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Patent Pending – Can you patent a service?

can you patent a service so I got a
great idea I got a great question from
one of my LinkedIn viewers love you guys
Rek I hope I pronounced up properly and
sure it into say hello Evan thumbs up on
YouTube how to prevent people from
stealing your idea and listen to this
carefully and discovered that you were
talking about a product my question is
how can I apply the same article to a
service-oriented business my dear
service-based I really need your help on
this Cheers
so this is a great question and if you
have a service-based idea then it is
totally patentable let’s talk a little
bit about patents okay we’re looking
into technical there are two kinds of
patents the first of the design and
design is if you have designed something
new you have a new chair you have a new
shoe you know Nike puts out a new shoe
they can go get a design patent on that
that lasts for 14 years and you can’t
apply that to a service based business
ok the second kind of patent is a
utility patent and utility patents lasts
for 20 years and there are two kinds of
utility patents that can apply to a
service based business
the first is process so a process patent
explains a certain way of doing
something so it doesn’t mean you’ve
created a product but you have a certain
process that you follow to achieve a
result and so your service based
business could follow certain process or
maybe you have a specific business plan
that’s different that you can follow a
certain process the second kind is an
improvement so you’re looking at a
current business model that exists a
current service that exists and you are
providing your idea is an improvement I
want to currently exists so you can get
a patent on that as well in order to
qualify for a patent there are four main
things that you have to look at four
things that they’re gonna look at before
they say yes you can get this patented
the first is a patent doesn’t exist
already so somebody has already patented
your idea then
you can’t patent it right even if it’s
domain patent been patented 20 years ago
and it’s expired you can’t get a new
patent on that okay
second is it has to be novel there has
to be new it has to be something that’s
different that that is novel right
that’s their definition I want to see
something that is novel third is its
so what they look at is for people in
your industry are they currently doing
this or not is it obvious to them or not
not to the average everyday person but
to the people in your industry who have
the same skills as you is this an
obvious thing to do or not if it’s
obvious and you can’t get it patented
it was non-obvious than you can and then
the last thing is is it explainable so
can you write down your process in steps
that then somebody with your skill set
could take and apply it right if you can
explain it in a way in a series of steps
that then somebody who has your skills
could pick that up and repeat the
process do the same thing in their
business then that’s something that is
patentable so if you can pass those four
stages then yes you can patent your
service-based idea your your next step
is honestly thinking about those four
things does my idea pass those four
steps or not and if it does then you’re
looking at probably talking to a patent
lawyer and going for a provisional
patent to start and then a full-blown
time that’s your best step and I’m
excited I don’t know what your idea is
all about but I’m excited to learn more
so that’s the step and you can
definitely get your service idea back to
believe so those are watching like the
video thumbs up below let me know you
think leave a comment underneath you
have a question for me leave it below
your single Britta’s like this click on
my face subscribe to the channel thank
you so much I’ll see you soon
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