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“Put Yourself OUT There, 10X Your LIFE!” | Grant Cardone (@GrantCardone)

put yourself out there okay 10x your
lives 10x and the lives of the people
around you if you’re sitting on a grand
right now or two grand or five grand
make it official that you’re broke I had
more money when I was eight then when I
was twenty five the hell happened the
motivation watch a top ten would believe
what’s up belief nation seven I believe
in you and this channel is designed to
be part of your daily success routine so
let’s get your motivation to attend and
get you believing in you grab a snack
and chillin today’s lessons from a man
who went from being a kid labeled with a
DD struggling with drugs and addictions
and almost dying to becoming a
best-selling author and top sales expert
with over five hundred million dollars
in real estate
he’s Grant Cardone and here’s my take on
his top ten rules for success volume 15
enjoy also if you want to know a grant
cardone and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below you have to go
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one pay the price
Sabrina can’t set the right goals right
now everybody agree with that
Sabrina can’t she can’t pick up two
hundred pounds you understand she could
fly on a jet one of my kids has never
been on a commercial airline she’s like
puppet will I ever get to fly commercial
I hope not I hope you never have to go
through that it’s wrong I did three
million miles so you don’t have two
peanuts that didn’t want and I was doing
that on Thanksgiving holidays to go to
Canada where they were they were still
transacting business super bowls I’ve
missed ball games that miss my buddies
were traveling seeing the world and I
didn’t have any of those experiences
it’s been thirty years thirty years it’s
probably gonna be thirty years for you
two it’s gonna be 30 years of it are you
willing to pay the price if anybody
thinks you’re gonna be successful
without paying that price you’re wrong
rule number two learn how to use money
earn money learn how to store the money
and learn how to use it because if you
can’t do this if you can’t flow the
money back out if you’re sitting on a
grand right now or two grand or five
grand make it official that you’re broke
do not try to save five grand it’s no
money just make it official get rid of
it and be broke because you’re broke
already and maybe you’ll hustle now like
you need to replace your reserves that’s
why when I earn some money I store it
okay if I store thirty million dollars I
know I’m getting rid of it twice a year
I dumped everything I have entire every
penny I have does not go into some
emergency account it goes into an asset
that will make babies or make me no and
you guys can do this everybody in the
room can do this okay if I can do this
you guys can do this rule number three
get a good team third thing is you need
at work a team of people around you that
can hold you accountable you will go
nowhere by yourself not even Jesus went
by himself nobody goes by themselves
nobody alright you have more potential
you know if that’s the answer that get
there be VIP while you’re there too by
the way
VIP have a VIP experience if you can’t
VIP yourself why do you think somebody
else is gonna treat you like a VIP rule
number four 10x your life I don’t know
where I am most the time I don’t know
what it is I don’t know what time it is
I just know hey I got this moment man
right here let’s make the most of this
moment I don’t know if I live once or
twice okay I know this I need to take
advantage of what I have right now and I
can’t do that by myself I don’t want to
be by myself we don’t want to just be
the four of us I don’t want to just be
me Elena Sabrina and Scarlett I want to
I want a nation I don’t want to tribe I
don’t want to tribe I want friends all
over the world
I want Sabrina and Scarlett when they
grow up and they go to to Switzerland
they have friends in Switzerland okay if
the world falls apart we have friends in
Oklahoma or in central or maybe I got to
go to South America for a while maybe I
gotta go hang out okay I will not
fulfill my mission my mission is to help
people I will be known for the people I
help not the money I made nobody’s gonna
remember nobody’s gonna say 50 years
from now 100 years ago
Oh Grant Cardone had a great chat nobody
nobody won’t ever mention that my books
might live on okay my audio would
guarantee you my audio will live long
after I’m dead but your memories with me
you using our technologies okay
we’ll live on forever you live on
through other people Walt Disney did it
he lives on today man
okay build a legacy folks build a legacy
put yourself out there okay 10x your
lives 10x the lives of the people around
you give more than you take give more
than you take give more than you take
and I promise you you will get more than
you ever dreamed now rule number five
invest I’m getting ready to a real
estate conference four thousand
experienced and mature real estate
investors if you knew what I was gonna
share with them the one biggest most
important number in all of real estate
investing there’s one thing if you read
my book you know what it is I must share
winning today and it’s been a load of
top off their heads there’s some people
in the room that are retired from
apartment investing and they’re gonna I
guarantee when I’m done today they’re
gonna be like honey what was rethinking
gettin out of this game we gotta get
back in if we did it wrong cuz we did
his small whoo hey if you’re not
invested in apartment seriously if
you’re not invest in apartments if you
don’t know the game had learned the game
learn the game figure the game out I
promise you with every fiber of my being
I believe that apartment investing will
prove to be over the next 25 years the
single best investment that you can make
that you can possibly make okay rule
