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Must Watch When You Study – PURPOSE – Best Motivational Speech 2018

definite major purpose activated by a

driving motive is the starting point of

all worthwhile achievement criticizing

without destroying enthusiasm sometimes

it will be necessary to criticize

members of your mastermind alliance or

the people working for you who are not

carrying their share of the load you can

do this without destroying their

enthusiasm if you use a careful process

you must lead your black sheep to admit

their mistakes on their own here’s an

example of that process taught me by

Andrew Carnegie my personal secretary

was the young man who had been with me

several years he was efficient

dependable and had a pleasing

personality he became associated with a

group of people who had had the bad

habit of getting their enthusiasm out of

a whiskey bottle first thing I knew he

began to show up late on Monday mornings

and he became irritable and I knew the

time had come for me to do a little

friendly analysis on his behalf so I

prepared the way by inviting him to my

home for dinner

during the meal we chatted pleasantly

about everything except the subject I

had in mind discussing with him after

dinner we went to the library and

lighted our cigars stage was then set

though I began by asking him a few


first I asked him if he believed a man

who was a regular drinker should be

considered for a promotion and he

replied that he thought not and I asked

him what he would do at the ED in his

employ a man so addicted to drink that

he could not get to work on time and he

replied that he was probably fired by

this time he had begun to squirm in his

chair and I waited a while to give him

the chance to do

I’m serious thinking then I asked him if

he thought it might be possible for a

sensible man to change his habits in

time to save himself from ruin he waited

for a couple of minutes before answering

and straightened up looked me squarely

in the eyes and said you needn’t go any

further I have known for a long time

that this hour was coming and I deeply

appreciate your kindness and making it

as easy as possible all I can say is

that I have been a fool but I can change

I will do so if you bear with me long

enough to let me prove though he was

disappointed but it was with

self-discipline took hold of his job was

renewed enthusiasm and promoted himself

from one position to another until he

became manager of one of our largest

steel plants you can see the value and

importance of this kind of approach if

Carnegie had angrily confronted this man

no doubt the fellow would have been so

ashamed he would have denied any problem

Carnegie would have lost a valuable

employee and the man would have been

driven only deeper into his destructive

habits instead both men came out ahead

respect and nurture the enthusiasm

others have it can overcome powerful

problems and from those problems it will

extract benefits beyond your imagination

enthusiasm changes lives another

person’s enthusiasm was what set me

moving toward the success I have

attained that person was my stepmother I

was nine years old when she entered our

home we lived in poverty in rural

Virginia but she had come from better

circumstances and she would not accept

our circumstances with our protest I

father introduced me to her with these

words I would like you to meet the

fellow who is distinguished for being

the worst boy in this county and will

probably start throwing rocks at you no

later than tomorrow morning

my stepmother walked over to me tilted

my head upward and looked me right in

the eye then she looked at my father and

replied were wrong

is not the worst boy in the county but

the smartest one who hasn’t yet found an

outlet for his enthusiasm that statement

began a friendship between us which was

destined to produce these 17 principles

of success carry their influence around

the world no one had ever called me

smart my family and neighbors had built

me up in my own mind as being a bad boy

they had done nothing to disappoint me

my stepmother in one brief statement

changed all that

he changed many things she persuaded my

father to go to dental school from which

he was graduated with honors

he moved our family into the county seat

where my father’s practice could

flourish and my brothers and I could be

better educated my father resisted these

efforts at first but her enthusiasm

always want him open when I turned 14 he

bought me a secondhand typewriter and

told me that she believed I could become

a writer

I knew her enthusiasm I relished it and

I saw how it had already improved our

lives I accepted her belief began to

write for local newspapers I was doing

the same kind of writing that fateful

day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie

and received the charge that became my

life’s work my stepmothers enthusiasm

had not just put me in a position to

grasp such an opportunity

but given me the self-confidence and

enthusiasm of my own to succeed at it I

wasn’t the only benefactor my father

became the most prosperous man in town

my brothers and step brothers became a

physician a dentist a lawyer and a

college president what power enthusiasm

has when that power is released to

support definiteness of purpose and is

constantly renewed by faith it becomes

an irresistible force for which poverty

and temporary defeat are no match you

can communicate that power to anyone who

needs it this is probably the greatest

work you can do with your enthusiasm

excite the imaginations of others

inspire their creative vision help them

connect with infinite intelligence

building demonstrating and sharing

enthusiasm are a perfect manifestation

