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PRODUCTIVE MORNING ROUTINE – Habits of Successful People

dreams are free but the journey isn’t
what you want to be tomorrow you’ve got
to do today figure out what your big
three goals in life are what are the
three most important goals you’ve got
for your life for this year that if you
accomplish them this would be the best
year of your life success is is not a
destination it’s a journey think of
success as a process success is a daily
thing success is the result of small
seemingly insignificant moments to
moments choices you have not yet
achieved your maximum success you have
not yet probably arrived to your
greatest potential you just have to get
better you have to keep growing you have
to keep learning you have to keep
developing taking action is the one
thing the most important thing that
separates winners from non winners that
has from the have-nots the high
achievers from the everyday people get
started getting started
is absolutely the key to life in life we
are not rewarded for what we know for
what we do your footprints to success
are really footprints of success every
step is the progressive realization of
success now you can work and work and
work at becoming successful into your
completely burned out but if you don’t
develop the specific daily habits of
successful people it’s unlikely you’ll
ever get there now to achieve success in
every area of your life you have to
develop the habits of highly successful
and hardworking people successful people
understand that they must work in a
straight line to get from where they are
to where they want to go without
diversion or distraction if you want to
accomplish your goals
you must be sure that everything you do
is taking you in that direction and then
developing good habits to get you there
habits are the expressions of who we are
and how we live and they determine all
your results so this is ultimately what
we want to change is changing your
habits you have to free yourself from
negative mental choices at all cost if
you’re gonna be great you have to start
spending more time with great people
make a conscious effort to surround
yourself with positive nourishing and
uplifting people who believe in you
encourage you to go after your dreams
good habits they’re hard to create but
easy to lose the other side of this
equation is bad habits are easy to
create and hard to lose you don’t let
the habit of daily goal-setting and goal
orientation what does this mean this
means when you go to sleep at night
think about your goals for the coming
day make a list for each day of all the
goals the little goals you’re going to
accomplish that day keep a journal and
write down your goals on a regular basis
when you’re driving through the day
think about your goals when you talk to
you other people think about your goals
you see you do become what you think
about most of the time you do achieve
what you think about most of the time so
all successful people and all wealthy
people think about their goals most of
the time at the moment that you’re
making a choice the consequences the
outcomes or the results are invisible it
doesn’t look like it’s having any impact
whatsoever so you can get faked out you
see every single one of these choices
has what you can also call a butterfly
effect one little itty-bitty choice over
here 10 15 years later and there’s a
tsunami in your life either positive or
negative simply get started make
mistakes listen to the feedback correct
and then keep moving keep moving forward
toward your goal it’s not how fast you
start it’s how long you last and you
will win every single time if you just
stay the course creating your future
means be able to change if you don’t
embrace change
you’re also holding yourself back for
millions so let’s face it the change is
inevitable the earth is changing the
weather changes the economy changes
technology changes our leaders change
even the cells in your body are
constantly changing and you can either
resist change and eventually get run
over by it and you can choose to
cooperate adapt and benefit from every
day do five things will move you closer
to your goal five concrete action steps
if you’re self-employed just five things
to grow your business if you want to
promotion at your job your five things a
day to improve your skills and knowledge
so you’ll be eligible for your next
promotion and even if you accomplish
just five things each week that’s more
than most people do in a month to
achieve their dreams
we’re telling yourself this is so hard
I’ll never accomplish my dreams I’ll
never get out of debt this is a new day
you are worthy you are capable you can
do this you will prevail
I believe in anything you want good you
can have sometimes we are too busy
thinking about the things that we don’t
have that we forget to cherish the
blessings that we have do unto others as
you would have others do unto you say
thank you for grace
thank you for mercy thank you for
thank you for wisdom thank you for
thank you for love thank you for
kindness thank you for humility
thank you for peace thank you for
