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Patrick Bet-David’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@patrickbetdavid)

should be left for one generation
remembered for two generations have
forgotten after that the best thing that
ever happened to me is I hit rock bottom
by far the best thing that ever happened
to me is hitting rock but why can’t you
be somebody that can do something in
your business that’s never been done
before why don’t you answer it he’s an
American entrepreneur and financial
advisor he speaks on a range of topics
including leadership and how to become
an entrepreneur he’s published two books
the 25 laws of doing the impossible and
the next perfect storm
he’s Patrick payday vyd and here is my
take on his top 10 rules for success
rule number 10 is my personal favorite
and make sure to stick around all the
way to the end for a special bonus
message and as always it Patrick says
something that really really resonates
with you please leave it in the comments
below and popota Remnant so other people
can be inspired as well enjoy
man what happened who pops when he
started a business he failed
what happened to mom and dad they got a
divorce what happened to us we have six
different places was it fun hell no it
wasn’t fun what happened in high school
to you did you play baseball did you
play highschool basketball
did you get picked up for football did
you date to grow your line what was your
GPA who were you in high school who you
have two words what makes you think
you’re gonna make it in life
now you got to stop selling this stuff
to this guy man stop it it’s getting old
go get that job that you let go of
paying you 12 bucks an hour and part
time get a degree stop taking these damn
risks we’re not meant to do something
big with our lives simple as that
are we done
I’m done I’m good okay good
hat I want you to know this voice is
never going away this voice is always
going to be there no matter how much
money you’re going to make it’s always
going to be there the great thing about
it is though every morning you wake up
you have a choice on which voice to
listen to but I want you to think about
a completely different thing right now
let’s just say you do nothing but you
say you buy into your fears but you say
you buy into every single thing you’re
worried about let just say you don’t
make any decisions to go after your
dreams faster over ten years from that
20 years from that 30 years from now 40
years from now but you say your funerals
around a corner you have 50 people there
100 people there maybe 200 people show
up these your friends family and people
that love you should be left for one
generation remembered for two
generations have forgotten after that
it’s a truly the life you want to live
is that really what you want to do I
don’t know if that’s the life you really
want to live you see what I’ve noticed
is no matter what you ever do you’ll
have a lot of lonely times we can lie to
your family you can lie to your friends
you can fold the world into realizing
that why you didn’t win was because of
some challenge that you have to face but
there’s one person you can never lie to
that is the man in the mirror you can
never lie to the man in the mirror never
for the rest of your life the man in the
mirror is going to look back at you and
say you did not choose to go after your
dreams and you have to be okay with that
now what I would like to encourage you
to do is to make the right choice I
encourage you to face your fears and
pursue your dreams
go pursue the dreams that matter the
most to you you only got one shot at
this thing here and if it works out and
it’s gonna feel so good for you if it
doesn’t at least you had the courage to
make that decision
hope you make the right choice I trust
you will having tell one thing that you
know most millionaires master is reading
people reading people and I’ll and I’ll
tell you what I mean by reading people
okay the reason why reading people
millionaires end up generally becoming
good at reading people is because
they’ve been ripped off backstab the lie
– cheated so many times that there are a
lot of signals that they see a trend
that saying this person’s like that
reminds me of this person you gotta
learn how to read people you gotta learn
how to read a customer you gotta learn
how to read an employee you got to learn
how to read someone who is absolutely
full of it sometimes I get surprised how
some people who are pretty successful
they’re making 100 200 300 thousand
dollars a year how easily they fall for
the trap of somebody who’s full of it
like how do you not read that sometimes
right you gotta learn how to read it and
in a certain level of paranoia when
you’re reading people and then also when
I’m saying reading people it’s not just
on a negative side reading people on
someone that’s truly you did something
wrong and you need to go out there and
do something about it you need to read
people that need you to make a right
effort to take care of them you to make
the right effort to you know treat them
in a way that they need to be treated
that’s also reading people another one
is when I say reading people is being
able to think what a customer is going
to need now what a customer is going to
need a year from that three years from
now five years from now and reading them
being able to read a person that starts
with your company at an early stage and