of the moral principles behind the

science of success when you deliver your

work with enthusiasm you are already

going the extra-mile clear chapters have

placed heavy emphasis on the importance

of taking control of your mind his

control is pivotal to your personal

initiative positive mental attitude and

controlled enthusiasm self-discipline is

the process that ties all these efforts

together for it it isn’t possible to

achieve self-discipline without making

some progress on those other principles

self discipline requires self-knowledge

and an accurate assessment of your

current abilities likewise the other

principles can really be put into action

without self-discipline it is the

channel through which all your personal

power for success must flow think of

your mind as a reservoir in which you

have been storing up potential power you

will now learn to release that power in

precise quantities and specific

directions this is the essence of

self-discipline controlling your

emotions most people act first and think

about the consequences later

self-discipline will reverse that

process you will learn to think before

you act the primary means to this end is

your control of your emotions or review

the 14 major emotions are repeated below

positive emotions one love to sex free

hope or faith 5 enthusiasm 6 loyalty 7

desire negative emotions one fear 2

jealousy 3 hatred or revenge

5 greed 6 anger 7 superstition all these

emotions are states of mind and are thus

subject to your control you can see

right away how dangerous the negative

emotions can be if they’re not

mastered the positive emotions can also

be destructive if you do not organize

and release them with conscious control

inherent in these emotions is explosive

power if you regulate that power

properly it can lift you to the heights

of achievement but if you let it run


it can dash you to pieces on the rocks

of failure you learned in earlier

chapters that a definite major purpose

activated by a driving motive is the

starting point of all worthwhile

achievement this motive must be so

strong that it will subordinate all your

thoughts and efforts to the attainment

of your definite purpose but your drive

your emotions must also be subject to

your own good judgment so that your

enthusiasm and desire will not run over

your wisdom in other words you must

discipline yourself so that your drive

is always under control and directed in

the proper channels self-discipline

calls for balancing your emotions with

your reasoning this means you must learn

to consult both your feelings and your

reason before you reach any decision

sometimes you will need to set aside

your emotions and follow the dictates of

reason alone other times you will decide

in favor of your emotions modified by

your reason a happy medium is important

consider for example those people who

are so in love that they will do

anything for their beloved they are

putty in the hands of others I rarely

amount to anything because they have no

purposes of their own in life you might

wonder if this danger means that it

would be safer and wiser to control your

life strictly on the basis of reason and

leave emotion out of every decision the

answer is an emphatic note don’t forget

your emotions provide your driving power

the activating force which enables you

to put your decisions into action if you

destroyed hope and faith what will there

be to live for

if you killed enthusiasm loyalty and

desire but still retain reason what good

would reason be it would still be there

to provide direction but with it

direct you must control and direct your

emotion not abolished

besides abolition would be an impossible

task emotions are like a river their

power can be dammed up and released

under control and direction but it

cannot be held forever in check sooner

or later the dam will burst unleashing

catastrophic destruction your negative

emotions can also be controlled and

directed PMA and self-discipline can

remove their harmful effects and make

them serve constructive purposes

sometimes fear and anger will inspire

intense action but you must always

submit your negative emotions and your

positive ones for the examination of

your reason before releasing them

emotion without reason is a dreadful

enemy what faculty provides the crucial

balance between emotion and reason it is

your willpower or ego a subject which

will be explored in more detail below

self-discipline will teach you to throw

your willpower behind either reason or

emotion and amplify the intensity of

their expression both your heart and

your mind need a master and they can

find that master in your ego however

your ego will fill this role only if you

use self-discipline in the absence of

self-discipline your mind and heart will

fight their battles as they please in

this situation the person with in whose

mind the fight is carried out often gets

badly hurt the big for your

self-discipline will not only control

your emotions and balance your reason

but also be incredibly useful in four

highly important areas appetite too much

food drink and other outside influences

such as drugs which are bad for your

body and shorten your life SAP your

energy and distract you from the work at


it isn’t necessary to moralize on these

points the empirical effects of not

being in control of your appetite are

sufficient cause for you to subject your

appetites to self-discipline positive

mental attitude

PMA is the only frame of mind in which

you can have definiteness of purpose

through it you can induce others to

cooperate with you and help you it can

also attract the power of infinite

intelligence by applying your faith

self-discipline ensures that you use

your mental attitude to attract the

