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“Nice Guys Might Be Losing at HALFTIME, But They WIN the GAME!” | Gary Vaynerchuk

nice guys might be losing at halftime
but they win the game entrepreneur’s
love playing outside the rules we just
don’t want to take the heat for it do
you don’t have to wait in line you don’t
have to do it the way everybody else has
done it you can do it your way you can
rise and shine it’s expresso time what’s
up believe nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right together
grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message play outside the rules over to
you Gary Vaynerchuk also if you want to
know what Gary bean other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video or free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below on a bigger macro
patience and failure they all ladder up
to one thing which is insecurity you
know I hate things like nice guys finish
last where it’s just not true nice guys
might be losing at halftime but they win
the game
nice guys always win it’s just so crazy
all this fodder in the system that isn’t
true all the faking it to you make it as
a fashion brand that’s agreed or at what
every single 23 year-old male in the
world is doing which is fronting on
Instagram because boys want girls you
know and so like I’m just unbelievably
passionate in trying to what I realized
about myself was oh the reason I won and
I’m good is I’ve never played in the
vortex I’ve never played in the actual
rules of life I was an F student when
every immigrant was supposed to be an A
student because education was the way
out I launched an e-commerce wine
business in 1996 right like that wasn’t
I’ve sneaker
thanks for wearing them
like I’ve always done things that don’t
make sense
I play outside of the actual game and
that has been where all my happiness has
come from and so many things have become
obvious to me by playing outside of the
rules playing outside of the rules is
the best and that’s where I want people
to understand we are pandering to so
many things that just aren’t true
entrepreneurs love playing outside the
rules we just don’t want to take the
heat for it we are born thinking about
how something is broken right we hate
working within the system we hate having
to follow somebody else’s rules
especially when they don’t make sense I
don’t know that every entrepreneur just
loves breaking every rule I still like
stopping at a red light because I don’t
want to get hit by oncoming traffic but
when the rules don’t serve us when we
know the rules are stupid
that frustrates us and that’s why the
world needs more entrepreneurs because
we’re the ones who are going to build a
new world because that rule that served
us 10 20 40 60 100 years ago no longer
serves us anymore and we want to change
it the problem is there’s lots of people
who want to protect it most people are
afraid of change there’s a lot of people
who want to protect the status quo that
you are trying to disrupt and so on
being that entrepreneur that rebel the
person who wants to break the rules
you’re going to upset a lot of people
and as a result you’re gonna have to
take a lot of heat and this is where so
many entrepreneurs fall down you have a
big vision you have a big mission you
know what you want to accomplish you
know the rules that you want to change
and break what there’s a lot of people
especially a lot of people who are
around you who don’t want you to go up
and do that thing your parents may not
believe in you your friends may not
support you the people in your industry
that you’re trying to disrupt don’t like
you and that takes a lot of guts to go
up against especially from people who
love you right when you’re trying to go
do this crazy thing and you got your
parents in your face saying don’t do
that that’s crazy they love you it’s
from a place of love and you don’t want
to disappoint them you don’t want them
feeling like you’re a loser that you’re
letting the family down and so that’s
really really really hard to do but it’s
required it’s necessary not to get in
their face and say screw you I’m going
to show you you don’t have to upset them
on purpose but there is a line between
you doing your thing and you upsetting
the people with intention your intent is
not to hurt people your intent is not to
make them feel like they’re less than
you don’t have to show them up you just
off live in your life you’re off trying
to make the best life possible for
yourself and you want to go change the
way something’s done in your industry so
you have to summon the courage you have
to go up to new that crazy thing you
have to change the way things are done
because that’s who you are and you’re an
entrepreneur and the future of the world
the future of your industry rests on
your shoulders so let’s see what you got
I look at my store as an example I’m on
a new path where I want to blow up I
want to get 10 million subscribers I
want to be famous that still sounds it’s
still hard to say I believe that the
believe mission needs to be spread I
think people need more positivity people
need more hope people need to believe in
