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“PLAY Like a CHAMPION, TRAIN Like an UNDERDOG!” – Jay Shetty (@JayShettyIW) – Top 10 Rules

it mean that keeps you up at night is
the real dream you should be chasing but
to chase that dream to find that dream
to make that dream a reality you need a
strategy don’t waste your time trying to
live someone else’s life you know don’t
be trapped by Dogma focus in on your own
strengths your own element what you have
to offer if you really want to achieve
something you’ll find a way and if you
don’t you’ll find excuses the motivation
watch it top 10 with believe nation
what’s that belief nation at seven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have Michael Jordan level
talent at something and I want you to
find it embrace it I make a difference
using it so let’s get your motivation to
attend and get you believing in you grab
a snack and chew in today’s lessons from
a man who went from being bullied as a
child for being overweight and nerdy to
becoming a monk in India to now having a
goal to make wisdom go viral and being
one of the most viewed people on the
internet he’s Jay Shetty and here’s my
take on his top 10 rules a success vol 2
okay let’s kick things off with rule
number one have a plan how many of you
have a crazy dream or a crazy goal I
want you to write out in the comment
section what is your crazy dream the
dream that keeps you up at night is the
real dream you should be chasing but to
chase that dream to find that dream to
make that dream a reality you need a
strategy why a dream without a plan is
just a wish Tony Robbins said that right
a dream without a plan is just a wish
right without a strategy without a
guiding philosophy without guiding
principles without actually creating a
clear plan I used to have this economics
teacher and I want you to think back to
school as well maybe you had one I
remember this economics teacher you
walked in to the classroom and the first
thing that you wrought in the board he
didn’t even tell us his name we’d even
know who he was and he turned up he went
inside the classroom and he wrote on the
he said failing to prepare is preparing
to fail and all of us just burst how
laughing this guy I don’t even told us
his name yet but on the board he wrote
failing to prepare is preparing to fail
and now when I look back at that and as
I grew up and hopefully became a bit
more mature than I was in high school I
remember thinking about that statement I
thinking how true is that then when
you’re not prepared for something you
miss out on our unbelievable
opportunities now I’m not saying good
things don’t happen spontaneously
sometimes things happen by chance
randomly etc with a reason but when
you’re prepared you can capitalize on
things in a huge huge way rule number
two live in your element play to your
own element
don’t try and perform someone else’s
expertly so in modern terminology or how
would I say that is don’t waste your
time Steve Jobs don’t waste your time
trying to live someone else’s life you
know don’t be trapped by Dogma focus in
on your own strengths your own element
what you have to offer don’t get lost in
trying to become like someone else or
pretend to be someone else there’s a
beautiful one of my favorite quotes by
Einstein and then Steve Jobs against
said if you judge a fish by its ability
to climb a tree they’ll spend its whole
life believing that it’s stupid and too
many of us are fish trying to climb a
tree too many of us a monkey’s being
taught how to swim too many of us are
lions being taught to live like cats
we’re not getting to live in our element
so my second piece of advice is live in
that element that you’ve naturally been
don’t try adopt another you know we’ve
more got a special genius inside of us
it was Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs this
conversation Steve Wozniak looked Steve
Wozniak for those who don’t know is the
tech guy behind Apple he practically
invented the technology and the software
and everything so Steve Wozniak looked
at Steve Jobs and he says this is in
Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve
Jobs Steve wasn’t I wasn’t yet looks at
Steve Jobs and he says what do you even
do he said you’re not a coder you’re not
a designer you know what a marketer and
you’re not an engineer what do you even
do imagine challenging Steve Jobs and
Steve Jobs replies he says he says
musicians play their instruments I play
the orchestra that is the most deep
understanding of one’s role in life and
not getting lost in other people’s
identities and perceptions of you Steve
Jobs knew that he wasn’t a marketer he
wasn’t an engineer he wasn’t a coder so
he hired all of those but he played the
orchestra he brought it all together and
that’s when you when you find confidence
in your own role you won’t be envious of
anyone else rule number three don’t let
failure stop you during a research
experiment a shark was placed into a
large tank of water and then some small
fish were released into that tank as you
would expect the shock quickly swam
around the tank what’s the fish and then
ended up eating all of them then a
