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Put in the TIME – Mark Cuban (@mcuban) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is put in the time over to you
Mark Cuban I’ll be cliches and say that
you know there is no failure you just
learn from it but you know you just go
you have just have to put in the time I
think what I learned most is that
everybody’s got will and everybody’s got
dreams and everybody’s got aspirations
but it’s only the people that really put
in the time that get there and and I
think I learned most that um despite any
any setbacks that if I just keep on
grinding I keep on working that I
usually can outwork people and and then
you know I also learned that no matter
how many times you fail it really
doesn’t matter all it takes is one hit
and then everybody can call you an
overnight success everybody has dreams
right everybody has a life for
themselves you have a life for yourself
that you want to be better than where
you are right now and in order to get
there in order to make that happen you
have to take action because if you are
not taking action put it in the time
you’re going to stay where you are and
that life that you want is just going to
stay a dream instead about you turn into
reality I believe that be to be a
successful entrepreneur there are three
things that you need to have first you
need to have the dream you need to have
the idea what are you going to actually
do and that’s the easy part most people
have a dream for themselves too is you
got to take action you got to start you
got to take some small action right now
to start whether that’s leaving your job
whether that’s opening the business name
where that’s making a customer call
whatever it is you have to start and a
lot of people don’t have the courage
your gumption to go and take that one
little small step and in the third part
is you got to not quit when times get
tough when it’s hard when you’re not
meeting the expectations for yourself
when you’ve already gotten worse than
your worst case scenario you got to keep
going those are the three things that
successful entrepreneurs have in common
they have an idea they have a dream they
start and they don’t quit I look at my
business and one of my dreams is to
build up this YouTube channel and as a
result i’m putting in the time right i’m
moving now to a three
Oh per day schedule on the channel for
most people that’s crazy right that’s
insane three videos a day how do you
find time to record those videos to edit
them to put them up where most people
struggle to get one video a week up on
their channel I’m doing three a day I’m
putting in the time because I’m chasing
my dream if you want your dream to
become a reality you need to put in the
time as well beliefs so my question the
day for you today is how much time are
you putting into your business and where
is it being spent I’m curious to find
out leaving the comments below and I’m
going to join in the discussion thank
you guys so much for watching have an
amazing day continue to believe and i’ll
see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot events vessel
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