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“NICE GUYS Don’t Finish LAST!” | Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee)

you know I hate things like nice guys
finish last where it’s just not true in
a success world please understand that
success is happiness not net dollars in
I think that there should be pain
because my ambition is so great of
course I should have a lot of micro
losses the motivation watch a top 10
with believe nation what’s that belief
nation it 7 I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and join
today’s lessons from a man who went from
being born in the Soviet Union operating
lemonade stains growing up as a kid to
becoming a wine critic who grew his
family business from three to sixty
million dollars and now has aspirations
to become the greatest entrepreneur of
our generation he’s Gary Vaynerchuk and
here’s my take on his top ten rules a
success vol 14 also if you want to know
what Gary and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below
the reason people aren’t patient is they
okay let’s take it up with rule number
one have self-awareness the number one
thing you need to do is deploy
self-awareness about yourself and how
you want to communicate and what you
want to communicate the reality of
trying to be successful is super
fascinating everybody has the ambition
or thought process of living a 1% life
but the far majority have no interest in
putting in the work ethic of the 1% that
is required for that life and that’s
fine you know another thing that’s a
complete contradiction is how many
people I know that are far happier when
their business the amount of people I’ve
really looked at a lot of businesses at
this point you know hundreds of
thousands probably over the last 20
years because of my investing career
there are so many people that have a
business that makes them two hundred
thousand a year they want to grow and
then when it goes to 280,000 they went
from extremely happy to miserable on
that small of a Delta you know please
please in a success world please
understand that success is happiness not
net dollars in I literally replied to I
have a ridiculously funny post on
Instagram right now right let my last
post about me garage saleing and a lot
of the comments were like literally
things like I don’t get it why is
somebody who’s worth hundreds of
millions of dollars going out there and
buying things for dollar and selling it
for 15 bucks and I literally am in there
like on the road here like replying to
some of you when I’m gonna be on stage
and replying an Instagram to kids that
are asking me that I’m replying
happiness i Gary as a human get
dramatically happier when I go to a
garage sale and buy something worth 20
bucks for a dollar and get the high of
discovering it and knowing that I’m
gonna pay a dollar and sell it for
twenty then I do when I land a seven
million dollar deal for vaynermedia and
by the way there’s no comparison that’s
just who I am
rule number two play outside the rules
you know I hate things like nice guys
finish last where it’s just not true
nice guys might be
at halftime but they win the game nice
guys always win it’s just so crazy
all this fodder in the system that isn’t
true all the faking it to you make it as
a fashion brand that’s a great or at
what every single twenty three-year-old
male in the world is doing which is
fronting on Instagram because boys want
girls you know and so like I’m just
unbelievably passionate in trying to
what I realized about myself was oh the
reason I won and I’m good is I’ve never
played in the vortex I’ve never played
in the actual rules of life I was an F
student when every immigrant was
supposed to be an A student because
education was the way out I launched an
e-commerce wine business in 1996 right
like that was I have a sneaker thanks
for wearing them like I’ve always done
things that don’t make sense
I play outside of the actual game and
that has been where all my happiness has
come from and so many things have become
obvious to me by playing outside of the
rules playing outside of the rules is
the best and that’s where I want people
to understand we are pandering to so
many things that just aren’t true rule
number three love the hustle this is
real quick because there’s a lot of
bubbling up of like Gary you’re pushing
people to work too hard and all this
stuff and I’m watching it I’m like I
love one elitists who work their faces
off to make a bunch of money then tell
everybody else not to work hard
so so so to me if you love what you’re
doing and you’re happy and you’re
mentally and physically healthy do you
I’m not judging anybody about doing
anything but it’s all about
self-awareness and could I’m putting a
framework around where you don’t keep up
with the Joneses I don’t want to go
skiing face it I do not want to go see I
do not want to go to a beer garden it is
not fun for me to go look at a museum I
am NOT interested in watching Netflix I
am NOT interested that doesn’t mean that
I think everybody else should do that I
think and I’ve said consistently
happiness I’ve said it a million times
do I believe in hustle yes I do I like
work ethic it’s controllable do I want
that to put you into depression or
health scares ya of course not face but
don’t sit on a pedestal after you’ve
worked hard for fifteen years and then
tell all these kids that they should
have work-life balance and you’ve
noticed rule number four change your
perspective I love when people like Gary
Vee like the comments are just so fun
Gary Vee like you suck bro you repeat
the same I’m like cuz it’s right face
the reason I keep repeating it the
reason I believe in it is because I know
for so many of you even though you’ve
seen it 87 times this moment in real
life but this time might be the time it
happens that’s how it actually works
this is a game of perspective either you
understand what’s happening or not do
you know many people have defaulted into
thinking this is a terrible time my
friends this is the greatest time to be
a human being in the history of Earth I
mean I don’t notice to tell you this is
like math this is not my opinion this is
what’s going on with genocide and health
life expenses like this is the best like
for all the we have with racism and
sexism and a lot of territory got plenty
of meanwhile they had the Black Plague
meanwhile they had World War two
meanwhile they had real and we sit
around and complain about the dumbest in
the world people complain about like
getting the wrong milk in their coffee
from a barista or that you’re what this
is my your Wi-Fi is a little slower than
normal asshole like you’re upset you can
feel the speed is a little lower or or
my or you got a few less likes then
you’re usually getting on a pot like the
stuff that we actually spend time on is
fascinating to me it is a complete and
utter lack of perspective rule number
five have good intent you know what how
easy it is when you’re intent is good do
you know how do you know why I film
everything I’m not scared of anything I
have good intent you know why I don’t
sell products or things that nature it’s
because I don’t need to I make my money
in different businesses not that it has
anything wrong with that everybody can
do whatever they want if you know that
your intent is good it’s easy even I
think about we were guys I think about
