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MLM Success – How to build your network marketing business

how to build your network marketing
business so I got a great question for
my newsletter readers Angela who’s in
the network marketing business and she’s
trying to get people on board and she
realizes as soon as she says network
marketing people shut down and don’t
want to join her team and she’s asking
me what’s the best way to grow this
thing up so here’s here my rules for
network marketing okay number one rule
is you have to be passionate you have to
be passionate about your product and
this is this is where most people fall
down okay because most people promote
and network marketing business only as a
way to make money this ways to make
money in in any business but you have to
love it if you’re bringing people on
board who are not passionate about the
product if you’re not passionate about
the product it’s never gonna work you
have to love your product you have to
experience your product you have to love
it you got to use it every date has to
be something that you would give to your
mother and say use this or show your
mother and say look what I’m doing and
be proud of it if you’re not then you
got to move on because doing something
just for the money is never the reason I
get into a business and this isn’t just
about network marketing business you
don’t get into business just trying to
make money you have to be passionate
about what you’re doing and the biggest
problem in network marketing is that the
people involved are using a product and
aren’t passionate about it now in
Angela’s case she uses it and she loves
it so we’ve passed the first hurdle the
second one though is you should look
you should look different if you are
truly doing something that you love your
friends should notice you shouldn’t have
to sell your friends on anything they
should notice when you’re excited about
something when you’re passionate about
something you feel and you look
let me give you example the opposite so
I yesterday I had to go to the the
Department of Motor Vehicles to do a
vehicle transfer and it’s just oh what a
waste of time what a waste time hours
there and then they tell me this new
paperwork I have to do is so frustrating
and I’m walking on the street coming
back home and a friend of mine sees me
on the street in honk just
wave hi in the car and I realized I’m
walk it like this and working like it’s
like I hate I hate my life right now I
hate the Department Motor Vehicles I
hate this but what I’m excited when I’m
doing these videos when I’m talking to
entrepreneurs and usually in my daily
life I’m up here my chest is out I’m
happy I’m smiling people notice people
notice they see they should be looking
at you see Angela what what happened why
are you so confident and happy what
happened and it’s an easy bridge in to
start talking about what you’re doing
it’s something that friends talk about
you don’t have to pitch anything to
people should notice if they don’t
notice a change in your demeanor and how
you’re acting and how you’re feeling
then you’re not excited about your
product enough and you should be doing
something else
number three tell your story and this is
another area where people fall down flat
on their face and I don’t know why
network marketing companies don’t do a
better job of this okay you look at
every page so network marketing
companies typically give you a web page
right here’s your page use it to promote
the pages always suck they suck so badly
you look at Angela’s page it sucks it’s
the template page that everybody gets it
just promotes the opportunity and it
sucks it tells nothing about Angela’s
story Angela you need to tell your story
and have that front and center on your
web page and make it personal because
when people tell their stories like what
you sent me an email it’s a summary so
Angela’s talking about her story she’s
just saying no it gives me more energy
and you know I feel better and my kids
feel better and I was overweight before
and now I feel great you know just a
summary but there’s nothing to that
story you have to make me feel something
move me that’s the story
so let me model it for you okay if I’m
talking about my really failures this is
what you want to do okay you want to tap
into a deeply painful moment in your
life and make me feel that pain and then
show me how you got out of that pain by
using this product right hopefully you
did because that’s you got to have a
story to tell I’m talking about the most
painful time in my life and my business
it was with my first software company
okay I was I was making three hundred
bucks a month I wasn’t able to survive I
was frustrated I you know I gave up I
gave up high pain hundred thousand
dollar jobs to do this business and it
wasn’t working out and I didn’t know
what to do you know I was frustrated I
I felt like my my time was worth more
than this I felt like I was I was
devaluing myself I felt like I was
losing confidence every day because I
kept trying things and nothing was
working out I was just struggling
constantly I remember as a family
occasion and I was over at my mom’s
house and my business partner wanted to
talk about the company it’s like it
really can’t wait it’s like whatever
family occasion and we get on the phone
and I was so frustrated we disagreed on
on where we were gonna take the business
and you fight a lot you know when you’re
when you’re when you help making money
you fight a lot at the end of the
college you said you know what I quit
I’m done I can’t do this anymore like
I’m not making enough money I’m worth
more than this I don’t value myself
anymore I’m not happy I’m done like I
can’t keep going on and doing this and I
hung up the phone tonight and I just
started crying for I don’t know 20
minutes uncontrollably I don’t remember
ever crying so hard in my life
and I remember my mom came up she had
heard me crying she put her hand on my
shoulder and I don’t even remember what
she said you know tears are streaming
down my face through my nose is just out
of control
so that’s a really down part in my life
right but that’s a story now I don’t
have a product a picture to sell on top
of that to say here’s how it came out of
it but that’s what you need to do right
like okay so you have all this energy
and your daughter sleeps and but like
tell me the story behind that make me
feel something make me feel how
important this is for you that you’re
not just selling me on another crappy
product because that’s what most network
marketing is that’s why it has such a
bad name is because the products suck
and the people who are selling it don’t
believe in it so show me that you’re
show me that this really works for you
make me feel your story and put it on
website instead of having the crappy
marketing sales page that everybody else
has that’s how you stand now that’s how
you get people to become really
interested in what you’re doing
when you do that you’ll start attracting
more people quality people and build a
good downline and you need to focus on
people who actually use this thing and
not just see a way to make money you do
that you’ll build a successful network
marketing business believe who’s
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