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Oprah Winfrey Interview – Best of Oprah Winfrey – 1 Minute Motivation

there is no such thing as failure
failure is just life trying to move us
in another direction when you’re down in
the hole when that moment comes it’s
really okay to feel bad for a little
while give yourself time to mourn what
you think you may have lost but then
here’s the key learn from every mistake
because every experience encounter are
there to cheat you and force you into
being more of who you are there is I
know this there’s a light inside each of
you that illuminates your very human
being miss if you let it and as a young
girl from rural Mississippi I learned
long ago that being myself was much
easier than pretending to be Barbara
Walters I figured out oh gee I can be a
much better Oprah than I could be a
pretend Barbara don’t ask yourself what
the world needs ask yourself what makes
you come alive and then go do that
because what the world needs is people
who have come alive
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