like what if I hit somebody when I was
driving what if I killed somebody this
is that goes through my head what if I’m
driving and I kill somebody because they
jumped out wasn’t painted or worst you
know this is what I read why I really
stop texting and driving even a little
bit like what if that happened and it’s
crazy the way I play chess in my head it
would obviously change the course of my
and devastate me but it’s incredible why
there’s still this little voice in my
head that still makes it not okay oh boy
do I give a about intent it’s
incredible how much I navigate
everything based on intent I will let
everything right dear Rach we talked
about the other day about like how I
managed I I don’t get down on anybody I
don’t scream it and if your intent is
good it’s all okay if I don’t think
you’re capable I’ll fire you and try to
help you get another job and I’m being
dead serious I do it all the time
there’s nothing wrong with that but I’m
unbelievably always so passionate about
intent if your intent is good you’re
good with me forever period rule number
six don’t try to impress others most
people spend money on dumb things which
then forces them to do things they don’t
want so step number one for most people
in here they should sell their home take
the money and go rent they should return
their BMW
and get a Toyota
and that’s why and honestly that becomes
the vulnerability why do you want to BMW
so to me that’s where it gets
interesting right do you or do you like
what the brand does to make you look to
other people I don’t know I’m not
assuming I don’t know
by a point I don’t know you but I know
in the macro that 90% of people that buy
a Mercedes or BMW likes what it makes
other people think
not that they like it and that 487
dollars a month versus what they really
need which is a hundred dollars a month
is why they have a job they hate because
they’re paying for a life that means
that job we hate and they buy things
they don’t care about to impress people
they rule number seven be optimistic you
know you’re motivated full of optimism
do you have down days everybody has down
days and I’m so scared to answer
truthfully which is what I always do
it’s surprising how not really I
basically feel that down days are saved
for the death of people you love I
genuinely believe everything else is at
some level controllable if I was to lose
money if a bad deal happened if a lot of
people you know turned on me or made fun
of me for some reason those things don’t
bother me as much the the death or
terminal illness of 20 or 30 people that
matter to me the most that scares me
that’s when I’ll have a down day if you
come back you know we’re hanging out in
six years I would say yes the day knock
on wood somebody died right yeah not
getting the deal that I wanted I’m
always optimistic and positive about me
I don’t judge myself the way I think
most people do I don’t beat myself up
when I have a bad hour day week or month
and that’s what I think most people do
rule number eight don’t create friction
for your audience the number one thing
you should never do is create friction
for your audience do you know how many
of you are miss playing it because
you’ve stopped posting anywhere but
Instagram because that’s where your
biggest audience is you’ve become
fundamentally 100 percent vulnerable to
a platform go speak to all the people
that blew up on myspace how that works
rule number nine prioritize when you’re
working with family how do you balance
the love that you guys have for each
other with you know getting tough
feedback all the time comes
yeah I’m believe it’s the most difficult
thing you know business is business and
family is family and those are two you
know blood is thicker than water
you know you know these are unbelievably
difficult things to me it’s like a 50.0
50.1 it’s not even 5149 that i like to
throw around family businesses are more
fifty point one to forty nine point nine
than where you have to be all about the
family as you can imagine if you
actually understand what i just said it
leads to a lot of tough tough
conversations and a lot of conflicts and
a lot of being very careful and
threading the needle very carefully at
the end of the day for me personally i
was always in a position in the family
business where i was making the core
operational decisions so i had to put
the logo ahead of anything else in the
mike rowe I was willing to shut down the
business if I thought it was gonna
undermine my family relationship of my
brother and my dad but on a day-to-day
basis in the micro I always pushed for
the thing that I thought was best for
the business
got it and rule number ten the last one
before a very special bonus clip is find
your path I really like losing I like
going through the process of trying to
win pain I do I do it struggle because
because I think it’s appropriate for my
like I think that there should be pain
because my ambition is so great of
course I should have a lot of micro
losses champions lose rounds they
sometimes even lose fights
Muhammad Ali lost five times but he’s an
all-time legend or second you know yeah
what was great for me was because I was
an entrepreneur I tested it from the
beginning I was I was learning at five
six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 by the
time I was 22 I was a veteran in my
craft I wasn’t just starting most people
are in school and just started 22 I was
an old player in my game at 22 I didn’t
selling and building businesses my whole
life for real like I know people know my
narratives at least the ones that are
watching them know I don’t really really
know like I really did business every
minute always my whole life it’s what a
passion amount it’s what I loved in the
summer I chose to wash people’s carves
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from Gary on how to have a strong wide
that I think you’re really gonna enjoy
but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
taking action in your life for business
and if you’re feeling bold leave your
answers in the comments below here we go
question number one what do you need to
prioritize more in your business number
two what friction are you creating for
your customers that you need to
eliminate number three how are you
trying to impress others and can you
I feel such a level of guilt and
gratitude a mix of the two of how I had
it that all I’m trying to do with my
popularity or my attention is create the
shield for you to point to you know how
happy it makes me how many people use my
content to show to the person they’re
fighting with internally or
subconsciously to give them the air
cover to do the thing they want to do
that makes me feel incredible it’s the
great gift of my life that a lot of
people use my content to give them
permission to do the thing that they
want to do and that is what drives me to
fly across the whole world and keep
doing it that is unbelievably fulfilling
I’m gonna get mine I’ve news for
I got mine long before I got on stage
and started doing stuff I don’t need to
if you want more Gary check at the top
fifty rules video I made on him the link
is right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there
my ability to only be comfortable in
massive chaos has been my biggest asset
as an entrepreneur like I would never take a note
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