things you want and to repel the things

that threaten you time there’s an old

saying wasting time is sinful

most people waste enough time and gossip

alone to earn them all the luxuries they

Envy and others time is your most

precious asset if used correctly it is

like money in the bank you must spend it

under strict self-discipline one of the

easiest ways to do this is to schedule

your time use for the next 24 hours and

stick to that chart do it once and it

will be easier the next time Alexander

Solzhenitsyn is another example of

someone whose self-discipline allowed

him to have an enormous impact not only

did he survive years in Soviet gulags

and then dare to write about it he kept

to a rigorous schedule of writing even

after being exiled to the United States

oh he was an international celebrity and

could have spent the rest of his life

basking in attention souls and it’s–and

moved to a small town in Vermont so he

could find solitude until he returned to

Russia to participate in the reform of

the country he would get up at 6:00 and

begin to write after eating a small

breakfast he would stop for a short

lunch then begin writing again often

until late in the evening and sometimes

until the Sun rose again he didn’t allow

the telephone to interrupt his work he

rarely even left home the result was a

series of novels called the red wheel a

historical epic of tremendous importance

even when history finally caught up with

his Soviet oppressors

Solzhenitsyn resisted the urge to rush

back to Moscow because he knew he had to

finish his work he didn’t let countless

opportunities to appear on news programs

which would have gained publicity for

his books and made money distract him

from the job at hand

his self-discipline honed through his

years in the gulags allowed him to

finish what he had started and made him

a powerful figure when the Soviet empire

finally collapsed


definiteness of purpose the importance

of definiteness of purpose had better be

clear to you by now you know that it is

the beginning of all achievements when

it is tied to a strong compelling motive

you haven’t yet made up your mind about

your definite purpose go back to the

first chapter and write out your major

objective and light and your plans for

attaining it this is the first step in

self-discipline even infinite

intelligence can help you get where

you’re going if you haven’t made up your

mind about exactly where you want to go

there’s an old joke about a preacher who

was stranded on the roof of his church

in the flood as the waters rose higher

around and he prayed fervently for God

to rescue him the Lord will provide he

told himself soon a boat floated five

documents fall to the preacher to swim

to them don’t worry about me the

preacher called back the Lord will

provide reluctantly the people on the

boat went on the waters rose higher and

soon were laughing around the knees of

the man of God another boat appeared

within a few yards of their church

rooftop rescuers inside called the

preacher and again he replied the Lord

will provide this boat went on and the

preacher prayed even more fervently just

as the water reached the preachers chin

a third boat appeared it came so close

that the preacher could have jumped

right on

but the terrified man clutched his

steeple and cried save someone else the

Lord will provide for me and the boat

went on within a few minutes the water

closed over the preachers head and he

drowned reaching the gates of heaven he

asked for an immediate audience with the

Lord which was granted in the divine

presence the preacher humbled himself

and asked Heavenly Father my work on

earth was not yet finished why didn’t

you save me but grief came to reply I

thought you wanted to come here I sent

you three boats didn’t I

self-discipline makes you jump when your

boat comes by

the power of self-discipline when you

speak of power you usually think of a

Rockefeller or a Trump somebody with

money or property one of the most

powerful men who ever lived had neither

Mahatma Gandhi didn’t own a house he had

no money but his influence eclipses that

of any other person of this century

that’s an outstanding statement until

you look at it and analyze the source of

Gandhi’s power here was a man who over

long years step-by-step defeated the

British Empire arrested freedom for

India from the British by using a power

his Majesty’s government didn’t

understand there were five sources to

his power definiteness of purpose

Gandhi’s purpose was to free the people

of India he knew precisely what he

wanted what his major aim in life was

and he was determined that nothing would

defeat him going the extra mile

no one asked Gandhi to spend his life as

he did no one paid him to do so he did

not have a selfish purpose he did not

think in terms of personal reward he

went not only the extra mile but

millions of extra miles because he was

planning to benefit the four hundred

million people living in his country a

wonder he had power applied faith Gandhi

completely cleared his mind of any doubt

that he would eventually win the freedom

he desired for his people he kept his

mind securely fixed on his definite

major purpose and this resolute purpose

and his persistent action to achieve it

opened his mind for the power of

infinite intelligence mastermind Gandhi

assemble but is probably the greatest

mastermind alliance in human history

it consisted of hundreds of millions of

minds many of these Minds may have been

lacking in formal education each had the

capacity for faith and a burning desire

to achieve the goal of freedom Gandhi

was leading it toward no power in the

world could have defeated such a

powerful mastermind alliance except an

