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Millionaire Success Habit: Ask For HELP!

so learn to ask for help and stop being
selfish I did not say that I did not say
you forgot the most important worry you
forgot the most important welcome one
and all to the something to proof
podcast with mark Drager and Evan
Carmichael I’m mark trigger of course
and everybody here knows Evan Carmichael
because otherwise you wouldn’t be on
this channel right Evan you want to say
hi hello friends Romans countrymen lend
me your ears where are you right now I’m
in San Diego right now and we’re how did
you get there I drove I mean I thought
you were in Phoenix last time I drove
from Phoenix to San Diego it’s going
great man I’m pumped I I have the song
in my head where in the world is Carmen
Sandiego there you go and you want to
get that overhead anyone who has ever
seen Nickelodeon and between the ages of
what like maybe 35 and 45 knows that
song alright I’m in that I’m in that
group yes let me ask you a question have
you ever heard the song on top of
spaghetti I like the meatball song yeah
yeah on top of spaghetti I’ll cover it
with cheese Alice I’m poor meatball when
somebody sneezed
I wrote that the table and none of the
floor yeah something something out the
back door yeah okay
and anyway so I was introducing my kids
to that this evening and as it turns out
it’s it’s a very long song that and up
with the meatball rolling under a bush
turning to mush I’m turning into a tree
growing and then making meatball and
tomato sauce trees anyway that was a
nice little side note this is this is
banter this is what we’re practicing
right things you get to learn by hanging
around mark jigger I wanted to cover
this topic with you today because if you
recall back in November we had a
conversation you were helping me through
some things and we were texting back and
forth and I threw out this idea that I
think I said something like listen man
you’ve been helping me so much if
there’s anything I can do to help you
please let me know I really want to be
able to pay you back and you freaked out
you bet you went nuts okay it was an
interesting conversation because you
really challenged my thinking around not
only friendship but in terms of helping
people out do you remember that
conversation we had no but let’s go
don’t remember it at all Wow a lot of
conversations are doing then and now but
why don’t I freak out let’s see mo still
freaked out I do that every day dude
that’s all I do every day is meaningful
moments with lots of people this is what
I do
so both quantity and quality for you
every day every day yes so here’s the
thing serious okay I been helping me out
a lot and you give me a lot of time and
a lot of love and a lot of attention and
a good time I said I said too much I
really want to be able yeah thank you I
really want to be able to do something
for you right like it’s it’s it’s cool
that you know we’re friends or whatever
but okay the relationship goes too much
to this balance that all I’m doing is
taking taking taking and I want to be on
get back and I said it’s so selfish that
was your response that was it
yes I’m insisting with myself I love it
good yeah and it’s so so three days ago
someone deemed me and I in London I
think a marketer and I starts giving
them advice at the end they said they
said listen do you prefer ties or
headphones I want to mail you something
I think okay that’ll mean anything I
just wanted to help you but I just I
understand when you’re receiving stuff
from people explain to me why is that
selfish why is your not rich because
yeah receiving properly is giving
because for someone who likes to give
for me if you if you’re my friend and
you know anything about me I like to
help I like to give that the best thing
of all time is is receiving the gift
saying thank you and then doing
something about it that is for someone
who loves to give the way to reward that
person and say thank you is to actually
appreciate what they’ve given you that’s
that’s the greatest gift back and as
soon as you turn it into what can I do
for you it’s a transaction and you’re
spitting on my gift
I don’t want to talk to you anymore you
just take the thing that I love the most
in the world and turns it into
transaction but those who like to give
right we both have the same love
language of acts of service right so we
show our love by helping people out by
doing stuff for them for people who
don’t know there’s five love languages
supposedly one of them is acts of
service of giving stuffs one of them is
giving gifts one of them is saying nice
words to people one is quality time and
the last is physical touch but we both
we both talked about this we share acts
of service you may love to give and give
and give and give do you like to receive
yeah that’s your active service so you
don’t feel indebted to people when they
give you stuff I think the best thing
you can do is try to not just understand
your your love language but there’s so
listen knowing that that that’s your
love language too of giving acts of
service then there’s been a lot of stuff
that you’ve done to help me out of when
we’re at Tony Robbins and helped me with
the landing page and all the marketing
stuff we’ve been doing on the tour and
all that stuff the greatest thing is is
letting you do that if I said every time
okay mark you do this for me what can I
do for you now it cheapens the gift so
the thing that I struggled with at the
time and I hit like now now you know
we’re helping each other out a lot of
stuff and that’s cool but but if someone
