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passion if you do work that you love and
work that fulfills you the rest will
come oprah winfrey when i sold my first
business i was searching for something
to do i didn’t need to work but i wanted
to sell and my business was like losing
a part of me i was looking for my next
big thing to do i spoke with my local
YMCA and asked if i could present to
their entrepreneur group give back and
share they said yes and for the next few
weeks i went to work creating a great
it was my best stuff everything i had
learned from the past couple of years in
building a business from making $300 a
month to international success and being
acquired i spent the next few weeks
promoting my free event the way i’m say
also pointed to their audience the big
day comes I remember walking into the
building and my heart was pounding I
spent so much time on this and I wanted
it to be perfect I get in the elevator
and I’m going over my presentation in my
hoping I don’t make any mistakes I get
off the elevator walk into the room
where I’m presenting enter inside I
stopped breathing only three people had
shown up I spent weeks preparing and
promoting I created some life-changing
content that I was excited to present
and it was free and only three people
came to listen the show must go on what
could I do I wasn’t going to cancel so I
gave my presentation and got to know the
three entrepreneurs who came it was
amazing all three of them walked out as
new people they had confidence in their
business again they had a plan for what
to do next
their lives were forever changed failure
most people would look at this and say
it was a huge failure all that time
spent in creating the content of
promoting the event weeks of my life
that I’ll never get back how can you
turn this into a business if you can
only get three people to come to an
event that was free this idea didn’t
work so I should go do something else
wrong I loved helping those three people
I knew I had to do more I knew I had to
do it again I didn’t care if only three
people came out to each of my
presentations as long as someone came I
was gonna do my best to help them even
if I couldn’t make a single dollar from
this venture even if I ran out of money
and had to go do something else to
support myself I had to find a way to
keep doing it because I loved it that’s
all that matters if you love your
business you’ll find a way to make it
work it’s going to be the hardest thing
you’ve ever done in your life people
will tell you you’re crazy and you
should go get a job be realistic but
it’s the love of what you’re doing
that’s going to push you through it’s
that passion that’s gonna make you
succeed no matter what passion so many
entrepreneurs start a business just
trying to make money if that’s your only
goal you won’t have success I don’t care
how hot the market is right now you can
make money in any industry any industry
but only if you’re passionate about what
you’re doing and are committed to seeing
this through success if you look at any
successful entrepreneur look at how they
got started look at why they did what
they did it was never for the money it
was because they had a deep passion for
their work they wanted to change the way
things were done in their industry you
need to find your passion if you want to
have similar success you need to build
your business around something that you
are deeply passionate about something
that you’re prepared to fight for when
your friends and family tell you you’re
crazy something that even if you run out
of money and have to go get a job you’ll
keep doing because you love it so much
you have to find a way to keep going
every day keep going if you don’t have
that passion you won’t make it but if
you do the world will eventually open
itself up to you if you can hang in
there believe
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