strong piece of fiberglass was inserted
into the tank this would create a
division between where the shark started
and where the smaller fish started again
the shock quickly attacked but they
stunned the shark went in straight into
the fiberglass divider and
stop it tried this several times again
and again and again until it became
tired and weakened meanwhile the fish on
the other side of the divider carried on
swimming peacefully after about an hour
the shark finally gave up this
experiment was repeated several dozen
times over the next few weeks where the
shark became less aggressive every
single time it got to the point where
the shark
stopped trying to attack and eat the
fish that’s who the fiberglass was then
removed out of the tank and to their
amazement the shark still did not attack
the shark had been trained through habit
that a fiberglass divider was there and
that he would bounce off and therefore
didn’t even consider it at the same time
the small fish freely swam wherever they
wanted the moral of the story many of us
are experiencing setbacks and failures
in everyday life eventually we get
emotionally drained tired unmotivated
and we stopped trying like the shark in
the story we believe that because we’ve
been unsuccessful in the past that that
barrier still exists even for new
ventures in other words we continue to
see a barrier in our heads that
separates us from our dreams even though
there is no real barrier between where
we are
where we want to go and remember this
the teacher has failed more times than
the student has even rule number four my
personal favorite believe in your
mission Fred Smith was an undergraduate
at Yale University in 1965 as part of
his coursework he wrote an economics
paper exploring the transportation of
goods in the United States it’s how
things get delivered to you and me he
found that shippers were transporting
large packages and items either via
truck or through passenger airplanes he
thought he had a more efficient method
he wrote a last-minute paper as you do
about how a company transporting small
items via airplane would be a much
better business model because he was
rushed he never really got around to
explaining in the paper how that company
with one and he ended up getting a C the
funny thing is he still didn’t give up
and in 1971 he actually launched the
company he was speaking about but within
three years of founding the company
Federal Express as it was called was
actually on the verge of bankruptcy they
were losing over a million a month that
was because of rising fuel costs
competitors in the same market and at
its zenith it was only worth about
$5,000 Smith even made a final pitch to
General Dynamics hoping for more funding
it was rejected
most people at this point probably would
have just shut down projection the great
C losing a million a month but Fred
Smith had different ideas Smith actually
ended up flying to Las Vegas that
weekend with all of what the company had
the $5,000 the Monday morning after the
company had $32,000 thanks to his
blackjack skills that money made it
possible to cover fuel costs for just a
few days more
soon after the company was able to raise
significant funds he went around to
multiple places to find sponsors
investors people that believed in what
he was trying to achieve as a service
the amazing thing is that he was
creating a company that we all know
today it’s called FedEx it now operates
in over 220 countries and has an
new revenue of over 45 billion dollars
the interesting lesson that we can learn
here is that there were countless
occasions in Fred Smith’s life where he
could have said that’s it it’s not
working for me he could have stopped
when he got that C for the paper he
could have stopped when he was losing a
million a month he could have even
stopped when he finally only had enough
to just last a few more days but he
believed in his vision he had believed
he had conviction about his idea and the
process and the service that he was
creating and that’s the lesson here if
you really want to achieve something
you’ll find a way and if you don’t
you’ll find excuses rule number five
have a strong why I think Mark
Zuckerberg said it brilliantly at
Harvard he was saying that finding your
purpose isn’t enough you have to help
other people find this and I know you’re
passionate about this whatever that
definition is but it has to lead
everyone so if I’m whether I meet a
celebrity and entrepreneur or whether I
meet somebody starting out I’m always
asking them this question how can you
use what you have to make a difference
in the life of other people yeah because
if you start there everything else will
work out but if you’re starting from the
point of what am I gonna get then you’re
always gonna feel disconnected and I see
that I see people who live like that and
feel pain in their lives every day I see
that it’s not like some conceptual
philosophy we see it I see people who
are only in it for themselves and they
feel disconnected dissatisfied every
single day and then you see the other
extreme where people are just trying to
give too much more than they even have
