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“Play FULL OUT!” – Jordan Belfort (@wolfofwallst) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in your potential and I want
to see that great thing that you have
inside you explode out into the world
and have a big impact so to help you on
your journey today’s message is try your
hardest over to you Jordan Belfort my
son sport team is fabulous and we’re
having this conversation about when he
plays in sports or when he does
something about you go full out or do
you not and I see sometimes in him that
when he’s out on the field of doing
something he doesn’t play full out and
I’ll have an excuse like my leg hurts or
my arm hurts or something happened the
coach was unfair what other hanger the
referee was unfair and what happens with
people is we tend to go out into the
world and we look for those sort of
excuses about why things aren’t the way
we want them and when you do that you
lose all your power in life when you
start focusing on the external on the
excuses you lose your power here’s the
way people really think I will tell you
I can go out on the stage and bomb you
gonna throw you just bomb right and
people will respect you for going out
there and trying your hardest it’s not
how you actually perform that earns you
the respect of your peers it’s the fact
that you went out and actually did it
that’s the difference so if you’re out
there right now you’re a new salesperson
or you’re struggling as a salesperson
there’s no embarrassment in struggle
it’s just not the embarrassment is in
quitting the embarrassment is it not
trying your hardest so here’s a good
thing about trying something new usually
not too many people are watching you you
know if you’re if you’re speaking
nobody’s gonna really show up to your
first ever hit because they don’t know
who you are if you’re starting a YouTube
channel people aren’t really gonna pay
attention to you at the beginning maybe
some friends and family but in general
people don’t know who you are and so you
can fail right if you want to learn
salsa dancing
people are more concerned about
themselves usually than worrying about
what you’re doing and so at the
beginning when you’re trying anything
new we had this big fear of judgement
and fear of failure but like nobody’s
really paying that much attention to you
at the beginning because you don’t know
what you’re doing yet everybody is kind
of at the same spot and that’s a chance
for you to learn to get better to grow
the practice to improve it’s
understanding that at the beginning when
you learn anything you’re going to suck
and you already know that and it’s a
lesson that you know you’re hopefully
you want to pass on to your kids and
your grandkids when you first started
learning whatever language or you want
to learn salsa dancing or snowboarding
or or whatever it is that you want to
learn your first efforts are gonna be
really slow and you’re gonna suck at it
and that’s okay the key thing though is
that you tried your hardest the key
thing is that you’ve actually made a
real attempt to do it even if you know
making your first youtube video takes
you forever took me an entire day on my
own to make a youtube video when I was
first starting just filming like again
again another take another take go go
like the entire day and I didn’t know
what I was doing and and the lighting
was terrible behind me I had this big
window behind me and you can barely see
my face and just made so many mistakes
and I said the whole day doing it and
the end result was still a sucky product
but I tried my hardest like I tried with
the skills that I had to do something
that I could hopefully have a little bit
of pride in right like the pride is not
in the result yet the pride is in the
effort to know that you actually tried
your best right it’s not that it was
just it just fell off and it was so easy
right that’s not that you’re rewarding
if you get a if you get some kind of
prize or you win but it didn’t wasn’t
challenging for you it doesn’t really
feel like a win the win is in the
struggle the win is like you you had to
overcome this mountain and it was really
difficult and you made it right for
something that’s easy for you and you
win you know it doesn’t count if you
wanted to run a race against
three-year-olds you would win but you
wouldn’t feel an insane amount of pride
in it because it’s easy to win against
three-year-olds right but the race that
you’re running if it’s a challenge if
it’s hard if somebody’s pushing you and
you win it feels great
because you put the work in and so don’t
be so attached to that outcome
attached to the effort that you put in
the feel like I did my best and it may
not have given me the result that I
wanted yet but if I continue to work at
it I continue to hustle and I continue
to drive then you’ll know that you won’t
have regrets right because if you don’t
put everything you’ve got into it if you
want to start this business and it
doesn’t work out and you look back like
five years ten years back now you’re
five or ten years old looking back in
your life you know what I could have
done all I could have done better right
I could have I wasn’t really hustling I
didn’t give it my all and now I’m stuck
in this life that I don’t like or it
could have done something right don’t be
that person
you know there’s moments in time for you
to have huge success you have this
window you have this opportunity to
chase that idea will not be there
the opportunity to make that into
something amazing won’t be there forever
that’s what you have it do something
with it and it doesn’t mean that’s gonna
work out doesn’t guarantee you that’s
gonna work out you could work really
really really hard it doesn’t mean that
you’re gonna win but at least you know
in my first business I didn’t know if
we’d succeed I was making a few hundred
dollars a month it was among that you