what were they thinking about when they
were at your level at a new level you’re
not speaking to them from your level
millionaires they got to learn how to
read somebody at that level and give
them the belief that they need at that
level versus somebody that’s been around
a little longer that needs to kind of
man up or woman up or mature as an
entrepreneur they’re not they’re just
treating this as a lollygagging with the
industry that’s a complete different
conversation with that person say grow
up already you’ve been in this thing for
five ten fifteen years what’s next
you’re going to be like
this your entire life so reading to know
when where who what when they eventually
become very good at reading people
I like shining shoes I like ironing
clothes I like doing those types of
things and I remember one time one of my
mentors said you know do you want to
make $10 an hour I said no I said then
why do you keep doing $10 an hour jobs I
said what do you mean it says you keep
shining shoes you keep doing this you
keep liking those types of things you
got to get somebody else to help you out
so what happened I went 100% dry
cleaners even when I couldn’t afford it
I was broke I went 100 percent dry
I went 100 percent somebody else helping
me shine my shoes and I gave money to a
business I got an assistant to do my
paperwork for me to do the filing for me
to do all of those things for me to drop
my car off at Jiffy Lube to get an oil
change to get a car wash literally all
of those activities were done by
somebody else and it became a matchup
system to me I had somebody do those
things for me where Allah allowed me to
do the other things even house cleaning
it was somebody else doing it where it’s
not me doing it now why is that
important to do you got to get an
assistant so you can leverage your time
do not let $10 an hour job get you out
of business where you end up going back
and getting a job that pays only $10 an
hour focus on what grows your business I
got a call from one of my friends from
many many many years ago growing up and
he said you know he’s been trying to get
into a relationship and he says fast
he’s an entrepreneur except Adam dating
the scroll and you know I’m at a point
right now where I feel like I need to
settle down I’m in my mid-thirties said
ok he says but she she told me this I
said what she says she says it’s either
me or the business because she can’t
stand the fact that I’m working the way
I am and I’m running a business and I
said what’s your answer says well I
don’t know what do you think I should
that’s why I’m not gonna give you my
I said what’s how are you wired yourself
he says Pat I don’t think I can really
do this I said why do you think he says
because you’re asking me to change
myself you see
when somebody says it’s either me or the
business let me explain to you how an
entrepreneur sees that so
maybe it’ll help understand the
entrepreneur says it’s either your arm
or me what’s more important your I love
you but I’m not gonna cut my arm off or
you’re telling me to be a whole
different human being to be with you
we’re not living in biblical times I’m
not gonna cut my arm off for you if you
want me this is me this is how I come do
you like it you don’t like it go find
somebody else but this is how I’m wired
I’ve been like this for 22 years I’ve
been like this for 38 years
it doesn’t mean I’m not gonna change and
improve myself with maturity I am I’m an
entrepreneur I’m in the hunt I’m going
after it I’m gonna build some special
and significant for my life and I want
to build it with you but not if you’re
trying to change me so on the other side
somebody may say well they spend more
time with the business they love me they
love the business more than they love me
no it’s how they are
it’s how they arts how they’re wired
it’s somebody says you know a babe I’m
pregnant what do you me to do when
you’re pregnant you go through this a
man may feel like but what’s so
important you the baby or me what are
you talking about
it’s a Sumant you know we don’t
understand when the first pregnancy
we’re on our third one that’s and I get
a grasp understanding of it so go who’s
more important me or the baby I’m your
husband that’s that’s an ultimatum
you don’t put a mother in a position
like that you don’t put an entrepreneur
in a position to say to the business or
me they’ll typically take them as who
they are for human being because the
last thing you want is date somebody and
then 10 20 years later that resentment
then it can lead to worse things you had
somebody that decided to change their
own DNA to be with you all because of
you you have a delay time bomb of
someone that could eventually become
your biggest enemy in your life because
you try to change them I don’t recommend
that one of the best recommendations I
got before I got married I was dating a
girl at one point and I went to one of
my mentors one of my pastors and I said
hey this is this is what I’m
experiencing what do you think so does
it bother you said a lot
he said can you deal without it I said
no I cannot I can’t deal with this and
he said it’s just going to get more so
if you can’t deal with the doubt don’t
think it’s going to disappear and I have
to make that decision and move on it
wasn’t easy it was very difficult
because you know I really care for this
human being but I have to move on so if
somebody’s really trying to change