themselves and they also feel
disconnected and again nothing at all
nothing at all right so we know it again
attachment and aversion two sides of the
same coin mm-hmm so we want to be in
that dynamic balance of growth but
always to give yeah so I always think
how can I go three steps deeper so that
I can move three steps forward so I can
give three times as much right it’s all
that’s always my mentality how do I go
deeper to go more forward to give more
yeah and if I can get those three in
action for that reason see it’s what
about the reasoning you can do anything
you like but it’s why are you doing it
worse rule number six train like
now it’s incredible that we root for
it’s incredible that
we want underdogs to win why because
we’re used to wanting our team to win
we’re used to wanting the best to win
we’re used to wanting to associate
ourselves with people who are successful
we never go oh yeah I know someone who
plays for that really bad team like we
don’t say that right we say things like
oh I know so many place without really
good team I know someone who was MVP I
know someone who’s the son or the
daughter of the MVP we try and associate
or link ourselves to success and when we
do that it in turn makes us feel more
successful it’s one of the reasons why
when your team wins you say we won right
you say we won but when someone asks you
or how did your team do and if they lost
that day you say they lost you rarely
say we lost it’s incredible how
psychologically we distance ourselves
from failure and we close and or like on
ourselves to success but the exception
to that rule is the underdog we all get
excited by underdogs we all get
motivated by underdogs we feel
completely enamored by the story of the
underdog prashant underdogs are just
simple minded they don’t have
expectations and don’t have anything to
prove to anybody and Prashant
you’ve just hit the nail on the head
that’s the principle I’m trying to get
actually we should play like champions
and train like underdogs why because the
underdog works in a way not worrying
about what anybody else thinks or
believes that gives you an edge it gives
you a phenomenal advantage when you’re
actually worried about what will people
say when you’re not concerned by am I
going to fail am I’m going to look worse
is what I’m doing not going to succeed
as an underdog you don’t let those
things cloud your mind you can focus in
on the task at hand see when we become
successful even as underdogs if we’ve
risen to success the biggest enemy of
that success the biggest Achilles heel
the biggest thing that can trip us up is
not me connecting to that feeling of an
underdog so no matter how much success
you’ve achieved no matter where you are
always remind yourself the mindset of an
underdog is the mindset that nurtures
talent that nurtures success that
harnesses your true potential rule
seven go through hurdles this man began
singing and playing the guitar at aged
four his parents didn’t want him to
watch too much television he was banned
from playing video games but he had a
lot of books about art he didn’t enjoy
school and was even bullied at age 15 a
year later he decided to quit school and
follow his dreams of making in the music
industry now things didn’t go as planned
he ended up homeless sleeping often on
trains just to get by this lasted for
around three years where he had nowhere
to live he spent multiple nights and
days performing to small groups often
without even eating to his surprise some
of his tracks went viral on iTunes even
reaching the number-two spot on the
iTunes chart by the end of the year his
album had sold 800 and 1000 copies
making it the eighth best-selling album
of the year his latest song was one of
the most listened to worldwide his name
ed Sheeran today he’s mentored by Elton
John Paul McCartney says that he’s a fan
he’s even written songs for Taylor Swift
in one direction and many many more
edie story teaches us that there’s no
such thing as an overnight success he
was so shocked and surprised when his
album went viral online but when you
look at the struggle before that you see
the pain he had to go through often we
only view people’s success as what we
see in their highlight reel and we
forget what they actually had to go
through to get to that stage and that’s
why the next time you see someone that
you think is successful don’t focus on
what they’re doing now focus on what
they did to get them real number 8 grow
your brand what are the people not
understanding about video okay what are
they not understanding about how
powerful it is for their business their
brand and ultimately their message to
impact people it’s always that same
question what’s the ROI on social media
right what’s the ROI now the funny thing
is your business work in service my
business work in service literally lives
off of social media so there’s obviously
an ROI but the problem is we live in a
world where we want everything to be
measurable and there’s a beautiful
Einstein code that says not everything
that counts can be counted and not
everything that you can count counts
right and we live in this world where