know the worst time in my life just from
emotional point of view a self-worth
point of view I felt super low you know
felt like I wasn’t a valuable human
being I kept at it because I needed to
know I could actually deal with the
company not working I could deal with
the company failing knowing that I tried
everything you know I tried everything
that I had and and it just didn’t work
out it that’s okay
I could deal with the failure couldn’t
deal with not knowing I couldn’t deal
with knowing that I moved on to
something else and I still had a little
bit left in the tank I didn’t use every
last drop I could have gone a little bit
further maybe that what I made the
difference that regret will kill you
will eat you up for the rest of your
life that’s why you got to work hard
with your add something you’re committed
to something put your full force into it
until you get to the point where you’ve
lost a passion from it that’s fine
that’s the reason to quit you lost your
passion you lost your drive this isn’t
interesting for you anymore
great quit go do something else don’t
stain some career some business some job
that you don’t have passion for anymore
you’ll never win but you still have
passion for it you just haven’t figured
it out yet
you need to keep trying need to try you
need to try and try you to keep trying
to try your hardest and eventually if
you’re past your strong enough and you
try hard enough you’ll break through but
if you don’t try hard enough you’ll live
the rest of your life wondering what if
and I don’t want that regret to eat you
so the question day today is I’m curious
what is the thing that you are really
trying hard for right now that is
consuming you that you really want to
push forward on that you want to be
world-class at what is that one thing
that you want to be amazing at that you
are putting your full effort in does it
mean you’re getting results but you are
trying your best to be a success at what
is that thing leaving the comments below
I’m really curious to see what you have
to say I also want to give a quick shout
out to Chloe George Chloe thank you so
much for picking up a copy of my book
your one word I really appreciate the
support and I hope you enjoyed the read
so thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you I hope you continue to
believe in yourself and whatever your
one where it is much love and I’ll see
you again tomorrow morning for another
shot of espresso
was in Johannesburg a little while ago
and I went through the the airport and I
went into the men’s room or washer room
or bathroom however you want to call it
and so I walked in it to the men’s room
and the first thing I hear is welcome to
my office and this was the janitor at
the Johannesburg men’s room that’s funny
who janitor eyes they’re all make up a
word cleaned the men’s the toilets like
Mozart composed music now that man has
no money that man probably has very
little education that man is judged by
the world as having an unimportant job
right and that man is a hero could be
here two millions of people why because
he actually saw himself as an ambassador
to South Africa and his passion was was
palpable and his visceral commitment to
doing work at the highest level was like
you don’t see even from the CEOs and all
I’m saying is even the person in the
with the broken heart the person who’s
down on their knees whether they see it
or not they have a choice to rise above
their circumstances and leadership and
humanity is a testament to the people
who have done it I mean you read read
the group you look at Mandela you know
27 years in imprisonment when his son
died he wasn’t allowed to attend the
funeral of his own son he said that was
the one of the great pains of his own of
his life and what did he do the victim
looks at something like that torture and
says I am broken and they give up and
they spend that they closed their heart
they closed their mind they closed their
creativity and they blame the rest of
their life on what happened to them but
Mandela what he chose to do was to use
it as an opportunity because actually
the things that break your heart if you
choose can open your heart and adver
fear the world says fear is bad fear is
only an opportunity for bravery training
and what he did was he used those 27
years of torture to open his himself
mentally physically emotionally and
spiritually to the point where when he
was released and became the
of South Africa he invited his jailers
to sit in the front row at his
inauguration and he was asked why and he
said because if I don’t I’m still gonna
I’d still be in prison and that’s a long
way of saying but you know we do make
excuses because we are very good at
self-deception because if we actually
had to face the responsibility of
playing with our bigness in the world
we’d have to let go of our addiction to
our excuses and and leave what’s safe am
I making sense oh no you’re talking that
you have to leave what’s safe I mean we
are addicted to crisis sometimes it
makes no sense we are addicted to pain
and we’d have to actually leave the pain
to go out to the possibility of pleasure
and joy and greatness and believe it or
not that frightens us so we make these
excuses and then we blame people who Joe
or Robin I don’t like the way he looks I
he he speaks differently but
subconsciously as you’re suggesting
those are just our protective mechanisms
to avoid owning the responsibility of
our brilliance
No Limit
one wrong the most important work ever
if you had to think of one word that’s
most important to you or that sums you
Apple that would be like a little beacon
pay believe nation if you want to know
what the most important one word is for
Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah
Winfrey and Howard Schultz I
have a very special secret video for you
check the description for details
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