even larger one self-discipline

how do you suppose Gandhi managed to

keep his mind focused on one definite

major purpose all those years he must

have had many opportunities to

capitalize on his situation or to use

his power for his personal benefit

anyone who had the power Gandhi had

might have been tempted by such

opportunities but he had the

self-discipline to lead a simple life

and thus he had the self-discipline to

free a nation

the structure of your mind your mind is

divided into six departments which are

subject to your conscious control

understanding these departments help you

understand self-discipline the six

departments are one the ego the source

of willpower it acts as a Supreme Court

with the power to reverse modify change

or eliminate the entire work of all the

other departments two emotions here is

generated the driving force which sets

your thoughts plans and purposes into

action three reason this is where you

way eliminate and properly evaluate the

products of your imagination and

emotions or imagination this is where

you create ideas plans and methods of

attaining your desired ends five

conscience here you test the moral

justice of your thoughts plans and

purposes six the memory this acts as the

keeper of records of all your

experiences and as a storehouse for all

sense perceptions and inspiration from

infinite intelligence the ego the ego

seat of your willpower is the most

valuable thing your body possesses the

rest of you is a collection of chemicals

which on the open market aren’t worth

the price of dinner in a decent

restaurant you must control and

discipline this priceless part of

yourself can stand for anything you

value from poverty and ill health

through your brightest ambitions some

egos are weak and lacking and courage

some are overinflated neither kind

amounts to anything most people struggle

with weak ones

don’t let a weak ego hold you back a

prosperous man I knew suffered a defeat

in business and ended up driving a

taxicab for a few hundred dollars a week

there’s nothing wrong with driving a

taxicab but it isn’t the right kind of

employment for someone who was making

six figures that man needed to bolster

his ego so he could return to success

one woman I know were a huge diamond

ring on her finger that ring was a

symbol of her success not a sign of

vanity or ostentation once she had been

poor but with that ring on her finger

she constantly reminded her ego that her

poverty was of the past she fed her ego

with images that strengthened it this is

just what you must do with your ego it

may not require something as visible and

expensive as a diamond ring but it

requires sustenance always treat your

ego as your most precious possession and

protect it as if it were a diamond you

certainly wouldn’t leave a diamond

around for anyone to pick up yet most

people leave their egos wide open for

anyone to come in and pollute with

thoughts of fear and worry don’t let

others know your secret thoughts and

don’t let them unload their burdens on

you you can’t afford to have worries of

your own let alone carry around someone

else’s you need a technique to protect

your inner self

your ego from the damaging effects of

negative ideas there are three walls to

build around your ego the outermost wall

is just high enough to keep out people

who have no business getting in to take

up your time this wall should have

several doors and if someone can

establish the reasonable right to your

time let that person in but make sure he

or she establishes that right first

the middle wall is much taller and it

has a single door you must watch closely

should at MIT only a few people the ones

who have established the fact that they

have something you want or something in

common which will be mutually helpful

the third and innermost wall is so tall

that no one will ever scale it it has no

doors who should not allow anyone inside

that wall because it protects your ego

you let people wander in they will

wander back out with things you cherish

leaving behind worry and anxiety build

this wall around your ego make a place

where you can retire by yourself and

communicate with infinite intelligence

emotion earlier in this chapter we

talked about the need for balancing your

emotions with the Faculty of reason here

we will look at a different aspect of

the emotions consider for a moment the

serious problems which can arise in your

mind on all disappointments and failures

surface again and again in your emotions

self-discipline is the only real

solution to such problems it begins with

the recognition that there are only two

kinds of problems those you can solve

and those you can’t problems that can be

solved should immediately be dealt with

by the most practical means available

this is why you were told in an earlier

chapter to make amends for all wrongs

you may have done problems which can’t

be solved should be put out of your mind

and forgotten think of this forgetting

as closing the door on whatever it is

that disturbs your emotional equilibrium

self-discipline allows you to close this

door and lock it securely instead of

standing in the door and looking

wistfully back at what might have been

look forward instead into the future one

method is to visualize some symbol of

the unsolvable problem floating deep in

space imagine a giant envelope opening

next to that symbol and the symbol

sliding gently into that envelope that

the envelope closed and then watch it

drift away into the void

whether you close the door or dispatch

an envelope you are employing a valuable

technique it requires a good strong will

and repeated practice of this process

only strengthens your will

door closing does not make you hard cold

