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“MINDSET is EVERYTHING!” – Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) – #Entspresso

rise and shine it’s an espresso time
good morning relief nation it’s even my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in that amazing gift you have
inside to you that needs to be shared
with the world so let’s start the day
off right together grab your cup of
coffee and sit on today’s message choose
positivity over to you Gary Vaynerchuk
think mindset is everything and so
you’ve got a really desiring any
positive about things a negative about
things am i thrilled that I have the
ability to do things about it to make
what I’m worried about better or my
crippled by there’s like these tomorrow
I always choose positivity I look at
other people around me it’s not just
about me that winning they choose
positivity I look at people around me
they’re not
not pressing they’re not advancing their
issues and negativity it’s stunningly
binary it’s stunningly black and white
and stunningly Maori this is uh this is
really up to you and really to be very
honest to be very frank I think the
biggest impact I’m having is I’d be that
all the emails cuz I read a little bit
last night as well is uh is shifting
that mindset and getting people into
that then we can understand what they’re
in charge and and hacking and trying to
pour out the negativity the negative and
positive negative positive and dump a
negativity I’m a positivity world that’s
what I’m pushing that’s my agenda and
and that’s why I think you’re feeling
effects and I need to find more of that
in a partner loved one is the spirit
audience so many people get 49 comments
for me a tour phenomenal ones like that
one there’s a direct correlation between
positivity and success as somebody who
studies success reckon we’ve got we’ve
got the book cocktails to success we’ve
got the videos I may have studied
success and successful people more than
most people I would put my level of
research up with anybody who studies a
subject and one thing that I find
consistently is that successful people
are positive you know it’s not that
everything in their life is amazing but
they choose to see the positive they
choose to see how something could work
out they are optimistic in general but
you’ll need to listen to me you’d only
did hear my advice I don’t like you know
from your own experience as well think
about all the negative people in your
life think of all the people who are
complaining who are negative who just
see them the bad in everything right
there are those people that exist
chances are they’re not the most
successful people that you know those
people who just constantly complain
there and negative are not typically
very successful and so you want to flip
it you want to be the opposite you want
to be positive you want to be around
positive people you want to be in an
encouraging environment and so how do
you flip the switch how do you go from
negativity all around you to positivity
for me it’s about the habits and it’s
about the environment so it starts with
your one word right self-awareness what
are you staying or what do you want to
into the world for me it’s believed I
believe in people
I believe in on top potential I believe
in greatness I believe in you I want to
see that amazing thing come outside like
that’s genuine it’s not just a youtube
thing like it’s it’s real I want you to
do amazing things it’s at the core of
who I am if that helps me or not like I
wanted to help you
period and so believe was my one word
how do I bring that out daily how do I
believe in believe daily because when we
have this big ambitious thing it’s easy
to get sidetracked as you did have
self-doubt it’s easy to talk ourselves
down it’s not even the people around us
telling us that we can’t do it ourselves
it’s ourselves we tell ourselves that we
can’t do amazing things and so having
the environment and a routine set you up
for success like walk it into here right
walking into here it makes me feel
believe what I wear it makes me feel
believe the music I listen to makes me
feel believe the habits of reading a
book a page in the book every day makes
me feel believe although this stuff
think about the habits and routines and
environment that you were doing our
consistent basis you are what you
consistently do period it doesn’t matter
what the one-off thing if you are
dieting and you eat a chocolate bar like
if even super healthy every day and then
you eat one chocolate bar also kind of
make a difference but if you’re eating
chocolate bars every day and eating crap
and have one day of salad that’s not
gonna make you healthy the one offs
don’t matter it’s what you’ve
consistently do and so if you fall off
track it’s gonna happen you may not you
may have an off day you may have a bad
day like that stuff’s gonna happen in
business that’s okay that’s not what
matters and that is what you
consistently do so when you figure out
what your one word most important or
value is then how do you design have
this an environment around me so that
every day when you wake up and get out
of bed you’re doing something that makes
you feel like that’s achievable that
helps you feel for me I want to feel one
believe every day the book I wrap my
goals I walk into this environment I put
on some music I put on my clothes like
all of that helps me feel believe and
guess we set up to have an amazing day
you may look at all that and say that’s
stupid great that’s awesome it works to
me you know I’m sure having a picture
how do I
no no this side there you go there we go
you know those are my parents and me
when I’m like eight right
I’m sure putting that picture on your
walls I can inspire you people that you
may not know does that gonna inspire you
fine if you don’t like my routine I’m
not saying my routine is the best
routine but find a thing for you if
you’re not feeling boldness every day
that’s on you your environment sucks
your belief system sucks your habit
sucks so fix it change it we’ve had
those moments you have had those moments
and you felt unstoppable and bold and
courageous and ready to take on the
world and dealing absolute confidence so
what were you doing and then bring that
every day let’s start your day with it