number six use your potential if your
life is not the way it should be then
you should hate yourself right now I
don’t blame you should the best way but
dude I I hated much before I loved much
I hated myself so bad I couldn’t look in
the mirror Jared told me the other day
he’s like you don’t have a mirror in
your bathroom I can bring you in there
right now
there’s no I said dude I don’t need a
mirror I remember you know what that
bathroom I remember having
I couldn’t put a mirror on the wall
broke it broke the mirror look at that
right there named come here don’t sure
yesterday – dude I don’t have a mirror
huh I said I don’t care I’ll need to
look at myself I remember when I’d look
at myself and I hate myself broke the
mirror out of a bathroom because I
couldn’t look at my face because the
mirror remind me every time I had a
mirror I was putting something on it to
put it in my face hated myself man hated
myself didn’t have any money had all
this potential overdose in daily that’s
one man you want to change you got a
bunch of potential tell you tell
yourself the truth okay do you have more
potential than you’re using ask yourself
right now just ask yourself just
meditate on this a second do I have more
potential than I’m using do you guys
yeah she’s selfish every morning when
you wake up man what do you say to
yourself in a month first thing I do in
the morning I wake up say do I have more
potential thank you Alex do I have more
potential than I’m using dude if I do if
it’s even this much then I gotta get the
up and go get it this is where God lives
dude this is the spiritual part of life
is the seeking of potential not the
seeking of since of serenity and
happiness serenity and Happiness are
selfish commodities it’s about me man
for me to seek my potential the next
level means I gotta give up what I have
that’s where God lives man God’s proud
of grant cardone
you know what a bunch of humans don’t
like grant God loves grant you know what
cuz gods like dude that guy he will put
it out there you guys are all praying
you know my prayer is my prayer is not
talking to God my prayer is taking
action rule number seven work on
yourself I’ve been busted broke the beat
I’ve been I’ve been at a point in my
life where I thought I thought less than
me then anyone thought of me how many
have been there how do I get the right
girl the right family the right money
the right company the right employees I
don’t even like me unlike what happened
to me man what happened I had more money
when I was 8 then when I was 25 the hell
happened I liked myself more when I was
6 years old then I was 20 25 years old
what happened to me now if you look at
me today six years old in 57 dude I’m
kind of digging myself right now I like
Who I am man I’ve spent the last years
just doing one thing dude working on Who
I am number one most important thing
Warren Buffett says and I study a lot of
people okay this year I’ll probably
spend this year between mentors what’s
really my mentor is just the guys to
hook up he’s hooking me up with other
players 20 mentors I don’t think I said
a word write a books courses I’ll go off
for three weeks and just do a course you
guys worry about a weekend I can’t get
away for a weekend did I go for three
weeks and just do courses I’ll probably
spend 400 grand this year I’m worth it
how am I not worth 400 grand look you
worried about 400 grand how you gonna
get 400 million each – you and I were
brought up to worry about what this
what’s in your pocket
right I mean I used to squeeze the
quarter so hard it fly and scream look
whose money is this somebody else’s
money man they say my money rule number
hustle I’ve already got a workout in
spent time with my kids did a project at
my office because we’re doing some
construction there on my way to an event
and it will leave there go to another
event in another city about 2,000 miles
away Oh in the name of business that’s
what I say my brothers my sisters my
nephews and my niece’s all business all
weekend rule number nine get out of your
comfort zone the best things that have
happened to me in my life was when I
left my room my house even the city that
I lived in did we stay home too much
guys get out ladies leave your house get
but they go out into the world see
what’s there even get her get up early
to do it again the best things that have
happened to me in my life happened
outside of my house 29 years old left
the house moved to Houston was terrified
I know somebody can call back where they
skated nothing I was so scared to move
out of Lake Charles it was like one of
the most terrifying things I’ve ever
done in my life once I got there I was
like that I don’t even know what I was
scared about I lived there for I don’t
know two three four five five years
maybe then I moved to La Jolla
had the life man had the life in La
Jolla I mean it was unbelievable
actually went there with a person a
girlfriend me and a girl for a moved
there I I got I moved there she left
about a year later maybe two years later
I had the single man’s life you know
what I mean in La Jolla I had made
love and life and then I reached the
point where I’m like I need to grow up
now I need I want a wife and I want kids
I’m a Grand Street look at it I want a
wife and kids and I knew that that
person was not in Hawaii I’m talking to
you about moving I’m talking to you
about getting outside and talking to you
about leave man why have you been to one
spot so long or maybe one spot you’ve
been in for 10 years now you’d move once
okay I left I left Hawaii I moved to Los
Angeles California just so you guys know
nobody goes from or how you do sir
nobody nobody moves from lawyer and goes
to LA people living from LA to the light
have a great day huh yeah okay yeah oh
thanks a lot appreciate it
gotta get out gotta get out went to LA
lived in LA for I don’t know 12 years
had a maid in LA had unbelievable house
