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“Never Say ‘I Don’t Have Resources’ – You Say That, You LOSE!”

Pranav I’m a teenager and they have

great plans but no resources what do i

do first off eliminate the mindset of

lack of resources you are walking around

in in a wasteland your mindset is a

waste line right now if you are walking

around with that attitude that I don’t

have resources you have lost you have

already lost the people who have won

your idols your heroes where does it you

look up to started with less than what

you already have right now and if you’re

walking around saying I don’t have any

resources and I’m too young to start

anything then guess what you do you’re

right you don’t have resources and

you’re too young and you’re gonna lose

because of it but ultimately you’ve lost

because of your mindset the ultimate

resource is your resourcefulness look at

the people who are the kids of rich

people they have all the resources in

the world they have all the money in the

world have the best education the

connections to everywhere it’s very rare

that the kids of rich people go off to

create amazing businesses it’s not about

having resources it’s about being

resourceful there’s a great quote from

Steve Wozniak they said stop focusing on

what you don’t have and instead start

thinking about what you can do with what

you do have stop focusing on what you

don’t have and instead focus on what you

can do with what you do have if you can

get that especially at 17 if you can get

that you are set up to win for life

never ever ever ever ever ever complain

come to another chat talk to your

friends or your family or anybody else

ever including yourself never say I

don’t have resources never you say that

you lose you got angry but but it’s true

and I want you to win raise your

standard Apple at the core is core value

is that we believe that people with

passion can change not one drop of

myself work depends on your that’s

something sue me

I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead

or absolutely incapacitated

hey believe nation if you want to see my

all-time favorite top ten roses success

I have a very special secret video for

you these are the individual clips that

I have personally learned the most from

and applied to my life and my business

check the link in description for details

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