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“PLAN for the FUTURE!” – Jack Ma – #Entspresso

this is what I believe ten years later

will be happening so everything I do for

that goal

your mission is important you are a

genius your ideas will work out be

consistent always worth thinking it had

you know five to ten years

you know why will this be a really

valuable business in five to ten years

and you know how’s the competitive

landscape going to develop house

technology gonna develop how the world

can I develop rise and shine it’s

expresso time what’s up believe nation

it seven my one word is believe and I

believe in you I believe you have an

amazing gift inside you that I want to

see exploded onto the world so let’s

start your day off right together grab

your cup of coffee and sip on today’s

message prepare for the future over to

you Jack Ma people like me I was born in

a very poor family I never got a great

education I filled all the examinations

for what reason I don’t know but later I

realize I don’t have money I don’t have

technology I don’t have a lot of good

backgrounds where we have a rich uncle

or something no they only that competed

with my people then young people is

let’s compete for ten years later this

is what I believe ten years later will

be happening so everything I do for that


I know ten years later this thing is

going to happen so prepare for that

because I know if I compete with him for

next Mouse no chance so this is how my

message it’s up it’s a challenge but

it’s opportunity and it’s the

opportunity for people like us this

world the most difficult of thing is to

convincing a successful people wait tell

him this is a great opportunity to

nananananana forget it right I’ve been

doing this for 30 years but for people

like us we’re looking for opportunities

in order to survive so we will do

anything to be creative so this is the

message so the

it’s opportunity for us it’s a challenge

for those people who are 60 years old if

there’s 60 years old and not

discrimination but it’s it is tough for

them entrepreneurs generally don’t have

a lot of patience and that’s actually a

good thing we want things now we want to

hustle hard we want to see the results

of our labour paying off we want to see

you know change happening we have a big

vision we know it can work and we want

it to happen right now and that’s that’s

that’s amazing I want you to hold on to

it and at the same time I want you to

have incredible patience because what

ends up happening is entrepreneurs often

quit too soon you had the right idea you

had the right vision you even had the

right execution certain it up but you

just quit you thought I was gonna happen

in three months where it’s actually

gonna happen in three years for what

you’re doing every single day you need

to be applying yourself and close off

every other opportunity for four years

and then you’ll be successful

four years ago on my youtube channel I

had 7,000 ish subscribers four years ago

how did I get here with 1.2 million by

making videos every single day every

single day we haven’t missed a day in

four years and in the past two or three

years has been three times a day

or at least two times a day just

grinding it out and in those little

micro moments in those micro videos it’s

super impatience right it’s like this

video has to deliver this video not has

to deliver this next one this one right

here has to deliver there’s a lot of

impatience to make things happen and

it’s knowing that this is gonna take me

years to get to where I want to go and

so many of you watching could have had

more talent than I did my first videos

were not very good I was not natural

natural in front of the camera it took a

lot of effort a lot of patience a lot of

doing a video over and over and over and

over and over and over again the entire

day making one video just being

of the camera that still sucked a lot of

you are starting from a place that’s way

better than me I had zero editing skills

zero knowledge about lighting and

technique and all of that stuff I sucked

the head nut but I did it for four years

and here we are and I’m gonna do it


for those of you who are following my

journey who say well now I’m already big

I have 1.2 million subscribers you know

you’re not a small youtuber anymore come

follow me on Instagram I’ve got 8,000

followers now 8,000 something I started

taking it seriously about a month ago at

6,000 followers we’ve grown I’m gonna do

the same thing I’m gonna put in work on

Instagram do three posts every single

day for four years and I’m gonna learn

the algorithm and learn the ins and outs

and fix my design every day there’s new

changes that are coming out that I

wasn’t doing the day before because I’ve

learned because I sucked and I still

suck em and I’m learning to get better

and for those of you who are already way

ahead of me for those of you who have

way more talent and design and just

natural skill at this stuff who may

already have 50,000 followers or 100,000

followers on Instagram uncommon and it’s

not a race that like that I’m better

than you and that I’m gonna I’m gonna

get there and you won’t it’s just the

work like I will have the patience to do

three posts a day for four years because

I know what’s gonna pay off my horizon

is today like the post that I made today

has to rock I have to be proud of it I

want to show Haden I want to show my

grandkids about the post that I’m making

right now today I want my grandkids to

see this single individual video right

now that I am posting that’s the energy

and passion and fire and fuel that I try

to bring to every single piece of

content that I make I want it to matter

wanted to mean something to myself into

future generations that’s that’s my


I can’t always bring that out I don’t

always execute but that’s the intention

every single time and creating anything

that I do has to mean something has to

matter and then I’m gonna do that for

four years three times a day and that’s

how we’ll win and that’s how you can win

I’m trying to show this to you not to

impress you but to impress upon you

that you probably already have more

Skills than I do and that you can do

this too you’re just giving up too soon

I want to tell you that your mission is

important I want to tell you that your

idea is brilliant that you are a genius

that you can make this happen that you

don’t need to sit on your couch and

watch somebody else make millions of

dollars off of your idea you’re just not

putting in enough consistent work you