Prosperity say thank you in advance for
what’s already yours words are like
seeds when you speak something out you
give life to what you’re saying if you
continue to say it eventually that can
become a reality whether you realize it
or not you are prophesying your future
you live what you speak you live what
you say and if you’re not talking about
your dreams and your successes and what
will make you a successful person and
what you believe will make the world a
better place you’re never going to live
in a more successful or a better place
if you’re not speaking the positive
parts about your life the dreams
ambitions the hopes the joys if you’re
not speaking about the dreams if you’re
not speaking about the money then all of
it is not real it’s in your head the
goal of putting something out there if
you say what you believe and you do what
you believe you will attract people who
believe what you believe the people
you’re spending time with the thoughts
you’re dwelling on all day is that
inspiring you building your faith
pushing you towards your dreams or is it
junk food feeding you guilt mediocrity
negativity causing you to compromise
feed your hopes feed your dreams feed
your confidence feed your destiny what
you think and believe will affect how
you behave and perform thus shape your
entire life all your behavior all your
choices all your outcome all your
performance is entirely shaped by your
belief system change your belief systems
will change the rest of the continuum
in the end everything will be okay and
if it’s not okay it’s not the end
you determine how great you become do
you have this breath right now the
second chance doesn’t happen to once or
twice every single day that breath
you just took feel it what a blessing
that is you got that life
what a blessing is you got that breath
what a blessing because that means you
still got time that means you still got
something inside that means you’re still
here and now you just got to earn that
blessing you got to work for it you got
to contribute for it you got to give for
it you got to lead for it you got a love
for it because you still have something
not just in you you’re still here for a
reason where do you really are in your
life today where are you and where do
you really want to go what’s gonna
create this extraordinary life what is
it that’s gonna truly fulfill you what
is it that’s gonna give you that
extraordinary life what’s gonna make
things magnificent on your terms
sometimes you got to reevaluate what’s
gonna really make you it’s some level
you have a blueprint a mindset a belief
system a philosophy a set of values
if I master this thing called my wife of
my enterprise then I’ll have this great
do what you feel passionate about
take chances don’t be afraid to think
outside the box don’t be afraid to fail
big to dream big people torment
themselves by how they see their life
they’ve told themselves a story as if it
were the truth when it is really a
perspective truth and sometimes you
narrated a story that you beat yourself
to death with challenge your own story
change the way you talk to yourself
about who you are and what happened to
you with what you’re going to do in your
life you wrote the script changed the
story but if you want to know where you
are what put you on look at your cell
phone cuz your cell phone will tell me
who you talk to yourself with blindness
if you feel that life does not give you
what you want in your world then it is
certain you will never have the goodies
that life gives to others until you
change the way you think and talk you’re
doing something that most of the
population doesn’t do you’re questioning
your existence you’re questioning why am
I here on this earth what is my purpose
and understandably so you don’t know
what that is right now that’s a pretty
big feat to accomplish understanding
what it is you want
what if I told you this was the last
Monday morning of your life
what if I told you you died this week
would you complain about your crap job
or that test you don’t want to take I
doubt it you go much higher level
thinking so what do you do when you’re a
boss well what would you do if you’re
lost in the woods something tells me
that you try to go find a shelter you
try to find somewhere safe we try to get
out of your current situation you
wouldn’t just stand there freeze when
the weather gets cold burn when the
weather gets hot you would move around
you would take action towards getting
around your environment until something
hits the most important thing is what’s
the purpose of your life why are you
here we got a look at what makes you
really do what you do everything on
earth has a purpose and you do to that
purpose provides an inner drive that
once you tap into it can give your life
immense fulfillment it’ll also give you
certainty because you know right now
we’re in a world that’s changing so
rapidly that virtually every time you
turn around you hear about something
else that’s changing and I personally
get to a deal of hundreds of thousands
of people per year I see about 250 to
300 thousand people a year in my live
