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Mindset for Success – The past DOES NOT equal the future

the past does not equal the future just
because something didn’t work out for
you before just because you tried
something and failed at it it doesn’t
mean that you won’t have success in the
future a lot of people get stuck in the
trap thinking that they only have one
shot you’ve only got one shot that try
something if it doesn’t work out that’s
it you have as many shots as you want
this is your life the only person sets
the rules is you so how many shots do
you want to take I got a great email
from one of my newsletter readers I knew
Rod Carew didn’t say hi havent have been
the followers of years for many years I
admired inspiration you bring the
entrepreneurs like me I’ve had two
failed businesses behind me these
businesses did not take off for various
reasons now I want to start a new
business but with two failed benches
behind me I’m feeling a little skeptical
to start can you please give me some
advice how to go about it as your advice
is something I hold in very high esteem
thanks Anna reg this is a great question
and one I think a lot of people go
through you try something it doesn’t
work out and then you think your a total
failure and you don’t want to try again
if you look at famous entrepreneurs look
at any successful entrepreneur they had
tons of failure early on in their lives
they had failure out to fail to feel it
before they hit it look at it look at
your favorite famous entrepreneur
whoever it is where were you look up to
the most and look at how they got
started and you’ll see tons of failures
before they eventually hit it so my
story before i had read us off which is
my software company i tried a whole
bunch of different ventures and i
remember one i was maybe 16 years old
and i wanted to start this online
business you know the online was just
taking off and I had a buddy of mine
who’s gonna be my partner and we had one
computer in the house and he bunked over
he stayed over for the summer and we
worked crazy hours because we had to
share this one computer and he would
work for three hours while I slept and
then he’d wake me up and I’d worked for
three hours while he slept and we did
this shift work so we could get as much
time in the computer as possible and the
business didn’t work out
right i thought it’s a good idea maybe
we’re head of our time whatever it
didn’t work out so what do i do with
that do I then say I 16 my life is over
you know so I failed at my first
business and now nothing’s ever going to
work out again no right that’s silly i’m
not going to go back and now go get a
job and let this corporate life because
i tried one thing and didn’t work out
but that’s that’s what happens to a lot
of people i know it’s scary and you
start to doubt yourself and and the
doubt the doubts always there okay you
look at entrepreneurs and it’s a dirty
little secret that people always think
that they have the answer right you look
at successful enterprise you know they
have all the answers but this constant
doubt there’s constant down especially
in the early stages and you think about
giving up and quitting and going back to
a safe stable job so the fear is there
but it doesn’t mean that you don’t take
action you look fear in the eyes and you
go forward because again this is your
life right what are you doing I know
it’s hard I know it can be frustrating
especially when you’ve seen a couple
failures and and that doubt creeps in
but you have to remember why you’re
doing this okay hopefully you have a
strong why right you’re trying to change
people’s lives for the better somehow
and hopefully you’ve learned something
from those past failures if you go in
and try to do the exact same thing
you’re doing before then you’re probably
going to fail but if you’ve learned some
things if you’ve grown stronger if
you’ve picked up skills we’re going to
try a new approach if you’re passionate
about this business that you’re going
into if you know what’s going to help a
lot of people then chances are you’ll be
successful so if you have a dream if you
really want this badly don’t give up
just because you failed in the past
because everybody fails the difference
is the people who become successful are
the ones who get up off the ground and
try again and try again and try again
until they hit it that’s what successful
entrepreneurs do believe so those are
you watching I love the here we have to
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