somebody and you’re an entrepreneur if
the person does change it’s just a
matter of time till the person goes back
to being true to who they are you’re
going to be true back to your the
entrepreneur the real entrepreneur is
going to go back being true to
themselves as a young kid just an
knucklehead who thought he knew
everything you know 21 years old I would
have been so annoyed coaching myself at
that time because I thought I knew
everything and then the best thing that
ever happened to me the best thing that
ever happened to me is I hit rock bottom
by far the best thing that ever happened
to me is hitting rock bottom I think I
think for men I have two boys and I’m
going to be in pain when I witnessed
these guys go through this but I think
the best thing that can happen to a man
is a heartbreak a very strong heartbreak
and a very big failure early on in
business and it happened to me early on
in life both heartbreak and business it
happened early on because I thought I
knew it all and it was a slap in the
face to save Socrates says the only
thing I know is that I know nothing if
the greatest minds on their deathbed are
saying things like that what makes you
and I think we know everything quite
frankly everything I’m saying on value
Tim it may be inaccurate
every single thing I’m saying on and
value Tim you may come back and my
opinions may be wrong it’s worked for me
this is how it’s work for me for me it’s
more about teaching how to think and
actually what to think I want to get an
entrepreneur to learn how to think than
what to think but we don’t know
everything we got to learn how to adjust
we got to learn how to adapt we got to
learn how to get better we all learn how
to improve and so the mindset of
thinking you know it all and all the
concepts just it’s not a place you want
to be because it means advancements
doesn’t come around the corner and I had
the know-it-all attitude at a young age
and it almost cost me there’s a benefit
to that there’s a benefit because you
become edgy you push the envelope a
little bit but there’s also the
the leveling off to know that maybe you
don’t really know this and let me ask in
question somebody I respect to give me
proper direction that I trust that maybe
they can challenge my position an
opinion but it’s good that I have the
audacity so I like it
the fact that there’s audacity that
you’re pushing the envelope but there’s
got to be coach ability and learn
ability that you want to learn and
advance as well it doesn’t matter who
you are everyone’s got to have somebody
that they have a mentor that’s given
them direction with so it was good that
I got out there pretty quickly energy
and stamina it requires energy and
stamina to retain in formation so if
your body is gaining too much weight and
you’re tired your body doesn’t have the
energy and the stamina to retain that
information so retain in formation
requires your body to have the energy to
retain it if it doesn’t have it it’s not
going to retain it come on Pat you’re
telling me my weight has to do with
retaining information yes it does yes it
does because retaining information
requires an effort and anytime you need
to take an effort to do anything it’s
going to deplete what energy and if you
don’t have the energy in your mind it
just says I don’t have any interest to
want to retain this information because
I’m tired and I don’t have stamina and
my energy is low that’s why energy is a
very very important game and it’s not
just about money energy is not just
about looks and looking pretty and
looking this and exercising because I
want to look at exercising when were
younger was a four-hole different
purpose when you’re married with kids
and later on you’re an adult you’re
exercising for a whole different reason
focus energy stamina sharper mind
selling is something you’ll always do
the rest of your life most people don’t
like selling some people like to kind of
make it nice and sound use a better word
and say communication or this it’s sales
by the way those that just turn off the
video and don’t want to watch about what
selling has to do hey you want to marry
that girl you love you know which one
I’m talking about you need to sell her
and her parents am her best
and that’s all selling you want to get
that promotion purely selling baby and
those who get that promotion sell better
than you do that’s why it is they don’t
sell a car your job could be human
resource or something but they learn how
to sell themselves as that position more
than you maybe you ought to learn how to
do it’ll benefit you make you a lot of
money Picasso once said good artists
copy great artists steal this is one of
Steve Jobs favorite quotes and Steve
Jobs once said we have always been
shameless about stealing great ideas so
wait a minute is it a good or bad thing
to steal great ideas and being a great
copycat cuz I hear some people say
sometimes you know that guy copied my
idea that was my idea
I came up with this listen worry when
nobody’s copying what you’re doing
because no one’s paying attention to you
it is a very very very big compliment
when somebody copies that’s the question
when you’re thinking big why not you and
answer it I’m not just doing this
motivational video why not you
why shouldn’t you win no no forget
motivation let’s get logical why don’t
you actually answer that
why can’t you be somebody that can do
something in your business that’s never