programs and I hear so much excitement
now so there’s so much fear about the
pace of change
what it is you want to do with your life
that’s a pretty big accomplishment
because as human beings we evolve our
tastes our likes our dislikes our
preferences everything changes within us
and so when you’re a mere 18 years of
age it’s a pretty big deal to decide
what it is he wants to do with your life
and so I commend you for not following
the hearth I commend you for asking
yourself the important questions and not
just going with what the rest of the
population is doing before you see they
are the lost ones every time you get
angry you are affirming that you want
more anger in your life every time you
feel like a victim you are affirming
that you want to continue to feel like a
victim be alive but your mom and dad
could have had sex like three minutes
later and you weren’t even exist and
you’re completing you could ended up
being a bus a tree I just don’t get the
mentality of being head down sad on a
Monday morning I’m gonna make Monday
morning my bitch I’m gonna make you
Saturday Monday morning that’s what I
want to do every morning that’s what I
want from you please take a step back
and think about how awesome it actually
gets and then recognize that you can
attack the world in a totally different
way if you were lucky enough to be born
during this era I am focused I am
determined I’m consistent I’m persistent
I’m responsible I’m dependable I’m
enthusiastic I’m energetic I am a person
of passion and compassion then about my
life and the life that I lead and from
this day forward I promise you I’m
giving my best for nothing
I am great I’m not saying it’s gonna be
easy but you got an eight-game menu and
I need you to break it bring it out so
do me a huge favor
no excuses only adjustments let’s get up
get out let’s go make it happen
all the big famous people that you hear
about you know Richard Branson and Steve
Jobs and and Zuckerberg and I write
they’re no different than you are
seventy something percent of the world’s
billionaires are self-made so you can
achieve this now it’s not going to be
easy you don’t just wake up on Tuesday
and become rich on Wednesday but it
doesn’t take any more effort than going
to a job that you hate all you have to
do is think believe in your heart and
you’ll achieve it’s not true there’s a
lot of people who think wonderful great
thoughts they believe that I deserve
this and I can have this but they don’t
do one thing and this is what causes
their problem they don’t take consistent
action every day
most people aren’t willing to commit to
switching from what’s comfortable to
what’s not
long enough for the new to be
I’ve been asked hundreds of times why
are you Wes right why aren’t you the
stereotypical like you’re abused you
went through this your dad’s an
alcoholic about this you’re like why
aren’t you in that pool I made a choice
that’s it I made a choice I made a
choice that I didn’t want to be that
there’s nothing special about me things
are just happening and it’s because of
one choice and that’s it so if you’re
listening to this and you’re thinking
you’ve made all these different choices
and their life is in one direction make
one different choice just one less you
or them anything that we want to achieve
starts here first then we can get our
bodies to move into action to create
I believe our lives are controlled by
one force decisions I certainly believe
them force greater than myself
called God if you will grace whatever
you want to call it the universe but I
also believe that gives us choices and
the decisions we make control us much
more than the conditions we need it’s
not the conditions at your decisions
it’s not the security disrobing
ambitions and illusion of security for
exhibition so the biggest risk you can
take in life it’s not
if you’re at that point where you’re a
mid-career and you lost your job through
just out of college and starting their
just out of high school go talk to
senior citizen about what they really
regret about their lives and it’s not
what they fail out but they didn’t try
mister regards a wife did not
we cannot let the fear of the opinion of
others influence your decisions
most people have honored even half of
their dreams of that stage and they have
to die knowing that it was future
choices they had made or not made or due
to fear of the opinion of others that
they’re done for it is your life nobody
else can tell you what’s best for you
and only you will have to deal with the
so make your own decision in order to be
successful at anything it has to be an
extremely low because if you don’t love
it and you ain’t willing to die for it
don’t do it right sometimes you have to
do these transitional jobs to get you
where you have to go to but it’s ok if
you gotta sell bed sheets sell these bed
sheets do what you have to be doing with
pride but at the same time do not let
any job that you do to kill your dream
because the only thing that to make you
feel alive is your true
don’t let anybody steer you away toward
where you want to be in life not your