just gives and gives and gives and gives
you want to do something nice for them
back and and what you’re saying is what
we should be doing is just saying thank
you so much I really because that is the
nice thing you’re doing back that is the
thing that you’re doing back or that is
the thing I really appreciate it help
you out yeah let me turn this into a
transaction it is you did this for me so
I’m gonna do this back for you that’s a
transaction you’re trading it happens a
lot with mentors like mentorship
relationships you may not be able to
give anything back but you are by doing
the work the greatest gift of mentoring
someone is to see them grow and get
better of course and to report back and
to listen to what the people are saying
and all of those things
so the greatest get back and say hey I
took your advice and I did something
with somebody joined on none on my posh
notions I know she’s here
she joined my IG earlier today and said
thank you so much for all the work and
all the help and all the advice and like
I’ve now made major changes in my life
like that’s the gift you did something
the guy Carlos who came from New York to
come 13 hour bus trip to come on my IG
live yeah in the 13 hours home join my
IG lab today and it’s been I don’t know
two months or something and he’s looking
great too like Carlos man what happens
like man I’ve been
I’m I’ve lost I’ve lost 16 pounds I’m
like his this hair was on fire is
amazing and like major life changes have
happened in his life because of our
interaction even though it was very
short and brief so I like to say that
I’m one half of a percent of your
success right and I like I like giving
it back so and that’s the best great
about Carlos I’m so pumped with Carlos
like that’s the greatest gift show me
that you’d say thank you and then show
me that you’re working people say how
can I help you go do the thing that’s
the greatest gift we talked about
something you said yes go do it go do
the thing and I hear what you’re saying
in in a mentee or a protege mentor
relationship like I guess I guess what
I’m talking about is more when when
you’re when you’re close friends with
the person right you know there’s gonna
be a give-and-take there’s gonna be like
you talked about Tony Robbins I mean I
don’t see that I did much of Tony
Robbins you invited me to Tony Robbins
you paid for the flights you organized
everything you brought me there let me
know I tried to bite lunches for you I
think and keep you hydrated because you
won’t drink water but but short of that
right you gave a tremendous gift so I
wanted it wasn’t even like at the time
when we got back I was like tell me tell
me what the flight costs like let me
cover let me cover some of this stuff
that was it’s like so generous what
you’re doing in that situation when
you’re friends with someone you want to
be able to give something back to them
if someone is being generous accept
generosity I’m drinking water right now
by the way it’s in a coffee cup yeah so
but but it’s actual water
but you see you’re totally you’re
totally disrespecting the stuff that you
did like I am only there I wouldn’t have
gone like well actually Tony invited me
so that’s why I went to you but but but
you were my like I was gonna go with
somebody and and you at the time we’re
going through something I thought okay
mark might be able to use this why not
yeah I was and you said yes and you
decided on the spot right yeah like I
said hey decide then you said yeah okay
I’ll come and you had talked to your
wife or anything yeah two weeks of
depression and my wife was really
supportive so I thought if ever I can
just take off for New York for a few
days with Evan
now’s the time yeah we got we got
Nathaniel in the chat I don’t know if
we’re supposed to look at the chat yet
or not but he said cold showers still on
it like I’d met Nathaniel in Nina what
do you mean Nathaniel it was a Pittsburg
right at the first day yeah yeah great
and he’s still doing the cold showers
but that’s the gift right there he’s
still doing it I don’t need Nathaniel to
buy me a new pillow that I can sleep on
tonight he’s doing the work and that
makes me feel amazing
but if Nathaniel was like Evan man I
want to come to Toronto and I want to
help you out jump higher even though he
doesn’t make videos about jumping
anymore I saw a video the other day
apartment push-ups there’s a great video
he’s like Evan I want to come and help
you do push-ups better and it was
something you cared about
it’s a transactional nature of it my
goal is not to guilt you into being my
friend and helping me out yeah the goal
is hey if I need help with something
great I’ll talk about it and I know I
know if I ever asked you for something
Marc Jacob I’d say yes
or at least you’d do your very best to
say yes and help out not because I’ve
done so much for you and I’m keeping
score and I’m gonna make you feel guilty
that hey Marc come on man remember when
I brought you to Tony Robbins and helped
you out and change your life and you
can’t like buy three of my books you
know come on of course and I wouldn’t
hold you against you if you said no
right like if you couldn’t do it for
whatever reason whatever my ask was I
get it but it’s not it’s it’s a limited
if you if you want it to actually be a
friendship you need to
the transactional nature of it you do
because you want to help not because you
feel guilty all right that’s the problem
you feel guilty that well I did this
stuff yeah but but that’s fine we you
know a lot some of us have listen man
your your urine
