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Only Few People Will Understand This – Start a New Life and Achieve any Goal

well I believe a goal is something you
can actually see the outcome of right
like I’m gonna make a million dollars so
if you say I’m gonna go make a million
dollars then you might actually see your
bank account change but that might not
necessarily mean that you change so if
you have an intention that’s an inner
goal right and life can mirror what your
intention is so let’s say you’re feeling
off if your intention is I’m here to
grow then feeling off might be okay
right so if you say my inner intention
is to learn my inner intention is to
free myself my inner intention is to
whatever that’s what you are right now
it’s a word that you can bring to you
it’s something that’s different
many people don’t realize they all have
intentions but they haven’t created it
themselves intentionally so they might
say you know I’m worried right now and
their inner intention might be to not
have conflict so then they’re against
that worry and they’re actually scared
right so an intention is what I like to
bring with me my intention like I
actually have the word patience on my
shirt I love the word patience like if
I’m doing for instance sometimes I’ll do
a juice fast right and I was three days
into a juice fast and I actually stepped
on the scale and gained weight and if my
intention was results I’d be really
pissed because I didn’t get any but
because my intention is patience I stay
with it and say okay I’m not supposed to
just get results in three days I’m
supposed to stay with it and then bigger
results usually show up as a byproduct
of you being that intention being that
space so to me an intentions way bigger
because you don’t know what the results
are going to be but you change within
you become a different person you see
the world differently after a while so I
don’t like goals that much because goals
are often created from you in that egoic
state you get what I mean like in the
state you’re in like everything you’re
thinking right now the biggest goal you
can see for yourself still brings in
your past story so your past story might
think I’m someone for instance just to
give a measurable thing let’s say you’re
someone who makes twenty thousand
dollars a year and you want to create a
goal for next year so the biggest you’re
gonna see is like I’ll make thirty
thousand next year yeah but you’re just
this moment what you and I and Oprah and
Trump and anyone you can think of we’re
all the same thing infinite
possibilities just heart lungs potential
in this moment right now and if you undo
yourself from the old story then you can
change really fast when I go back to
what you said about the stories and the
stories we tell ourselves which really
feels to me very foundational in your
entire philosophy and I’ve seen you on
stage working with people to help them
release their stories which is really
really special and neat to see you do
and you want to talk about something
that would give me heart palpitations
it’s it’s really neat how do you help
people break out of those stories like
what is the process well this might
sound ignorant but I believe all of our
challenges that we have that we get
triggered by are an illusion I don’t
mean that like so don’t pay attention to
them because that’s ignoring them they
still need to be felt and released but
almost everything that every person says
they can get to an energy where they’re
stuck in something and I can see the
light I can feel the lie so if someone
says whatever I’m going through a
massive stage fright right now
the first thing I have them do often is
say and I love that and right away it
loosens up right they release it is that
because you’re shifting their
perspective yes not only am I in my
opinion shifting their perspective but
I’m taking them to what’s true in other
words most people think the things that
are temporary are the permanent things
the temporary passing I’m going through
a breakup you don’t understand that in a
month you’re gonna be okay you think
when you’re in a blow when you’re
feeling bad you think that thing you’re
feeling is how you’re gonna feel forever
which is what makes it feel worse you
know what I mean when you’re in a low
you’re like this is my life now this is
it or when you’re in a high and you also
get extra high because you think this is
my life now I’ve fallen in love with
this person so we’re together forever
and I’m always going to feel like this
they’re the one then a month later
you’re like is this my life forever and
then and then it goes back and forth and
you don’t get that all of your emotions
are temporary they’re passing things but
there is this thing in this moment right
now that I feel is permanent this thing
that you can feel just this silence this
space I’ve had so many things that have
shown up and left
that I once thought were my reality that
it feels like parts of me continue to
die and I allow them to die right so
most of our pain comes from believing I
believe that we should keep holding on
to these things that are really heavy in
our lives even in physical examples like
just there’s a lot of us that have an
addict full of things right a lot of
those things are things that your past
thinks you should have but they’re not
necessarily what your heart would want
right now right like this is something I
inherited or I should keep this in one
day show my kids right so to give you an
example for me I had a top Comedy
Central special in 2006 and I was
cleaning a couple years ago and I found
this huge poster from that and it was
something I’m so proud of and I was like
should I keep this and I was like my
mind comes up with a justification for
why I should keep that
and I believe when your mind comes up
with a justification that means you
don’t want it I don’t justify what to
anybody why I do this for a living
I don’t justify who my family is I don’t
justify who my best friends are to
anybody but there are some of us that
have situations like well I do not like
that person but they were nice to me
that one day I don’t like yeah that that
job sucks but I will get medical in six
months right you’re allowing yourself to
lower yourself to your mind
understanding why you’re ignoring your
body [Music]
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