parents not your teachers not your
guidance counselor’s if you have a
passion and you feel confident that you
can do it go after it
the hell with everybody else this is
your life you have the tools and
resources when you wake up every day you
know that you’re blessed you’ve been
given an opportunity and most people in
life have not you have the ability to
live your dreams I do a shitload of
reading and studying and praying I’ve
come a few conclusions I want to share
people look at politicians and
celebrities on the TV and the newspapers
glossy magazines what do they see I’m
just like them that’s what they say I’m
special I’m different I could be any one
of them well guess what you can’t you
know why because in reality mediocrity
is where most people live mediocrity is
the elephant in the room it’s ubiquitous
mediocrity in your schools
it’s in your dreams and your family
those of us who know this those of us
who understand the disease of the dull
we do something about it we do more
because we have to the deck was always
stacked against us you’re either a big
leader or hear of slave claw on your way
onto the sea train
I will not allow my family to be slaves
I will not allow the world I touch to be
vanilla a lot of people dream and while
they are busy dreaming the really happy
people the really successful the really
interesting engaged powerful people are
busy doing I refused to do anything that
wasn’t in the best interest of the bulb
I had set for myself and there’s
probably a 12 year period of my life
where I did take a drink
I have a drink where I didn’t go out of
the begins that I was so set on my goal
this is hugely important many from that
dream that you have to dedicate their
life to it and that every hour of every
day has to be dedicated to bringing into
fruition things that
your time is limited so don’t waste it
living someone else’s life don’t be
trapped by Dogma which is living with
the results of other people’s thinking
don’t let the noise of others opinions
drown out your own inner voice how are
you to imagine anything if the images
are always provided for you this is a
marketing Holocaust 24 hours a day for
the rest of our lives
the powers that be are hard at work
dumbing us to death
so to defend ourselves and fight against
assimilating this dullness into our
thought processes we must learn to read
to stimulate our own imaginations to
cultivate our own consciousness
our own belief systems we all need these
skills to defend
and Preserve
our own minds have the courage to follow
your heart and intuition they somehow
already know what you truly want to
become everything else is secondary now
is the time to take risk as you get
older your obligations increase and once
you have a family you start taking risk
lunches before yourself but for your
family as well it gets much harder to do
things that might not work out so now is
the time to do that before you have
those obligations take risks now to do
something well start each day with a
task completed find someone to help you
through life respect everyone know that
life is not fair that you will fail
often take some risks
step up on the times you’re the toughest
face down the bullies lift up the
downtrodden and never ever give up you
never feel 100% okay you never get your
sea legs always a little nauseous
something is always lost something is
always missing
impossible is not a fact it’s an opinion
there will never be a perfect time for
you to become the person you were meant
to be it’s not who you are that holds
you back from brilliant success it’s who
you think you’re not that holds you back
and sometimes we focus on who we think
we’re not instead of who we are when you
begin to understand that you are
absolutely positively brilliant you
begin to recognize everything that you
need to succeed at every age and every
stage is inside of you when life tells
you no ask yourself honestly what am i
capable of and once you know the answer
don’t be afraid to let everyone else
know it too the human race has the
ability to do 10 50 times what you’re
doing right now well if you realize you
have that ability as you go along you
find obstacles but you overcome them or
you go right around them there will
never be a perfect time for you to
become the person you were meant to be
it’s the little things in life matter if
you can’t do the little things right
you’ll never be able to do the big
things right where you really are in
your life today where are you
and where do you really want to go
what’s gonna create this extraordinary
life what is it that’s gonna truly
fulfill you what is it that’s going to
give you that extraordinary
what’s going to make things magnificent
on your terms there’s a level all your
dreams are realized there’s a level that
you’ve always dreamed that it is real it
has not gone away but it takes that
extra burst what do you think there’s
nothing left there’s no way he tried
everything ten million times and you
keep going genius is not something
you’re born with
genius is something that you apply you
don’t you don’t get lucky you make lucky
success is not something that is