themselves more and for years I fought
with my agent because he would always
say Evan the problem with you is you
don’t want to be famous and you’re right
I don’t I don’t want to be famous I like
what I’m doing it’s about the message
it’s not about me it’s about my message
I’m an introvert I don’t need to be
famous said well that’s your problem and
only recently I understood it because he
put it in the perspective of impact he
said if you were more famous you could
have a bigger impact your believe
message could reach more people because
you are now famous and more people know
you and so I’ve started a new series
documenting my journey to get the 10
million subscribers to become famous to
become a household name now how do you
become famous as an introvert who
doesn’t want to be famous I don’t know
where are the rules who wrote the rules
for that I’m gonna have to figure it out
that’s my journey that’s my challenge
that’s my struggle and that’s the
journey that I’m taking people on as I
go on my journey you guys are invited to
come along with me and hopefully we’ll
figure it out together but I don’t like
the typical rules I don’t like how most
people go off and become famous and so
I’m not gonna go that path and I’m gonna
have to break the system figure out how
it works for an introvert who doesn’t
want to be famous and so I’m going to
give you a three-step process that I’m
using that you can use as well to play
outside the rules to stop caring about
the judgment of other people and to keep
you motivated every day because the
thing you’re doing is crazy is different
is illogical but you’ve got the passion
to do it and following these three steps
will help you get
there step number one remind yourself of
the mission that you’re on this is
really important I wake up every day and
a remind myself of what I’m doing I
remind myself that I’m here to spread
believe I remind myself that more people
watch my youtube channel than most TV
shows I’ve had a quarter of a billion
people watch the YouTube videos that’s
crazy to me and it’s crazy especially
thinking every morning when I wake up
I’m just in the bedroom
like everybody else I mean I’m on my
tour right now so I’m in Columbus and
it’s it’s hard to always imagine that
man there’s so many people on the other
side of this camera watching these
videos being impacted making it part of
your daily routine and I’m so humbled
and honored that you guys are doing that
and I have to remember that you have to
remember the mission you’re on you have
to remember the thing that you’re trying
to accomplish you have to remember that
people’s lives will be changed by the
work that you’re doing because it’s so
easy to wake up even if you had an
amazing day yesterday and you’re bold
and unstoppable you wake up today and
all that energy is gone and so you have
to manufacture it daily and one of the
best ways to do it is to remember the
mission that you are on and inject that
into yourself every single morning step
number two is limit your exposure to
negativity if you’ve got negative people
around you and maybe those are your
friends maybe that’s your family you
want to limit your exposure you don’t
want to spend too much time around
people who are telling you all the
things that you can’t do right so if
those are your friends if if you’re
hanging out with people who say that you
suck and that your mission is never
gonna happen and that you’re not the
person to follow through on that maybe
though shouldn’t be your friends anymore
I think we honestly stay in friendships
or too long just because you went to
elementary school or high school or
college with these people it doesn’t
mean that you should still be friends
you’ve probably grown and they haven’t
and so you’re out here now and they’re
here and that that’s more a friendship
out of convenience in history than one
of actually being a true friendship and
so if somebody is bringing you down and
they’re toxic to be around maybe you
shouldn’t spend as much time with them
with families a little more difficult
because family is blood you’re with them
for life
some people do walk away and they say
you’re not my family anymore thank you
for everything you’ve given me but now
I’m living my own path that’s a little
extreme for most people to go down and
chances are there’s still a lot of
topics that you and your family can
connect on if your business is the thing
that always leads to
and controversy and arguments over
dinner then make a point not to talk
about those things when you’re meeting
your family
if you know that you talking about your
business is always going to lead to a
fight then don’t talk about your
business and it sucks and I know it’d be
amazing to have the support of your
family and you really want that but that
can’t be the limiting option like if
they’re not willing to support you then
just don’t talk about it if they bring
it up say I don’t want to talk about it
I know it always leads to fights I love
you I’m happy I’m doing my thing let’s
talk instead about
whatever whatever common interest you
have whatever else you want to talk
about whether it’s sports whether it’s
