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Profit Tutorial – How to be more profitable

how to be more profitable I got a great
question from one of my youtube viewers
Ricardo love you guys wrote in the say
he’s got a business can you tell me what
I can do to make it more profitable
thank you so Ricardo is a few things you
can do remember if you look at a profit
we’re looking at how much we’re making a
revenue minus our cost that gives us
profit I’m not going to focus on the
cost side of things you want to try to
keep your costs you know as low as you
can but let’s focus more on the revenue
side okay how do we bring in more
business for our company here’s a few
things I’m going to give you some tips
to help you here we go number one
increase your prices what are you
charging right now and how can you
increase your prices because most
entrepreneurs what we do is we undercut
ourselves we never charge what we’re
worth you can increase your prices
twenty thirty percent and you’ll end up
making more money overall even if you
lose a few of your bad clients so think
about how can you increase your prices
for what you charge ok the next thing
think about how to increase the quantity
of the order so when they’re coming from
you they’re coming to you once a month
whatever it is they’re spending you know
500 bucks how do I get them to spend a
thousand how can you sell them more of
what you’re selling right now get them
spending a thousand instead of 500 every
month the third thing is increased in
frequency so instead of coming once a
month how do you get them to buy from
you twice a month get them coming back
to buy the same thing more often and
then the last one is adding variety so
how can you add more products and
services to what you’re doing right now
so you’re selling one thing can you sell
two or three so in somebody’s coming in
they’re buying lots of stuff and they’re
coming to your place more often so those
are a few ways okay profitability is
it’s important right you got to make
money you got to feed yourself and and
the easiest way typically is increasing
your prices offering tons of value and
increasing your prices because we do
typically tend to undercut what we bring
to the table so make sure you bring an
incredible value and then charge what
you’re worth but if you’ve done that and
you’re still looking to expand then look
at the other options
bigger quantities more frequent and new
products and services believe those
you’re watching like the video thumbs up
below you want to see more you have a
question you have a comment leave it
below I’ll make a video response thank
you so much I’ll see you soon
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