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I’m gonna be happy today I want to enjoy
my here’s what should be playing in our
mind all through the day I am valuable I
am attractive I am talented I am
I am favored I am blessed I have a good
personality people like being around me
we need to all choose today
listen you want your life to go in a
certain direction start thinking that
direction start pushing your life that
way but the thoughts you’re thinking you
change your mind
and you’re gonna go in a totally
different direction the doors have been
opening now you dance to your rhythm
sing to your song you played at your
tune I have more than that I am more
you can be grateful for this day and
grateful for your body and grateful for
the opportunities that are yours and
grateful for the relationships you have
and bracelet for the help you do have
and you can still want more I can’t
choose to have a good day if I want to
nobody else can make you have a bad day
if you really don’t want to have a bad
day attitude is our choice today we can
choose to change our attitude attitude
is the librarian of our past the speaker
of our present and the prophet of our
future our attitudes determine our
success and happiness in life more than
giftedness more than opportunities or
circumstances our attitudes affect our
life everything that is going on
previously has nothing on me I’m free in
this moment I am fearfully and
wonderfully made I am one-of-a-kind I am
a masterpiece have anticipation be
excite and get up every day and think
big thoughts dream big dreams and have
an amazing life when you get up in the
morning why don’t you look in that
say good morning you amazing thankfully
take time to make these positive
affirmations over yourself
if you’ll do it in the morning it will
get that recording started off in the
right direction
yes right yes yes the joy guests of love
yes to a bunch is just the prosperity
I wonder what would happen if we would
take five minutes every morning to get
our inner person ready for the day what
would happen if before we leave the
house we would remind ourselves who we
are [Music]
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