in a
one-bedroom apartment okay in one of the
worst neighborhoods in Vancouver Wow
so I remember I was my mom would stay in
the in the bedroom I would sleep in the
living room fight with sew on the floor
basically I remember one day after Scott
went home door was locked and I knocked
on my mom’s door she was on the phone
with somebody I didn’t know who but I
heard that she was crying on the phone
and it’s like hey mom mommy is
everything okay I was like oh honey I
know everything don’t worry about it
and afterwards basically I found that
she was on the phone with my dad and my
dad basically my mom he went bankrupt
he couldn’t send us money anymore it’s
at first he was sending us some
allowance right and from then on I said
to myself I don’t care what I have to do
I don’t want to see that face on my mom
anymore yeah yeah I don’t care what it
I don’t get what how hard after work
that’s I think the turning point that
planted a seed right where I know that
as a man we want to provide for the
family of course and we want to but I
think as a man we cannot protect the
people that we love if we don’t have the
resources right it could be financial
but if we don’t have the resources
and that’s when I made a decision I’m
going to be successful because unless
I’m successful I cannot provide for the
people that I love I cannot protect the
people I love and that was it from then
on that’s the only child and that’s when
I started my first business there very
early on right what was your first
business I thought I would just like mow
lawns for people in my in my
neighborhood so I was knocking on door
and no one like I was not gonna hey do
you wanna be the mall I don’t know we
don’t need that we don’t hear that yeah
at a time I had my mom had a friend my
aunt she had a printing business right
like you know printing business card and
wires and all that so I went to my aunt
I said and why don’t you know you print
a bunch of flyers
I would help to distribute in the in the
neighborhood like printing service but
yeah they’re two sides are flying right
between 5,000 of these yeah I’ll run
around now I’ll distribute it on the
other side can I put my stuff on yeah my
lawn mowing service it’s like Oh what
the heck yeah it’s all being always very
entrepreneurial yeah you know how to you
know be resourceful in the city when you
win right yeah yeah yeah because a lot
of people wouldn’t have even tried it
because they’ll say well I don’t have
the money for lawn mow or I don’t have
any of that so it stopped them right
yeah it’s a good proof right there that
it’s not about what you have it’s about
what you do with what you have hundred
percent we’re exerting that even at a
young age it’s never lack of resources I
think it’s a lack of resource fulness
and and I was just resourceful I had no
money so I had time I can put in effort
and I distribute all five of your flyers
I ran home and I was just waiting for
the phone I thought I’m gonna get rich
yeah oh my god five five thousand people
I’m like I’m gonna to get a hundred
phone call well I’m gonna plot my time
I’m still going to school I thought I’m
gonna make like House Isabella’s right
right one hour no call one day no call
three days not a single one I was
checking the flash got I put in the
wrong number
right no the right number right not a
single phone call on the flyer all right
and and I learned okay
there’s something that you know you can
have a great product a great service but
if you don’t know how to get it out
there do marketing in and get people to
pay attention no one’s gonna buy from
you so I came with an idea I thought to
myself and this affected my philosophy
for the rest of my life mine is a
philosophy so I thought think back
the very first client I had could pay me
20 bucks what did I do
I mow the lawn first before asking
anything in return that’s how I got that
first Corney dollars right right yeah I
thought let me do that again so I ran
around the neighborhood and I found one
of the most probably one of the
higher-end expensive homes in the
neighborhood and I saw the lawn was like
up to this high like high and I just
found a fun a day and I just mowed and I
think this is illegal
I’m not an advocate of that but I did
that so you didn’t even knock on their
door you know the whole lawn right I did
the whole thing right and I finish whole
thing and I set at the front door
waiting for the homeowner to come back
okay she is funny it’s a housewife she
came back and she couldn’t you couldn’t
recognize her lawn this is this low
right yeah she drove by and then she
drove back and she pulled what the hell
is going on right and she’s like who are
you like I said you know I said just a
kid I’m trying to make you know make
some money I provide the services of fly
oh this is awesome you know my husband
travels all the time he never is ever
home I can’t do this stuff thank you so
much you make my lawn looks okay she
gave me $100 Wow $100 right and that
affected me for the rest of my life so
my business philosophy until this very
day if you say one of my motive for for
business add value first before you ask
anything in return that’s how I always
approach you know how most business
people they approach somebody yeah they
want to sell them some right right all
they want to hey man you do something
for me or like you know social media
people come to me all the time
oh they feel like just because I’m
successful that I’m obligated to help
them all right you can show easily or so
usually we’ll just give them chase you
gotta gotta earn it so my philosophy is
any interaction with people how can I
add value to what you do it’s
always my most favorite the question is
this what is the most important project
you’re working on like add value to so
after the lawn mowing service what’s the
next line of business because obviously
that you realize okay this isn’t gonna
get me two million bucks so what was the
series along the way with the lawyers or
try something I try like vending
machines I try like network marketing
gonna try fixing computers for people we
tried delivery service all kinds of this
is a young guy I thought anything that
even sounds like we moley I could make
money to write that I would jump into
which is very dumb because I had no
business actor yeah but I fail at so
many pieces I feel at thirteen
businesses thirteen thirteen one before
having what I quite like Oracle success
right so from seventeen to what age did
the dilemma sighs within three years so
three years thirteen businesses in all
our losses all losses or lessons ya know
all losses haha no it’s not as yeah yeah
it was and a maxed out my credit card
and lost on my mom’s face savings yeah I
heard that at one point – you’re almost