you’re not intimidating but you’re a big
personality to be friends with you do a
lot of things and that’s fine but but
you know some of us what am I trying to
say here it’s it’s like the insecurities
so you want to be able to ensure that
you’re that there’s back and forth with
it and that and that’s fun right Jeremy
why that’s taking it’s a selfish land
though cuz because you told me you told
me that to go you told me book ask
myself if I did not say that I did not
say that should we pull up the test oh
you saved our conversation from way back
isn’t it
I don’t know how old is that
conversation November alright great I’d
love to see what I say this is amazing
to see if I’m consistent with myself
although I had the same answer which
which I’m very excited but not much
don’t avoid selfish I’ll look for this
will you talk because you’re making it
about you you got a gift and now you’re
making about you what you have to do
that’s the definition of selfish is it
not when you make something about
yourself then that’s selfish you want to
get a feeling of I want to get rid of
this guilt I didn’t give you this gift
to make you feel guilty
well ok but but you know you did these
amazing things it makes you it makes you
like feel indebted or guilty so no be
able to square it now this is a square
root in friendship I think that I think
that’s what that’s not a friendship
that’s that’s transaction true station
was I think something like I guess I got
to relearn what friendships batters yeah
that’s that’s exactly what you need to
do cuz for you friendship is
transactional and that’s not real
friendship there you go Oh yep
so laggy I might just I’m in December
I’m in December there were some really
big conversations in between then and
now anyway what Evers a lot of messenger
conversations next time I’ll do I’ll do
better crap and I’ll pull it up in
advance I’m very curious on how how
consistent I am with myself on on these
things I’m very excited that ok
here there all that was consistent I’ll
take ya I mean your answer was it’s
selfish and okay it totally floored me
it really did I was like I couldn’t tell
if you were joking at first because you
got like really angry
and I even told my wife was like yeah
like really angry angry Evan when
somebody helps and especially when you
know that they love giving you need to
accept the gift and it doesn’t mean you
can’t look for opportunities to help if
you are not feeling the gratitude and
you’re feeling guilt instead you’re
cheating that person of the experience
because as a giver yourself you know
that receiving that person actually
receiving your gift is the ultimate gift
back to you know I guess I hear what
you’re saying we just like I think
you’re the same as me but but maybe you
won’t say you are I don’t like to ask
people for things because I it’s not
that I’ve it’s not even about guilt or
anything like that I just want to bother
people or like I don’t like you know we
do a lot of projects around the house
and went on I have friends who always go
oh just call me up I’ll come over and
help you anytime
okay that’s still I’m not gonna have
that come over and help me because
because I don’t want to bother you and
great you’re being selfish yeah cuz I
like helping mark Drager
and now you’re denying me the chance to
help mark trigger you’re denying me a
chance to help my friend when you need
help that’s selfish you’re thinking
about yourself that’s the definition of
selfish well if we if it was everyday
then maybe not they say hey Mark I’m too
busy but at least asking yeah yeah so
learn to ask for help and stop being
selfish I’ve just accepted your help
from now on and I and that now to the
point where you were did I say that did
I say why you asking me this well there
was one time when I when you were on an
IG livestream and I and I Facebook
messaged you something about a
photographer and you were like dude
that’s like the bad line you can’t you
be using you can’t be using uh DMS for
for little things like that while your
business no not the Ames Facebook what
Facebook is urgent so so I drop stuff
that I use with you on Facebook I don’t
even I treat them as urgent if you know
me you go to my priority folder and
email and if you email me within 24
hours you get a response
if you Facebook me then it’s urgent and
you were in my IG live and you Facebook
me at the same time so like Marc knows
I’m going live so I better go check my
facebook is something urgent is
happening so I had to I had to teach you
and say hey Facebook is urgent email
that stuff email me I’ll get back to you
within 24 hours email that’s that’s the
main topic I wanted to cover with you
and right if I was more prepared if I
was more prepared I would have okay but
look at all this like look at the
comment I like how you guys mentor each
keep pushing each other cool such nice
partners you see you say that like I
didn’t know that you’re your audience
would be nice to me no no no no you’re
missing it it’s not that they would be
nice to you it’s it’s the partnership
piece because you’re so concerned about
being not not giving back and helping I
found it you ready
you didn’t even hear that point that was
like gold to it I did I did hey you
ready and you not even acknowledge
you’re gonna go on some what to what I
said before eight such people let’s go
reset people are being super super nice
and I need to accept it no no no exactly
you were distracted I was we’re gonna
hit pause and we’re gonna go over it
you’re concerned hold on look at the
camera pay attention I see the globe the
other phone on your face and I know