or unemotional but it does require

firmness self-discipline cannot permit

lurking memories and you cannot waste

time worrying over the unsolvable doing

so destroys your creative force

undermines your initiative disturbs your

Faculty of reason and just plain

confuses all the departments of your

mind closing the door on fear and worry

allows you to open the doors of hope and

faith reason if your ego functions as a

Supreme Court your reason functions as a

Superior Court handling the more routine

functions of judgment it evaluates the

creations of the imagination modifies

the expression of the emotions and

ratifies the decisions of the conscience

you train your rational faculties by

observation study and analysis of truth

imagination your imagination is

responsible for all creative effort new

ideas are assembled here and you must

allow your reason to control its

activities carefully keep your

imagination workshop focused on things

related to your definite major purpose

not on fantasies about winning the

lottery because imagination is

responsible for creating everything you

in the world it is an invaluable tool

for your progress along the path to

success conscience your conscience keeps

an eye on the moral justice of all your

thoughts and deeds you always consult it

and heat its advice it will repay you by

keeping you honorable and esteemed by

others if you ignore this advice be

careful at the least you will alienate

the members of your mastermind alliance

cut yourself off from the power of

infinite intelligence and be plagued by

countless fears at the worst you will

discover that society has built many

special rooms for people who don’t obey


a view from these rooms as usually

obstructed by bars the memory here you

store all the impressions of both your

conscious and subconscious minds

self-discipline will allow you to keep

unpleasant memories tucked away after

you have learned the lessons those

memories inspire many positive things

may also be stored in your memory ready

to be called forth upon the man by a

willpower strengthened by

self-discipline your self discipline is

the procedure you use to coordinate

these departments of your mind and keep

each of them under control its most

immediate effect is the mental harmony

you need to focus all your efforts

towards success the things you cannot

discipline there are four other elements

that play a role in your mental process

but that you cannot control you must

learn to understand them and adapt to

their ways infinite intelligence a

chapter on applied faith explains the

power and importance of infinite

intelligence if you’re not discipline it

instead you must discipline yourself to

be ready to receive it and to act on its

wisdom the subconscious you cannot

directly control your subconscious

that’s a big part of what its name

implies it acts only in response to

stimulus from your emotions but these

are something you can control through

self-discipline when your emotions are

positive and directed toward a definite

purpose your subconscious will be

powerfully and similarly effective

however it will respond just as quickly

to negative emotions it can’t

distinguish between the two

this is why your self-discipline must be

applied your emotions so that your

subconscious works for you not against



telepathy is the broadcasting of your

mental attitudes and thoughts to others

I’m not talking about such mundane uses

as telling the babysitter when to put

the kids to bed while you’re out to the

movies I’m referring to the mental

communication that develops between you

and others committed through similar

purpose your mastermind alliance is the

best example of this power as your

alliance grows each member will learn to

anticipate the ideas of others and to

connect immediately with their intense

enthusiasm and inspiration you can’t

control this process but your

self-discipline will aid you in

cultivating the positive qualities which

bring it into play the senses sight

sound taste smell and touch all may

deceive you they are capable only of

perceiving the obvious much of what goes

on in this world is not obvious and the

senses are easily fooled while you can

do an extent train your senses to serve

you better

you must always evaluate the messages

you receive from them by applying your

reason all four of these things must be

a part of your mental processes your

self discipline will not give you direct

authority of them but it can it must

make you more aware of their operations

at all times the power of the will the

greatest manifestation of

self-discipline is in the strength of

your will as I have pointed out your

will is the Supreme Court of your mind

it may have a theoretical authority to

order all your mental processes but that

authority depends upon constant

consistent and ethical exercise the

power of a will trained by

self-discipline is an irresistible force

the only limit on that power is the one

that you impose on it by restricting or

ignoring your self-discipline history

and folklore are full of stories of

people whose wills alone triumphed over

death and other incredible adversities

who remembers the people whose weak

wills kept them mired in mediocrity

chapter ten think accurately the raw

power of thought the focused power of

accurate thought the thinking process

techniques for evaluation the sources of

your thought habits two big mistakes

controlled habits think of your mind as

a piece of land through diligent planned

work can be cultivated into a beautiful

and productive garden or it can lie

fallow overrun by weeds sprouting from

seed carried by passing birds in the

wind harvesting the bounty of your mind

depends on careful effort and

preparation by you the gardener this