over $100,000 that’s $150,000 $50,000
and how old were you at that time 20 20
years old 20 years old and that was just
different loans from your mom relatives
relatives and my Braille test they
wouldn’t think my calling you more yeah
yeah it’s just I just more of them
everybody that I could did you burn a
lot of bridges at that time to get I did
I did but I always promised them that
just let me like give me one more chance
right but let me try harder and they
believe in me but they just thought they
always thought I was kind of odd when
the family it’s like why don’t you just
there and just go get a job but do
something like what normal people yes
safe they’re safe and do something like
why do you have to have these crazy
ideas he’s another idea of them yeah and
I just told them hey listen if I were
just to go get a job with my I don’t
even have a college degree anything like
that I would be making me a minimum wage
listen I’m not $150,000 yeah if I was
making minimum wage it would take me
right to pay you off to pay you back and
pay off all this debt and to provide for
my mom so like people always look at
what I did
oh you must be so motivated there is
enough motivation it was desperation
right anyways I had no choice also if
you want to have confidence like Dan
Locke Jack Ma Grant Cardone and others
check out my 254 series the link is in
the description below it’s free after
you practice martial you develop this
natural self confidence not cockiness
but you develop this natural self
confidence the people who do the model
should believe in the model and I
believe what I do you have to go build
self-confidence Story number three make
things happen with Jack Ma I was born a
very normal family and poor family six
people sure $7 a mouth we can only eat
one chicken a year was terrible Nixon
visit to my city 1972 China USA signed
Mao Zedong Nixon signed the agreement so
China become opened oh my city house’
was one of the first cities that opened
to the west we got a lot of American
tourists to visit my city what he would
do is he would befriend foreign visitors
who came to Hangzhou to walk around the
west lake there and I learned English by
being the free guide for tour guide
you know more than the language Jack was
learning about the culture the things I
learned from books from China are so
different from the things I learned from
the American visitors three number four
and never give up with Grant Cardone I
lost my dad when I was 10 I lost my
brother when I was 20 I lost you know I
gave up my career and maybe I’m gonna be
a baseball player to drugs I’ve lost
five or six jobs now and I’m a loser I’m
a total loser but I do have this little
this little light inside of me it says
I’m special I have this little thing
inside of me and says hey you you are
special you know you have something but
it was just covered up and all this
stuff and all these problems and in the
drugs and the bad friends and the bad
choices so my mom finally says enough is
enough don’t come back here anymore I’m
done I could tell it was hard for her
I’m in a treatment center in the next 24
hours I go to this treatment center I’m
there 30 days for the first 30 days and
seven eight nine years I don’t use drugs
oh wow I don’t have to use drugs finally
that thing where I said I was quitting
ten times a day I was quitting ten times
a day for the first time in my life I
was able to quit successfully
I’m leaving the treatment center when
the insurance ran out because that’s how
those work when the money runs out they
boot you to the curb I’m terrified
scared to go back to society I don’t
have any friends and aren’t using drugs
my girlfriend was using drugs everybody
around me everybody I knew used drugs
and I’m going back to a job where even
at the job I had they used drugs and I’m
like I’m going back to an environment I
have to cut off all my friends not
really friends I got to cut off all the
enemies right and I got to start over
and before I leave the counselor grabs
me and the counselor says to me look do
it I’ll see you back here probably you
know if you don’t die I’ll see you back
here and I’m like what are you talking
about dude I’m not coming back here and
he’s like oh no you’re coming back and
then he gives me the lecture
he’s like you’ll never make it see when
you go to a treatment center you tell
them everything about your life like all
your secrets all your your
your your inhibitions and and your you
know the things you want to do in your
right and so I’m telling them in this
thing everything I’ve done everything
I’ve done wrong I share my whole life
but I also share with them what I want
to do my inspiration in life I’m going
to write books I’m going to speak to
audiences I’m going to help people I’m
gonna tell people this story about drugs
and how damaging they are and I’m gonna
be somebody I tell them and they’re like
you’re chugging and all you’re ever
gonna be
– split – counselor tells me all you’re
ever gonna be as a drug addict you need
to give up all the ideas of writing
books speak into audiences being rich I
always wanted to be rich I wanted
financially to be rich public I wanted
to be my dad I wanted to be the guy that
could take care of his family they said
you need to give up all those ideas and
settle for one thing not using drugs if
the day ends and you don’t use drugs
grant that is a good day for you now
I’ve got a special bonus tip on how to
not quit from Colonel Sanders that I
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three point lighting
questions let’s go from just watching a
video to taking action in your life for
business here we go question number one
what do you need to not give up on
number two what do you need to just make
happen this week and number three where
do you need to be more resourceful when
you lost the business when you lost your
motel you’re really looking forward to
this being the nest egg that you’d work
for all of your life and now it was gone
had to sell it at the auction you were
at 65 at that time 62 early 65 but I’d
already had a guinea-pig franchise hour
– knowing that we’re going to have to
franchise I wanted to see how they would
take you see so then I started
franchising in earnest when I 66 years
old I just say the moral to my life
don’t quit at age 65 maybe your boat
if you want to learn how to defeat
stress check out the video right there
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there one of the hardest things you will
ever do in your life
is a start of business I don’t think
enough people talk about the
difficulties associated with it this is a reason why 80 to 90% of companies fail
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