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Most people should not be in MLM – Ask Evan

most people should not get into MLM
marketing and the reason is simple if
you go into a business just trying to
make money you’re never going to make it
you got to love what you do you got to
pour your heart into it and you got to
believe in what you’re selling because
if you don’t believe in it your
customers are not going to believe in it
hi I’m Evan Carmichael your friend in
all things entrepreneurship and today
making a question from one of my Twitter
followers Gerardo who wrote in saying hi
Evan I would like to see a video on your
opinion on MLM a lot of people get into
MLM for the wrong reasons there’s
nothing wrong with the model per se it’s
just most people get in for the wrong
reasons they get in just trying to make
some money some people want to make a
little money on the side some people try
to turn this into a huge opportunity for
them and it can work but it doesn’t work
for most people it doesn’t work not
because the product sucks or because the
service sucks it’s because the people
selling it don’t believe in what they’re
doing you can’t effectively sell a
product or service or convince people to
come on board your team to sell your
product or service if you’re not using
it and if you’re not loving it I get
approached all the time by MLM marketing
companies who say Evan we really want
you to help us promote our new product
XYZ we know you have a huge network your
entrepreneurs would love this it’s an
opportunity to make a lot of money the
problem is if i’m not using their
product or service i’m not going to be a
good front man for it I can’t
authentically say you guys really got to
go use this product because i’m not
using it most people who are an MLM just
take the standard website that comes
from the company they try to drive a
little bit of traffic to it they do it
for a couple months and then they leave
because they haven’t seen any results
you can’t just take the stock website
that they give you you got to make it
personal you got to tell your story why
do you love this product or service why
are you using it in your daily life or
in your business you’ve got to have a
passion for it so if you’re starting the
first look at the product or service
look at what you’d like to use look at
something that you can recommend that
you would tell your wife your husband
your mother your daughter your whoever
on your family your closest friends you
would tell them you have to use this
product or service because it’s awesome
I use it I love it you should too if you
can’t tell your mother to use this
product you shouldn’t be selling it
that’s the first step you got to love
what you do and then from there if
you’re not making a product yourself if
you’re buying it from somebody else the
model doesn’t matter it could be MLM it
could be just straight up distribution
it could be some kind of partnership
that you create that’s the key and most
people miss that and it’s not just MLM
most people in business miss it they
start a business who’s trying to make
money it’s just especially prevalent in
MLM you see these guys going to
networking events pitching whatever
product or service and you ask them
what’s your experience with it oh I’ve
never used it you’re not going to get
people to follow you right you’re not
going to get customers that way so don’t
want to hate on the MLM business it can
work it can work but it only works when
you love the product are using it and
can wholeheartedly recommend it to your
mother and to your friends and family
and the people around you I hope that
helps you got me a little riled up for
those of you are watching the video if
you liked it please give it a thumbs up
it makes want to do more for you and if
you have a comment I’d love to hear what
you have to think if you leave a comment
or question under this video thank you
and I’ll see you soon
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