divinely bestowed on you success whether
it’s prosperity or whatever it is is
something that you earn by grit hard
work finding the right people doing the
learning etc there is another level the
only reason you keep sleeping there
isn’t if you feel so exhausted about
where you are but life the universe our
God is just testing you because there is
another level it’s a level where you are
not one of the best you are the best you
know what’s amazing you only have to be
two million is more than everybody else
and you get everything you get the joy
the last day the father the family
the passion the economics the freedom
the spirit it’s all there and it’s just
two million years above and most
excellent people give up because they’re
exhausted and there’s some people go the
harder I hit it the more I hit it sooner
or later it’s going down I’m not
stopping and when you do that enough it
pops open the more you realize you’re
wrong the more somebody attacks you and
tells you you’re stupid the more
mistakes you make you see in that one
thing and one thing only
the ability to get better because when
you can do that the more people assail
you the more mistakes you make the more
times you fall on your face the stronger
you get because you respond to that with
the acquisition of skills you have to
you have to step forward the definition
of courage is in the face of fear do it
anyway it’s not lack of fear the
important thing about courage is not a
lack of fear it’s feel the fear and do
it anyway you are worthy
you are capable you can do this you will
prevail I believe in you
you have to watch every single second
because those seconds they turn into
minutes and minutes turn into hours and
hours turn into days and days turn in to
years and in those precious seconds you
are either building or your decayed
you’re either gaining ground or you were
losing ground in that second
so second
ever tried ever failed no matter
try again fail again fail better
it’s not who you are that holds you back
from brilliant success it’s who you
think your not that holds you back there
will never be a perfect time for you to
become the person you were meant to be
you get to become a winner because if
there’s one thing I know it is this the
losing stops now the human race has the
ability to do 10 50 times what you’re
doing right now well if you realize you
have that ability as you go along you
find obstacles but you overcome them or
you go right around them sometimes we
focus on who we think we’re not instead
of who we are when you begin to
understand that you are absolutely
positively brilliant you begin to
recognize everything that you need to
succeed at every age and every stage is
inside of you
genius is not something you’re born with
genius is something that you apply you
don’t you don’t get lucky you make lucky
success is not something that is
divinely bestowed on you success whether
it’s prosperity or whatever it is is
something that you earn by grit hard
work finding the right people of doing
the learning exciting a lot of people
dream and while they are busy dreaming
but really happy people the really
successful people the really interesting
engaged powerful people are busy doing
lots of people have potential but not
everyone doesn’t remember that the
moments when life tell to you guests
aren’t the ones that define you the
moments that really matter are the
moments when life tells you know when
life tells you know ask yourself
honestly what am i capable of
and once you know the answer don’t be
afraid to let everyone else know it –
dreams do not come true just as we dream
them it’s hard work that make things
happen it’s hard work that creates
change so ditch the dream and be a doer
not a dreamer
the human mind is always looking for
what’s wrong the human brain is not
designed to make you happy it’s designed
to make you survive happiness that’s
your job
and you only get it if you draw a line
in the sand that’s how it’s going to be
the hardest part of working toward a
goal is when we are either making slow
progress or negative progress and having
the patience and confidence to know that
the improvements we make over the long
periods as opposed to the short periods
are what matter milestones are what
remind us that we are making progress
even if it isn’t parent every day
do and believe only that which moves you
towards your goals you have to watch
every single second because those
seconds return in two minutes and
minutes turned into hours and hours turn
into days and days turn in two years
the more you realize you’re wrong the
more somebody attacks you and tells you
you’re stupid the more mistakes you make
you see in that one thing and one thing
only the ability to get better because
when you can do that the more people
assail you the more mistakes you make
the more times you fall on your face the
stronger you get because you respond to
that with the acquisition of skills what
you want to be tomorrow you’ve got to do
today you are worthy
you are capable
you can do this you will prevail I
believe in
every second parents
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