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“PREPARATION is the KEY!” – Tim Grover (@ATTACKATHLETICS) – Top 10 Rules

when people become successful okay they

always say I don’t do that anymore what

do you mean you don’t do that anymore

you should do that and then some there’s

so many individuals out there that are

so talented and different things that

never accomplish anything

everyone’s gonna hit adversity it’s how

you deal with that adversity and the key

word is you not letting somebody else

deal with a diversity you have to deal

with a diversity need motivation watch a

top 10 with belief nation what’s up at

seven my one word is believe and I

believe in you I believe you have an

amazing gift inside you that I want to

see explode out under the world so let’s

get your motivation to attend and get

you believing in you grab a snack and

chew on today’s lessons from a man who

went from immigrating to the United

States from India at age four and

helping his father dispose of dead

bodies at age six to working with elite

athletes like Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant

and Dwayne Wade he’s Tim Grover and

here’s my take on his top ten rules a


alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one be fueled by failure we’re

try so hard in our lives to fit in we

try to fit into certain groups certain

frats certain sororities you know

amongst certain friends yet the people

we idolize our most are the ones that

stand out but when you’re prepared there

is no fear there is no fear of failure

okay because even if you’ve walked out

of something and you feel like you’ve

failed at it your preparation is so

strong that you’re gonna take that

failure and turn it into the outcome you

desire and most people stop at failure

okay we’ve all failed at things I’m

gonna continue to fail at stuff like

it’s the most powerful tool you can use

but it all depends on how you use it you

know we talked about it in relentless

okay a scalpel

okay in the hands of an individual it

can do unbelievable damage in the hands

of a professional of a doctor it saves

lives so it’s the same thing with

failure it’s how you use it it’s that

drive inside of you okay it’s what we

talk about the dark side the dark side

is filled with failure but it’s the fuel

that burns you like something that’s

never burned inside you before rule

number 2 master your craft when I

started starting everyone says all

you’re gonna be a gym teacher I said no

I saw my work with professional athletes

I knew what I wanted to do is I’m gonna

work with but I’m gonna work with

professional athletes so that was my

that was the goal I set in my mind and I

just said hey that that’s gonna take a

place in my head that’s the only thing

that I want to do and I gotta figure out

a way to I got to figure out a way to

get there so I started and learned my

craft better than anybody else did I

start with the professional athletes

Nora after I graduated I went to work in

a local health club really I knew how I

knew everything from a book standpoint

but still you gotta know how to apply it

okay so I you know worked with anybody I

could any these are not pro these aren’t

pros I’m talking about housewives I’m

talking about individuals that just want

to get and just want to get in shape

people that have had injuries from

different sports kids anybody just kind

of developing programs putting

implementing what I’ve learned and

actually being able to apply it mm-hmm

and once I started look at that craft I

said okay now I’m starting to figure out

how to how to actually apply this stuff

and how to use it and put the formulas

together and put the workouts together

and do all these different things I mean

stuff that they’re doing now from a

workout standpoint I was doing 30 years

ago I was new to you know I mean some of

this stuff is you are it’s different I

stay on top of it right I got to

continue to learn you know continue to

be better myself so I can better my

athletes better my craft but it it’s a

different it’s just a different way of

doing the same different way of doing

the same thing right now there’s a lot

more resources a lot more education a

lot more testing available back then you

kind of had to just figure it out a lot

of individuals now okay

especially in this generation not only

from a training standpoint but from a

knowledge standpoint they’re jumping

from one thing to another you know

they’re using this trainer this week

they’re using another trainer next week

you know they’re using this person as a

mentor on YouTube then they’re using

this person over here okay and they’re

getting all this conflicting information

okay you got a you got a master what

you’re going to master okay you have to

fit you have to figure out too many

people are jumping from place to place