line over and she’s I’m bragging and get
me wrong I lived in Lionel Richie’s
house flying out wasn’t there anymore so
all the parties were at my house was
three quarters of an acre flat lot in
the hills above the Sunset Strip Doheny
Drive an Oriole freaking I mean
spectacular place we had our first two
well we had two kids there in the house
all our friends had been there we got
married in that house I mean we were so
connected to that house it was
Elaine and I when we first saw the house
it was four times my budget and I’m like
we’re buying that house and you guys
know how much I believe my dad like how
much I am against buying houses we fell
so in love in that house in love with
each other in love with the house in
love without it they’re in love with
friends and parties and memories and
decorations and antique furniture we
love that house and then it reached a
time where I’m like I think we got to
we were so comfortable there
sure enough five years ago I got up and
moved to Miami we’ve been in Miami for
have years now travel all over the world
we’re constantly moving and rule number
ten the last one before a very special
bonus clip is push power to power my
daddy told me dr. Kerr our local doctor
he was the most successful doctor in the
Nina we knew both the most successful
doctors dr. carrier dr. Morin right and
dr. Kerr was at the house in there
drinking martinis and my dam and knew
that too martini them be James Bond
right and dr. Kerr came up to me and
says give me a dollar I had a dollar –
he’s like give me that dollar
I ain’t giving you an honor my daddy
said never deny a man in power never
deny a man in power okay never talk
poorly about somebody and power push
power to power that’s a good investment
folks okay you take your notes write
this down push power to power people
that are doing good things people that
are making a difference people that are
out there push power to power and ignore
everyone else we don’t help people that
have nothing I’m telling you right now I
do not help people that have nothing I
had I help people that have something
and want to make it more I’m not talking
about money right now if somebody thinks
they have nothing I’m not helping that
person if they think they have nothing I
can’t help them if you think you have
something and that you’re not broke
I can help you now I’ve got a special
bonus clip from Grant and how to study
success that I think you’re gonna enjoy
but before that it’s time for the three
point landing questions time the moon is
watching another video – taking action
in your life for business and if you’re
feeling bold leave your answers in the
comments below here we go question
number one where do you need to get out
of your comfort zone number two how will
you work on yourself this week and
number three what is a 10x life look
like for you and you got to study what
wealthy people do okay so if I take
these people right here
what are these people spend money on and
what do these people spend money on
remember rich is waiting to be poor or
it’s waiting to get wealthy but it ain’t
wealthy yet what do to poor people you
don’t want to do poor rich first can
listen to poor people poor people spend
money on just give me give me anything
what it was something okay yeah yeah
good a watch I gotta have a TechnoMarine
that’s what I used to call it
I gotta have me some fake Gucci it’s not
even real Gucci it’s Gucci from the Cana
okay oh oh my big goal in life is to buy
a house this guy’s stuck in this – I’m
gonna buy a house one day imma be a
prisoner the warden and the prisoner
okay it’s that castle trips trips right
trips pleasure okay VIP VIP this is my
boy Allen VIP and bottles bottle service
right cars
okay cars belts okay let me see my belt
today I got my belt dawg whoo what I
spent on this belt $29 million $29 yeah
okay watch watch alert my self-esteem is
good today I left it in the box now what
are these people bought what are these
people invest money on network
networking these people are a heavy
heavy on who they know man okay charity
why charity because charity is
who’s it a charity event people that are
charitable if you didn’t spend any time
in charity events last last year I
guarantee you’ve got a money problem
this is connections okay these are
networking and connections the first
thing the rich people spend their money
on is connections
wealthy people spend their time with
wealthy people we’ve heard that over and
over and over again okay investments
these people invest money they don’t
spend money
these are spenders over here right imma
buy a watch it’s gonna be worth a lot of
money one day dude ain’t gonna be worth
any money to who oh my god man i’ma buy
Patek and I’m gonna keep it for like
three generations and one day when
you’re dead man okay they invest in
businesses they buy franchises we have
people that buy a grant cardone license
those are people that have a wealthy
mentality why they want about a grant
cardone license because they can use my
name my trademarks my products and go to
Thailand and make money on my name
without me going to Thailand marketing
these people these people spend money on
marketing you know I’m convinced the
Donald Trump did not have a plane before
he was the president because he needed
to travel places I’m convinced Donald
Trump had a plane so he could Park it at
LaGuardia and advertise that he’s a rich
dude people see his name he left it
right there at LaGuardia Airport he
didn’t put it in a private Airport he
put it in LaGuardia so that every
passenger that leaves New York at
LaGuardia would see his big bird what
if you want more grant cardone and check
out the top 50 rules video I made on him
the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there if you’re
not going to work like a 10-hour day as
a short day for me I hear more people promoting this for our idea okay
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