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Networking Tips – How to keep in TOUCH with your network – Lunch & Earn

how do you keep in touch with your
network I’m gonna answer that question
in today’s episode of lunch and earn so
Risa got a question for one of my loyal
youtube friends love you guys new future
builder who wrote in to say I know I
still struggle with this in some aspect
of my business especially when it comes
to keeping up with people any
suggestions and how to remain in contact
with your network anyone have a
particular strategy or schedule to
follow up with contacts this is a
fantastic question and I have three
strategies that I think will help you
number one is connect at scale so
instead of trying to keep in touch with
everybody one on one on one on one you
can use social media to help you my
favorite ways to use youtube I make
videos all the time and people watch the
videos and they feel like they know me
they know what I’m doing they know what
I’m up to to know what I care about what
I’m interested in because they watch my
youtube videos and there’s a lot of
people who I’ve never met who feel like
they know me and stop me on the street
and come up to me at conferences and
want to take pictures and say you know
start talking about something that was
in my video and I don’t even know where
they are but they feel like they know me
because I’m creating content so if you
are creating content on YouTube or
Twitter or Facebook you can do things
that scale for people to stay in touch
with you even though you don’t
necessarily know who they are
number two is filter key contacts one of
the tools that I use for maybe a decade
or more was I used to get a list of the
30 most important people in my network
people that I wanted to stay in touch
with and created an excel file on them
and just kept track of the last time I
was in touch with them and then every
day would automatically increase the
date by one and I can go to and see when
was the last time I was in touch with
them and that would find a way to then
send an email
connect with them on social media
something some kind of touch point once
a month just to keep my name top of mind
I’ve stopped doing that I think more
because I focus my energies more on a
YouTube more on the math side and I’m
getting a lot of people come to me maybe
I’m fortunate that way but it was a
really effective tool early on as I was
growing my business the other cool tool
is called noozle and this is what it
looks like on the screen it allows you
to keep in touch with all of your
Facebook friends and it tells you when
they are in the news and so every day it
looks at all your Facebook friends and
to the major news publications and
alerts you by email every time your
friend has been in the news so there’s
any way to add your contacts as a
facebook friend you can then sign up for
noozle which is a free service and get
updated every time they’ve been in the
news which is an amazing way to be able
to reach out to them and say hey
Congrats I saw you in the global mail or
in the Wall Street Journal and it’s an
extra way to get another touch point in
with them number three is hire someone
to help one of the biggest mistakes that
entrepreneurs make is they try to do
everything themselves and so this is
something that is high leverage that you
may be able to give somebody else to
help you with you might be the one doing
the communication reaching out but maybe
they’re helping you find something to
share help when you find a recent tweet
they sent out if you know they like
campaign may be helping you find a
recent article on camping that you can
having somebody help you do a lot of the
work will save you a lot of aggravation
and allow you to focus on the bigger
picture things so as an example nina
helps me with a lot of the comments on
the channel I love you guys I love the
comments it’s part of my daily routine
but there’s too many physically coming
in for me to keep up and so Nina checks
out a lot of the comments and part of
what you’ll do is if there’s something
that I need to see something that I need
to reach out to someone that I need to
get back to you because you’ve left an
important comment she’ll flag it for me
and they’ll write back to them otherwise
I would have missed that because I can’t
keep up with them myself and I would
have missed some important
communications and so I’d be thinking
about if this is something that’s high
leverage for you something’s really
gonna help you grow your business maybe
you should hire somebody on a part-time
basis to help you do some of the
research the background work the
follow-up so that they save you time and
allow you to focus on the big picture
things to grow your business thank you
guys so much for watching I’d love to
know what you guys think of these
strategies and also what are your
favorite strategies to keep in touch
with your network leave it in the
comments below thank you guys so much
for watching
continue to believe and I’ll see you
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