the place Michael

Kobe all these individuals they mastered

one aspect of the game when they

mastered that aspect of the game then

they move to another aspect of the game

rule number three do it all when people

become successful okay they always say I

don’t do that anymore what do you mean

you don’t do that anymore you should do

that and then something mmm what do you

mean you don’t do that anymore the most

successful people

No and can do it all all right you can

do it all okay Michael you know what he

never when he played he would go around

pick up the towels in the gym they have

to practice put the basketball really

put the basket put the basketball

Michael Michael Jordan Nicole we did the

same thing put the basketballs away all

right do it just do whatever when I was

supposed to do he that he packed us all

got his own game gear together you know

now people have these stylists and so

forth they put their clothes together

Michael put his own stuff together it’s

just like handled its own tickets Kobe

did the same thing so it’s just like hey

just because I’m now the superstar all

right I still want it I still have to do

the things that got me there because it

reminds me Wow of what I did of what it

took to get to get to this level rule

number four sharpen your mind

so if talents not enough what is there’s

so many individuals out there that are

so talented in different things that

never accomplished anything okay the

world is filled with talented people you

know a lot of them yourselves

and they never accomplished anything

with talent has to come preparation has

to come action has to become development

of being able to take those talents take

those skills continue to develop them

continue to sharpen them physically

continue to sharpen them mentally

because at some point your physical

talent is going to diminish as a

professional athlete that’s just a fact

okay but what keeps that competitive

edge what keeps you on top is the

ability to think and prepare mentally

over and over and over again the body

has limitations the mind does not we

focus so much on what goes on from the

neck down that we forget it all starts

from here

everything starts with if you’re not

mentally ready you’re never really

physically prepared and that’s where the

preparation starts I firmly believe that

everybody in this room everybody on this

planet has a gift it’s your job to

figure out what that gift is then it

becomes your job to decide whether

you’re going to act on that or not

everyone sees the work that you put in

but it’s what you don’t see it’s going

to determine how far you and they get I

hear stuff all the time people say oh

look in the mirror and you’ll see why

you’re not succeeding I don’t believe

that okay it’s what you don’t see in the

mirror that’s what’s holding you back

it’s what you’re not willing to see is

why talent is not enough and when you

when you finally see it and accept it

and decide to work on it then you can

take that next level rule number five

start winning

everyone’s gonna hit adversity yep okay

everyone’s gonna hit adversity it’s how

you deal with that adversity and the key

word is you not letting somebody else

deal with a diversity you have to deal

with a diversity and how you deal with

it are you gonna fight through it or are

you gonna curl up and just roll over

into the corner it’s gonna pretty much

determine how the rest of your

development from a mental standpoint is

going to carry you you know people talk

about this I people talk about this all

the time you know losing builds

character okay well how much character

do you need seriously all right you

don’t want to keep losing and losing hey

listen I’d rather have a person win who

has a little bit of who has a little bit

of character okay who’s a little nuts

and a person that loses all the time and

he’s got has got great character at some

point you got to start you got to start

winning you can’t always look for other

people to help you

other people got their own problems they

got their own they got to deal with

they’re trying to achieve their own

goals their will they are willing to

assist but after a while okay if you

constantly looking for a system

constantly looking for help it’s it’s on

you your failure and your success is on

you rule number six elevate people

around you a lot of people in business

they’re successful for themselves yeah

okay or the team they put up great

numbers but the team never wins Torey

all right

you know in business when the owner or

the CEO when he wins if he’s a cleaner

everybody in that business from the top

person all the way down to the last

person they all went out when sports if

you can you bring out the best out of

all your teammates you elevate not only

your teammates you eval you elevate the

equipment manner and you elevate the