start and you stop and you start and you

stop and you start and you stop and it’s

not consistent where if you just did the

thing every day for four years you will

win and so that’s why it’s so it’s so

important that you love the process and

not just the result that you are doing

this because you love the actual work

not just hitting them million

subscribers or the million revenue or

whatever the thing is you’re chasing

over the goal the goals are great to

give some extra motivation but the drive

comes from the work the meaning the

actual process I like making videos I

like now making an Instagram post right

you have to find the thing that you love

to do and then shut off the part of you

that is so impatient that you need

immediate results shut off the judgments

from your friends and your family who

say what are you doing you’ve been doing

this for six months and it hasn’t worked

out yet yeah I know because I’m on a

four or five year plan I’m gonna keep

doing the same thing I’m gonna keep

getting better I’m gonna keep improving

and keep posting and keep creating gonna

keep pushing for four or five years and

then I will win and all of the success

comes at the last part all of the

learning and the momentum and the

traction starts now but it feels so

small it feels so intangible feel so

little but if you keep doing it you will

see massive growth in year three in year

four in year five and it’ll be so

unstoppable because it’ll be like this

huge avalanche it just keeps building

and building and building upon all the

work that you put in and so it’s great

to have the impatience you’re impatient

should be on a daily basis the

impatience should be driving you

consistently forward to make whatever

you do today make it awesome and you

need to have insane patience to know

that this is not gonna happen in three

months or six months or in a year to

have a longer horizon to think I will do

this for four or five years

then I will win if you take that

approach I guarantee you that you will

win and I’m so fighting for you to win I

so badly want to see you and I so know

that you can win and I’m so pumped I’m

so pumped I’m so pumped for four years

from now to see a handful of you say I

listen to that message I applied it and

I won so pump for four years from now

please please you please you be that

person be consistent be patient

your mission is important you are a

genius your ideas will work out

be consistent now I’ve got a special

bonus clip for you but before that I

want to know what is the hardest part of

being consistent for you what is the

most difficult thing that is preventing

you from having a consistency on a daily

basis I would love to know what it is I

would love to help you solve that I

would love for fellow members of belief

nation to give you some extra juice and

confidence and motivation to keep going

why are you not more consistent leave it

down the comments below I want to hear

from you thank you so much for watching

I believe in you I hope you continue to

believe in yourself and whatever your

one word is much love I’ll see you again

tomorrow morning for another shot of

I think there definitely are things that

one can iterate on but the the core

thing is to have a great product and

then you can always improve and and

iterate on that in all sorts of ways and

I think you know I think even in in the

tech industry on what’s striking is how

weak on a quantitative basis so many of

the successful companies were it was

just they had a great product and then

years later they were able to optimize

it in all sorts of all sorts of ways

whereas if you’re just trying to

optimize and you don’t have a great

product I think that that rarely works

um I think it’s always worth asking you

know where you’re gonna go with this

business um and so I think we’re always

focused on very short time horizons

because you have to you know figure out

a way to get through the next month the

next quarter you know how do you get

some customers how do you how do you

track but it’s it’s always worth

thinking it had you know five to ten


you know why will this be a really

valuable business in five to ten years

and you know how’s the competitive

landscape going to develop house

technology going to develop how’s the

world going to develop these are hard

questions to answer but I think I think

I think the the great entrepreneurs that

I know always have some perspective on

it and it might be wrong but it’s just

this is what’s going to happen and then

it’s sort of well reasoned and and so

you have a you have a plan and you know

it’s when I was playing chess you know

in junior high school one of the early

lessons I learned was a bad plan it’s

still always better than no plan at all

right and so you know have a plan you

can always change it but don’t don’t

just pretend that that you have no clue

about what’s gonna happen and that

everything about the future is random if

you if you sort of say that everything’s

random and out of your control

that’s that’s that’s the way you set

yourself up for failure this thing is a

long-distance race this business is a

long-distance thing you want to be

relevant you want to be around you want

to be providing for your family 10 15 20

years from now you just said Jay Z’s

about to be 44 he put out his first I

when he was 25 that’s 20 years of

relevancy you know and like

so that’s what it teaches me being

around all of these guys even uncle West

it’s like been in this full of a while

you know what I mean he’s been around

the game of basketball for a long time

it’s its longevity it’s not so when I

make decisions whether with single this

show or that show or this tour should I

get on this feature should I take this

money to do this song or should I make

my decisions more calculated about is

this something that’s going to be ready

does this further my career or does this

you know I think about things in that in

that manner what does this do for me in

the long run raise your standard Apple

epic or its core value is that that

people passion not one drop of my

self-worth depends on your acceptance of

me I don’t ever give up I’d have to be

dead or completely incapacitated hey

believe nation if you want to see my

all-time favorite top ten Rose a success

I have a very special secret video for

you these are the individual Clips that

I have personally learned the most from

and applied to my life and my business

check the link in description for details

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