you’re not painted there it is your
concern and this whole thing was I’m
getting mentored by Evan and I’m not
giving back I’m not contributing
anything to help him
yeah work what I’m saying is in the
comments Hooper saying is great to see
you mentoring each other it’s great to
see such partners here they they
recognize the exchange where you feel
guilty I don’t feel guilty today
good because because listen
like November you know what we’re
watching but what’s the difference what
have you brought today that’s like oh
dude I’m I’m Kanye at level today
compared to compared to the ball when we
recorded you know like we were releasing
that the 10 episodes on the building the
million dollar marketing business then
we’re on episode 7 I think I watched
that stuff back because because we
recorded that October 18 right little
behind-the-scenes secret there and we
went to Tony Robbins November 7th so
like whatever 3-4 weeks later my life is
totally different since since we had
that shared experience and being able to
work through that and then everything
from from November to today is like and
I can’t wait to see what the next six
months nine months year is gonna look
like but what I you know we talk about
anyway all the stuff in there it’s just
it’s just that I don’t even I I don’t
even want that side of me being released
because I feel like I’m a different
person to that so so that’s what’s
changed even since this conversation
November 29th okay 29th so that was the
day when I was like oh you know what I’m
gonna walk to my mom’s I’m gonna walk to
my mom’s and I’m gonna go give her hugs
she’s around the corner I haven’t spoken
her in a while and then I said I did it
and you’re like fantastic and here’s
what I said but you would bless those
around you by allowing people in to make
it about you like early when I asked you
what you were doing you helped me I want
to know I can help you I appreciate what
you’re doing but I don’t want to feel
like it’s one-sided and then you said
stop being so selfish I said I agree
with that I agree with that
how’s that selfish I like to give more
than I take because you’re not receipt
this is you because you’re not receiving
you selfish ass oh nice a bunch of
asterisks I said okay I said what I’ve
been given so much what are you talking
about and then you go back and quote and
you said it defeats the purpose of
giving I said you give to everyone
you’ve been so generous and loving
how can it be selfish for me to want to
give back to you I said you’re seriously
blowing my mind right now
and you said receiving a gift don’t
don’t cheapen it with a trade other than
you calling me a selfish
all star star I didn’t I ain’t whole no
no no no a s s that’s that’s ass it’s
not a hole
there’s no no no no you called oh I got
I got proof
oh I said okay a star star star okay
good well you got me really it’s upset
mark you got really upset but you know
I’m very excited that I basically said
the same thing right back to you right
now yeah and then I was like an hour to
happen but wow I was like I was so blown
I was so taken aback by your reaction
that okay that is what that is what not
only that’s why it stuck with me I’m
glad that I remember this deep
conversation we had you don’t you’re
fine like you’re fine
so no hot wait wait I let I remember
what led up to it though that was you
hugging I told you to hug your mom no
right y-yeah I said I was gonna go I was
gonna go talk to her whatever saddens
him but this because I said that’s
because I said I loved you in the car
and then you freaked out
that was weird too yes that’s that’s
what I remember that that’s what led to
it and you’re like and then you
awkwardly said I love you back and then
he’s like and then you message me and
said I never tell anybody that I love
them except my kids I don’t even tell my
mom that I love her that’s why I said go
tell your mom that you love her and give
her a hug and then you went that the
going is the gift is like yes I love it
I remember that that’s the important
part of this story there you go you
forgot the most important part you
forgot the most important no no being
able to give and receive love is the
most important part man like my cheeks
literally hurts from smiling
uncomfortably so much great somebody
said this this is comedic gold there you
go you wanna know if this would be funny
or not well this is comedic gold
apparently yes audience please let us
know because we’re trying this and and I
thought I thought that you know I’m a
funny person evan reminded me apparently
that’s not a funny person at all I think
I think that was another direct vote
where you said something like mark
you’re not a funny person got it no not
really now okay korsak’s this switching
gears a little bit what I want to do is
I want to be able to get to know you a
little bit better I think the audience
can get to know you a little bit better
you know like like for example I don’t
even know what your favorite color is
what’s your favorite color black yellow
or orange yeah orange yeah very cool
that’s also my favorite color I think I
think that also goes back to the the
when we were raised
you know we anyway now see that I’m not
gonna be able to find the questions that
I had pre-loaded cuz I went all the way
back there but what’s your breakfast
then of choice right now nothing so six
days a week it’s it’s it’s like a coffee
I’m not a bunny answer that’s not 11:30
Oh fine answer well like on Saturday
it’s fudge what happened to your
mushrooms and egg whites and spinach and
lentils you used to do oh that’s that’s