organization and its successful

implementations are the result of

accurate thinking all plans purposes and

achievements are created by thought your

thoughts you have already learned are

the only thing over which you have

complete control and use the wisely or

unwisely but however you do it your

thoughts have power the raw power of

thought an unknown paperhanger used

thought powerfully he sat moodily in a

prison cell contemplating the fact that

life offered some people power and

riches while he was confined for a time

his very act of thought changed his life

the next the world heard of this man he

had written a book in which he frankly

revealed the purposes of his mind and

put the world on notice of his specific

goal in life some people read the book

and smiled tolerantly others didn’t even

bother since they thought it was the

work of a lunatic a little more than a

decade later this madman had half of

Europe under his heel and the other half

frightened out of its wits and fighting

for dear life his actions were setting

the world on fire but people in America

went complacently about their business

believing that the fire would burn

itself out

Adolf Hitler found the opportunity to

use his power so destructively because

so many other people failed to use their

as constructively although his thinking

was not accurate in the sense that you

will come to understand it still had the

power to cause death and suffering for

countless millions of innocent people

his thoughts were abominations but they

had force applied accurate thinking is

crucial to your desire for success

you should also recognize that

exercising it is a moral duty you owe to

the focused power of accurate thought

every story you have read in this book

about a successful person proves the

benefits individual and social of

accurate thought harness to a worthy

definite purpose the rigor of Jonas

Salk’s thinking discovered the vaccine

which prevents polio George C Marshalls

careful planning revitalized Europe

economically after the effects of

Hitler’s inhuman atrocity George Bush’s

methodical assembly of the Desert Storm

Alliance and the detailed planning of

generals like Norman Schwarzkopf Poland

Powell put a stop to Saddam Hussein’s

hitler-like ambitions the quiet

diligence that mother Clara Hale put

into building Harlem’s Hale house

now provides love and care the children

ravaged by their parents addiction to

drugs and infection with AIDS

none of these great things could ever

have happened without accurate thinking

you can never achieve anything great

without learning to think accurately the

thinking process accurate thinking is

based on two types of reasoning one

induction this is the act of reasoning

from a part to a whole from the

particular to the general from the

individual to the universal it is based

on experience and experimentation and

draws conclusions from them to deduction

in this act of reasoning specific

conclusions are based on general logical

assumptions the two types of reasoning

are very different what they can work

together for instance suppose that every

time you throw a rock at a window the

window breaks while the rock remains

unchanged results of your repeated

efforts cause you to reason inductively

that the glass is fragile and that the

rock is not from this inductive

reasoning you can then proceed to

deductive reasoning which would suggest

to you among other things that another

non fragile object a baseball for

example would also break the glass

or that the rock might also penetrate

other fragile things like paper of

course your reasoning in this case would

be limited since you have not accounted

for many variables a fragile object

would also break the window

certainly a bottle could and some

fragile objects like cloth might simply

collapse about a thrown rock instead of

breaking I am sure you can think of many

other contingencies which would apply in

this case this example it shows how easy

it is to make false conclusions and why

accurate thinking is important why your

reasoning must be rigorous you must

examine the results of your reasoning

consistently and look for flaws should

apply this process just as stringently

to the thinking of other people to be an

accurate thinker you must make two

important steps one separate facts from

opinions fictions unproved hypotheses

and hearsay to separate facts into two

categories important and unimportant

everyone accept accurate thinkers has an

overabundance of opinions and these are

usually worthless many of them can be

dangerous and destructive especially

when they occur in conjunction with

personal initiative hitler is an obvious

example we cannot accept an opinion

offer to you unless it is based on facts

or sound hypotheses about the facts you

should not offer any opinions except on

the same grounds accurate thinkers never

act on freely offered opinions without

giving them the closest scrutiny they

permit no one to do their thinking for

them they obtain facts information and

counsel from others but they retain the

right to accept or reject it in whole or

in part newspapers gossip and rumor are

unreliable sources from which to procure

facts as the events they cover are so

changeable these particular media are

often not subject to verification

remember the famous headline Dewey

defeats Truman if you had believed it

you would probably still be wondering

why General MacArthur lost the job

wishes are often fathers too

popularly accepted facts since people

naturally assume facts to be things that

Arman eyes with their wishes but these

kinds of facts are so freely offered

that you should remember that real facts

generally have a price tag attached the