equipment manager the staff the people

you have no idea the people that handle

the tickets everybody’s game is elevated

because they have because the cleaners

not going to come down to your level you

got to come up to theirs rule number

seven seize every opportunity you have

to be prepared to take any and every

opportunity that’s presented to you

all right nothing’s just gonna happen

you know everybody say it’s all on you

it is all on you there’s other people

that can educate you and help you but

you take these different experiences

that you learn that stick with you I

mean you may not remember a whole lot

when you were four years old but there’s

certain memories there’s certain things

you can use them to either harness you

to greatness or you can use them to kind

of just keep you where you’re at and

most people are just satisfied with that

there’s always the next level your

definition of greatness and what you

want achieve could be totally different

than somebody else’s you know we always

say no one wants to be first okay

because they’re afraid of the

consequences that come with doing

something first you know we go to

Michael Jordan everyone when Michael

Jordan took over the Charlotte team that

everyone says he’s a failure well how

can you be a failure when you’re the

first professional athlete to own

geordie of a franchise team can’t be a

failure you’re the first to do something

if you’re the first to do something you

can’t be listed as a failure I wanted to

be the first to do something and that

was to work with high high and

professional athletes rule number eight

surround yourself with greatness so when

you choosing someone when you choose

somebody to listen to and you choose

somebody to learn from and you choose a

business partner you choose a client

they got to be as crazy and they gotta

be as tough as you are that’s how you

get success that’s how you know you’re

gonna be able to push that individual

that’s how you know that relationship is

gonna last you know people talk about in

business or think oh you got to find a

balance you got to find that person you

know if you’re one way you got to find a

person that’s the other way no that’s

that’s pulling you away from

how you want to do things now if you’re

intense the next person I want is to be

as super intense super intense now those

people around you they got to be smarter

than you aren’t right you don’t want to

surround yourself with people that if

you’re the smartest person in the room

you need to get more people in the room

so okay you should not walk into a room

and ever be the smartest person in there

okay the people around you have to be

much smarter or at least in certain

things you may have an expertise in one

thing but that other individual better

have an expertise that’s beyond yours in

something and something else like but

from the my standpoint you know MJ was

just as tough as I was Kobe is just as

tough as I was from above from being the

best okay I wanted to be the best at

what I do they wanted to be the best at

what they do

all right it was an attraction it’s an

attract and those are the people that

allow you to push them and allow them to

they understand they want to get they

want to get better you know they don’t

need to be motivated okay

they’re like you tell them hey we’re

interesting they’re not they’re not

hiring you to come motivate me nobody

wanted as bad as you so what the best of

the best already wanted more than

anybody else there’s a reason they’re

the best you know which we talked about

this earlier at lunch they’re the ones

that are show up to practice early okay

they’re the ones taking the extra shots

they’re the ones doing the wind sprints

at the end they’re the one

you know getting treatment taking care

of the body they’re showing up they’re

showing up on off days you’re saying

you’re sending the guys home you’re

saying you gotta go gotta go home you

got a little leak you gotta you got to

tell them to leave you don’t have to

tell them to show up got tell them to

leave that that that’s enough you know

you have people in your office you look

at it you know how many employees do you

have now

we got 4218 4200 agents okay

I had 4200 agents okay if you put them

all in all in the room okay and you were

able to put them all in one shop

together all right and say your hours

were 9:00 to 5:00 okay

you have 4200 people in here from night

from 9:00 to 5:00 o’clock from five

o’clock after five o’clock may have 500

after seven o’clock you may have 200

after nine o’clock you may have five and

then guess what at the end of they

there’s gonna be one light left on maybe

to yours and somebody else’s that person

is as tough as you are like but you can

count on that you can count on that

individual rule number nine my personal