news whether it’s the weather weather
whatever you want to talk about just not
this thing that you know leads to
controversy and negativity you need to
get rid of the negativity in your life
and then step number three is inject
yourself with confidence daily you want
to inject yourself with so much
confidence with so much belief on a
daily basis that you become unstoppable
the way that I think about it is I
inject myself with so much believe daily
it’s like taking a lot of vitamin C I
think so much vitamin C every day just
through what I do then if you come on me
and you cough or you sneeze cuz you’re
sick I’m not gonna catch it I’m not
catching your sickness because I’ve
stacked myself with so much health and
so if somebody who’s negative comes
around me I’m not catching their
negativity because I’ve injected myself
with so much belief and so you need to
do the same thing think about what in
your daily routine whether it’s in the
morning evening afternoon whatever it is
what are you doing in your daily routine
to inject yourself with confidence and
belief and support and the understanding
that this can happen so that when you do
get faced with some negativity and
toxicity and people who say that you’re
never gonna make it it rolls off of you
because you’ve got so much positivity
and hope around you so remind yourself
of the goal that you are on the mission
that you’re on to limit your exposure to
negativity and 3 inject yourself with
confidence and belief of daily you want
to play outside the rules you want to go
off and accomplish your big bad bold
mission and that’s gonna upset people
and to be able to do that you need to
have the fortitude to withstand the heat
and the judgement of the people around
you now I’ve got a really special bonus
clip that I think you’re going to enjoy
but before that question of the day I
want to know how do you handle the
haters and the negativity around you let
let me tell you a story so a friend of
mine and I we went for a run in Central
Park the Roadrunners organization on the
weekends they host races and it’s very
common at the end of the race they’ll
have a sponsor who will give away
something apples or bagels or something
and on this particular day when we got
to the end of the run there were some
free bagels and they had picnic tables
set up and on one side was a group of
volunteers on the table were boxes of
bagels and on the other side was a long
line of runners waiting to get their
free bagel so I said to my friend let’s
let’s get a bagel and he looked at me
and said that lines too long and I said
free bagel and he said I don’t want to
wait in line and I was like free bagel
and he says not that’s it’s too long and
that’s when I realized that there’s two
ways to see the world some people see
the thing that they want and some people
see the thing that prevents them from
getting the thing that they want I could
only see the bagels he could only see
the line and so I walked up to the line
I leaned in between two people put my
hand in the box
and pulled out two bagels and no one get
mad at me because the rule is you can go
after whatever you want
you just cannot deny anyone else to go
after whatever they want
now I had to sacrifice choice I didn’t
get to choose which bagel I got I got
whatever I pulled out but I didn’t have
to wait in line so the point is is you
don’t have to wait in line you don’t
have to do it the way everybody else has
done it you can do it your way
you can break the rules you just can’t
get in the way of somebody else getting
what they want I don’t pay no attention
to what they say about me all I do is
just do what I have to do and get paid
and that’s it but I don’t really pay no
attention to the rules of boxing I don’t
pay no attention I defy all the rules
that if I had it pages to the book of
boxes I have this game is such a thing
now on to boxing promoters can know
afford my shows I have governments like
Iran ready to put up ten million for me
to fight Joe Frazier
I have governments like Cairo Egypt we
only put up six million with people like
Ron Lau I have countries all like all
back throughout zyre talking to my
Bhutto he wants him back again they put
up five more million for retirement
fulmen when we talk about ten million
and six million and four million this is
unbelievable and they don’t SPECT to get
the money back they’re promoting their
countries and their ideals so I’ve like
sales so in this sport of boxing until
Madison Square Garden is too small
Yankees Stadium is too small the Houston
Astrodome the biggest promoters in the
wealth is Americans and Englishman’s you
can get for promotions cannot just
promote me no more you understand so
I’ve not only added pages to boxing but
added new sections to blue boxing book
and if you want more Gary Vaynerchuk
Chuck at the top fifty rules video I
made on him the link is right there next
to me I think you’ll enjoy it continue
to believe and I’ll see you there like
that scares the piss out of me what
these three people are doing right now
dwelling on what you thought bond is the
quickest way for the next thing not to work
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