so long ago oh no no Saturday yesterday
was Saturday woman fill minute what it
yesterday I had I took a cereal bowl
filled it with Chicago mix popcorn and
ate with a spoon oh that was my
breakfast it was amazing
two bowls followed by six to eight
KitKat’s of various flavors including
red velvet KitKat which is amazing
you’re making me feel nauseous red
delicate get followed by I don’t know
three to four york peppermint patties
and some chocolate-covered raisins and
then we went for breakfast out yeah I
saw everything you ate through the day
it was it looked I don’t know how you
like I eat large portions typically but
I don’t know how you eat all that like
you just show it but there are American
sized portions so are you eating them or
now yeah Wow
there was one restaurant that that we
did not eat the the red velvet pancakes
were burnt and so we left them but for
the most part we eat we order what we
think we’re gonna eat and then we eat it
we don’t really leave we don’t I don’t
I’m not a big kind of wasting food apart
from that one restaurant where we left
the pancakes but otherwise yeah what I
show my Instagram was a weed
it makes me feel nauseous right now
yesterday was my cheat day as well but I
don’t do anything as crazy as you oh
yeah yeah I’m all-in today though is
back to being healthy all I’ve had is I
had a coffee this morning I’ve had some
water I’ve had a bowl of spinach and
then macadamia nuts you don’t you don’t
do protein a little bit okay so like
when we have dinner we’ll probably have
that I dinner we’ll have we’ll have I
don’t know what do we have with dinner
anyway fish noodle not noodles fish fish
chicken something some kind of protein
but on keto it’s it’s it’s low protein
it’s not high protein it’s high fat diet
okay yeah anyway so these are the
questions that I would that I wanted to
hit you with so I want to get to know
you a little bit better I’m gonna have a
bit more fun what’s your breakfast this
is a one sided thing no so so during the
week I get up I have a tall glass of
cold water yeah mark does that he called
me out you called me a pretty hardcore
on that when we were at Tony Robbins I
was like you gotta take one in the
morning like what forced me he forced me
to drink water he almost like opened my
face almost pretty much he threatened me
violently no I didn’t take my water cold
glass of water and then I do the same
glass of greens and then I grab a coffee
and then that’s it until usually around
1:00 p.m. that’s my breakfast on most
days today I was saying so bad to me
when I said pretty much just a coffee
until 1:00 or 2:00 yeah on my tea days I
still I’m still good for breakfast I
just flip over to cheat days around
lunchtime but this morning she takes off
this morning days studies thing amazing
I had four poached eggs mmm they were
great that was okay would you rather be
transported permanently 500 years into
that’s interesting mm-hmm 500 years in
the past you would go past no no I’m
asking you 500 years in the past so
that’s that’s 1519 so where would you be
probably home yeah I’m hopefully
somewhere in Europe and hopefully with
some kind of trade you know so you don’t
die at the age of you know 30 I would go
future because it’s just so much harder
like the going past this is how my brain
works going past is easy because you
know how things are gonna play out yeah
yeah yeah you got all the information
okay dude so you don’t have your phone
you don’t have the books I don’t figure
that no no I’ll figure that out but I
know I’ll I’ll trigger it all that you
will be able to read oh wait whoa whoa
I thought you taking me right now yeah
back five point what do mean I can’t
read why can’t I read they they didn’t
speak the same type of English we speak
today I’ll figure that no you know how
things are gonna play out when you know
how it’s gonna play out it’s easy but
it’s boring going future is super hard
let’s see okay so so it’s it’s 1519 and
you’re in your drop somewhere you can’t
be here because there was nothing
happening in North America but you know
I mean maybe your whatever in the middle
of forest but let’s say you’re somewhere
in your element
you get do you drop there you you’re
telling me from 1519 to like 1540 you
are somehow gonna know what happens at
that little window I
oh I’ll research I get the pick no I
have to go right now I can’t I can’t I
can’t no search what’s happened no oh
well the phone color just changed
everything I still I still be easier
than going into the future going in the
future there’s there’s so much unknown
and you’re behind the game if I’m a 38
year old going through the future
starting fresh I’m Way behind
38 going to the past even just knowing
that physics exists you know like I’ll
crush it I’ll crush you know set me
backwards on question no one would do
that’s the whole point you don’t know
you don’t need to you don’t need to
explain people don’t believe me now when
I explain stuff but I know it I know I
know that what is gonna happen right so
if the printing press hadn’t been
invented I’d invented it
carmical printing press okay oh yeah but
you have all that dude that’s so easy
when you know what’s possible you can
figure out the path to anything if I
went back now five hundred years in the
past without knowing anything about
science or I would be the greatest
inventor of all time in fact by now
you’re laughing you take anybody like I
would crush it I would invent a computer
I would go back in time as well but I
would just want to be a butcher because
I feel like being a butcher would be