price of the painstaking labor needed to

examine them for accuracy for a few days

not so long ago our nation was in the

grip of the rumor that hypodermic

needles were appearing in Pepsi cans

everywhere there were reports of

incidents from more than 20 states on

the basis of this fact the price of

Pepsi stock dropped dramatically and

many investors sold PepsiCo shares from

much less than they have paid for them

even though the company’s executives

assured the country that this kind of

tampering was highly unlikely accurate

thinkers recognized the improbability of

such a widespread tampering scheme and

bought Pepsi stock then the FDA and the

FBI declared every single report to be a

hoax who benefited the panicky sellers

who had bought high and then prematurely

sold a very solid company or the

accurate thinkers who bought the stock

at a discount price techniques for

evaluation as an accurate thinker you

must scrutinize every bit of information

you encounter you have to realize that

some things contain facts while being

colored modified or exaggerated either

intentionally or carelessly any

political campaign will demonstrate this

point in glorious detail you should

apply some tests to information you

encounter if you read a book for example

you should ask questions like these one

is the writer a recognized authority on

the subject covered – did the writer

have a motive in writing the book other

than imparting accurate information but

is that motive 3 does the writer have a

profit interest in the subject covered 4

is the writer a person of sound judgment

or a fanatic 5 are there easily

accessible sources to check and verify

the writers statements and 6 – the

writers statements Harmon

with common sense and experience before

you accept anyone’s statement as facts

you must try to find the motive behind

both statements the motive can be

completely honorable but you must still

be careful about accepting the

statements of overzealous people who

have a habit of letting their emotions

run wild honor alone does not equal

accuracy you must rely upon your own

judgment and be cautious no matter who

is trying to influence you if a

statement does not seem reasonable or

contradicts your experience set it aside

for further examination when you ask

others for facts or judgments try not to

disclose the answer you expect or your

motives and asking or people often alter

their advice to fit what they assume is

their listeners desire this process made

the innocent or duplicitous but you

should avoid it instead of asking that

you think it would be possible to send a

man to Saturn or how can I send a man to

Saturn ask what do you know about the

possibility of sending a man to Saturn

or even better what do you know about

space travel this example may seem a

little absurd but if you substitute moon

for Saturn in the above sentences you’ll

see evidence of the power of accurate

thinking the sources of your thought

habits your initial thought habits come

from two sources both of them hereditary

one physical heredity the nature and

character of the generations that

preceded you have some influence on your

thought habits you may be born with a

predominantly rigid or free-floating

thinking process which many scientists

now categorize as left or right brain

the first emphasizes details the other

broad schemes accurate thinking can

modify strengthen and direct both

qualities since everyone possesses each

even though one is stronger than the

other second social heredity your

environmental influences education and

experience are all social stimuli

thinking is most influenced by these

things and that is dangerous because it

means that much of

your thinking is inspired by others

however you can take action to control

and select these influences such as

reading of this book

most people embrace a religion Alai

themselves politically even select the

car they drive not because they have

given thought to the subject but because

of the influences of those nearest them

friends relatives and acquaintances as

an accurate thinker you will accept no

political religious or other type of

thought regardless of its source unless

and until you have carefully analyzed

then you will accept or reject it of

your own free will and its value to you

will be much greater

Robert Taylor one time Governor of

Tennessee once asked a young man why he

was a confirmed Democrat because the

young man exclaimed I live in Tennessee

and my father and grandfather are

Democrats that’s why well said the

governor wouldn’t you be in a bad fix if

your father and grandfather had been

horse thieves

I don’t care what your party is but you

must select it as you select everything

on the basis of accurate thought out on

the habits of others two big mistakes

two opposite qualities are very

prevalent in human nature but each is a

major roadblock to accurate thinking

credulous Ness the habit of believing on

the basis of little or no evidence is a

major human fault for it is fatal to

accuracy in thinking this Fault in both

his own people and those of the world

certainly let Hitler build his influence

to such horrendous levels the mind of an

accurate thinker is an eternal question

mark you must challenge everyone and

everything that influences it this does

not imply a lack of faith in fact it is

the greatest expression of respect for

the creator since you recognize that

your thoughts are the only thing over

which you have been given complete

control and you embrace this blessing a

small minority of accurate thinkers has

they are the pioneers in whatever they

do they create business and industry

advanced science and education and

inspire invention and religion Emerson

said it best beware when the great guard