been done before
why don’t you answer it so give the
argument logically here’s why not me
because I don’t work hard enough you can
fix that stop being a lazy well whatever
but because I’m not that good of self
you can learn sales yeah so okay because
I don’t know much about the product you
kill horn the product but why not you
because no one in my family’s been raped
so what no one was in rich in Zuckerberg
family before he became who he is today
and nobody was in jobs jobs mom even
gave them up for adoption yes you know
step fun you know so
whatever but so why not you make your
argument why don’t you truly get into it
then give the other argument why not you
actually doing this why shouldn’t you to
be why shouldn’t you be the person and
say I’m a very smart person I love
I actually like to make money to make a
difference in the world and you know
what I care for people and I have some
things I want to do if I get money in my
pocket would be good I’ll do good with
it and I got a big car and I am talented
and I thought that that then I know the
right people boom that’s why that’s you
make both cases as if you’re an attorney
representing yourself one why not you
meaning you shouldn’t be the person and
the other why not you meaning you should
be the person sell both of them and I
see which argument wins
so tells me the argument on this sides
gonna win well make that argument take a
sheet of paper make that argument why
not you question that a little bit who
convinced you can’t do it who convinced
you can be part of a group of people I
want so many guys on YouTube that you
know are even some of these guys are
considered experts by big magazines and
they’ve written or your time bestsellers
and they say some like oh you know
entrepreneurs are born give me a damn
break entrepreneurship can be taught
entrepreneurship is an inspiration that
comes from here for some people that
want to solve a bigger problem
what do you mean entrepreneurship is
something you’re born but I completely
disagree with that statement fully
disagree with that statement jump in 48
inches that’s not given ability you
can’t do that entrepreneurship it is a
formula if you hang around other people
that think like this and you watch this
video and you watch all our value
tainment or some of the people that are
feeding the right type of content to you
and the right books you read your
imagination won’t stop working because
the entrepreneur is numbers solving
problems how can I do it better faster
why can’t you learn those doubts get
skills and the skill sets why can’t you
you can so why not you and don’t let
anybody convince you that people who
solve some big problems and you know our
big thinkers they have to be born baby a
big thing I’m here to tell you you can
figure out the formula to thinking
don’t let them convince you that that
these elite people sometimes I sit
around my friends who are worth money as
well I’m around these guys all the time
so now you know hey pad you know come
around to meeting we’re going to go have
some party with these billionaires are
we gonna go any okay great I’m going
you know I was always special because
from oh my gosh stop it already when you
almost lost everything you did not think
you were special
none of us do and we you know have our
break and we win you can do this wall
most people only pay attention to the
final product of a successful
entrepreneur they say things like I can
never be like them or they got lucky
what most don’t see is what they’ve
all the struggles the daily rejections
the Harding’s the betrayals the rumors
the criticism the empty bank account and
all those lonely nights while trying to
make their vision a reality you see the
only difference between the one who
quits and the one who doesn’t is that
they showed up every day
they worked hard every day they hustle
every day
they learn from a proven mentor every
day they improve every day
they get all this even though they felt
like quitting every day and eventually
they became who they are today
hey thank you so much for watching this
video here I also want to give a shout
out to having Carmichael who I really
believe the world needs more even
Carmichael’s who figure out ways on a
daily basis to inspire millions of
people around the world to go out there
not give up and pursue their dreams
because I firmly believe 100 percent of
all of world’s problems are going to be
solved by entrepreneurs and anybody who
is inspiring and giving birth to other
entrepreneurs I’m supportive of that
person and that’s exactly what Evan
Carmichael does with this channel thank
you guys so much for watching I hope you
enjoyed I made this video because Isaac
Mercado asked me to so if there’s a
famous entrepreneur that you want me to
profile next leave it down the comments
below and I’ll see what I can do I also
love to know what the Patrick’s say that
really inspired you what was the most
relevant most important message that you
took from watching this video leave it
down the comments I’m going to join in
the discussion I also want to give a
quick shout out to Rebecca
love Rebecca thank you so so so much for
picking up a cup of my book it really
really means a lot to me so thank you
guys again for watching I believe in you
I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
much love I’ll see you soon
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