it’s a consistent message I share my
channel because it’s so important
because you’re not doing it because you
get pumped up on a Thursday afternoon go
into a seminar having a phone call or
watching a video or reading the book and
then you fall flat like I get it it’s
not you it was me too I need it every
day I don’t just wake up and read a page
from the book and then I’m good for the
next month
I think either daily it’s why I designed
that book so you read one page a day
don’t blast through it don’t get tons of
motivation energy ideas wisdom and then
nothing for the next three weeks every
day it’s not this short-term your quick
fix thing that you just hit a needle and
boom you’re set
it’s your habits it’s your environment
it’s a daily consistency it’s that focus
on creating something remarkable create
an experience that is designed and
tailored for you it’s eating healthy
every day but for your soul right for
your mind for this for the inside not
just the food that you and so if you
look at those successful people they are
positive they see the good they want to
create something amazing they believe
that it’s gonna work out even when all
the data says that it’s not and if you
want to have success you got to choose
positivity too and if you’re not then
just invite that in create that positive
environment habits atmosphere people
resources books videos the more you hang
around positive things you know what’s
gonna happen
it’s gonna rub off on to you you’re
gonna become a positive it’s just gonna
happen and the more you hang around
more are you’re gonna be a negative
person too so make your choice and make
it powerful
so the question today today is I’m
curious what is the thing that you do on
a regular basis that helps you stay
positive but your go-to you know for me
it’s reading a page from the book every
single morning what is it for you that
whenever you’re not feeling positive
that’s the thing that you need to do
they get you fired up again
I think it’s helpful you know just for
you to write it down so you commit to it
again but also for the people watching
to read the comments you know your story
what you do could inspire them to take
some kind of action in their life too so
it might inspire me to let’s see what
you got leave in the comments I also
want to give a quick shout out to Kevin
field there Kevin thank you so much for
picking up a copy of my book in one word
and then posting about it on Twitter I
really really appreciate this apartment
and I’m so glad you enjoyed so thank you
guys again for watching I believe in you
and I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one word is
I’ll see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of interesting
I am a firm believer in what you put out
in the universe comes back to you you
know so you know even if it’s as crazy
as I have this dream car that I want or
maybe it’s not materialistic maybe it’s
like I just want perfect health and I
want to fall in love and I want this and
that my family you know if you put it
out there it will come back to you in
return and I think it’s just whether you
it’s the universe godlike whatever you
believe in I think that if you put that
energy out there it definitely comes
back and it’s pretty crazy I had a night
where I was just like frustrated and I
was like you know I’ve been working hard
it’s been about six months or whatever
since skyscraper came out or maybe even
like eight months and I was just like
I’m so frustrated like I’m not where I
want to be and I just released give your
heart a break and I just remember just I
was like you know what God like this is
all for you
like I’m just I’m gonna do it I’m gonna
work hard blah blah blah
ten days later I literally got the phone
call from Simon Cowell asking if I
wanted to be a judge there’s something
that you can do in your own way tonight
you can validate others empower others
increase the net happiness the
positivity in the world I mean it could
be as simple as your family’s gonna have
dinner tonight and you go to a
restaurant and you see someone do
something great and too often we kind of
just sit back – so that was good that
was good service maybe you give an extra
tip you’re at work or you see a
colleague who goes above and beyond and
you say oh that was pretty good they did
a nice nice thing and what what I hope
and this is something that I tell myself
all the time is don’t just sit by and
observe it recognize it when you see
someone do something great tell them
about it tell their bosses about it tell
their family about it and when you do
that all sorts of neat exciting things
are going to start percolating into the
universe obviously you’re going to make
that person today you’re gonna make
their year you might make their career
I’ve seen it happen before
you you probably in some way will make
their life even more they’re going to
start doing that ultra positive thing
more the people around them are going to
see the recognition they got for it and
they’re going to start emulating it and
even though that wasn’t your intent you
just wanted to highlight something good
that’s happening in the world people
will recognize that you are our source
of positivity and when you’re a source
of positivity
we’ll just well we’ll just naturally
naturally gravitate to you well you
learn to relate self again you have
these like low self-image or bad
self-talk and you know again that’s a
lot of that is just burning away
the Bulls like guys like I can’t stop
having these limiting beliefs or I can’t
stop feeling bad about myself it’s like
you can it’s just you have to slowly do
it you have to you have to slowly build
it up positivity is a muscle that you
slowly build up and you build them up so
that’s the same kind of thing right it’s
you have to throw yourself into the fire
at the next paradigm until you become
the person who you want to be if you had
to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you up or
that would be like a little beacon they
believe nation if you want to know what
the most important one word is for Tony
Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a
very special secret video for you check
the description for details
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