favorite have intensity so we’re both

workout guys we like to go to that would

you like that we like to go to the gym

all right how many times have you seen

people in the gym they spend more time

on their playlist taking pictures doing

stuff aesthetic getting their work

instead of getting the workout done so

true it’s just like you know and here’s

the thing all right

you’re a very intense person I can tell

okay I’m a very intensive person you

apply we value our time yes okay how do

you get results in the gym

it isn’t about spending two to three

hours working out people say I spent

three hours you didn’t spend three out

human by time you pulled into the

parking lot that by time of change got

some black fish put your workout clothes

on talked to eight people did all that

stuff you were there for you were there

for three hours you did you could do

that you did your three hours no

intensity yeah all right all right

people talk about hey you know you post

a couple workout things you see any your

buff guy or you’re next you’re in a

great shape all right people say and I

want to look like I want to look like


they don’t see what it takes to look

like you not only in the gym outside of

the gym the intensity that’s there

you’re in the gym and I’m assuming you

workout with music you had some

headphones on you got to get a certain

amount of stuff done in a certain amount

of time or you’re in this inten stuff

somebody comes up to you

yeah and you don’t want to be rude to

them see if now you take your headphones

off they ask you a question they want to

take a picture with you and recognize

you for so and so on

alright and then their questions how do

I get to look like well the one way you

get to look like me is leave me that’s a

lot better and start hitting aside in

the weight start start lifting it’s the

intensity that you have it has to be in

everything you do you have to be an

intense person in your workouts the way

you did the way you eat okay that’s

that’s intensity how do how do you fuel

up your metabolism rate so you burn in

these calories so you can get that

definition that’s intent that’s an

intensity how do you get to be

successful you know the old man he he or

she he’s so intense no you know what

he and she that’s how you’re supposed to

be you’re at a different level right and

that’s what I said the intensity is so

it’s so important it’s what really

separates those individuals and you

can’t get into that zone and you can’t

get arms and abs like Edie or you can’t

do it unless you have that intensity and

you’re willing to block out the

distractions we have so much access now

to information yeah there’s literally at

our fingertips

you know everything okay why are more

individuals doing less you’re right

because they’re easily distracted and

rule number 10 the last one before some

very special bonus rules be relentless

relentless is more than just a mindset

it’s a skill set it’s a mindset it’s a

way to kick ass we talked about kicking

ass and taking names well when you

relentless you’ve kicked so much ass you

can’t remember all the names because it

becomes irrelevant the name that they

remember is your name that’s what

relentless is being about it’s not about

others it’s about yourself it’s about

taking yourself to a level that all

the few people can achieve the mindset

is completely different it’s about

capturing other people’s hearts and not

letting them go it’s learning to step on

their throat it’s about killing the

competition your fiercest competitors

are cutthroat individuals all they want

to do is win and they want to win over

and over again it’s not just a one-time


success is repeated many many times you

can have a skill set to do a lot of

things okay you can train you can read a

manual you can do all these different

things but a skill set only works if you

have that mindset everyone talks about I

got the Hessian I got in or Drive you

know what passion in a drive is it’s

absolutely nothing unless there’s an

action a relentless action that follows

it and if you have that relentless

action that follows your passion that

follows that inner drive you have then

you get that end result other than that

you just have a bunch of emotions that

now I’ve got three very special Tim

Grover clips around how to make no

excuses preparation is key and make your

instincts trust you but before that I

want to know what did you learn from

this video what was the single biggest

lesson that you’re going to take away

from and apply somehow to your life your

business leave it in the comments below

when you write it down it’s much more

likely to actually happen so put it in

the comments below I want to see what

you have to say thank you guys so much

for watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever you’re one where it is much