great you have access to meet you have a
great steady job so not extraordinary
that’s such you would not be a butcher
you get pissed off and find out how to
help market people marketing I would I
would be I would be the king of Mart I
would be the king of everything like I
would have as long as I do see here’s
the thing I think you forget that the
King would be the king of everything no
no the king would hire me the King would
like the king would be Kings would fight
over me dude I’m serious it’s but also a
power and then they just execute yeah
that’s the thing as long as I don’t die
I just I just can’t die I had to take
like 48 laws of power with me on my trip
back and just understand it I have to
make friends with Machiavelli or like
whoever the person was at the time but
but King and this isn’t just me like
anybody if you’re from the future you go
back as long as you don’t die and you
and you have any kind of longevity
you’re gonna crush it I would crush it I
would be the greatest human of all time
by the today’s standard just because of
what I know it’s the same thing you take
you take you take who-who was a baseball
player I’m thinking of I – Oh out of
baseball right now you think LeBron
now let’s vegetables to new you take you
take while I blanket on any baseball
player you might throw a huge fan I know
I’m so I’m into legal edges find
Jeannie’s retired but fine you take
Jeter and take and put him when we blew
this plane any of them Pig cheater
because people know I’m Derek Jeter put
him back when Babe Ruth is playing it
wouldn’t be close Jeter would destroy
the entire league just destroy them
because of how much better he and you’re
comparing eras like it does it’s not
even close
you think you think LeBron James and put
it back into the start of the basketball
whoever the whoever the basketball
players were that we’re christ-like
he’ll just he’ll stop all of them all of
them I’ll be the greatest human of all
time if you take from back 400 years as
long as they don’t die get shot with an
arrow or something stupid early on
figure out their survival skills
I worry about my survival skills yeah
what that but I mean that’s it that’s
the same caveat now like I’m driving to
San Diego and a moose comes and hits me
and I die I don’t know like San Diego
but but like we got pulled over twice by
cops like maybe somebody shoots me I
don’t know like that that hold on you
got pulled over because of the road
stops yeah I wrote stop speeding again
no I wasn’t speeding the first time
either no I got pulled over because they
were looking for fruit and we didn’t
have any and the second time they’re
looking for some criminal because
they’re looking in our car like okay you
get to go but but like something can
happen you know a stray bullet and I’m
dead I mean the health is always the
variable but as long as I live as long
as I live going back is easy and it’s
boring because you know how it’s gonna
play out and it’s super boring so the
challenge is going forward because now
you’ve competing against AI like you
competed against half human half robots
as a human like you’re set up to lose
that game see what I can go to the
future and you’re if I wouldn’t do it
man if you go to the future you’re a
novelty right they’ll be able to do
blood tests
DNA tests they’ll be able to see the air
in which you’re born you just show up
and you announce who you are and where
you’re from and they will believe you
because technology’s progressed so much
and they’ll be able to do all the
science on you and they will know wow
this person isn’t from 2519 they are
clearly from 2019 this is crazy you know
they don’t have lead in their blood or
whatever happens because those you know
however the world’s gonna change and you
will be the most famous person on earth
well either way you’re both either way
you’re the most famous person on earth I
don’t care about Fame though I can’t be
like how I’m gonna I think going forward
is just harder I think going forward is
harder okay thanks so much yeah next
question next question I’ll go forward
hey somebody wants to record into this
we’re gonna put this on my youtube
channel so
would you rather be infamous in history
books or forgotten after you die would
you rather be infamous in history books
or forgotten after you die that’s a
weird question I guess I would go for
our infamous but I’m not driven by Fame
if you said if you give me like if I’m
forgotten and and like my lessons live
on or something then that’s an easy
question I would go infamous who wants
to just be forgotten and die well I’ve
asked you about legacy you said you
don’t care about legacy right but I
don’t want to just be like I would much
I which I’m not legacy driven I’m not
I’m not Fame driven I would much rather
trade my fame for impact like knowing
that posh notions made a change in her
life from coming to the event and she’s
here watching live in the chat that
means something to me
I would trade that for for my name
living on but the alternative you gave
me was you just died and nothing happens
well that’s suck so I’ll take Fame
because I’m in textbooks and people look
up Evan Carmichael and they’ll see
believe and that’ll have impact so
what’s going to lead to more impact me
being infamous in textbooks oh that’s an
easy answer there you go there you go
Parshin offenses excellent answer don’t
guys guys ever women and men listening
do not give Evan that much positive
stuff okay here bring bring bring the
love over here down since a drinker give
it to mine yeah stop okay who answered
that negative the other way on that