everything needs to be measured like oh
that video has a million views how many
cells did you get through that but it’s
like life doesn’t work like that there’s
a load of adverts and billboards on the
street that the biggest brands pay for
that don’t convert into direct sales do
you think that coca-cola looks at the
billboard out there and goes how many
people saw that advert today and how
many people bought I look because of
that advert they don’t have that number
it doesn’t exist and they’re one of the
biggest brands in the world but they
still do it so social media video is
just a new billboard
mm-hm and the biggest brands know that
the more you see it like I mean this is
funny I saw this thread so a big
billboard outside of my hotel that has
all the Jenners and the Kardashians
wearing their Calvin’s have you seen it
I saw it straight away this morning then
I swear on Instagram and then I swear
everywhere so already I’ve seen in three
places now I don’t need women’s Calvera
underwear but the point is that I’ve
seen it in a million places so anyone
who’s not using video hasn’t understood
that more people are going to see video
than anything else
and notice that video is so much better
than a billboard you can say so much
more right so for me it’s just a lack of
seeing opportunity there’s a there’s a
great I think this is a old tale it’s
not true but but it’s told that when
Nike first went to India they went there
and it’s not Nike it’s any any sneaker
brand it’s its ass nice story and when
they first went to India they saw
everyone was barefoot so the first
reporter came back and said or there’s
no market there because no one wears
trainers and then the second reporter
went then he said oh no one wears shoes
and then he came back and says we’ve got
a huge market out there right and it’s
the way you see it that someone a sword
no one wearing shoes there’s no mark
here but another presence what everyone
not wearing shoes as a marketing right
and that’s what video is that you can
sit here and debate the ROI on video for
as long as you want the truth is every
major brand has invested in a front
window that may know
translate to direct sales or work or
whatever it is man but it does you think
every brand should be using video every
brand should be using video rule number
nine choose love I’m almost 30 and I
don’t feel like I’ve accomplished
anything in life I made a promise to
myself while I was a university that I
would get a job that excites me every
morning but right now I’m afraid I’m not
going in that direction that note was
written by a young person and when I
read it my heart sank
I felt that way because I know so many
people that are in that exact position I
remember when I decided to trade my
nine-to-five for a 24-7 it was because I
wanted to do something that was
meaningful every day I wanted to do
something that was purposeful and
fulfilling from the moment I woke up to
the moment I went to sleep the one thing
I didn’t know before I started is how
achievable that was but also what it
required when I transitioned from my
nine-to-five or actually my 9:00 to 9:00
to her 24/7
I realized that I was going to have to
work harder smarter and faster and that
step was full of fear full of anxiety
full of insecurities full of questions
like what will happen if it doesn’t work
what will people say should I just have
stayed where I was I went through all of
those emotions all at the same time and
then something came to me I wrote down
the various options that I had in life
at the time and ever a word above them
that I believe summarized the experience
or the result of what I thought that
would give me some of them said ego
because I thought those career paths
would give me a boost to my ego some
said security because there were certain
roles or jobs I could take that would
provide a certain level of financial
security and then one path said the word
love because I knew if I did that that I
would love every moment even if it was
truly challenging and sometimes really
difficult to deal with and that’s why
I’m here today making this video
speaking to all of you because I chose
the path that had the word love above it
try that exercise try that activity out
to try and differentiate the motive the
intention behind what you’re choosing
and selecting in life
now just because you choose the word
love doesn’t mean that everything’s
gonna be smooth sailing and are you
going to be successful it’s going to
have its own ups and downs and that’s
why wherever you go with your heart take
your head with you and rule number ten
the last one before some very special
bonus Clips is make wisdom go viral
what’s the impact that you want to have
on the world
I think you’ve you’ve said it so
beautifully so many times and shared my
vision which is wonderful and it’s
wonderful to know that we share the same
thing it’s making wisdom go viral
there’s an incredible study in 2017 that
said the most successful people in the
world healthy wealthy and wise choose
education over entertainment the impact
I want to have from the world is I want
to transform and revolutionize the
entertainment industry so that it
