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“PUSH YOURSELF!” – Alicia Vikander – Top 10 Rules

I’ve been dreaming since I was a kid be
part of a big action adventure to push
myself I loved making films so really
that’s that’s it’s my biggest passion
being a bit scared is what makes me
interested in the project from the
what’s that belief nation that’s Evan my
one word is believed and I believe in
you I believe you have an amazing gift
inside you that I want to see explode
out onto the world so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
in today’s lessons from a woman who was
turned down from drama school twice
almost became a full-time lawyer but
instead became an actress and eventually
won an Academy Award
she’s Alyssia vikander and here’s my
take on her top ten rules of success
so let’s get this started with rule
number one commit fully I was quite
young there was only eight I remember
my dad’s friends children had a
Playstation I remember when they played
Lara Croft
I hadn’t seen a girl in the lead
character in a video game she was
extremely fierce and determined capable
and the big adventurer I’ve been
dreaming since I was a kid be part of a
big action adventure to push myself and
in this film I really can’t do much when
it comes to the action Alisha as a beast
you have to see her in this movie man
she’s just a winning combination
you know she’s been training hard Fight
Club while work water work shootouts
chases it’s relentless I was amazed by
what she went through she gets beaten up
all day long
bruises and
suck up but the cold that is the tough
thing when you reach hypothermia level
do we add water catalyst being thrown at
us we fly right in the middle of them
we’ve even had to reshoot some things as
they turn to blue and I can’t fix that
home screen apparently I wanted her to
be a strong physical girl so I started
to gain muscle strength she’s just a
real powerhouse she made me embarrassed
to take my shirt off and I go to the gym
five days a week it’s been a very
physical adventure well number two love
what you do I love to work
I do feel sometimes weirdly enough when
it comes to filmmaking I feel less
stressed when I’m actually on set when
it’s those few weeks of actually filming
and I kind of I do love the preparation
work so it’s it’s hot it’s it’s um the
one ambitious I guess comes out of pure
passion so then it’s nothing you cannot
tell yourself to sit down and do the
work you kind of just want to do it I
love making films so really that’s
that’s it’s my biggest passion and I
feel extremely lucky every every time I
get one more chance trying to hear it
again rule number three dare to speak up
someone asked me what I think I have
learned if I have learned anything now I
have made a couple of films and in the
beginning I was so terrified of making
mistakes like you said that I was
pushing myself and you know that it’s
such time limit and you know that you
think that everyone’s looking at you and
judging you and you won everything so
bad and it was actually an act I work
with like I don’t know my second or
third year in and he did that thing of
suddenly just stopped and this was a
very famous actor that I looked up he
was like I just don’t feel this number
and I was can we just take five minutes
and everyone just stopped and he was
like if everyone’s just so quiet and
then we can continue again and let’s
think the thing of daring to
actually speak up and say that you know
what I haven’t really found this yet I
don’t feel really comfortable that was a
big step I was like wow I felt so lonely
in that fear and I think that’s also
something that you learned that if you
can share that suddenly it kind of
becomes a bit easier and you can kind of
hold hands and laugh about it a bit
hopefully rule number four surround
yourself with greatness I mean any life
is different and I try to just remember
that you know it’s it’s really been the
people surrounding me growing up and and
and my family members and but also my
friends I kind of formed Who I am so I
do believe a lot of that context and
environment and you know as part of
creating who you are not only nature so
you know I would want to do that with
you know for the family one day two
intoxicants I’m telling everybody that I
know everybody that a few years younger
because I did have some amazing people
like I am now mid-20s who are great
support to me and who I was able to open
up to and even though it’s really scary
to sometimes kind of reach out and ask
for somebody just to have a little chat
about anything it’s normally like you I
truly yet still remember those people
who just open up the arms I’m like of
course let’s just go out for a coffee I
mean come on I went through the same
thing and that is what you maybe have
the illusion of like I’m the only one
and it’s usually never
case rule number five my personal
favorite do projects that you believe in
so are you game for anything or do you
have a sense of a career developing or
work with great directors good scripts
good people you want to go in I mean you
can never really know if a phone was
gonna be good or bad the beginning and
we can know that getting yourself into
projects that you believe in and I think
if you do that and dare to say no
sometimes hopefully I will number six do
what scares you working and not my
native language has been you know tough
with most of the films and I think I’ve
chosen all of those projects because
they have a clear challenge being a bit
scared is what makes me interested in
the project from the get-go I think you