question well I mean I guess if you’ve
done something that you’re not proud of
if if something has gone sideways that’s
not a great question we need better
question for the next episode the first
one was pretty good though Wow okay Wow
see this is the thing I I gave you this
very scenario where I’m like hey if Evan
just shows up and I do all the editorial
decisions I you yeah like what that’s
your question you you have one question
and this is what you bring me
right well I gave you context over my
answer of that question why I think it’s
stupid so there’s still value but I
think we can do better with the question
the first one’s decent
okay one more one more right yeah okay
yeah I feel like it’s mighty easy for
you as well but here we go
all right would you rather never be able
to eat meat or never able to eat
vegetables for me for me it’s it’s I got
that vegetables I cannot live without
vegetables I would give up meat in a
second I would go here’s my I would I
would go meet give up meat yeah only
because vegetables are healthier okay
but if you gave me a chip if the the
quality of the food didn’t make a
difference for my life how do you mean
fine I would go like I would give up
yeah nutrition we’re taking out the
table oh yeah you’re gonna oh my gosh oh
yeah dude bacon oh my god
Bacon’s not that good I love bacon ha ha
take care guys how thick i bacon is okay
vegetable it’s only vegetables I can
still eat like avocados of fruit right
is that what kind of fruit I’m pretty
sure it is tomatoes are for fruit well
let’s leave my giving up let’s be giving
up salad I like my spinach green beans
kale fruit and veg I really like sweet a
lot I didn’t realize I was giving up
fruit as well I don’t eat that much
fruit but but like avocado is that is a
fruit I love my avocado
yeah and I mean there’s also the
environmental impact of eating meat
right and like social you know injustice
and all that well if you take that off
the table right then then yeah just if
you’re going just taste wise yeah I
would I would much rather have meat then
then veggies yeah yeah there you go
there you know I feel like I feel like
how about a with Hubbard and would you
rather guys would you rather in the live
chat give us something
would you rather what transition it’s ok
excuse me I’m we got we got 15 minutes
yeah like we know you a little bit
better than our oven so that’s fantastic
long in the short of it you rather go
back in time and crush it you’d rather
eat meats and no no no no no I got to go
forward and suffer I said going back
would be easier yeah I don’t want the
easy way I had to decide like what’s
going to be more more difficult and and
going forward is difficult going back is
boring going back you’re the greatest
human of all time
I’d rather go forward and struggle then
go backwards and make it easy oh yeah
okay so scratch the butcher I’d go
forward and just announce that I’m from
the past and become famous for doing
nothing I’ll be like Kardashian of the
future basically is that is that is that
a reference that that sticks I don’t
know everybody popular all right let’s
go what do we got you want to go to the
questions what do you got
I’ve never seen Evan speechless yeah
let’s do it let’s go to the questions so
here we go we got 15 minutes of Q&A time
oh we got Nina would you rather your
she’s in the room were three Nina what
are you doing really you’re taking
questions I’m your peppermint chocolate
err Doritos from Evan Carmichael’s wife
from mrs. Carmichael Oh york peppermint
patties and Doritos think which one I’d
rather have that’s a tough one but I I
need my Doritos especially this sweet
chilli oh man yeah I gotta have my
Doritos gotta have my Doritos and you
can get more Doritos like the peppermint
patties are so sweet you can’t have that
many but Doritos they can last you years
you know like you just mmm mmm mmm I
don’t yeah I don’t really like either of
those so so I like the yes sweet chili
eat Doritos but they don’t have those
down there they’re called something else
down there out there no they did they
have sweet chili you can get sweet chili
just can’t get the big bags Evan Evan
could you give up all Reese’s products
flavors that’s tough but for what what’s
what’s the exchange just just cuz oh I
could do that yeah I could but that’s I
could do that that’s not I mean I don’t
want to but I could oh I mean I probably
have to at some point what’s that what’s
the best Reese’s product is the thing
probably that oh my god the Reese’s
Pieces cover pretzels oh my god that’s
got to be it
I haven’t I think they’re racist I
really like the ice cream bars but you
got to go with the classic peanut butter
cup man the peanut butter cup is is
where it’s at knocked-up not the king
size is too sweet the Klondike
Reese’s Pieces bar is decent but I would
go for it’s still the pretzels the
chocolate the Reese’s Pieces pretzels my
mouth is watering so much right now
only Sunday I gotta wait till a whole
Saturday yeah that’s the one that’s
that’s the one that’s the heart I would
abandon every Reese’s product except for
that one we got we got another question
here which which we can do a roundabout
answer but I already have four kids and
you already have a son but questions
would you rather have a son or daughter
very polar right I’d rather have a son
or a daughter I don’t I don’t I don’t
know that I guess if you have to pick I
don’t know that I have to I mean I have
a son so I guess daughter would be nice
I don’t really care though like it
doesn’t really when I when we’re having
Hayden I didn’t I didn’t really have a