lets loose the thinker on this planet

and all things are at risk it is when a

conflagration has broken out in a great

city and no man knows what is safe or

where it will end there is not a piece

of science but its flank may be turned

tomorrow there is not literary

reputation not the so called eternal

names of Fame that may not be revised

and condemned bury hopes of land the

thoughts of his heart the religion of

nation the manners and morals of mankind

are all at the mercy of a new

generalization generalization is always

a new influx of the divinity into the

mind hence the thrill that attends when

you are an accurate thinker you are the

master not the slave of your emotion

live among other people without giving

them the power to control your thinking

you must always be on guard against the

human tendency initially to reject an

idea because it is unsound but by close

association with it in the form of

family friends and co-workers to endure

it than to embrace it as your own

forgetting its original source and your

first evaluation of your mind will

absorb any idea that is repeatedly

subjected to whether good or bad right

or wrong as an accurate thinker you can

make this trait work for you in the

sense that whatever you think today

becomes what you are tomorrow this is

the essence of the power of a definite

major purpose and positive mental

attitude the other common weaknesses in

most people’s thinking is a tendency to

disbelieve anything they do not

understand when the Wright brothers

announced that they had built a machine

that would fly and asked newspaper

reporters to come to Kitty Hawk and see

for themselves no one would come

when guglielmo marconi revealed that he

could send a message through the air

without wires some of his relatives had

him sent to a psychiatrist for

examination they were convinced that he

had lost his ability to reason contempt

prior to accept that will limit your

opportunity applied faith enthusiasm and

creativity do not confuse a suspension

of belief in something unproved with a

certainty that anything new is

impossible accurate thinking is designed

to help you understand new ideas or

unusual facts not to keep you from

examining them controlled habits I have

repeatedly emphasized that your thoughts

are the only thing over which you can

exert complete control because your mind

is so subject to the dominating

influences in your environment you must

take control over those influences by

developing beneficial mental habits this

process is called controlled habits the

process of controlling your habits is

miraculous it translates the power of

thought into action but if you are

habits or poor or bad it can bring

misery and failure your success depends

on the strength and quality of your

controlled habits think of your mind as

photographic film film registers any

object reflected on it it does not

select the object at the cords and it

has no control over the focus of the

image or the length of the exposure it

receives you the photographer’s select

the image adjust the lens manipulate the

light and shutter speed the quality of

the picture that is taken depends on

your skill in controlling all these

elements for your mental film the

subject of your composition is your

definite major purpose you frame it as

you choose illuminated with the fire of

your burning obsession and expose your

mind to it for the time that you


few professional photographers take one

shot of an important image they do over

the shot adjusting all the elements of

the process slightly so that a perfect

image is finally recorded similarly

instead of a single photo session you

will work on your mental image on a

daily basis repeatedly exposing your

brain to the image of your definite

major purpose this repeated

photographing of your definite major

purpose then becomes a habit a

controlled habit since you have

consciously decided upon the nature of

your actions the repeated reflection of

the light of your burning obsession

which Springs from your emotions will

also register this image upon your

subconscious which will work without

your knowledge to bring the image to

fruition by inspiring you through your

imagination with ideas and plans for

attaining your purpose the

manifestations of these ideas will not

simply appear your subconscious cannot

deposit a new car in your driveway or

$10,000 in your bank account accurate

thinking requires persistent action in

applying these ideas and all the

principles of success this is why I have

placed such strong emphasis on daily

personal initiative and everything you

do or you must also develop the

controlled habit of action at first

action may require every bit of

conscious mental control you can

exercise but every time you act you

strengthen that controlled habit so that

the process becomes more ingrained your

enthusiasm and your applied faith will

also drive you both these qualities will

increase as you make action a controlled

habit work will no longer be a drudgery

it will become as pleasurable as eating

when you are hungry strange things that

will give you hope and courage will

begin happening people will begin to

cooperate with you in a friendlier

spirit and without your asking them to

do so unexpected opportunities for

attaining your definite major purpose

will spring up around you as the result

of your action

your imagination will become keener and

more alert he will work longer with less

fatigue you will see the world in terms

of hope and faith because the controlled

habit of action has alerted you to their

possibility with these changes will come

improvements in every aspect of your life

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