pick up the script or when you meet
challenging filmic or knowing that
you’re gonna be working with some really
hard working actors and actresses
they’re going to put you on the spot and
they kind of make me work hard
that’s what
make it a funny note for the contract
well number seven be open to new things
I love to dream but I also love that I
can you can always be a bit open to
maybe that there’s other things you want
to do too
that’s also something being enacted to
that thing of I think it’s maybe a good
thing to be open to that you could do
other things it’s a bit like when I
decided not maybe to act because I
thought I mean my life was taking
another turn and that was suddenly the
first I mean a door actually opened for
me to get there the chance to act and I
think to do other things and to kind of
step out to this industry and and have
other experiences will hopefully give
you more tools to to act so maybe maybe
that could be was something go away and
do something completely different then
get back to it
rule number eight be prepared the
relationship that you build up the love
for the other actress or the director
and how you choose to actually take on
the work it’s um
some films I’ve done a lot of rehearsing
other ones he just sat in a room we can
chat for you know weeks and kind of
preparing that way I I do like to be
very well prepared I do like to because
I mean I do believe that acting is
intuition and to be able to fully you
know let everything go as soon as you
hear the magic word action you need to
have everything you have trackback
already and yeah and then you can
because then you know what you have like
and yeah
rule number nine get exposure what do
you feel contributed most to your
success as an actress oh oh I hope that
I would I think it’s it’s all about
every person that you meet along the way
I think acting is trying to gain as much
experience and I think that’s why it’s
the wonderful thing of aging and kind of
gather more I still feel young and I
want to learn more and rule number ten
the last one before some very special
bonus Clips is have fun I will hunt that
person down and I would make sure that
they give me a good speech and then they
might might be might be allowed to keep
I was gonna give birth in this scene we
went for take and I just went for it and
I faltered and take because I post so
anyways guys my face I’m seeing this day
cuz I know that it just like hello I
need to lean fine
now I’ve got three very special bonus
clips from elicit vikander on how to
make it happen how to get role models
and how to find to create a process but
before that I want to get to the
commitment of the day you watch this
video and you learn something now it’s
time to apply it to your life or to your
business somehow leave it down in the
comments how that this video change you
and what are you committing to being
different after watching this video I
would love to hear from you thank you
guys so much for watching I believe in
you I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’ll see you soon and enjoy
the bonus clips
I moved away from my home when I was 15
to Stockholm so you know I lived there
for about six years
but yes moving away from your home
country for the first time is a big step
but I I do together with three of my
like still my closest girlfriends do it
with musicians and yeah they went on a
baking big pop stars two years later
they had of Icona pop they did a song
called I love it that was another one
billboard I think but we all were there
we had grown up and I wanted to do music
and I want to act
and we yeah like you do in London
we shared a small fact we wanted to be
special but you Rehana perhaps in the
kitchen the living stats in the UK on
these are
yeah yeah just you know just post the
door we did but that was that was what I
was about to do anna karenina which was
then my first English speaking part I
think people who I look up to
Isabella pair actresses dare to do
things that they might be a bit scared
of and I’m finding I’m struggling with
that I think to and wanted my other help
from the directors of filmmakers that
working with trying to find new ways of
developing the characters I think Meryl
Streep I think Jennifer Lawrence is a
young actresses who’s my age I think has
done a variety of roles what is the
ideal conditions for you doing your best
work in a movie it’s a question I think
being able to I really I really think
that I I really enjoyed the fact of
getting almost like a tunnel vision of
the work it almost closed off I I think
when I’m if I’m not filming we’re
working I really love to be really
social and you know travel if I can
see my family friends but I can go also
I don’t think I’m very normally not
don’t do things like I’m soon as I would
they often get out do an activity but
when I work it kind of like kind of
going away maybe if it’s preparation of
a two weeks being a little house and
just drink tea and wheat and read books
and Google find information that know
what it is but that kind of giving
myself some time and space and sleep
it’s probably which really sounds like
essentials I guess the most important
work ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you Apple that would be like a
little beacon pay believe nation if you
want to know what the most important one
word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk
Oprah Winfrey and Howard
Schultz I have a very special secret
video for you check the description for
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