preference either way I think there’s
pros and cons to both I think as a girls
are easier younger but are I’d be more
I’m more worried older I think I’m
afraid of a teenage daughter um I would
be afraid of a teenage daughter my
oldest boys oldest is 12 so she turns 13
next year oh it’s coming yeah III think
boys are worse early but then I know
what to do with a teenage boy I’ll be
okay so that so I either way this dis
pros and cons there you go
so I had a daughter son son and then a
daughter so we have a good collection of
different personalities and genders but
I was really happy that we had a
daughter first because it’s nice to have
a nice supportive caring thoughtful
daughter and my oldest son is a little
zany let’s say he’s a little off the
wall all right okay back to candy talk
okay here you go so would you rather
give up butter tarts MN or come on eggs
oh my god butter tarts are Cadbury eggs
that’s four come on that’s somebody who
knows me Pocky notions I thought that
was Nina again butter tarts are Cadbury
eggs oh you’re killing me
I think how do you not like Cadbury eggs
I love butter tarts Oh butter tarts in
the thing but with with raisins without
reasons with okay hold on are we
assuming like here’s the thing here are
we assuming equal access to everything
what do you made like calorie count well
Cadbury eggs you can get here any time
of year but it’s only Eastern Canada you
can get them yeah 30 companies so
Cadbury is a British company I just got
to last night and they’re amazing but
but so British Cadbury and and Canadian
Cadbury is different than American
Cadbury which I think his license to
Hershey’s so I don’t think it’s the same
quality chocolate oh it’s still good but
but you can get them all year round in
Canada you can’t butter tarts Americans
don’t even know what they are oh they
don’t exist down there they don’t exist
it’s a Canadian thing you can’t get them
anywhere so I say butter tarts and
people look at me with like I have crazy
bug eyes or something if what are we
assuming equal access to because if
you’re looking don’t overthink it don’t
overthink it you just you can have as
much as I want you to oh man you’re
killing me that’s a brutal question
that’s a really hard one that’s harder
than Future Passed
I think it’s trust your gut what is your
I would go I would go butter tarts I
would what I’d rather have butter tarts
I give up the eggs that’s rough though
mark because the eggs come in one size
and one flavor butter it’s just amazing
you have like a plethora of different
options have you ever had a chocolate
pecan butter tarts oh I don’t like
mccain’s and I don’t put don’t put
chocolate in there pick pecans suck and
don’t put chocolate in there no kiss I
thought we had some common ground here
but my mouth is whining so much right
now why don’t we keep talking about all
the amazing I think I might be out and I
got no I think I’m out yeah I’m out as
well no got nothing if anyone has any
final thoughts on on who who’s right and
who’s wrong for the original topic on
when you receive gifts if wanting to
give a gift back is selfish or not let
us know let us know Evans yes yes thanks
so much man I really appreciate it this
was fun
Yemen little test that’s the start so
thanks so much it’s a start what’s the
name of this show again something to
prove with mark Drager and Evan
Carmichael there you go episode one it’s
a little fishin he wanted to call it
something to prove with Evan Carmichael
mark Drager
like mark you’re the host put your name
first you deserve it get in there there
you go we’re gonna make it happen make
it happen thanks so much
everyone have a great night Evan make
sure you crush it in San Diego okay
we’re doing it man yeah almost every
time it’s been that way Phoenix has been
the best one yet
so let’s see it’s gonna be hard to beat
Phoenix those guys Phoenix was barely a
minute I’m gonna Phoenix is legendary I
want to try and come back to another one
at the end to see what it what it’s like
do it Cleveland so maybe Detroit or
Chicago but Chicago Chicago we got the
guy coming from Norway just to fly to
Chicago for this event coming Chicago
yeah yeah yeah figure that we’re ready
to find more information on that Evan do
I go to Evan Carmichael calm slash tour
that’s it four people for the show
though what do we want them to do what’s
the next step
I just just give us nothing but kudos
and praise that’s fine you can just send
you can send your all of your praise to
Evan Evan Carmichael comm talking about
how great mark is and hashtag new
co-host what do you know
oh no yeah am I in my email is that
there is the thing if you want to call
Evan directly his phone numbers for once
that’s not true because once in the
truck with me you had to call someone
and and they you had to call a bank or
something right while we were driving
somewhere and you were able to use your
telephone remember that now you don’t
have ready was I like I have a number
now when I’m traveling because I I don’t
even know what cuz we’re doing phone
calls from the road and set but the only
man I know who hasn’t had a phone for
years other people’s agenda for your
time there you go we’ll leave it at that
thank you and good night everyone good
night this is the start of something new
something special a while ago not that
long ago I’m in the desert I’m driving I
have a vision of doing a podcast with my
friend mark you guys probably know Mark
Jacobs had multiple appearances here I already forget what we called it but
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