love I’ll see you soon

sports everybody always said oh he’s a

closer and they said that’s the top

level of a competitor and I always

thought while working with Michael I

said comparing him to everybody else and

putting him in a category as a closer

along with all the other players

I said that’s an insult I see what this

man goes through I’ve seen his

preparation you know I don’t like to use

the word legendary with him because he’s

not a legend he’s an icon there’s a lot

of legends out there there’s only one

icon he’s an icon right so when you talk

about these different individuals we

have a cooler as an individual and this

could not only be in sports it could be

in work and so forth and if you’re gonna

identify these personalities as a boss

or as a director it will help your

company succeed tremendously because you

know what you can get out of these

individuals so a cooler is a person that

you give a job to and you’re gonna get

the desired results you’re not gonna get

anything exceptional you’re not gonna

get anything outstanding you’re gonna

give them something to do they’re gonna

deliver a result that’s expected well if

I and there’s not and there’s nothing

wrong with that every team and every

organization needs needs coolers on them

then when we have closers closers are a

level above that closers are people that

you give a task to you give an

assignment they’re gonna deliver you

that end result majority of the time as

long as too many variables are not

thrown at them a cleaner is an

individual what we call a don’t think

person they’re so well prepared at what

they do they spend hours and hours of

time years of getting prepared that no

matter what’s thrown at them they’re

going to deliver that end result over

and over again their instincts are so

dead on that no matter what variable

what problem they could adjust on the

fly and they’ll have the ability to get

themselves in what we call the zone the

problem is in order to be able to put

yourself in the zone preparation is the

key how many times have you watched

sports and they said the person’s

thinking too much stop thinking stop

thinking just go out just go out and

play well

when you tell an individual to stop

thinking what’s the first thing they do

they start thinking exactly do you know

how many hours and years of preparation

go into not being able to not to think

about something okay it takes years and

years and years of doing the same thing

over and over and over again okay

twice on how not to not to think Wow to

be able to take a to take a reaction

yeah and turn it into a reflex that’s

what the greatest can do most people

react to things

okay the greatest it’s it’s an instinct

it’s it’s impulsive it’s innate it

becomes it becomes a reflex you know we

talked about this listen trust your

instincts that’s what closers do you

know what cleaners do their instincts

trust them I got this I’ll give you a

great example about that it will pick up

the other thing all right Doug Collins

coach of the Bulls Shep is drawing up

this play okay last-second plays drawn

it’s the Cleveland play the one he betta

you know right yeah so he’s drawing up

all he’s drawing up this play all this

other stuff he’s over he raises it

Michaels turns around today give me the

ball get the pathway in the timeout yeah

after the time made you know before I’m

done just give me the ball get the

out the way okay that’s that’s the don’t

think okay that’s the point where hey

listen my instincts trust me

give me the ball just get the hell out

the way I’m winning this game hmm

I’m what in this game but that

game-winning shot wasn’t made there it

was made many years before in the hill

in the dark Jim by himself with somebody

rebounding the ball whether it was me or

somebody else shooting that same shot

over and over and over and over again

say no if I get to this spot I don’t

care if there’s ten hands in front of me

if I get to this spot the shots going in

because I’ve done it over and over again

Chuck this for a second because this

just blew my mind is your dad that come

India right yes right mm-hmm and your

dad you’re in the cab you just get here

you’re in there yep and my mom’s already

here okay so that list herself as a

nurse and well my dad it was easier for

my it was easier for my mom to get her

license here and as a nurse practitioner

that was for my dad to get his license

as a doctor hmm

all right an MD mm-hmm and he wasn’t

able to get a wasn’t able to get the

license we still came over we’re sitting

in the cab and he’s counted the money

and the meter gets to I forget what the

number was and my dad tells the cab

driver stop mmm and you’re a little boy

right yeah I was four years old I said

stop and we’re like what’s going on mmm

and my dad goes hey listen we’re a new

country I want you to enjoy the scenery

so we get out and grab all the luggage

excuse me hmm

and we’re walking down the street hmm

it’s a hustle you got it yeah walking

down the street with his luggage hmm and

it’s showing us a different scenery and

so forth hmm never knew he didn’t have

any more money in this pocket Wow Wow

amazing but he got it got you there

that’s powerful you imagined that little

boy walking down that Street turns out

to be you then amazing yes so in those

scenes into you yeah and there’s moments

like that that define you as long as you

remember them they can define you both

ways you can look at it and say you know

what you can use that as an excuse my

dad came to this country he didn’t have

any money he never gave me anything he

never did this and people do that you

know you can look at and say he gave us

everything raise your standard Apple at

the core his core value

is that even that people your passion

can change the way people not one drop

of myself work depends on your it’s

suppose to mean I don’t ever give up I’d

have to be dead or completely

incapacitated hey believe nation if you

want to see my all-time favorite top ten

roses success I have a very special

secret video for you these are the

individual clips that I have personally

learned the most from and applied to my

life and my business check the link the description for details

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