becomes educational without anyone
knowing so it’s still completely
entertaining it’s still like watching
Netflix but you’re learning about human
behavior the mind neuroscience and
everything without even knowing you are
to me that’s the greatest win that we
can have for our society how many people
are going to quit watching Netflix I’m
reading a book every night I don’t know
but if we can make that book come to
life on Netflix that’s going to change
the world because that’s what people are
going to consume so for so long
media has been used to numb people to to
switch people off if we can use it to
excite elevate enlighten people not by
just not by like the cheesy way of like
well let’s follow someone through their
journey of enlightenment or like that
kind of stuff I mean like really
entertaining programming where you can
learn by being entertained at the same
time if I can do that
by changing the most powerful industry
in the world then I will feel that I’ve
had some some whatever an impact because
that way I think we’ll reach the world
without having to get Iran to change
their habits too much my my thing is how
do we meet people where they are and and
really deliver a message and a powerful
expression of love and to me that’s the
highest form of compassion the highest
form of empathy love and compassion is
to meet people where they already are
rather than expecting them to change
now I’ve got two very special jay Shetty
clips on how to one be resourceful and
two don’t underestimate the power of
volume but before that I want to know
what did you learn from this video
what’s the single most important lesson
that you’re going to apply to your life
your business somehow leave it down the
comments below when you write it down
it’s much more likely that you’re going
to actually take action on it so let’s
see it in the comments thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
so I quit my job comfy corporate job
doing really well for myself and I’m
trying to get into media and so I’m
writing to every big media company with
before my videos and saying please give
me a job like I’ll come in like a video
journalist salary I was looking at
salaries that like a quarter of what I
made I was like I don’t care about the
money I want to make videos and I want
to spread a message I’m getting
rejection email after rejection email
saying Jay you never studied media Jay
you have no background so I’m getting
rejected by all the biggest companies
Business Insider HuffPost The Economist
wired you name it I’ve got all emails
and then I try and network with the
editors of these magazines so I find out
where they are I go to the events are
trying to talk to them and they liked me
hey man you’re like 28 years old why do
you want to do this you make more money
right now hang in the corporate world do
it as a hobby I remember running after
one of our biggest news anchors in
England called John snow and he rides a
biker in London please like he’s huge is
on Channel four one of the biggest
broadcasters for us her and so I’ve run
off to him when he’s on his bike and I’m
like John please please stop and he
stops he’s really kind I said John can
you please give me a job I’ll just I
don’t want to get paid I’ll just watch
you and I because he creates these
powerful documentaries he’s interviewed
the best of the best like Mandela and
all this time life-changing
conversations and he goes to me he gives
me a card and he goes Jay go get a
masters and median and come back I’m
thinking oh it’s one two three more
years yeah exactly I’m gonna go back
like Annie so I came to a point where I
literally had no other option than to
start a YouTube channel
and and my honest limiting belief at the
time was that doesn’t work for anyone
and that’s what I said to myself as well
is not gonna work for anyone but I
literally had exhausted I think it’s
Thomas Edison who says when you feel
you’ve exhausted every option remember
you haven’t and I’d come to that point
where I felt I’d exhausted every option
apart from starting a YouTube channel so
I launched the channel Jan 3rd 2016 two
years ago and it’s doing pretty well
have you ever seen someone successful or
famous and thought I could do that
better than them so what’s the
difference why is it that they’re out
there achieving their goal
while you’re not able to see people
underestimate the value of volume the
potential behind how many doors are you
ready to knock on how many toilets are
you willing to send how many people are
you willing to ask for help and ask for
their guidance and stares we hardly
achieve anything the first time we try
the people that have made it it’s on
their tenth twenty a hundred sometimes
thousand attempt so don’t underestimate
the power of volume don’t underestimate
what’s possible when you go out there
and speak to everyone that you know the
most important work ever if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you Apple so it
would be like a little beacon table
Ignatian if you want to know what the
most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details [Music]
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