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Motivational Video – Do something every day! – 1 Minute Monday

today’s one minute Monday is do
something every day it’s important as it
entrepreneur to do something every day
for your business and stop coming up
with excuses as to why you can’t get
something done you could probably tell
my voice that I’m not feeling very well
I’m sick as a dog I’ve got a crazy high
fever and popping out bills every four
when I get back to Toronto and I
probably have to see a doctor I’m
coughing up nasty stuff but I’m doing
this video just to to show you that I do
something every day – right like you got
to do something every day I can easily
be lying in bed and saying you know what
I don’t feel like doing a video maybe
when I post something on my boy cells
like crap all the people are gonna call
me out and say I’m and you sound like
you’re dying whatever I don’t care right
you gotta do something every day every
day get up and do something for your
business it doesn’t have to take a long
time it doesn’t have to take hours pick
up the phone email somebody create a
brochure work on your website whatever
it is do something every day to grow
your business that’s how you become a
successful entrepreneur believe you guys
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